Challenge The Scramble Challange

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What starter will you be using zdrup15? If Pikachu solos the rival's starter without using Iron Tail or Hidden Power, you are pretty much limited to Normal moves on Marshtomp (because it is Water/Ground and you get Brick Break in Sootopolis), and possibly Grovyle unless you rely somehow on parahax or something. Then again Pelipper cannot learn Dive or Waterfall in Emerald, and an Azumarill with both moves conflicts your challenge since Raichu also gets neither of those HM's. The others are not Water-type, so either:
1) Start with Mudkip, so that the rival has Treecko/Grovyle, and have Mudkip Dive and Azumarill Waterfall or vice versa, or
2) Have Azumarill Dive for the Seafloor Cavern, then prior to Victory Road (which you need Waterfall to reach) use the Move Deleter in Lilycove to delete Dive for Waterfall
Good luck on your Scramble zdrup. Enjoy Aggron.

Anyways, I have great news for anyone following my Sapphire Payback Scramble: I finally beat Wattson. Mud Sport & Quick Claw on Mudkip FTW. Both Mudkip & Golbat was at Lv30. Mudkip streeted Magnemite, while Golbat took care of Voltorb, I also healed Mudkip, because I needed him at full health for Magneton...
Mudkip came in on Magneton, Survived a Sonic Boom? (He always used Shock Wave in previous failed attempts, but Sonic Boom?) to set up Mud Sport again, then Mud Slapped Magneton until it went down in three hits. One Soda Pop was also used...
Anyways, I'll edit in with team & I'll update my Sapphire Payback Scramble in my sig in the hide tag on the Current Row.


Flapper (Male Golbat) @ Cheri Berry
Lv:30/Quirky/Inner Focus
-Leech Life
-Confuse Ray
-Wing Attack
Comments: Very Powerful, soloed Wattson's Voltorb, meaning I can get a Crobat, & once he is a Crobat, will be a devestating force.

Mudkipz (Male Mudkip) @ Quick Claw
-Mud Sport
-Mud Slap
-Water Gun
G.L.M.P. Solos: 1/5
Comments: It's a Mudkip & it's still doing well. Did a great job to solo Wattson's Magneton.
Now I'll play a little bit of Heart Gold, then a bit of Fire Red, & finally, go & finish my Pearl No-Evo Scramble.
I chose Torchic to have a tough solo with Pikachu (after all he has nothing else to do).
And I'll use HM slaves instead.
About Flygon I love the pair Residual. I'll combine it with either Stall or Random
I chose Torchic to have a tough solo with Pikachu (after all he has nothing else to do).
And I'll use HM slaves instead.
About Flygon I love the pair Residual. I'll combine it with either Stall or Random
If you want to make it harder, I can force you to do the GLMP solo if you like, because that's what I'm tempted to do :p.

Actually, better yet...

zdrup15, "AORsOn!" the Pikachu must solo all GLMP's after it's caught, not rival starter(s).
Beating Watson is impossible this way...

I'm only fighting with a lv. 32 Lairon because Azumarill, Wingull and a lv.18 Ralts aren't much help.

EDIT: Just defeated him xD

I used a X Speed followed by a Dire Hit against Voltorb, then OHKOed it with Iron Tail

Then I OHKOed Electrike with a crit Mud Slap

Then I 2HKOed Magneton with Mud Slap avoiding T-Wave thanks to hax

Then I eventually defeated Manectric with crit hax a defense drop and some Soda Pops

Now this will be much easier!!!
I have decided to do something Pokemon related again, aside from Pillow Sprites. I'll be doing a Pokemon Red scramble. My terms, as always, are:

No trading
Nothing crazy (for instance, a Magikarp that may not evolve and must solo Agatha)
And the obvious "Water HM Whoar".
Take a Magikarp. Name him "IWANTHMS". Because he really wishes he could learn HMs, he can only learn moves of the same type as an HM move (the HMs in RBY are Normal, Flying, Water, Normal and Normal). Good luck. >_>
If you want to make it harder, I can force you to do the GLMP solo if you like, because that's what I'm tempted to do :p.

Actually, better yet...

zdrup15, "AORsOn!" the Pikachu must solo all GLMP's after it's caught, not rival starter(s).

Since I can't solo Tate & Liza that would mean Pikachu would have to solo Milotic...

EDIT: I'm planning to have Pelipper solo Flannery to fullfill its requirements and Azumarill to be absent from this Gym (Azumarill is Carefull and has Huge Power so she will be a Sub Puncher).

And I can't find Rare Candys so Ralts is still at lv. 18.

