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Project WCOR '24 Fantasy League!

aaand thats a wrap! All main stage games have now concluded, which means it's time to look at the results!

:relic_gold: Amaranth with an incredible 41-19 record!
:relic_silver: Enzonana. not too far behind with 39-21
:relic_copper: flameingpigey2 and Lrogue both with 36-24. The same record as 1st and 2nd place in the real tournament!

Now, we can't just end things with a simple "these people won clap clap now go back to your homes" no, we've gotta get some stats going on!

First of all, here's the same "wins/losses" and "differential" charts that I showed in my previous post:
Next, here's a few new ones I've thrown together:
This is the theoretical best team that could have possibly been fielded. With a whopping 55-5 score, this team still manages to stay under-budget and within the team pick rules!
Surprisingly, it isn't Team Italy who has the most players, but Team US South, with 3 players.

Also in this post is the "best value player" - being BeeOrSomething - being priced at a measly 5500 points, they managed to sweep the competition 5-0, exceeding everyone's expectations!
Average Differential for Fantasy Teammates
This chart represents the average result of all teams that included this specific player - without including the record of this player themselves! This way we can see if a player was a common pick among "good" teams, even if the player had an unlucky tour. The chart is sorted by winrate of the player themselves, which gives us a few interesting things of note: Pokechess (0-5) and Enzonana. (1-4) both had unlucky tours, but people who picked them tended to be right on the money with the rest of their draft meanwhile BeeOrSomething (5-0) and Royal1604 (4-1) had great records, but people who picked them tended not to have poor results in the rest of their draft.
more stats to come, stay tuned!
I hope you've all had fun drafting & watching the world cup, but don't pack up just yet, because there are still more games to be played! Playoffs has just started - where players & spectators will often try to predict who wins each matchup, so go check that out and keep cheering on your players!

Finally, I'm going to keep this thread open for a bit longer, to ask everyone who participated for any feedback, suggestions, criticisms, or anything else you want to say about this project. This was a very small-scale pilot with simple rules so that both you as players and us as hosts could get a feel for how a fantasy league would work, but I hope to make a more in-depth and improved version for RBTT 8! If you'd like to see that, or have thoughts for what that should look like, please let me know!
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changing my gen 8 pick from master chief to stareal because i had some money left over and thereby booting myself off the podium was a generational fumble :zonger:
My whole team is made of players who went either 3-2 or 2-3, except for one person. Originally, I wanted to draft Fant'sy for the pun with the name of the competition (and because he is obviously good), but then I decided to be "serious". He and Wub went 3-2 in the end. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day fantasy league is ruined

(It's obviously not a critique towards Stareal, poor guy got haxed hard :eeveehide:)