Bug Reports v2.0 (READ OP BEFORE POSTING!!)

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I was playing Gen 7 Randoms, and I had a Zygarde with Outrage and a Lum Berry. After using Outrage, it became confusd (as usual), but the Lum Berry didn’t activate until next turn. I think it has something to do with Infestation. Here’s the replay:

replay said:
[Vespiquen's Unnerve!]
The opposing team is too nervous to eat Berries!

Unnerve prevented Zygarde from eating the lum berry until Vespiquen was no longer active.
When I eat a Rowap Berry, opponents still see the item's name instead of the usual "Item: None". It's a bit unclear.

https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen7metronomebattle-734775739 - asked a guy and they confirmed


EDIT: Here's another display glitch. After changing ability and using Gastro Acid, the display erroneously claims the Pokemon's ability to be its original one instead of the new one even when it's technically still active.



Scizor gets Simple Beamed (ability = Simple, Swarm revealed) and then gets Gastro Acidded (Simple is suppressed) but the display claims its ability to be Swarm. A second Simple Beam fails so I believe its ability was still Simple.

Here is a replay. I tested to see if either ability (Simple or the real Keen Eye) was still in effect (nope) and Skill Swapped to check what ability I actually had (still Simple).


It's very minor but not sure where else to put these.

The Gen 1 Hi Jump Kick short description (/dt hijumpkick, gen1) says "User takes 1 HP damage it would have dealt if miss." but it shouldn't have the part about "it would have dealt".

Already informed the help room but Gen 1 Hyper Beam short description (/dt hyper beam, gen 1) appears cut off.


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Nothing spectacular, but there are some more erroneous behaviors with Disguise. Counter fails if the last move against you hit the Disguise, but on cartridge it deals 1 Damage. Also a Pokémon with Disguise can be critically hit, that's impossible in the games. I don't think anything would change if it could, but if something like Anger Point comes out as an Item in the future... I'm still pretty sure that Disguise skips damage calculations altogether.
The hover display should update items appropriately when Symbiosis activates. The opponent can see that I share my item with my other mon, so the hover displays should update accordingly, but the receiver still shows "Item: None (used item)" and the giver doesn't have any "item used" label.

These screenshots are after the battle concludes, but when it was active I could see the real status of the items.



EDIT: inbattle example screenshot

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Minor bug, but:

In Gen 4 OU, some Pokemon which are in Gen 4 Ubers, list their "Banned from OU" text twice.
The only two Pokemon i've encountered with this trait are Garchomp and Shaymin-Sky.
PS: I'd originally reported this on ROM, but just now realized this is on PS too.

Screenshot 2018-04-21 at 12.19.47 PM.png
Screenshot 2018-04-21 at 12.22.06 PM.png

Thanks for reading!
Metronome damage in the damage calc doesn't seem to be consistent with Pokemon Showdown.


Go! Greninja2 (Greninja)!

Flametix sent out Greninja1 (Greninja)!
[Opposing Greninja1's Frisk!]
The opposing Greninja1 frisked Greninja2 and found its Metronome!
[Greninja2's Frisk!]
Greninja2 frisked the opposing Greninja1 and found its Metronome!
Turn 1

The opposing Greninja1 used Pound!
Greninja2 lost 10.6% of its health!

Greninja2 used Pound!
The opposing Greninja1 lost 10.9% of its health!
Turn 2

Greninja2 used Pound!
The opposing Greninja1 lost 14.9% of its health!

The opposing Greninja1 used Pound!
Greninja2 lost 13.8% of its health!
Turn 3

Greninja2 used Pound!
The opposing Greninja1 lost 15.8% of its health!

The opposing Greninja1 used Pound!
Greninja2 lost 14.9% of its health!
Turn 4

The opposing Greninja1 used Pound!
Greninja2 lost 16.7% of its health!

Greninja2 used Pound!
The opposing Greninja1 lost 17.0% of its health!
Turn 5

The opposing Greninja1 used Pound!
Greninja2 lost 21.8% of its health!

