Pokémon XY Leaks

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The Life Orb is a huge thing I think people are forgetting, as people have said. It needs to be said again though. These Megas seem to be keeping power on par to the Life Orb boost a normal Gengar/Aero/Lucario would be getting, so probably won't be as absurd as people think. Another thing to remember is that Mega Stones apparently can't be Tricked off (on purpose or by Accident) for a Life Orb or something. Its terrifying now to see base 170 SpA for Ampharos or Gengar, or 194 for Mewtwo Y, but it's similar to or weaker than the Life Orb counterparts. So ban calls and overall metagame freak outs need to chill until we see what happens in a few days/weeks/months when the "new game smell" starts to wear off.

252 SpA Mega Gengar (170 SpA) Shadow Ball vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Sableye: 151-178 (49.67 - 58.55%)
252 SpA Life Orb Gengar Shadow Ball vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Sableye: 161-191 (52.96 - 62.82%)

Yeah, it's scary. But stoppable thanks to its item-lock.
While it's true that it's a tad weaker, there's none of the 10% recoil to consider as well. So at the cost of a little bit of power you gain speed and a Life Orb-esque boost without the Life Orb recoil. It's a very fair trade off.

Do note that I'm not dropping ban hammers like some, but a Gengar with the power of a life orb, increased speed, and Shadow Tag is something to be very afraid of.
Just to get a clear understanding on weather gen 6 guys:

1) Auto inducer or weather move lasts only 5 turns
2) Autoinducer needs to come in after that to restart it again
3) Using a weather item makes it last 10 turns
4) Weather inducer carrying weather item automatically makes it 10 turns before reset

Is that right?
When Freeze Dry was first revealed it was said it had "non-negligible chances of freezing the opponent".
Depending on how high that chance is, it might be worth running it over Ice Beam.

No need to run it over ice beam. Its more advantageous to run it over TBolt and keep ice beam, as both get stab and Freeze Dry hits water for SE damage, which is the only reason for TBolt in the first place
Modest Mega Gengar is faster and hits harder than Timid LO gengar.
Modest Mega Gengar's SpA: 482
LO Gengar's SpA: 467

Mega Gengar, with 130 base Speed, will also need Timid to outrun Choice Scarf Tyranitar (364 > 359,) which is pretty important.

So it would end up being weaker but SHADOW TAG EHGRFEGHYTRFVGBHJUYHGTF
why would gengar even be hitting scizor with focus blast and not shadow ball?

Because of Gen V damage calculators and the same power factoring in STAB; like it changes anything on the point I was making.

Modest Mega Gengar is faster and hits harder than Timid LO gengar.
Modest Mega Gengar's SpA: 482
LO Gengar's SpA: 467

... like Modest becomes the new go-to option on a frail special sweeper, there are always Mega Gengars on the other side.
Mega Gengar won't be a healthy addition to ou. Can we stop discussing that thing?
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While it's true that it's a tad weaker, there's none of the 10% recoil to consider as well. So at the cost of a little bit of power you gain speed and a Life Orb-esque boost without the Life Orb recoil. It's a very fair trade off.

Do note that I'm not dropping ban hammers like some, but a Gengar with the power of a life orb, increased speed, and Shadow Tag is something to be very afraid of.
And don't forget Mega Gengar's boosted defenses as well...

252+ Atk Choice Band Technician Scizor Bullet Punch: 74.42 - 87.4%
same Scizor Bullet Punch vs. normal gengar: 93.12 - 109.92%
Just to get a clear understanding on weather gen 6 guys:

1) Auto inducer or weather move lasts only 5 turns
2) Autoinducer needs to come in after that to restart it again
3) Using a weather item makes it last 10 turns
4) Weather inducer carrying weather item automatically makes it 10 turns before reset

Is that right?

1) Yep
2) Yep
3) Yep
4) And Yep AGain

Few videos were posted with this, so I think we can safely assume this is pretty much confirmed.
Do you guys know why Mega Gengar gets shadow tag?
It was mentioned that Sandstorm/Hail Stones were found. And I'm pretty sure they didn't wear them to prove that weather wears off indeed after 5 turns.
But why would this automatically mean that this makes the weathers last ten turns when activated by abilities like Drizzle?
It was mentioned that Sandstorm/Hail Stones were found. And I'm pretty sure they didn't wear them to prove that weather wears off indeed after 5 turns.
Yeah, but stones were supposed to endure the length of a weather induced by an attack if im not mistaking :x
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