Found Slugma and Skarmory. I have Pelipper at lv. 30 so I'll level up Slugma and Skarm and then solo Flannery

Lairon has learned its first special attack: Shock Wave because he's Gentle
You get Lizardon the Charizard. He must solo Erica, Lt. Surge and any Elite Four member of your choice. No evolution restrictions. His moves are picked in pairs

Fixed Damage: Dragon rage+Seismic Toss
HM Slave: Strength+Fly
Reflector: Counter+Reflect
Recoil: Take down+ Submission
Residual: Toxic+Fire Spin
Fire mah lazer: Hyper Beam+ Flamethrower
Two Turn: Dig+Skull Bash
Stall: Substitute+ Double Team
Sharp: Swords Dance+Slash
Body: Body Slam+ Double-Edge
Quick: Scratch+Ember
OP: Fissure+ Mega Kick.

If you solo Misty and Brock as well as the other solos, you only have to pick one pair and get free reign over half of the moveset. Have fun!!
FireRed and Emerald are both in progress, The Skitty was female so I named it Xtina.

Because of all my spare time, I'm going to do one more scramble.
Platinum' please.
Trading is possible.

Current Team:
Yanma / Lazor
-Never use Physical Attacks,
-Final Moveset must be:
Hypnosis / Air Slash / Bug Buzz / SolarBeam,
-Every time it faints, Cannot be used five battles before using it again,
-Must forget Ancientpower immediately upon evolving,
-Must solo Candice's Abomasnow using no more than two moves,
-Must solo Aaron while holding Choice Specs.

Ralts / Diva
-Always highest leveled.
-Must know Charm and Attract.
-If it evolves it to Kirlia before level 30 it must have Thunder Wave/Shockwave.
If it is after level 30 it is Magical Leaf/Grass Knot.
-If it evolves from Kirlia before lvl 40 it must have Confusion/Future Sight if it is after 40 but before 50 it must have either Calm Mind/Reflect/Light Screen. If it is after 50 its last move is up to you.
-Can only use max potions/full restores and revives.

Machop / Burg
-Must learn Karate Chop and both Fire and Ice Punch.
-He must solo Maylene to evolve from a Machop. Additionally, to evolve into a Machamp, he has to beat Byron's Bastiodon, a Luxray, an Abomasnow and a Skuntank.

Sneasel / Memphis
-By the E4, it must have this moveset,
Beat Up/Swagger
Metal Claw/Poison Jab
Agility/Quick Attack/Taunt
Sunny Day/Rain Dance/Hail

Snorunt / Yuki N.
-May only have 1 damaging move, Solos Candice's Froslass and must have 3 moves >100 BP after STAB.

Riolu / Luke
-Must know the Uber Attacking Lead Moveset (With Swords Dance for the final move).
-Solo 10 Pokemon in the Pokemon League.
@Glacia: Take a Yanma named Lazor. It is a great lazor, and as such may never use a physical attack. Its final moveset must be Hypnosis, Bug Buzz, Air Slash, and the ultimate lazor move: SolarBeam. However, being a lazor capable of destroying anything has its drawbacks. Every time it faints, you must wait five battles before using it again, as it needs time to charge its lazor. It may evolve into Yanmega at any time, but it must forget Ancientpower immediately upon evolving. It must solo Candice's Abomasnow using no more than two moves (that's right, one- or two-hit KO) and must solo Aaron while holding Choice Specs.
@Neil, you get the fire dog of the first gen, a growlithe named "Growldoom". This growlithe is jealous of the houndoom line and wishes it were part dark type aswell so it must keep bite and solo 1 gym leader/E4 with bite alone. The only evo restriction is that you must use a fire stone to evolve it, no abusing glitches.
Good luck.

@Glacia, reserving for plat, probably going to be a froslass.
@Neil: Take an Exeggcute named Scrambled. It is undergoing an identity crisis! As an Exeggcute, it thinks it is an Eevee, so it must always use Normal-type moves. It's not the brightest Exeggcute, either, and it thinks a) that Eevee evolves into Leafeon in Gen 1 and 2) that it evolves via Leaf Stone. It must solo fifteen Trainer-owned Pokemon to evolve. Once it evolves, it thinks it is the mighty Leafeon! It may only use Grass moves until it solos two of Giovanni's Pokemon (which it must do to test its Leafeon powers). At that point, it realizes that it is an Exeggutor, not a Leafeon! You must then rename it Challanged as this realization severely cuts its already-low intelligence. Until you beat your Rival east of Viridian, it may not use Psychic moves. At that point, it accepts its life as an Exeggutor and must learn a Psychic move in celebration. It must then be renamed Challanger and solo ten E4/Champion Pokemon.

