Challenge The Scramble Challange

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I need one more Pokemon for my HG scramble, apart for my starter. My current team is Gyarados, Quagsire, Raticate, Murkrow and starter.

Catch a Gastly and name it CASPER. Can't evolve until it knows four TM moves. Must be lower than level 50 before entering the Elite Four.
That reminds me, forgot to come up with Qwerty's starter.

Take Flora the Chikorita. Flora is a pacifist, so it must never learn/use damaging moves. Instead, its final moveset must consist of Toxic, Reflect, Light Screen, and either Safeguard or Synthesis. It may evolve to Bayleef when it has any two of these moves; when it has all four, it may become Meganium. For every teammate that is KO'ed, Flora must grow by two levels ASAP. (This does not include double battles.)
I should tell you that that Chikorita is going to be the most hated member of any team since scrambles started. I know that is a big claim, but seriously. I don't think you can quite imagine what sort of hell you have just unleashed.
@Qwertyuiop. You get Xtreem the Growlithe. He lives on the edge, so teach him Take Down. He loves to coat himself in FIRE so teach him Flame Wheel. He has to be the fastest pokemon as well, so teach him either Agility or evolve him and teach him Extremespeed. To evolve, he must solo Pryce or Bugsy and Jasmine.

*Edit* I might have been unclear about the soloing restrictions. You have two options
-Bugsy and Jasmine

I hope that clears smoething up
Original Post

Updates 1 2 3

Sorry about the double post. It’s just that I made a lot of progress from this morning on my post to when I was ready to post this one.

Athenodoros's Gyarados: Magikarp that cannot learn Tackle or Bounce. Once evolved, it must learn Surf but not Thunder, Blizzard or Fire Blast. It must KO two of the Champion's Pokemon

Its_A_Randoms Miltank: Must know Body Slam, Substitute, and Milk Drink. Has to KO 150 pokemon, at least 1/10 owned by gym leaders by the Kanto's 8th gym. NN Milky Cow. (I didn't see that until the next post. I have changed the nickname)

Sprocket's Typhlosion: Must learn only Special Attacks. Cannot be used in a boss battle with a type advantage except Elite Four. Must KO one Dragonite of Lance. Can only evolve into a Quilava if taught the TM Flamethrower (lol Celadon city or 10k coins in Game Corner).

Texas Cloverleaf's Nidoqueen: Can only use Sheer Force boosted moves

auramaster's Crobat: May only know one move per type.

DetroitLolCat's Eevee: Must be Bill's eevee
Cannot learn Return, Quick Attack, Bite, Hidden Power, or Baton Pass as an eevee.
Cannot learn Mean Look, Taunt, Baton Pass, Wish, Yawn, Protect, Moonlight, Toxic, Substitute, Curse, Rest, Pursuit, Charm, or Confuse Ray as an Umbreon
Cannot learn Substitute, Psychic, Hidden Power, Grass Knot, Shadow Ball, Baton Pass, Signal Beam, Trick, Substitute, Bite, or Morning Sun as an Espeon

I got to the Ruins of Alph to explore for some reason and I found a Moon Stone, so I evolve Nidorina and teach her Flamethower, giving her perfect coverage on almost everything. I then went and got my Eevee from Bill. I started thinking about what I needed and settled on a pseudo-stall physical Umbreon. So, I retrieved my TM for Dig and gave it to Eevee. Once it evolves after Jasmine, I will use the spoils from her battle to teach her (yes it is a her, I got lucky) Iron tail. Faint attack will come anyway (useful for double teamers and synchronizing on Koga). I then caught my Miltank. Now, time to level up and up and up. The Eevee was level 5 and the Miltank level 13. The Miltank wasn’t half the level of my Quilava! I reached Olivine, then leveled up on the previous route. I hoped to evolve Quilava and teach her Focus Blast and expand my Gyarados’s shallow movepool (Surf as a STAB?.) The annoying part was the type coverage. Two of my pokemon literally can’t touch Jasmine while two other fall in one shot to Chuck. Not to mention I have one Pokemon with super effective moves on Pryce and Claire. Oh yeah, and it is the same pokemon. Oh yeah, and it is weak to Pryce and Claire’s Kingdra (if she has one. It has been a while). Anyway, I leveled up. That was the gist of it. But then my rival came. Oh crap, I have a level 10 eevee up front! But he just leaves. To the lighthouse I go… after more training. I beat the first floor with eevee and soloed the rest with Quilava. I then surfed to Cianwood, leveling up eevee, Gyara and Crobat.

