
I use Zoroark and I actually use it as a late game. Where I can screw with the opponent's mind, however it is difficult to pull off properly, because with team preview, so what I do is switch that Zoroark will Illusionize, for another good pokemon for it to illusionize.
However I find that it cant sweep the whole team with Sub/Nasty Plot/Flamethrower/Dark Pulse
So I need a mix set, so my question is would a mix set be versatile to pull off a sweep?
Like Zoroark will actually survive a Water move. Unless it's Splash- oh wait that's a Normal type move for some reason.

Oh I can actually explain that even though its a tad off topic. The Japanese name of the move is "Hop" or a better translation would be like "Flop" or something. It has nothing to do with water, only flopping around uselessly. One of the many inaccurate translations in Red and Blue (like Growl.)

Wouldn't a mixed set be best with this thing? Sucker Punch is an amazing move and i'd imagine that it's beastly with illusion. Zoroark isn't fast enough to beat the likes of Latios, Gengar and company, and sucker punch can OHKO them all.

My set on PO was mixed. I believe I maxed out his physical attack EVs and gave it...

Focus Blast/Night Burst/Taunt
Sucker Punch
Flame Thrower

And I mixed it around a few times with Dark Pulse and Nasty Plot and whatnot. Worked pretty well. Theres never any reason for the opponent to suspect u sent out Zoroark and its not worth trying to predict which Pokemon IS Zoroark so he always got off an attack. Worked wonders on Reunicluses.
Is there any way to make Zoroark last longer? I find my Zoroark getting really wrecked by fighting types and by everytihng in general. :( He dies in like one-two turns! :o
Then you're using Zoroark the wrong way.
He should hide himself as a Ghost type or a fighting type or something along those lines. Then trick the opponent into using an attack that is not very effective, then strike with an attack the opponent never would expect.
zoroark cannot sweep. it should be used to lure and defeat counters to powerful pokemon. the best set is probably night burst/flamethrower/focus blast/hp ice
zoroark cannot sweep. it should be used to lure and defeat counters to powerful pokemon. the best set is probably night burst/flamethrower/focus blast/hp ice
YES IT CAN! I run Zoroark in the lead position with Nasty Plot and Focus Sash disguised as Cofagrigus and I have gotten COUNTLESS sweeps. There have been times where I try to test a change I made to my team but can't because Zoroark is so beast. In the lead position, everyone either tries to set up on me, hit me with a Dark attack, or is a Politoad so getting Nasty Plot is easy. With max speed and Timid, I outrun A LOT (My jaw DROPPED when I outran a Starmie...it probably wasn't running max speed). Not even Conckeldurr can stop it, because they all run Drain Punch or use Payback thinking I'm a Cafagrigus, and is OHKOd by Focus Blast after a Nasty Plot (I don't know if he needs the NP to OHKO Conckedurr, though.)

Also, shouldn't someone change Night Slash to Sucker Punch in the OP's Swords Dance set?
YES IT CAN! I run Zoroark in the lead position with Nasty Plot and Focus Sash disguised as Cofagrigus and I have gotten COUNTLESS sweeps. There have been times where I try to test a change I made to my team but can't because Zoroark is so beast. In the lead position, everyone either tries to set up on me, hit me with a Dark attack, or is a Politoad so getting Nasty Plot is easy. With max speed and Timid, I outrun A LOT (My jaw DROPPED when I outran a Starmie...it probably wasn't running max speed). Not even Conckeldurr can stop it, because they all run Drain Punch or use Payback thinking I'm a Cafagrigus, and is OHKOd by Focus Blast after a Nasty Plot (I don't know if he needs the NP to OHKO Conckedurr, though.)

Also, shouldn't someone change Night Slash to Sucker Punch in the OP's Swords Dance set?

But like... what does it do when Starmie DOES run max speed, or the Conkledurr, for whatever reason, decides to run Mach Punch?
I wish they'd given him a slightly larger movepool (both physically and specially). On the special side of things, thunderbolt or one of the psychic attacks would've been nice. On the physical side of things, they should've given him EQ or one of the rock type moves.
But like... what does it do when Starmie DOES run max speed, or the Conkledurr, for whatever reason, decides to run Mach Punch?
It gets off a sucker punch and dies. But just because its defenses are low, in some cases nearly non-existant, it can still sweep with it's high sp. atk and Nasty Plot.
No, it really can't. It isn't fast enough to compensate for its paper defenses and it has to rely on focus blast. It's a lure from top to bottom, from ability to movepool to stats.
It is definitely a lure, but it can pull off a sweep every now and then...assuming you've removed their scarfer and priority user. That said, so can everything else under those conditions.
No, it really can't. .

Yes, it really can, under the right conditions, which I was trying to say earlier my b

It isn't fast enough to compensate for its paper defenses and it has to rely on focus blast. .

Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Depends on the situation. Besides, Zoroark is pretty fast and can outrun some threats or just use illusion to get cheap shots off.

It's a lure from top to bottom, from ability to movepool to stats.

Stats, arguble but for the sake of not caring, I'll give it to you. Ability, possibly and possibly a cover up for the set up move. Movepool, learns Hone claws and Nasty Plot, has night burst/flamethrower/grass knot/and has high enough sp atk to use hp with some effectiveness. 2/3 means it's possible for a sweep
Ive been testing zoroark to fake an excadrill set and it has been working alright removing stuff like gliscor or skarm
His signature move Night Daze has 5 more base power at the trivial cost of 5 accuracy.

His signature move Night Daze has only 5 more base power at the cost of getting you killed once every 20 fights. I will admit 40% chance of dropping accuracy is appealing, although the flinch is more useful (10% chance against 0.95(accuracy)*0.40(chance of effect)*0.25(chance of opponent missing) = slightly less than 10% chance of having an effect). if the effect doesn't activate, you're pretty much dead either way.
Don't forget, Sharpteeth, that the accuracy drop remains with the opponent until they switch out, so your calculation doesn't give the full picture.
I'm surprised to see not set inthe Intro with his two best moves, Sucker Punch and above all Pursuit. I've been using him and it works like a charm (assuming you pair him up with the right mons of course).
i can't see pursuit being that useful, given that really you want to be hitting switch-ins with a super-effective move, rather than trying to catch things that are switching out. leave that to tyranitar.