
what are you going to 'catch' with pursuit that tyranitar wouldnt do a better job of anyway?
I think Gamefreak was trying to make the "ultimate lure" in the form of zoroark. Illusion allows it to appear as a pokemon on your team that may need certain threats to be taken down, and kill or weaken them. For example

Conkeldurr Has trouble with (Insert bulky ghost or psychic here), you send in zoroark after one of your pokemon has fainted or on a status move. Opponent switches in their (Insert bulky ghost or psychic here) "Conkeldurr" uses Dark pulse and takes down the opposing pokemon. You send in conkeldurr and the opponent will have a much harder time with it with their Conkeldurr counter gone/weakened.
what are you going to 'catch' with pursuit that tyranitar wouldnt do a better job of anyway?

Off the top of my head, and assuming that you are disguised in such a way that it will scare them out, faster frail things that can severely damage T-tar, such as Gengar or Azelf. Also, if you are running a different Weather, you can't have T-tar.
Gengar and Azelf outspeed Zoroark as well.

The only thing I can really think of is Jellicent, who laughs at your unboosted Pursuits, and more fringe stuff like Cofagrigus and the like.
Pursuit is just not good on a Pokemon like Zoroark. He doesn't have the Attack that Tyranitar has nor the Speed that Weavile has that makes it a good Pursuit Pokemon.

Zoroark is infinitely better off using Sucker Punch. With about 40 EVs in Attack, Naive Life Orb Zoroark OHKOs Latios after Stealth Rock. You KO all those Pokemon you were trying to Pursuit with so much less risk. Worst case scenario becomes 'Gengar used Substitute', instead of a much worse case such as 'Gengar used Focus Blast.'
Just wanted to say that depending on the Pokemon you're imitating, Pursuit is not the way to go. Zoroark isn't the right type of Pokemon to use it, along with the fact that most of Zoroark's better partners use Sucker Punch over Pursuit.
My set on PO was mixed. I believe I maxed out his physical attack EVs and gave it...

Focus Blast/Night Burst/Taunt
Sucker Punch
Flame Thrower

I used a Very similar set as an Anti-Lead/Wall Breaker/Disrupter

My set was:

Item: Focus Sash
Ability: Illusion
Nature: Hasty
EV's: either 200 ATK, 112 Sp.A and 180 Spd OR 76 ATK, 252 Sp.A and 180 Spd
Sucker Punch
Taunt/ HP Ice

It is a very effective pokemon at scouting out moves and getting some cheap KO's from Sucker Punch or Flamethrower
I'd love to see someone double bluff with Zoroark. For (bad) example, using a damp Politoed. You run the effect that would 'give the illusion away' and use it as a double bluff to net a quick KO.

Has anyone had any luck with this?
Well first off it should be water absorb Politoed, but whatever.

You would need a pokemon with an ability that it doesn't really need, but still noticable upon switching in. The only good idea that I can (that is currently realeased) might be Moxie Gyarados, pretending to be Zoroark, pretending to be a more bulky Gyarados.
The best Pokémon for Zoroark to become is Gengar. Why? For one they have similar moves but the main reason is that Zoroark is weak to fighting and bug, Gengar is immune to the former and resistant to the latter. Another bonus is that Gengar is weak to psychic (which
Zoroark is immune to giving you a free turn against the right Pokémon) and dark which Zoroark is is resistant to.
My build was:

Item: Life Orb
Ability: Illusion
Nature: Hasty
EV's: 252 SpA/252 Spe/6 HP
Nasty Plot
Focus Blast
Night Daze
Zoroark transforms as the last pokemon in your party, not the one next to it.

