Bug Reports v2.0 (READ OP BEFORE POSTING!!)

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Megagross's non-animated backsprite looks in the wrong direction...
There appears to be a minor issue with the /statcalc command's description:

/statcalc [level] [base stat] [IVs] [nature] [EVs] [modifier]

However, if you use the above setup to calc, say, Araquanid's max Speed stat, you get

Input: /statcalc 100 42 31 positive 252
Result: Base 100 at level 100 with 31 IVs, 252+ EVs: 328.

It appears that the level input is used as the base stat input instead, whereas, if you remove the level input OR swap the two values around, you get the correct result:

Input: /statcalc 42 31 positive 252 *or* /statcalc 42 100 31 positive 252
Result: Base 42 at level 100 with 31 IVs, 252+ EVs: 201.

Just a very minor error, but still could be misleading for those people who try to use it.
Rage Powder not working as intended

So i used rage powder with my Parasect and then Tapu Bulu attacks my Garchomp with wood hammer.

Forgot about the replay, sorry.
Rage Powder not working as intended

So i used rage powder with my Parasect and then Tapu Bulu attacks my Garchomp with wood hammer.

Forgot about the replay, sorry.

Grass types are immune to powder moves as of Gen 6 - Rage Powder is counted as a powder move so it will not force opposing Grass-types to target the user.
Unless it works like this in-game (I don't have a copy of USUM so excuse me if it does):

When you use Pursuit but the user is knocked by Volt Switch or U-turn before it uses, the message ([Pokemon] is being withdrawn!) still appears evne tho Pursuit wouldn't be able to be performed.

I think something weird is going on with Gen 6 Battle Factory, every time we make a battle it says it crashed, then wont let the match close unless we log out and log back in

Thrash worked for 4 turns when the description says 2-3.

I checked Veekun but they don't seem to have gen 1 data. Azure/Bulbapedia say it's 3-4 for gen 1 (maybe not reliable though). I believe it was changed from 3-4 to 2-3 in gen 2, but it's also possible that the description says 2-3 ingame and it actually works for 3-4 because it's gen 1.

If that's not the case, however, I believe the gen 1 description should be changed to 3-4.

not sure how to "prove" that's from gen 1 teambuilder, but it is :)
If you use Spite when the opponent's move only has 1, 2, or 3 PP left, Spite's message is supposed to use that number instead of uniformly saying "reduced by 4!" In the real game, paying close attention to those messages can key you in to whether the opponent is using PP Ups or not. Obviously in the sim, which forces all moves to take max PP Ups whether you want them to or not, it's not as big a deal as far as conveying information, but there is still one conceivable case where it makes a difference. If the opponent has two damaging moves that run off the same Z-crystal (such as a mixed Infernape with Close Combat, Focus Blast, and Fightinium Z), it may not be possible to tell which base move the Z-PP was supposed to be attributed to, but if Spite gave an accurate message for the PP it subtracted, you could corroborate that message with the mouseover's account of PP used to determine if that adds up to the full total, or if it seemingly stopped one short (and therefore must have been the Z move).
I found out, that you can play more than one Hidden Power and with different typing, if all IV's are at 31. It's shown as valid (check photo) and I can play with it. This works for every format.

4 hps.JPG
I found out, that you can play more than one Hidden Power and with different typing, if all IV's are at 31. It's shown as valid (check photo) and I can play with it. This works for every format.

View attachment 107242

To clarify, this happens with all moves if you manually multiple of the same move. Only the first instance will appear in the moveset during battle however, so you'd see that Kyurem would only "know" HP Bug in battle.

Issue is that validator doesn't let you know if you have multiple of a move in your moveset, but battles do not let you use multiple Hidden Powers on one pokemon.
Reported to me by user Swaggy McBuckets; there is probably a bug with Instruct and Protect. On Showdown, it appears that an Instructed failed Protect uses the same counter as the previously failed Protect, but in-game it appears the Protect counter always resets after a failed Protect. Swaggy McBuckets did more tests independently of the following replays and thinks the odds are too low for it to be coincidence.

Showdown replays: https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen7doublescustomgame-722030290 and https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen7vgc2018-722029090

EDIT: Apparently he just got lucky, see below.

EDIT 2: Apparently not, there was an error with Merritt's tests.
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Reported to me by user Swaggy McBuckets; there is probably a bug with Instruct and Protect. On Showdown, it appears that an Instructed failed Protect uses the same counter as the previously failed Protect, but in-game it appears the Protect counter always resets after a failed Protect. Swaggy McBuckets did more tests independently of the following replays and thinks the odds are too low for it to be coincidence.

Showdown replays: https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen7doublescustomgame-722030290 and https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen7vgc2018-722029090

I tested this a few months ago and got different results from you and I don't know why. Was this patched since then or something?

Found and uploaded the video, skip to turn 5/13 for the scenario since I was testing other things on the prior turns. e: I did it again, check edit, second video's more to the point.

Turn 4: Wishiwashi uses protect successfully, everybody else does nothing that matters.
Turn 5: Wishiwashi attempts to use protect, message "But it failed" pops up, Oranguru uses Instruct on Wishiwashi and "But it failed!" happens again.