Eusine battles me. Each of his pokemon are OHKOed by one of mine, so it was no big deal. Gyarados soloes his way to Chuck. I switch Quilava up front and let the battle begin

Primape vs. Quilava: Flamethrower just misses the KO while he double teams, hoping for evasion hax. Luckily, I just learned swift, which I use after the Hyper potion, dealing about 40%. I Flamethrower for the KO
Poliwrath vs. Nidoqueen: Thunderbolt does 50% and Paralyzes. Surf does about 60%. Thunderbolt leaves him 2%. Thank you RNG. He then uses Hypnosis, putting nidoqueen to sleep. I switch to Miltank for Paraflinch with stomp as he body slams for 20%. I stomp him into red as paralysis strikes. I set up a substitute as Chuck heals Poliwrath. More paraflinching later, I have won.

I teach Crobat fly and go back to Jasmine.

Eevee vs Magnemite: Dig OHKO
Eevee vs Magnemite: Dig OHKO
Eevee vs Steelix: Little Dog vs. huge steel snake. Who will win? Well dig does 5% and he sets up Sandstorm, so I am going to switch to Gyarados. Dragon rage does 40%, but the Sitrus berry heals most of it. Rock throw does 20%. I heal Gyarados while Iron Tail misses and the Sandstorm fades. Dragon Rage puts him in KO range. And another finishes the match.

WINWIN. This is about when I realized that I needed to let Miltank get some trained Pokemon experience but not be walled by ghosts, rocks and steels, so I teach her focus punch and start the mayhem. I get to Pryce and level grind to the point where all of my pokemon are level 35 except Typhlosion. My Eevee will evolve in a couple of hours because I want an umbreon.

-Fuego the Typhlosion (Female)
Level 37
Focus Blast
Lava Plume

Crazy beast alert. She can OHKO almost anything. Archer better watch out when I come for him. *Laughs maniacally*

-Kraken the Gyarados(Female)
Level 35
Aqua Tail
Ice Fang

Another Crazy beast. Intimidate means he takes barely anything and OK type coverage plus amazing attack is great for level grinding. That Red Gyarados got nothing on this

-XeRxEn the Crobat(Male)
Level 35
Leech Life
Confuse Ray

Really fast, but lacks any power whatsoever. Not the LVP, but very close. I am thinking of replacing Leech Life with U-turn for power. He is saved by Eevee's complete lack of stats and movepool and the fact that he is the only male on the team

-Toxin the Nidoqueen
Level 35
Ice Beam
Poison Point is an amazing asset thanks to fly stall with Crobat, Sub-stall with Miltank and Dig stall with eevee. The coverage helps too, but most pokemon outspeed.

-EatMorChkn the Miltank (18 soloes)
Level 35
Focus Punch
Body Slam
Milk Drink

This girl is a beast with an udder. Untrained, she did 5 soloes… PARALYZED!! Most opposing Pokemon couldn’t break the beastly substitutes. At level 19, her substitutes could not be broken by Sonicboom. I have to thank Its_A_Random for this one, because with Normal+(eventual) Fighting + Scrappy= Perfect type coverage. And about the name… I love Chick-fil-a

-Luna the Eevee
Level 35
Tail Whip

This girl is the LVP by far. Dig couldn’t take out Pikachus. Adaptability helps boost tackle (does more damage than dig) but she is still walled by Skarmory. Once she evolves, she will get Faint Attack as STAB, and I might replace it with Payback. Anyway, I hope she improves with evolution
@aditya8081: Nice update. Just letting you know that Miltank was supposed to be called Milky Cow...>_> Oh well, you can keep its nickname if you want...

@Iggdrasil: Not as easy as you think, first off, Mudkip is slow & all of Wattson's Pokemon can hit him for SE & considering Sp. Atk levels, Mudkip can be OHKOed by their attacks. Second, CBZ restrictions require me to solo one of his Pokemon to evolve Golbat into Crobat, which I plan to kill Voltorb, & if he loses his Cheri Berry mid-Battle, I must switch out. I could Grind to Lv30, but it probably won't make any real difference, given my teams major weakness to Electric...
@Its_A_Random: When does Golbat learn Poison Fang and Confuse Ray? Those could be of some use. Still, that's a pretty unfortunate situation.
@Its_A_Random: Sorry about the Nickname mess up. I renamed Miltank just now. And about Mauville, I guess all you can do is grind. Your best bet would be to hope that you don't lose your Cheri Berry and beat Voltorb, then confuse Magneton, then hax your way to victory
@Its_A_Random: When does Golbat learn Poison Fang and Confuse Ray? Those could be of some use. Still, that's a pretty unfortunate situation.
Golbat learns Confuse Ray at Lv28 & Poison Fang at Lv49...

Thinking about it, I have a plan...

