Bug Reports v2.0 (READ OP BEFORE POSTING!!)

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An opposing Bisharp hit my Honchkrow with a Focus Blast which did normal damage but on the next turn he used Focus Blast again and it was somehow super effective against Honchkrow. (Impossible since Honchkrow is Dark/Flying which means Fighting does normal damage) I know it wasn't a zorua or anything since they didn't have one on the team.


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An opposing Bisharp hit my Honchkrow with a Focus Blast which did normal damage but on the next turn he used Focus Blast again and it was somehow super effective against Honchkrow. (Impossible since Honchkrow is Dark/Flying which means Fighting does normal damage) I know it wasn't a zorua or anything since they didn't have one on the team.

Roost removes the user's flying type during that turn, meaning that while Honchkrow is roosting it is a pure Dark-type.
Currently on PS, Transform does not copy increased crit rate status from a move like Focus Energy or Z-Tailwind. However, it does copy the increased crit rate status in-game.

Video: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/246765880 (starts around 9:15)
Showdown replay (incorrect): https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen7doublesou-728210726

A more important bug with Aura calculation discovered: for some reason, Aura boosts are only applied to one slot in a double battle. I am not certain if anything else is wrong with Auras. See this Showdown replay for the incorrect behavior (it applies to both in-game): http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen7doublescustomgame-728224789
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I noticed in this battle that priority does not seem to be working. I would use Fake Out but Prankster and Gale Wings made the opponent still go first.

The mechanics of Linked is that the move with the lowest priority bracket determines the linked priority bracket. In this case, U-turn has a priority of 0, which is lower than Fake Out's priority, meaning that the whole chain (including Fake Out) has 0 priority. For the Gale Wings and Prankster links you fought, all moves in the link were affected by the ability meaning the link as a whole had +1 priority, and so went before your Fake Out link.
Currently on PS, Transform does not copy increased crit rate status from a move like Focus Energy or Z-Tailwind. However, it does copy the increased crit rate status in-game.

Video: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/246765880 (starts around 9:15)
Showdown replay (incorrect): https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen7doublesou-728210726

A more important bug with Aura calculation discovered: for some reason, Aura boosts are only applied to one slot in a double battle. I am not certain if anything else is wrong with Auras. See this Showdown replay for the incorrect behavior (it applies to both in-game): http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen7doublescustomgame-728224789
Nice finds, both fixed next update! Luckily that Transform mechanic only started existing in Gen 6 and the world hasn't been wrong for 20 years. :blobthumbsup:
The mechanics of Linked is that the move with the lowest priority bracket determines the linked priority bracket. In this case, U-turn has a priority of 0, which is lower than Fake Out's priority, meaning that the whole chain (including Fake Out) has 0 priority. For the Gale Wings and Prankster links you fought, all moves in the link were affected by the ability meaning the link as a whole had +1 priority, and so went before your Fake Out link.
Oh, thanks for the response
Hello. I would like to report a suspected bug. Playing a Linked battle (OM of the month), a Crawdaunt was immune to Moonblast used by Prankster Whimsicott. The message displayed said that dark types are immune to Prankster moves. Moonblast is obviously not such a move. It is an attacking move, and unaffected by Prankster. Moonblast is also not one of the linked moves on this Whimsicott. The Whimsicot set is as follows.

Whimsicott @ Leftovers
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 HP / 0 Atk
- Substitute
- Leech Seed
- Moonblast
- Encore

Here is the battle replay link. https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen7linked-728593774

Thank you for reviewing my report.
Bug with prankster (a real one):
I had a mega bannette out against a weavile, and I clicked shadow claw. The weavile didn't take damage, stating "in gen 7, dark types are immune to prankster". I also couldn't use sucker punch, as the weavile took no damage and the same message was displayed
Note: This was in the OM of the month Linked, if that makes a difference. My attacking moves were NOT linked with status moves, however.
I have two bugs to report, both having to do with the Showdown calculator. Not sure if either have been reported before. The first, and most important one, is that the calculator will sometimes carry over HP stats to other mons without indicating with the Base Hp Stat. This can be remedied if you add HP evs to the Pokemon, but it can still lead to miscalcs if the player isn't expecting the bug. I notice this usually happens if I switch to calcing a specific custom set I have imported to the calc, which leads me to believe it is an issue with the cookies.
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The second bug is a minor one: For Necrozma's Photon Geyser, it does not ignore multiscale when calcing. Seems like an easy fix.
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TYVM, have a good one
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Battle displays started screwing up randomly and I got these fun pictures-
Even worse, taking a screencap of the Dragonite battle started causing my Snipping Tool to get infected with it too-
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Testing the Sticky Barb I've realized that there is an error. The Sticky Barb stays in the pokemon when it receives a physical attack, here is the replay and the test in UM: https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen7ou-729999437
imgur link

