Project WCOR '24 Fantasy League!

in, cant wait to flame players when they tank my fantasy

And this will be us

Poland + Portugal made some last minute lineup changes:
Morbius Z over sayyonara in Gen 7 (will cost 5000)
Derevien over tkcannihilator in Gen 3 (will cost 5000)
UltiNooba19 and Sceptross swap spots - Sceptross will start in Gen 2 (will cost 8000), and UltiNooba19 in Gen 1 (will cost 6000).

The original sheet has been edited to fit these changes.

Tagging all people whose lineups are affected, we will try to be lenient but try to confirm or edit your lineup accordingly ASAP (preferrably before the round goes up tomorrow):
Amaranth Celever Vitoran anddd it's just us three lmao
Alright, we're just past 1 week into the tour, so lets have a preliminary look at the fantasy league standings:

Not too much to see here, other than the standings of who is winning/losing, which we'll talk about in the next chart

This is the Set Differential score, IE wins - losses. As you can see, Chains of Markov has a huge lead of 6 points over Enzonana, who otherwise just peaks out above the rest of the pack. Overall the points difference follows a normal distribution, with an average of ~0.8 differential.
Next, I decided to plot hipster score on the x axis, and points on the Y, to try and see if there was any trend between popular draftees & better results:

aaand its a bit blob of nothing! There is a very slight trend pointing to more popular = higher score, but this is so slight as to be basically meaningless.
Hope everyone is enjoying the tournament so far! Make sure to keep cheering on your team, be it regional or fantasy