Congrats for replying to a post that is 1-year-old. =.=

I run a Zoroark with Sub such as to ease some prediction. The only problem is as to who to disguise it as. Breloom doesn't work since the game is most likely up when the opponent sees Lefties instead of Toxic Orb. ;/

the set is Sub/NP/Dark Pulse/Focus Miss btw
Congrats for replying to a post that is 1-year-old. =.=

I run a Zoroark with Sub such as to ease some prediction. The only problem is as to who to disguise it as. Breloom doesn't work since the game is most likely up when the opponent sees Lefties instead of Toxic Orb. ;/

the set is Sub/NP/Dark Pulse/Focus Miss btw

Well as said before gengar makes a good partner it also often runs sub and has good type synergy with zoroark
Congrats for replying to a post that is 1-year-old. =.=

I run a Zoroark with Sub such as to ease some prediction. The only problem is as to who to disguise it as. Breloom doesn't work since the game is most likely up when the opponent sees Lefties instead of Toxic Orb. ;/

the set is Sub/NP/Dark Pulse/Focus Miss btw

I did that one time. xD.

I made a new account, and pretended I was bad by using a Zoro digsused as a Breloom with Sub and Grass Knot.
I personally think that it would be incredibly effective to disguise Zoroark as a spinner. Do what you want while their lead sets up hazards, then bring in Zoroark disguised as something which obviously has Rapid Spin and is about to use it. They send in a Ghost to block it, who gets hit hard by Night Daze/Dark Pulse/Night Slash/whatever odd Dark move you like to run. Now you can spin without fear and they're a Pokémon down.

I do this with Tentacruel, but it's not that effective. Everyone just stays in anyway. So this could be something great on paper but awful in practice, or I'm just using the wrong disguise, or whatever. You decide.
I personally think that it would be incredibly effective to disguise Zoroark as a spinner. Do what you want while their lead sets up hazards, then bring in Zoroark disguised as something which obviously has Rapid Spin and is about to use it. They send in a Ghost to block it, who gets hit hard by Night Daze/Dark Pulse/Night Slash/whatever odd Dark move you like to run. Now you can spin without fear and they're a Pokémon down.

I do this with Tentacruel, but it's not that effective. Everyone just stays in anyway. So this could be something great on paper but awful in practice, or I'm just using the wrong disguise, or whatever. You decide.

starmie is great at forcing switches and is the fastest unboosted rapid spinner (sand rush excadrill) and has decent synergy with zoroark. try starmie out
I personally think that it would be incredibly effective to disguise Zoroark as a spinner. Do what you want while their lead sets up hazards, then bring in Zoroark disguised as something which obviously has Rapid Spin and is about to use it. They send in a Ghost to block it, who gets hit hard by Night Daze/Dark Pulse/Night Slash/whatever odd Dark move you like to run. Now you can spin without fear and they're a Pokémon down.

I do this with Tentacruel, but it's not that effective. Everyone just stays in anyway. So this could be something great on paper but awful in practice, or I'm just using the wrong disguise, or whatever. You decide.

Use Hitmontop, because Hitmontop really lacks the means to own ghosts other than Sucker Punch.

@DoABarrelRoll: uh, can you look through the entire thread before posting? I could've sworn there was a debate over ND VS. DP.
Use Hitmontop, because Hitmontop really lacks the means to own ghosts other than Sucker Punch.

@DoABarrelRoll: uh, can you look through the entire thread before posting? I could've sworn there was a debate over ND VS. DP.

I doubt he is going to do that. But to answer his question, Dark Pulse is better because it allows Zoroark to disguise himself much better considering that Night Daze is his signature move.
I doubt he is going to do that. But to answer his question, Dark Pulse is better because it allows Zoroark to disguise himself much better considering that Night Daze is his signature move.

that, and zoroark loves the 20% flinch chance. it can save it's ass in a life or death situation
starmie is great at forcing switches and is the fastest unboosted rapid spinner (sand rush excadrill) and has decent synergy with zoroark. try starmie out

I was thinking tenta too. Mostly because of poison he resists fighting and bug, and he attracts psychic types and he also brings in slow steels to hit with flamethrower, or even FB/hp fight
No offense bro, but I don't want to look through 27 pages of Zoroark discussion, and I don't think anyone else does either.

I think night daze is better, goes for the flich hax instead of power is kinda silly in my opinion, but whatever.
No offense bro, but I don't wan to look through 27 pages of Zoroark discussion, and I don't think anyone else does either.

I think night daze is better, goes for the flich hax instead of power is kinda silly in my opinion, but whatever.

zoroark doesn't score any notable KO's by using night daze i believe.