You appear to have transfered the item twice in that replay - first to Incineroar after it hit Primarina and then back from Incineroar to Primarina after Primarina hit the now Sticky Barb holding Incineroar with the contact Aqua Tail.
You appear to have transfered the item twice in that replay - first to Incineroar after it hit Primarina and then back from Incineroar to Primarina after Primarina hit the now Sticky Barb holding Incineroar with the contact Aqua Tail.
oh you`re right my bad, i delete it
Hi! I had a little situation today. I was using an Arcanine against an Umbreon and I utilized Burn Up to render my Arcanine typeless and then Will-o-Wisp to activate the Umbreon's Synchronize and get burned as well (as I knew that it carried Toxic and preferred the burn over the intoxication). I was expecting Arcanine would lose the burned status after switching out and recovering its Fire Type (as Fire Types cannot be burned), however upon switching back in Arcanine still displayed the condition and suffered the corresponding HP loss, which caught my attention. I looked up Burn Up to see if it did actually work that way, but I'm afraid I couldn't find anything. Is that how it's supposed to work? If so, then sorry for wasting space :facepalm:Otherwise well, here you go :mehowth:
Hi! I had a little situation today. I was using an Arcanine against an Umbreon and I utilized Burn Up to render my Arcanine typeless and then Will-o-Wisp to activate the Umbreon's Synchronize and get burned as well (as I knew that it carried Toxic and preferred the burn over the intoxication). I was expecting Arcanine would lose the burned status after switching out and recovering its Fire Type (as Fire Types cannot be burned), however upon switching back in Arcanine still displayed the condition and suffered the corresponding HP loss, which caught my attention. I looked up Burn Up to see if it did actually work that way, but I'm afraid I couldn't find anything. Is that how it's supposed to work? If so, then sorry for wasting space :facepalm:Otherwise well, here you go :mehowth:

I think it works like this. Since I know if you poison a Steel type when it's not a Steel-type, it will still get toxic damage even if it restores its Steel typing.
I recently encountered a bug, I think, where the combination of Mach Punch+Bullet Punch+Sucker Punch (MP+BP+SP) is invalid on Technician and Intimidate Hitmontops according to the PS! Teambuilder. This is despite the fact that all my relevant sources (Serebii, Bulbapedia, pokemondb) say that one can breed a Tyrogue with Mach Punch and Bullet Punch in Generation 4 and, once evolved into Hitmontop, it should be able to learn Sucker Punch from the move tutor in Platinum. Is this some in-depth incompatibility limitation in Gen 4, or what? It is important to note that MP+BP, MP+SP, and BP+SP separately are valid even according to the Teambuilder. I encountered this while teambuilding for the Gen 7-based OM Linked, if that matters.

Screenshot: https://ibb.co/mx9o7H
It is important to note that MP+BP, MP+SP, and BP+SP separately are valid even according to the Teambuilder.

Seems like Showdown is only recognizing MP+BP as legal from Gen 6+ and a SP from Gen 4, saying MP+BP is illegal in Gen 4. Apparently Hitmonchan can pass these down to Tyrogue though. I also noticed that when looking for parents in Showdown, it listed a few different mons so I don't think it takes in account the male only factor.
In Gen 7 random battle, was fighting a person who had Aurorus, he said it had snow warning but the hail did not activate, he said this was the second time it happened today. Not sure if he assumed it was Snow Warning or just Refrigerate
Got an impossible damage roll in turn 4: http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen7balancedhackmons-730635218

For some reason, Dialga's Doom Desire did less damage than its Core Enforcer on the same turn, so that the opposing Slaking survived.
Maybe the Adaptability boost didn't appöy for some reason?

252+ SpA Adamant Orb Adaptability Dialga Doom Desire vs. +1 252 HP / 252 SpD Slaking: 308-364 (61.1 - 72.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ SpA Adamant Orb Adaptability Dialga Core Enforcer vs. +1 252 HP / 252 SpD Slaking: 220-260 (43.6 - 51.5%) -- 9.4% chance to 2HKO
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