Pokémon XY Leaks

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Yeah, but stones were supposed to endure the length of a weather induced by an attack if im not mistaking :x
If the auto weather abilities just turned into instant Sand Stream/whatever weather then I would be surprised if the rocks didn't change so it works for auto weather as well.
We need someone to test whether or not equipping a smoothrock or whatever on a weather inducer automatically makes it last 10 turns before reset or it has no effect unless a weather move (Sand Storm) is used...In any case Sand definitely has a better edge over other weather teams because it has two weather inducers should one fall earlier.
Wow, that'd be huge. When the weather inducing moves actually outperform the abilities, a second inducer with move and stone will be mandatory against non-weather-teams and for the turns after the opposing inducer has gone. Care to test that one?
We need someone to test whether or not equipping a smoothrock or whatever on a weather inducer automatically makes it last 10 turns before reset or it has no effect unless a weather move (Sand Storm) is used...In any case Sand definitely has a better edge over other weather teams because it has two weather inducers should one fall earlier.

Sun has two Weather starters in GenVI though, at least. Ninetails and MegaCharaizardY. Of course, Charizard can't use anything but its Megastone, so if you want sustainable weather and the Heat Rock works for Drought, Ninetails is still the way to go.
Looking for hail inducers tomorrow because there are too many sneasels around

Now looking for stealth rock changes
If you find them (or any other Ice type, e.g., Lapras) and have access to the move relearner, could you check if they can learn Freeze Dry? I'm afraid it's going to end up being an exclusive to Amaura.
Ninetales + Heat Rock Heatran + CharY
Politoed + Damp Rock Kingdra/Ludicolo
TTar + Hippo/Sand Stream Smooth Rock Excadrill
Abamasnow + ...oh who am I kidding, nobody uses hail right? ....not funny? k..

Anyway, these are my assumptions oh how people might adapt to this new weather mechanic.
yeah people see the number 170/200 and are like OMFG BROKE but as Mewtwo has shown........the power increase is actually not really there if you factor in items. Whats more important are probably things like new typings, speed increases, and new abilities. And Gengar did indeed get speed and a godly ability.

LifeOrb is not a pre-requisite to a Pkmn's power, just a n00b item brought in too immensely boost offensive stats. So the makers wanted to show a Mons true power from the off.

Absolutely loving the MegaEvos and willing to forgive a massive shortcomings in the actual new additions!
If you find them (or any other Ice type, e.g., Lapras) and have access to the move relearner, could you check if they can learn Freeze Dry? I'm afraid it's going to end up being an exclusive to Amaura.
There are so many possible pokemon that could learn that move, I don't think it's practical to have 1 poor person trying to find it. Once the games are released we'll be able to find out move distributions and stuff like this! However I really hope that this move has a distribution to other Ice-types who can't learn T-bolt. The freeze chance might be higher than 10% on this move as well, so that would be interesting to learn.

*eagerly awaiting Pan's Stealth Rock research*
Ninetales + Heat Rock Heatran + CharY
Politoed + Damp Rock Kingdra/Ludicolo
TTar + Hippo/Sand Stream Smooth Rock Excadrill
Abamasnow + ...oh who am I kidding, nobody uses hail right? ....not funny? k..

Anyway, these are my assumptions oh how people might adapt to this new weather mechanic.

Mega Abomasnow might get used...
50 BP Parabolic charge? Awwww.... there go all my dreams of bulky Ampharos and Rotom-H. *SIGH*
Don't suppose we might be getting giga version of it in the same generation?
Can anyone think of other niche sr changes that pan can check? My niche one is do rock types absorb like poison pokes do to toxic spikes? Any new move to remove hazards? Abilities that remove on switch(doubtful at this point)?
50 BP Parabolic Charge? That sucks. Even with Technician it's only 75 BP. Why'd GF ever hype up such a bad move?

About Play Rough though: I'm super glad Azumarill has such an awesome move to use! 30 PP? Chance to power attack? (IDK by how much though) Power equivalent to Leaf Blade or Psychic? Yes please! It's currently Azu's best STAB even besides priority. And Mawile (and I presume Granbull) getting it too is awesome. My worries about physical Fairy moves have been alleviated!
50 BP Parabolic Charge? That sucks. Even with Technician it's only 75 BP. Why'd GF ever hype up such a bad move?

I believe it hits the whole field in doubles and triples, and they seem to be encouraging chip spread damage for special attacks in that format. It's pretty good when you're hitting 3 guys at once and restoring yourself.
We finally have some stats for Pyroar.
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