@Encube, you get my "Ash's Pikachu Challenge"
EDIT: For the GLMP solo (if you choose to accept it), you don't have to worry about Brock. That would be harder to do then Random's Wattson gym attempt :p.
As the name suggests, he must be caught as a Pikachu and may only learn moves Ash's knew in the anime. As this IS Ash's Pikachu, it may never evolve into a Raichu. Your Pikachu must solo ether 10 rival pokemon after it is caught, or every GLMP (Gym Leader Main Pokemon, ie. Brock's Onix, Misty's Starmie etc.) after it is caught. You are not retricted to this level of requirement however. If you solo every rival battle after it's caught or solo 3 gym battles after it's caught respectfully (Note: the GLMP solo requirement is still in place), the move retrictions above are lifted. Nickname "AORsON!" (Aim fOR the hOrN!)
EDIT: For the GLMP solo (if you choose to accept it), you don't have to worry about Brock. That would be harder to do then Random's Wattson gym attempt :p.