Most Generation PRNG Help / Information

Alright, so I'm trying to figure out encounter slots.

My Method 1 Frame is 633.

Method J 632= F8B6C71A

so I take the last 4 numbers in it, which would be 8671. Then divide by 656, which would equal 13.217. I round down, making it 13, which would make it a slot 0 pokemon.

Is this correct?
No, you take your target frame, subtract one and find the spread in Method 1, not Method J.
Since I've been having so much trouble, I went back and double checked everything and re-read parts of the main post to help me figure out what's wrong.

So I came to the conclusion I must not understand some of the simple stuff, such as the coin flip. I read the section about that, and it says to enter your seed number into the DPPt Egg PID (Normal) section. I did so, and about a bajillion results came up. However, where am I looking to find my series of coin flips? Beside each frame is a column that says "Coin", but it only contains one flip. At the bottom of the page, there is a series of 10 that seems universal for all of the frames within the seed. The series of 10 is what I should be using, correct? And I thought I was supposed to do the coin flips as soon as I enter the game, after pressing the A button like a madman. Am I also right about this?

Also, when I entered the seed number, I went to the frame number that matches the frame of my target. The nature and IVs, however, do not match up. Is this because the setting to find the Coin Flips is dealing with Eggs, when my target deals with catching wild/legendary Pokemon?
Let me see if I understand it, I try to catch a Zapdos good, only q I do not understand the right method 1, it is similar to the method but does not have the J Synch pokemons then I calculate with a method where the poke is appears, wounds my target frame and after that talk to OAK's not? What I do after that will not change the fact that Zapdos has already been created?​
Since I've been having so much trouble, I went back and double checked everything and re-read parts of the main post to help me figure out what's wrong.

So I came to the conclusion I must not understand some of the simple stuff, such as the coin flip. I read the section about that, and it says to enter your seed number into the DPPt Egg PID (Normal) section. I did so, and about a bajillion results came up. However, where am I looking to find my series of coin flips? Beside each frame is a column that says "Coin", but it only contains one flip. At the bottom of the page, there is a series of 10 that seems universal for all of the frames within the seed. The series of 10 is what I should be using, correct? And I thought I was supposed to do the coin flips as soon as I enter the game, after pressing the A button like a madman. Am I also right about this?

Also, when I entered the seed number, I went to the frame number that matches the frame of my target. The nature and IVs, however, do not match up. Is this because the setting to find the Coin Flips is dealing with Eggs, when my target deals with catching wild/legendary Pokemon?

For the coin flip, use the results of the first 10 frames that show (you're supposed to be doing coin flips right away so you shouldn't have advanced the IRNG yet).

As for the frame not matching up, I'm not quite sure.
Okay, well, I still don't see what's messing it up so badly. I've tried so many times, on both delays I've been getting, but the coin flip hasn't matched up yet... at all. Lemme try a few more times.
At one point, I think I was going for about an hour and a half.
I'm recalibrating on Dialga... just for the lulz. I'll look at my results again. Do you think 10 trials is enough?
To avoid too many more posts on this thread, I will post all the data I have below:


Time | Seconds | Delay
12:19 PM: 14 597
12:22 PM: 14 589
12:24 PM: 14 605
12:27 PM: 14 599
12:29 PM: 14 609
12:32 PM: 14 597
12:34 PM: 14 593
12:36 PM: 14 599
12:38 PM: 14 605
12:40 PM: 14 609

So, according to these results:
Seconds: 14
Delay to aim for: 597, 599, 605, or 609

Now, onto RNG Reported Data,

I enter the program and select DPPt Time Finder. Then, in input the year, min/max delays, select Method J, choose my nature, enter my desired stats, and fill in my ID/SID.

I click Generate, and the following ideal spread comes up:
1A0C0268 | 490 | 0758AFF3 | [blank] | Careful | 1 | 31 | 31 | 31 | 31 | 31 | 7 | Dark | 70 | M | M | M | M

I right-click and get a series of times that say:
2009 01 01 | 12:00:25 | 607
2009 01 01 | 12:01:24 | 607

Since my ideal frame is NOT 607, I adjust the year to make it match whatever I need it to be.