Did I screw up when testing it somehow?


To double check, I went and tested this again. Same deal, got a double failure. I cannot explain your video.



And another one, this time featuring double protect failure two times.


EDIT3: See Marty’s post below.
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Did I screw up when testing it somehow?
I can't watch the battle videos, but I have to ask, was Oranguru the last to move when using Instruct? That would explain why Protect kept failing, because it always fails when the user moves last (this is why it fails when the opponent switches out in Singles, for example). I guarantee that Showdown is wrong to continue using the same counter after a Protect failure during the same turn.
I can't watch the battle videos, but I have to ask, was Oranguru the last to move when using Instruct? That would explain why Protect kept failing, because it always fails when the user moves last (this is why it fails when the opponent switches out in Singles, for example). I guarantee that Showdown is wrong to continue using the same counter after a Protect failure during the same turn.
Yes, that was the case in Merritt's Battle Videos - good catch! Swaggy McBuckets did his testing in Trick Room, while Merritt's was with Oranguru moving last in normal Speed conditions. I just labbed it out myself and replicated Swaggy McBuckets's results, being able to successfully Protect after 4 failed double Protects and 2 failed triple Protects. H98G-WWWW-WWWJ-SL6E. My original post still stands as a result.
Photon Geyser should have done much more damage here: https://play.pokemonshowdown.com/battle-gen7balancedhackmons-722277945

Because of the Burn, my SpA was higher than the Atk, so that Photon Geyser was a special move - and according to the calc, it should do around 50% of damage or more, coming off of Slaking's SpA. However, it did only 31%.

This is the correct behavior.

Since it cape up in discord: Burn doesn't actually drop your raw stat, which means that in this same case, the burned 300 Atk Necrozma still uses its attack stat for Photon Geyser over the 200 SpA, and as such deals damage coming from the Atk stat, which is then halved by the burn.

e: To elaborate, ever since gen 3 burn's damage reduction has been done as a modifier to the damage formula, not as a raw stat reduction to Attack. That's why you'll see that the damage for these two calcs is slightly different.

-2 252+ Atk Landorus-Therian Supersonic Skystrike (175 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Paras: 1096-1296 (519.4 - 614.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO
Possible damage amounts: (1096, 1108, 1120, 1140, 1152, 1164, 1176, 1188, 1200, 1216, 1228, 1240, 1252, 1264, 1276, 1296)

252+ Atk burned Landorus-Therian Supersonic Skystrike (175 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Paras: 1098-1292 (520.3 - 612.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO
Possible damage amounts: (1098, 1110, 1122, 1136, 1148, 1160, 1176, 1188, 1200, 1214, 1226, 1238, 1254, 1266, 1278, 1292)
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Thanks for the clarification. But why was Photon Geyser shown as a "special" move then? I wrongly assumed that was because I was burned and it would use my Pokemon's special attack rather than the attack stat.
Thanks for the clarification. But why was Photon Geyser shown as a "special" move then? I wrongly assumed that was because I was burned and it would use my Pokemon's special attack rather than the attack stat.
Photon Geyser Displays as Special in-game by default, because that's the category Shattered Psyche defaults to, when using Photon Geyser as the base move
Photon Geyser should have done much more damage here: https://play.pokemonshowdown.com/battle-gen7balancedhackmons-722277945

Because of the Burn, my SpA was higher than the Atk, so that Photon Geyser was a special move - and according to the calc, it should do around 50% of damage or more, coming off of Slaking's SpA. However, it did only 31%.

Photon Geyser doesn't take in account the burn, so if the attack without the burn is higher than the Spa, it will still use the attack.
Hi there I would like to report a bug

Turn 3
Ed Sheeram has 45 seconds left.
Il buffone has 45 seconds left.

Amoonguss used Rage Powder!
Amoonguss became the center of attention!

The opposing Sceptile used Grass Pledge!
It's super effective!
Tyranitar lost 56.0% of its health!

The opposing Arcanine used Flare Blitz!
It's super effective!
Amoonguss lost 37.6% of its health!
The opposing Arcanine is damaged by the recoil!

Amoonguss fainted!

Tyranitar used Dragon Dance!
Tyranitar's Attack rose!
Tyranitar's Speed rose!

Grass Pledge Should have hit amoonguss
Why did it not
Hi there I would like to report a bug

Turn 3
Ed Sheeram has 45 seconds left.
Il buffone has 45 seconds left.

Amoonguss used Rage Powder!
Amoonguss became the center of attention!

The opposing Sceptile used Grass Pledge!
It's super effective!
Tyranitar lost 56.0% of its health!

The opposing Arcanine used Flare Blitz!
It's super effective!
Amoonguss lost 37.6% of its health!
The opposing Arcanine is damaged by the recoil!

Amoonguss fainted!

Tyranitar used Dragon Dance!
Tyranitar's Attack rose!
Tyranitar's Speed rose!

Grass Pledge Should have hit amoonguss
Why did it not

grass types ignore the effects of rage powder, this is not a bug
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