  • Battle Wattson initially.
  • Fail to solo one of Wattson's Pokemon (Voltorb) with Flapper: SR & raise one level before reattempting.
  • Succeed in soloing Voltorb with Flapper, but fail to beat Wattson: Black Out & Raise the two one Level (And hope Flapper's happiness had maxed out...) & reattempt.
  • Each time I fail to beat Wattson post-requirement fulfillment: SR & Raise both 1 Level before reattempting.
  • If at a certain level (Between 30-35) that I still can't beat Wattson: Abandon Scramble & start my Sapphire Creative Scramble, & admit to the entire thread that the challenges I give are too hard for anyone to complete.
Sound good enough?
I should tell you that that Chikorita is going to be the most hated member of any team since scrambles started. I know that is a big claim, but seriously. I don't think you can quite imagine what sort of hell you have just unleashed.

I guess Treadshot's kind of rubbed off on me after almost 80 pages of this thing...
Re-posting R/S/LG scrambles:


1. All Pokémon must be catchable prior to the battle with Norman (R/S) or Blaine (LG); the Safari Zone is not allowed.
2. No Salamence, Dragonite, or Rapidash.
3. If a Pokémon can evolve by level, it must be allowed to do so immediately.
4. No trading.
5. No monotype sets.
6. No restrictions on moves used in any specific battle.
7. I reserve the right to reject movesets and/or nicknames.
8. My starters are Treecko in Ruby, Torchic in Sapphire, and Squirtle in LeafGreen. I am also forcing myself to use a Sableye nicknamed NO WEAK in Sapphire.
9. Maximum one Pokémon assigned to me by any person.
10. No STAB ban.

1. Sceptile (No fighting in gym/E4 battles unless lower leveled. Must know exactly one Grass-type move, which cannot be SolarBeam.)
2. Nosepass nicknamed DONOTPASS! (Must know Block, Zap Cannon, and Lock On)
3. Marill nicknamed RickAstley (Must know three attacking moves of the Water-type, along with Rollout. It may evolve by soloing Flannery with only Rollout.)
4. Numel nicknamed Volcan (all STAB, must attempt to solo every Numel or Camerupt; Marill was assigned first so its restriction takes priority over Numel's.)
5. ?
6. ?

1. Blaziken (Can only use Body Slam, Counter, Cut, Double-Edge, DynamicPunch, Fury Cutter, Growl, Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Mimic, Mirror Move, Mud Slap, Peck, Quick Attack, Reversal, Sand Attack, Seismic Toss, Sky Uppercut, and/or Slash until soloing a Pokémon with a 4th gen evo; it must be in its final form when it does the soloing, and also must solo an E4 member.)
2. Sableye nicknamed NO WEAK (Must solo Norman's Slaking and Brawly's entire team. Must have at least one STAB on it's moveset. Must have a Adamant, Modest, Timid or Jolly nature. Must solo any pokemon on Champion Steven's team)
3. Lunatone named Lovegood (Must hold BlackGlasses and learn Calm Mind ASAP, and must solo Flannery in order to use anything other than STAB moves)
4. ?
5. ?
6. ?

1. Blastoise (Must evolve ASAP, no having two attacks of the same type, must solo every Rapidash encountered)
2. Eevee (no evolution)
3. Nidoqueen nicknamed Anachron (Must have 1 move that would be boosted by Sheer Force as a Nidoran♀, 2 as a Nidorina, and 3 in her final form. No Electric-type moves.)
4. Spearow/Fearow nicknamed Matman324 (Must know two STAB moves and two status moves, one of them being Toxic, by Sabrina. To Evolve, it must solo Misty or it must solo your Rival in Silph Co. Must solo the entire Fighting Dojo.)
5. Raichu nicknamed Major Chu (No electric attacks unless it solos Surge)
6. ?

These users CANNOT assign me a Pokémon:

Other notes:
As Probopass was not introduced until Generation IV, I removed the part about Nosepass' evolution.
Sableye was moved from Ruby to Sapphire, and is possibly a direct reference to my (incomplete) second Sapphire Let's Play.
Despite my ban on delaying level evos, I allowed Spearow to have a restriction.
Counter the Gardevoir was rejected since legendaries cannot be re-encountered after a faint in Gen III; therefore, I judged soloing Kyogre to be too harsh a restriction. Also, I did not want three Pokémon from the same user.
Reposting an old challenge for your Sceptile from my Hard Emerald Scramble.
It will annoy the heck out of you until Tate and Liza. Also disregard My name and the NN if you want.

Texas Cloverleaf, your starter is Treecko. Nickname it Chikorita, just to be sadistic. In a Gym Leader or Elite Four battle, it must be lower level than the Pokemon it is fighting or it cannot be used in combat. It must always know *edit* exactly one Grass-type move, but cannot learn Solar Beam.

@Its_A_Random, why don't you just solo one of Watson's pokemon 5 times with Mudkip and then evolve it? That's technically within the rules, isn't it?
Haven't been in much of a creative mood lately, but I'll give you something bwburke94.

