Most Generation PRNG Help / Information

That's okay, I'm a noob too. I understand RNG perfectly, but I've still never bothered to do the calibration phase. (correctly)
@King: It's set when you talk to the pokemon/profesor Oak (depending on the pokemon). If you're doing the birds, then it's when you talk to Oak. When it's Mesprit, it's when it leaves the cave. And Cresselia is after you see it on Full Moon Island. That way, once you see it shiny in the wild, you can let it roam if you want and catch it later.

Both Mespirit and Cresselia are roaming right now. They we "set free" before I knew about the RNG. Is there anything I can do now to effect the shininess, IVs, or nature?
That's okay, I'm a noob too. I understand RNG perfectly, but I've still never bothered to do the calibration phase. (correctly)

I calibrated 2day, doesn't take long if you don't mess up lol cuz i've messed up with the time before (10 trials at most)
Nope. Once you released them their IVs and nature are set. Sorry.

Well that sucks. At least I'll be able to get all the legendaries in Soul Silver shiny. As long as we are able to abuse the RNG again.

Anyways how do I effect the IVs, nature, etc. when I release them? Is it similar to catching a shiny legendary? I've already done it with Giratina, which sadly was the last legendary in my game besides the roamers that wasn't caught. Is it basically just getting the right delay and time then when I run into them they'll be shiny?

Wait, do they return if I defeat them?
Are you talking about Mesprit and Cresselia? If so they don't return if you defeat them.

Anyway, if you're talking about Zapdos Moltres and Articuno, just defeat all of them, beat the E4, and talk to Oak again to reset their IVs and natures.
Are you talking about Mesprit and Cresselia? If so they don't return if you defeat them.

Anyway, if you're talking about Zapdos Moltres and Articuno, just defeat all of them, beat the E4, and talk to Oak again to reset their IVs and natures.

Ok is I defeat them they are just gone for good? Well it looks like I won't be getting shinys of them then. Man I wish I figured out about the RNG sooner.
You can still rebattle them using an AR.

I don't own an AR and I probably never will. I'll just have to wait until Soul Silver comes out to get more shiny legendaries. I might get platinum, so could use the RNG in that.

Can shiny pokemon that hatch from eggs be used to find the SID?
No, they have to be captured naturally I'm pretty sure.

Now why is that? Do they have different coding then pokemon that hatch from eggs?

Wait! I think I know. Is it because pokemon that hatch from eggs get their IVs from their parents? Ok I see now. I just hope that the shiny Gyrados in SS will work. Do you expect HG and SS RNGs to be similar to DPPTs?

Also is there a way in influence nature for Wonder Card Pokemon? I'm trying to get a Ranger Darkrai with good IVs. I know it doesn't have a set nature, so if I put a certain nature into the time finder then it will work?
Sorry for being paranoid, but when checking with the coin to see if you hit the right results for Wild RNG abusing, do you swith into that App. or do you have it in that App. when you turn it on?
Now why is that? Do they have different coding then pokemon that hatch from eggs?

Wait! I think I know. Is it because pokemon that hatch from eggs get their IVs from their parents? Ok I see now. I just hope that the shiny Gyrados in SS will work. Do you expect HG and SS RNGs to be similar to DPPTs?

Also is there a way in influence nature for Wonder Card Pokemon? I'm trying to get a Ranger Darkrai with good IVs. I know it doesn't have a set nature, so if I put a certain nature into the time finder then it will work?

It doesnt work like you said for eggs because you can't get the PID.

The shiny gyarados will not work, since it will be set to be shiny. So the PID of it will be generated without requiring it to make it shiny.

HG and SS will still have method 1 for making the pokemon most likely. What may change, most likely, will be changing method J up maybe, and most likely how the seed is determined. It will still use delay and date and time, the formula will most likely be changed.

Yes, the IVs work the same for wondercards just like for legends. The nature is random.
Sort of. Hatched pokémon IVs aren't tied to the PID, which is what determines the shininess. You find your PID either through the easy way (trading any pokémon caught on game with the SID you want to find out to someone with Pokésav) or through the hard way, where you use a randomly-encountered shiny's IVs and therefore PID to work out what your SID must be. Hatched shinies don't work because you can't find out what their PID is without an external device, because you can't work it out from the IVs.

