Challenge The Scramble Challange

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@Encube, you get my "Ash's Pikachu Challenge"

As the name suggests, he must be caught as a Pikachu and may only learn moves Ash's knew in the anime. As this IS Ash's Pikachu, it may never evolve into a Raichu. Your Pikachu must solo ether 10 rival pokemon after it is caught, or every GLMP (Gym Leader Main Pokemon, ie. Brock's Onix, Misty's Starmie etc.) after it is caught. You are not retricted to this level of requirement however. If you solo every rival battle after it's caught or solo 3 gym battles after it's caught respectfully (Note: the GLMP solo requirement is still in place), the move retrictions above are lifted. Nickname "AORsON!" (Aim fOR the hOrN!)

EDIT: For the GLMP solo (if you choose to accept it), you don't have to worry about Brock. That would be harder to do then Random's Wattson gym attempt :p.
@Encube: Take a Ditto named SillyPutty. No other restrictions except that it must use Transform at least once in every GL and E4 battle after you get it.
@Encube: EDIT: take a Vulpix/Growlithe, whichever is available in Blue. It may only evolve at the entrance to Victory Road, where it must solo any 5 Trainers.
^Ah, ok. I noticed it before you edited it, so I assume you hadn't noticed it up to that point. No props :~).

He's got a squigly nose :> <3
Hey guys! I've been absent for too long because I'm trying to improve on the competitive aspect of Pokémon. I've played my Platinum Scramble recently but you know I take a long time to finish my Scrambles.

So, I want an Emerald Scramble!

I've never been a fan of this but there are some rules:

- be creative
- not too tough
- no starters and no dustox/beautifly because I've used them in more than 10 trys of nuzlockes (and lost them all at Mossdeep xD)
- 9 pokemons, make me catching them through the entire scramble and not on the beginning!
- no nicknames

Be fast because I'm bored xD
Reserve for zdrup15

EDIT: Sigh, not feeling creative. Another Ash's Pikachu Challenge it is!
As the name suggests, this Pikachu may only learn moves Ash's knew in the anime and must be caught as a Pikachu (unless breeding for Volt Tackle). Your Pikachu must solo ether the rival's starter in every rival battle after it is caught, or every GLMP after it is caught. You are not retricted to this level of requirement however. If you solo every rival battle after it's caught or solo 3 gym battles after it's caught respectfully (Note: the GLMP solo requirement is still in place), the move retrictions above are lifted. NN "AORsON!"
Oh, and to make it a tad harder, you must choose one of these requirement below to add to your challenge. Just in case your wondering, these are the "you get a hint, I make it the challenge harder" extra retrictions I had for plurple.

On a scale of 1-5 (1=easiest, 5=hardest)
1. Cant use Iron Tail or Hidden Power.
2. Must solo 50 ground types with a minimum of 5 levels under Pikachu
3. Pikachu MUST solo 3 gyms/ all rival battles as a requirment, and you don't get the movepool benifets
4. Only STAB moves, no Thunderbolt.
5. Team slot where Pikachu would be is empty Xp (I'll doubt you'll take this one...)

Good Luck, Have Fun... Geez that's getting old, isn't it?
Team so far:

Pikachu that must solo the rival's starter in Liliycove (I'll catch it in the Safari Zone xD) and can't use Iron Tail or Hidden Power (why would I use HP anyway?)

Pelipper that must know as many HMs as possible ASAP and solo a Gym Leader and an Elite Four member.
Anyway, zdrup, I give you a Pelipper. It must know as many HMs as possible as soon as possible, and then must solo a gym leader and an Elite Four member. Call it Pepi.
@zdrup15, you get Sharky the Flygon. It has always been his dream to become a land shark. He now finds out that there is a land shark pokemon with the same type. He must know three moves that a Garchomp can learn by Sootopolis.