Then, I copy the Seed #, then go to the main page of RNG Reporter. I select DPPt Egg PID from the drop down menu, paste my Seed # into the Seed (Hex) box, and press Generate. A huge list of options comes up. The coin column in the first ten reads as folows:
H, T, T, H, H, H, T, H, H, H
This matches what appears in the footer notes under my original spread.

So, if I choose a delay of 14 seconds and 599, I would set my date to the following: 01 01 2017, and my time will be 12:11:14. I will set my clock to 12:10:00, then SR at 12:11:00, because my second delay is 14.

Once I enter the game, I will cancel out the journal that pops up (does this advance my frames at all), and immediately check the coin flip app. If the sequence matches H, T, T, H, H, H, T, H, H, H, then I will move onto journal flips, etc.

Under DPPt Time Finder, it says my desired frame is 490.
Now, the math should be:

490 - 1(Dialga) - 2(Cresselia and Mesprit) = 487.
To get it to an even number, I have 5 Pokemon in my party. I walk 128 steps.
487 - 5 = 482.
Now, I flip the journal to a page that has a defeated/caught Pokemon 241 times.

Now all I do is catch Dialga and check.

Is this right? Sorry for writing a novel.
Yeah that's right. Just make sure when your journal pops up when you press continue that it doesn't have a caught or defeated Pokemon on that page so you don't mess up your journal flips afterwards.
Yeah that's right. Just make sure when your journal pops up when you press continue that it doesn't have a caught or defeated Pokemon on that page so you don't mess up your journal flips afterwards.

Phew, good.
And I think it does have a defeated Poke, so would I just count that as a journal flip already?
Okay, I'm gonna take a short brain-break and then see if I can get this to work. Thanks for all of the help. It takes me a while to get things, but once I get it, I get it. x.o
Hey, if your coin flips do not match then just immediately catch the Pokemon and use the Seed Finder function. This will give you the delay and seconds that you DID hit, allowing you to adjust and/or make corrections for the next try.
Hey, if your coin flips do not match then just immediately catch the Pokemon and use the Seed Finder function. This will give you the delay and seconds that you DID hit, allowing you to adjust and/or make corrections for the next try.

Will do. :)
This is a lot harder than the old days of Emerald RNG.
Okay, I'm still trying for a shiny egg using this method. I've found the last 4 have the right natures and abilities, but ain't hatching shiny. I assume this is down to my SID, or some other stupid mistake I'm making.

Anybody care to point out my mistake? Or am I just plain unlucky?
Ah right, got the choice of 8 so it's just finding the right one. Thanks for the quick reply.

Not really. Not sure how you deduced your SID, but when given a choice of 8 they should all work (that is, be compatible) with your actual SID. So I would really have to guess that you are completely off.

But: Make sure you entered both your SID *and* ID correctly.
Well my SID was off a random encounter shiny, and I used the IV calculator on Serebii, then a PID calculator, then a SID. I'm not sure of any other ways to do it.
I wonder why so many people have trouble finding their SIDs, I followed the instructions given as well, and still I deduced it wrong.. perhaps someone should double-check the steps given in that "sticky" -.-
No, you take your target frame, subtract one and find the spread in Method 1, not Method J.

Alright then. So I find my 632 in Method 1, which is 30F19CF2. The last 4 numbers are 0192. Divide that by 656, which equal 0.292. Round down and you get 0, which makes it a slot 0 pokemon.

Is this correct?
Correct ditto

Q: when searching for the frame preceeding the "chosen frame," do you leave in all the iv/nature details? or do you search with those removed?
Well my SID was off a random encounter shiny, and I used the IV calculator on Serebii, then a PID calculator, then a SID. I'm not sure of any other ways to do it.

Unless it's level 100 with zero IV's I don't think this will work out for you.

And there are least three ways to do it:

by hand
rng reporter

I wonder why so many people have trouble finding their SIDs, I followed the instructions given as well, and still I deduced it wrong.. perhaps someone should double-check the steps given in that "sticky" -.-

I've double checked them and the directions are still correct.