Greninja2 used Pound!
The opposing Greninja1 lost 22.1% of its health!
Turn 6

Greninja2 used Pound!
The opposing Greninja1 lost 19.3% of its health!

The opposing Greninja1 fainted!


1. 252 Atk Greninja Aerial Ace vs. 252 HP / 252 Def Greninja: 36-43 (10.3 - 12.3%) -- possible 9HKO (Seems to match up)

2. 252 Atk Metronome Greninja Aerial Ace vs. 252 HP / 252 Def Greninja: 40-47 (11.4 - 13.5%) -- not a KO

3. 252 Atk Metronome Greninja Aerial Ace vs. 252 HP / 252 Def Greninja: 48-56 (13.7 - 16%) -- not a KO

4. 252 Atk Metronome Greninja Aerial Ace vs. 252 HP / 252 Def Greninja: 62-73 (17.8 - 20.9%) -- not a KO

5. 252 Atk Metronome Greninja Aerial Ace vs. 252 HP / 252 Def Greninja: 87-102 (25 - 29.3%) -- not a KO

These damage rolls don't match up and the damage calculator also seems to be going over 100% boost. In fact it seems like it's adding about 4, then 8, then a lot more than expected to the damage rolls. It's close to doubling the added damage but not quite?

Here is the set I used to test this.

Greninja1 (Greninja) @ Metronome
Ability: Frisk
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def
- Pound


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The damage calculator is implementing Metronome as no boost for the first use, then x1.1, then x1.32 (applying both a 1.1 and a 1.2 boost), then x1.716 (all of 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3), then x2.4024 (tacking on a 1.4 as well). Battle source, on the other hand, simply adds a flat 1.2 to the multiplier each time...with the implication that the move wouldn't max out until the 6th use, rather than the 5th?
Could it have been a Magic Guard Shaymin-Sky? The one that used it wasn’t the Delta Stream one. I somewhat remember calling it from Metronome and taking recoil a while back.

I've seen Mind Blown be called several times from Metronome during laddering, and I also can attest that Mind Blown has never recoiled. Apparently nobody knows the real behaviour, or that's the reason I was told.

Example replay with revealed Magic Bounce:

EDIT: Also the Shaymin-Sky is probably running Flower Veil.
Related to damage calculator:

I found that Darkest Lariat calculations do not ignore stat stage changes, when input in damage calculations. I know it's simpler to just not input the target's defence stat rises, but if u could implement the ignoring part, it would be helpful.

+6 176 Atk Incineroar Darkest Lariat vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Eviolite Munchlax: 385-454 (81.2 - 95.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
+6 176 Atk Incineroar Darkest Lariat vs. +6 252 HP / 252+ Def Eviolite Munchlax: 97-115 (20.4 - 24.2%) -- guaranteed 5HKO

Thanks! ~
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Yesterday I saw this replay in the help room and I don't think this is intended behaviour.

It shows a metronome battle ending because both sides used a single Leppa Berry they started with and endless battle was triggered even though it didn't seem to be one. I also notice mons being in an "endless loop" when they just eat their first Leppa in the official Metronome Battles too.

Related to the damage calculator :

Nature power doesnt have a z move calculation available. Damage displayed of " z nature power" is same as nature power's original power.
My battle display didn't seem to update PP correctly after the opponent lost its PP to Grudge but then ate a Leppa Berry. It was stuck at 0 PP even though he still had PP and it knew the Leppa Berry was eaten.


My bad, then you can guess its not listed because its banned universally ( Banned anywhere but ag ),because it is no longer a clause.
That also does not make sense. Evasion and OHKO moves are also banned everywhere except in AG, but they are listed anyways. Moreover, Baton Pass is not banned everywhere as it is legal in LC.

I think the correct answer is that specific banned stuff like abilities are not mentioned in such a clause in general such as Shadow Tag or Arena Trap in OU battles. But I agree with sumwun that it is highly inconsistent, since Moody and OHKO moves are mentioned.
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