This incluces
Sand tomb, Dragon Claw, Dig, Return, Frustration, Sandstorm, Rock Tomb, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Strength, Rock Smash, Earthquake, Outrage, Protect, Sunny Day and Toxic
@zdrup, you get a skarmory. This skarmory heard of the legendary skarmory + blissey defensive combo and decided that it didn't need blisssey to wall everything, and wants to be the greatest supporter ever! To do this it must have atleast 3 non-damaging moves ASAP, and by the E4 must have spikes. This skarm has also studied the type chart and has noticed that dragon is way OP, but it also noticed that steel resists dragon and has vowed to be your teams dragon slayer, to prove itself as a dragon slayer skarm must solo 3 of Drakes mons.
Good luck.
I'd be up for a scramble challenge since it would be boring playing through platinum again normally:)

Game: Pokemon Platinum

Trading: No
@drathos, you get a female buneary (yes it must be female, male loppuny is just plain wrong) named "Mikuru". This buneary is actually from the future and travels through time using a TPDD (if you're wondering what that stands for i'm sorry but it's classified). This buneary is very forgetful so to prevent it from forgeting how to use the TPDD its moves must have the initials T,P,D and D. Since getting all those moves would be rather difficult you may replace any 1 letter with a move of your choice. Eventually Mikuru gets better at remembering things and for every gym leader she solos you may replace another letter of TPDD. Eventually you reach snowpoint city and mikuru must face her greatest fear, Yuki! And since every single froslass is nicknamed yuki, mikuru must solo candice's froslass.
Good luck on your scramble challange.

Translators note: yuki means snow, but i'm trying to make as many references as possible so I had to use yuki.

EDIT: since i'm a nice guy here is a list of moves.
T. toxic, thunderbolt, thunder (loppuny only), thunder wave. P. pound, protect. D. defense curl, dizzy punch, dig, double team, drain punch.
Drathos you get HotHead the Houndour. Catch the first male Houndour on Route 214, no soft resetting. Bulbapedia says that you can find them at levels 23 and 24 so your restrictions are based on his level.

23:Must solo Byron to evolve. Can't learn Crunch.
24:Must solo Candice to evolve. Can't learn Fire Blast or Flamethrower.

Good luck. =]
Drathos - You must catch a Geodude. Gender does not matter, but it must be Brave. You are ONLY permitted to have Rock-Type moves. This means when you look at the move description in your menu, the type must say ROCK. You may evolve it into a Graveler, but since you are not trading you will never have a Golem. Its nickname will be TumorBrows, regardless of gender. Finally, it MUST remain in the front of your party at all times. You may switch it out as soon as battle ensues, but it must be your lead for the duration of the game. That is all.
Rules for Emerald:

- be creative
- not too tough
- no starters and no dustox/beautifly because I've used them in more than 10 trys of nuzlockes (and lost them all at Mossdeep xD)
- 9 pokemons, make me catching them through the entire scramble and not on the beginning!
- no nicknames

Team so far:

- Pikachu that must solo the rival's starter in Liliycove (I'll catch it in the Safari Zone xD) and can't use Iron Tail or Hidden Power (why would I use HP anyway?)

- Pelipper that must know as many HMs as possible ASAP and solo a Gym Leader and an Elite Four member.

- Flygon that must know three of these moves: Sand tomb, Dragon Claw, Dig, Return, Frustration, Sandstorm, Rock Tomb, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Strength, Rock Smash, Earthquake, Outrage, Protect, Sunny Day and Toxic

- Cacturne that can only know one STAB move at a time and must always know Sandstorm

- Slugma with Flame Body, must have Sunny Day/Fire Move/Fire Move/Smog or Toxic or Yawn. Solo 2 Gym leaders main pokemon to evolve.

- Skarmory must have at least 3 non-damaging moves ASAP, and by the E4 must have spikes and must solo 3 of Drakes mons.

- Ralts, that may only level up past Level 18 with the help of Rare Candies. As a Kirlia, it may only level up past Level 27 with the help of Rare Candies. As a Gardevoir, it must solo Wally's Gardevoir. It's pre-E4 maximum level depends on how many Pokemon in major battles (Rival, Wally, Team Leaders, Gym Leaders) it solos.

10: Level 36
15: Level 38
20: Level 40
30: Level 42
40+: Level 45

- Aron. If it has a Neutral, +Attack or +Defence nature, then it must know all physical moves, otherwise, it must know all Special moves.

- Marril that must know at least 3 moves that can be learned by a Pikachu or Raichu (Surf counts).

Also, Pikablue must be absent from at least 2 gyms (whole gym not just leader) that has no soloing requirement for the leader.
Drathos, take a Ponyta. This Ponyta is very competitive, and so must solo every Fire type you meet. It also must be at least the third highest level member of your team at all times.

To evolve, it must either solo Byron OR solo Crasher Wake OR solo Maylene and Fantina.

EDIT: zdrup15, take a Cacturne. This Cacturne can only ever know one STAB move, and must always know Sandstorm.
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