For Ruby, take a Numel named Volcan. All of its attacking moves must be STAB, and it must attempt to solo every Numel and Camerupt.
Its_A_Random, I didn't want you getting revenge for the Wynaut. Now that Wynaut is out, I'm not letting you assign me anything because you rejected Wynaut.
Thinking about it, I have a plan...

  • Battle Wattson initially.
  • Fail to solo one of Wattson's Pokemon (Voltorb) with Flapper: SR & raise one level before reattempting.
  • Succeed in soloing Voltorb with Flapper, but fail to beat Wattson: Black Out & Raise the two one Level (And hope Flapper's happiness had maxed out...) & reattempt.
  • Each time I fail to beat Wattson post-requirement fulfillment: SR & Raise both 1 Level before reattempting.
  • If at a certain level (Between 30-35) that I still can't beat Wattson: Abandon Scramble & start my Sapphire Creative Scramble, & admit to the entire thread that the challenges I give are too hard for anyone to complete.
Sound good enough?
Done. Oh, and BTW my "solution" was only something I randomly thought up in my head, not really a stretegy. To be honest thought, I probably would have done that...

.Other notes:
As Probopass was not introduced until Generation IV, I removed the part about Nosepass' evolution.
Sableye was moved from Ruby to Sapphire, and is possibly a direct reference to my (incomplete) second Sapphire Let's Play.
Despite my ban on delaying level evos, I allowed Spearow to have a restriction.
Counter the Gardevoir was rejected since legendaries cannot be re-encountered after a faint in Gen III; therefore, I judged soloing Kyogre to be too harsh a restriction. Also, I did not want three Pokémon from the same user.
Sorry about these, I didn't read though the rules good enough, as I just assume everybody pretty much has the same rules. Anyway I'll remove the evolution retriction from Sperow, so you can evolve him any time you like, but you still have to do one of the Misty and Rival solos. Counter being baned I kinda saw coming, but I'll leave that one alone...

Good Luck and have fun with your Scramble! There I go again...
@aditya8081: The problem is that I have to solo the Main Pokemon with it, & that's...Magneton.

@bwburke94: Actually I accepted the Wynaut, but you said that I couldn't assign you a challenge for no apparent reason, & that's why I dropped Wynaut.

Anyways, would this count as a solo...

I send my Cheri Berry Golbat on Voltorb, right, after a few turns of attacking & healing, Voltorb uses SelfDestruct & Flapper survives. Surely that's a solo...right? I only used Flapper to kill Voltorb (Or see it blow up, to be precise).

Anyways, haven't beaten Wattson, yet. Mudkip got Mud Sport, used it & killed Magnemite, then the above scenario happened, then Magneton came in & OHKOed the entire team with Shock Wave...

EDIT: Wow...550th post...
I send my Cheri Berry Golbat on Voltorb, right, after a few turns of attacking & healing, Voltorb uses SelfDestruct & Flapper survives. Surely that's a solo...right? I only used Flapper to kill Voltorb (Or see it blow up, to be precise).
Sure, I guess... you DO need all the help you can get.

EDIT: Oh, an congratz on 550th post :D.
@ bwbburke94
You have an obvious water weakness on your Sapphire team, so I'm gonna be nice and give you this challenge:

You get Livlypad the jolly Lotad. Livlypad loves dancing in the rain and it is his dream to win all of the cute contests in Hoenn. Every time your in a town with a contest hall, you must earn the cute ribbon there with Livlypad in order to continue on your journey. You must teach him and keep rain dance. Livlypad needs to keep 2 cute moves on at all times as soon as you can get them. These moves are...
Nature Power
Fake out
Water Sport
Sleep Talk (if you can learn it in Sapphire)
All right, I've decided to try a Blue version scramble challenge. No restrictions (except I can't trade without enormous inconvenience) so hit me with whatever you want.

-Blastoise ~ Must always know an even number of water moves, must solo four gym leaders and an E4 member
For Blue version, you get the cover Pokemon because it is the only generation when we can do this in Scrambles. Blastoise must always know an even number of Water-type moves, and has to solo four gym leaders and an Elite Four member.
Encube gets Random the Clefairy.
This Clefairy is a fan of those Inconsistent users that appear 14 odd years in the future, & as such, must have 4 moves of different types, one of which must be Metronome & may never use the same move twice in a row. On top of this, in every trainer battle it appears in, it must use Metronome at least once. Have it solo 50 trained Pokemon & be at least Lv35 to evolve it.

Have fun.

EDIT: Still haven't beaten that damn Wattson...Both Mudkip & Golbat at Lv27, Magneton still being an arse...Luckily I can get Crobat now...
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