And now I can proudly say I've caught Cresselia, Heatran, Moltres, Uxie, Azelf, Mesprit, Giratina and Regigigas as shiny. This method has actually proven very easy with a little practise. Like with eggs, this stuff becomes second nature pretty quickly.

Photo gallery of encounters if anyone's interested:
Sort of. Hatched pokémon IVs aren't tied to the PID, which is what determines the shininess. You find your PID either through the easy way (trading any pokémon caught on game with the SID you want to find out to someone with Pokésav) or through the hard way, where you use a randomly-encountered shiny's IVs and therefore PID to work out what your SID must be. Hatched shinies don't work because you can't find out what their PID is without an external device, because you can't work it out from the IVs.

And now I can proudly say I've caught Cresselia, Heatran, Moltres, Uxie, Azelf, Mesprit, Giratina and Regigigas as shiny. This method has actually proven very easy with a little practise. Like with eggs, this stuff becomes second nature pretty quickly.

Photo gallery of encounters if anyone's interested:

Ok thanks for the info! It looks like I'll have someone with pokesav help me. I know it's a computer program or something like that. Could I use it myself without an AR? This is probably a noob question, but I've never had an AR and I probably never will.:p

Anyways when HG and SS come out will I most likely be able to easily find someone with pokesav that could help find my SID?

Also nice shinies! I've only got Giratina myself, since he was the only legendary left when I figured out about the RNG. The nicknames you give your pokemon are funny.
Oh... my...
I got the Coin Flip right, turned all bajillion journal pages, and while mindlessly throwing balls at Dialga, accidently hit Run Away.

Of course I just turned my game off, but it's not missing Dialga that bothered me, as I was only testing it on him, I wasn't actually keeping him, but it's that I never got to check my results.

If the coin flip worked, can I safely assume Dialga would've matched my spread, if I did all of the journal flips right?
Aww flurries :( you're right that would have been a good catch, sorry for what happened
Im coin flipping to, 3 tails... then wrong lol T_T I can do everything right though, its only a matter of time..
OK, so I was attempting to hit a shiny spread that's very high up in Method 1, and though I thought I was very precise with my math and counting, I found I was about 50 frames off. I'm going to post my process so maybe someone else can find what I did wrong, because I'm at a loss. :\ (The following is after getting my seed of course)

Seed: 2c0b0279
Frame: 10790

Initial frame for Roamers is 5, so subtract 5 frames for that. I have no runners out. Then I needed to get it down to an even frame, so I walked 128 steps (exactly) with five pokemon in my party. Subtract 5 more frames.

10790 - (5 + 5) = 10780

Divide by 2 to see how many journal flips I need.

10780 / 2 = 5390

This is where I did a thing a bit differently from my normal routine. Because it was such a high frame, I set up my journal so there would be 8 straight pages of Caught pokemon, with one page at each end that would not advance the RNG at all. Each time I'd flip from the beginning of the journal to the end, then, is 8 journal flips. I used the following math to find out how many "cycles" (how many times I would need to flip from the front of the journal to the back, and vise versa) I would need to hit my number of needed journal flips.

5390 / 8 = 673.75

Because obviously you can't do "three fourths," round down to 673 "cycles." However, 673 is an odd number, which would leave me at the back of the journal, meaning I would have to go over my remainder of flips--so I changed it to an even number of "cycles."

673.75 --> 673 --> 672 cycles

How many journal flips would this number of cycles complete? According to my math:

672 cycles x 8 journal flips = 5376 journal flips completed

With my calculated required journal flips and the number listed above, that would leave me with 14 remaining journal flips that would need to be done. (5390 - 5376 = 14) so I did those 14 extra flips at the end.

Just to sum it up:

+5 frames for initial frame
+5 frames for walking
+10752 frames for 672 "cycles" of 8 journal flips
+28 frames for 14 extra journal flips

Should total 10790, right? But what I ended up with was Frame 10822, and I have no idea why, as I know I was careful with my journal flips, and even if I wasn't, I find it inexplicable why I was off by 32 frames. :\ Anyway, my point is, could anyone point out a potential error not explained here?

Oh, and if you don't know what you're talking about with RNG abuse, for god's sake, don't answer this.
Um, if you have 8 pages of journal entries, you would have 8 "new" flips your first time through, then 7 each time after. Thats because you aren't opening it onto a new page, you are starting from a previously used page. Try your math with this info included and see how you go.

I would assume thats where you went wrong.