Re-posting R/S/LG scrambles:
1. All Pokémon must be catchable prior to the battle with Norman (R/S) or Blaine (LG); the Safari Zone is not allowed.
2. No Salamence, Dragonite, or Rapidash.
3. If a Pokémon can evolve by level, it must be allowed to do so immediately.
4. No trading.
5. No monotype sets.
6. No restrictions on moves used in any specific battle.
7. I reserve the right to reject movesets and/or nicknames.
8. My starters are Treecko in Ruby, Torchic in Sapphire, and Squirtle in LeafGreen. I am also forcing myself to use a Sableye nicknamed NO WEAK in Sapphire.
9. Maximum one Pokémon assigned to me by any person.
10. No STAB ban.
1. Sceptile (No fighting in gym/E4 battles unless lower leveled. Must know exactly one Grass-type move, which cannot be SolarBeam.)
2. Nosepass nicknamed DONOTPASS! (Must know Block, Zap Cannon, and Lock On)
3. Marill nicknamed RickAstley (Must know three attacking moves of the Water-type, along with Rollout. It may evolve by soloing Flannery with only Rollout.)
4. Numel nicknamed Volcan (all STAB, must attempt to solo every Numel or Camerupt; Marill was assigned first so its restriction takes priority over Numel's.)
5. ?
6. ?
1. Blaziken (Can only use Body Slam, Counter, Cut, Double-Edge, DynamicPunch, Fury Cutter, Growl, Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Mimic, Mirror Move, Mud Slap, Peck, Quick Attack, Reversal, Sand Attack, Seismic Toss, Sky Uppercut, and/or Slash until soloing a Pokémon with a 4th gen evo; it must be in its final form when it does the soloing, and also must solo an E4 member.)
2. Sableye nicknamed NO WEAK (Must solo Norman's Slaking and Brawly's entire team. Must have at least one STAB on it's moveset. Must have a Adamant, Modest, Timid or Jolly nature. Must solo any pokemon on Champion Steven's team)
3. Lunatone named Lovegood (Must hold BlackGlasses and learn Calm Mind ASAP, and must solo Flannery in order to use anything other than STAB moves)
4. ?
5. ?
6. ?
1. Blastoise (Must evolve ASAP, no having two attacks of the same type, must solo every Rapidash encountered)
2. Eevee (no evolution)
3. Nidoqueen nicknamed Anachron (Must have 1 move that would be boosted by Sheer Force as a Nidoran♀, 2 as a Nidorina, and 3 in her final form. No Electric-type moves.)
4. Spearow/Fearow nicknamed Matman324 (Must know two STAB moves and two status moves, one of them being Toxic, by Sabrina. To Evolve, it must solo Misty or it must solo your Rival in Silph Co. Must solo the entire Fighting Dojo.)
5. Raichu nicknamed Major Chu (No electric attacks unless it solos Surge)
6. ?
These users CANNOT assign me a Pokémon:
Other notes:
As Probopass was not introduced until Generation IV, I removed the part about Nosepass' evolution.
Sableye was moved from Ruby to Sapphire, and is possibly a direct reference to my (incomplete) second Sapphire Let's Play.
Despite my ban on delaying level evos, I allowed Spearow to have a restriction.
Counter the Gardevoir was rejected since legendaries cannot be re-encountered after a faint in Gen III; therefore, I judged soloing Kyogre to be too harsh a restriction. Also, I did not want three Pokémon from the same user.