EDIT: I just realized that I used "a)" and "2)," but I won't edit either.
Glacia, Catch a female Ralts and call it Diva.
Now as you may have guessed your Ralts is a bit of a diva as such she thinks shes your favourite and too keep her happy you must always make sure she is the highest level in your party. She keeps you under her thumb by learning and keeping the move Charm and Attract. Her other moves are dependant on the level you evolve your Ralts. If you evolve it to Kirlia before level 30 it must have Thunder Wave/Shockwave.
If it is after level 30 it is Magical Leaf/Grass Knot. If you evolve you Kirlia before lvl 40 it must have Confusion/Future Sight if it is after 40 but before 50 it must have either Calm Mind/Reflect/Light Screen. If it is after 50 its last move is up to you.

As she is such a diva she doesnt want to use peasant items,so she can only use max potions/full restores and revives and no other items!
NeilKosugi gets King Odin the Nidoking. From Celadon City onwards, King Odin must know all TM/HM moves. He must be the highest leveled Pokemon at all times, & from the moment you get it, have it solo a combined total of 20 Gym Leader/E4 Pokemon.

Have fun.

Glacia gets Luke the Lucario. Have it know the on-site Uber Attacking Lead Moveset (With Swords Dance for the final move). Have it solo 10 Pokemon in the Pokemon League.

Have fun.
@Glacia, you get Burg the Machamp. He is very Gutsy. Very brave, if you will. He loves movies. He idolizes Jackie Chan and loves his Karate Chop. Additionally, he is a fan of the Last Airbender. He wants to be the Avatar and keeps both Fire and Ice Punch to show off his firebending and waterbending prowess. The last move is your choice. He must solo Maylene to evolve from a Machop. Additionally, to evolve into a Machamp, he has to beat different organisms exemplifying different characteristics. He has overcome solo a Hippowdon (hippo of defense), a Luxray (tiger of attack), an Abomasnow (tree of wisdom) and a Skuntank (skunk of deception). Have fun!
@Glacia: Take Memphis the Sneasel. (No racism intended.) Memphis, being named after my hometown, wants to emulate the city as much as possible. Therefore, by the E4, it must have this moveset, with each move representing something about Memphis:

Gang Wars: Beat Up/Swagger
Murder: Metal Claw/Poison Jab
Sports: Agility/Quick Attack/Taunt
Insane Weather: Sunny Day/Rain Dance/Hail

It may evolve as soon as it knows three of these four moves.
NeilKosugi gets King Odin the Nidoking. From Celadon City onwards, King Odin must know all TM/HM moves. He must be the highest leveled Pokemon at all times, & from the moment you get it, have it solo a combined total of 20 Gym Leader/E4 Pokemon.

Have fun.

Glacia gets Luke the Lucario. Have it know the on-site Uber Attacking Lead Moveset (With Swords Dance for the final move). Have it solo 10 Pokemon in the Pokemon League.

Have fun.
This suffers from the Last Post on Page Syndrome, so posting it on a new page.

EDIT: Unrelated, but who else here had their Visitor Messages place spammed by Banned Deucers? I'd take it as everyone...Stupid Spambots...
@Galladiator: Accepted.

It's a Random, I'll have to decline for right now, Dark Ray already reserved so I'll evaluate his and then make a decision.

Oh, sorry aditya, I was looking at a D/P guide, I believe the only pre-E4 Hippowdon in Platinum is Bertha's, Therefore Machoke wouldn't be able to evolve by soloing it due to not being able to return to the PokéCenter. Would you like to change Hippowdon for another pokémon?
New page = new post, so Glacia, here is your challange. You get a froslass, now since every froslass since the biggining of time has been nicknamed yuki you must follow suit and name yours "Yuki.N". You may catch or trade a female snorunt (if you trade you may not trade it in at a higher lvl than your second lowest leveled team member) but either way it may not evolve until it's atleast lvl 25. This is no ordinary froslass and is infact an interface for the Data Integration Thought Entity, as an interface it has the power to manipulate the data around it and is very powerful, unfortuneately for you this interface is merely here to observe, so it may only have 1 damaging move. Eventually you encounter another interface, namely candice's froslass, but this 1 is not so peaceful and WANTS TO KILL YOU!!!!! Luckily yuki.n is there to save you and solos candice's froslass. After that yuki.n decides to become stronger in order to protect you from anymore harm and must have 3 moves >100 bp after STAB.
Good luck and sorry it took so long, I had a bit of computer trouble.

Unrelated EDIT: @random, I didn't get any spam.
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