Want to see your Original sprites on the X-Box Live Arcade?

I don't know... it just feels like it needs more texture... some bristling fur or something maybe? Perhaps some fangs and claws?

I can agree with that. Looks a lot like a dude with cat face and a tail. Needs to look a bit more beastly, IMO.

Also, got bored in math class (since I'm already the best person there at Factoring), so I started thinking up some concepts for the last Metal Creature. I remembered that a Metal Eagle was on the original list, so I tried to draw something for that. Ended up looking a lot more like a Swallow/Lark, so not sure what you'll think of it. I'm just trying to get the last blanks filled in right now. +)
If you guys don't like it, just say so and I'll continue posting whenever another concept pops up. Expect the Fire Thylacine next, however.
I can agree with that. Looks a lot like a dude with cat face and a tail. Needs to look a bit more beastly, IMO.

Also, got bored in math class (since I'm already the best person there at Factoring), so I started thinking up some concepts for the last Metal Creature. I remembered that a Metal Eagle was on the original list, so I tried to draw something for that. Ended up looking a lot more like a Swallow/Lark, so not sure what you'll think of it. I'm just trying to get the last blanks filled in right now. +)
If you guys don't like it, just say so and I'll continue posting whenever another concept pops up. Expect the Fire Thylacine next, however.

I like the concept, dude! I think you fell into your usual trap though of making really cool but REALLY complex and compact concepts. I think if you play with the pose it could definitely work but currently there is too much going on in a compact space for it to shrink down well to a sprite. Get those wings up and out some how maybe? Take a look @ some bird pokemon poses if you need inspiration.
hey are we all dead yet

because if we aren't i have something


Not dead yet! :D

This turned out AMAZING dude!!!!!!!! Absolutely awesome! The ONLY thing I can find wrong with it right now is some minor things on the wings. The first minor thing is that I see no evidence of the back wing. It does not look weird currently to me but maybe we coueshow a little bit of it. And the second minor thing is the all black outlining on the right side of the visible wing. It just needs to be blended a bit.

But other than that nit-picky BS I think it is GREAT!
hey are we all dead yet

because if we aren't i have something


Dangit, when I want to post on my iPhone, my iPhone logs me out, and when I want to post on my computer, my comp logs me out.

Anywho, looks great man. Aside from what Jon said, the only other critique I can think of is to add a shade or two to the Black lines. They're just a tad flat compared to the robust shading on the rest of the body. That and the neck gets really thin at one point, although I'm not sure if intentional. Still, great job!
How is everyone doing? You guys all back in school?

Unfortunately, yes. I have a novel project due two weeks from now, a stop-motion short to film (which is going to be based on a Megaman Level Playthrough), and a Website to keep updated. I'm trying to get work done towards this project though. Mainly just been sketching as of late, but I'll hopefully have something done soon.

Btw, my English Teacher likes making us write... +( At least she's cool with us rewriting F-papers, and an otherwise cool teacher.
We might need some fresh blood in here to kick start this project again. If you guys know any good spriters send them this way! We could use the back up right now it seems!
I graduated last year, so I'm not in school, but i've been busy nontheless hahaha. I'll see if i cant do some spriting, but could you do and update with all the new sprites?
Remember that time I died and then came back only to disappear immediately after for several months? Yeah... good times.

If any of you guys happen to still be around I am rebooting this project. It will take me a little bit to re-organize everything and make sure the encyclopedia I have is up to date but If any of my old friends still exist I would love to chat.

See you guys around (hopefully)!
Well..well..well.. look who we have over here..if it itsn't Jon. The lost brother.
How have you been my friend?

Well i'm still here. So welcome back John.

Let's finish this project man!
Hello old friend! I have been good, if not extremely busy, lol. Looking forward to getting this going again. I have missed you guys.

Took a look through your thread and it looks like you have been practicing!
OH DAMN Jon! You're back! oh man ive missed you. I havent been spriting much lately, but Ive been designing fakemon for /vp/ makes a dex, so...I may end up being a bit rusty hahha
Doran! My friend! Glad to have you back rusty or not! I am sure with a little practice you can get right up to speed, lol. Or you can come up with some awesome concepts and we will get them sprited some how. It looks like Dhjona has been making some awesome sprites of some of your concepts lately. Maybe you guys can tag team!

This weekend I will get my old computer out and fix all of the image links, and make sure I have all the sprites compiled, so we can at least figure out where we are at with this currently.

I am not familiar with that particular project. Link?
By the time you click on the link it will probably be 404'd, but basically, a bunch of people on the pokemon board on 4chan decided that they wanted to make a unique region of fakemon, /vp/'s fakedex. Ive contributed since the begining, so Im pretty involved. Its alot faster to Draw than it is to sprite. Im eager to see whats left to finish and where we are with this currently. Ive missed you friend :)
Alright my brothers... so far as I can tell this is the current state of our encyclopedia. I could have sworn I had one where I highlighted the cells based on whether or not they needed to be revisited. Hmm... I will keep looking tomorrow.

Damn. Why are you so much better at my job than I am, lol. Holy crap I lost a lot of sprites... I need to find my old laptop.

The adult Cardinal has been updated (see Energy Storm's last post) and I am not sure about the Adult Ice Narwhal but beyond that this looks about right. I will check my laptop and see if I can find anything else.

EDIT: And honestly with the exception of a few that are truly amazing I think a case could be made to revisit any of these if you wanted to.
Doran! My friend! Glad to have you back rusty or not! I am sure with a little practice you can get right up to speed, lol. Or you can come up with some awesome concepts and we will get them sprited some how. It looks like Dhjona has been making some awesome sprites of some of your concepts lately. Maybe you guys can tag team!
Tag team isn't a bad idea actually. What do you think of it, Doran?

I have this, I dont know if its up to date.


I think there are more sprites that need a revamp or QC. Here are all the one i think need a revamp or QC:
I would tend to agree with most of your assessments, Dhjona. I have made some slight tweaks and updated the encyclopedia on the front page. I have also updated the overworld sprites encyclopedia. These will also be important to complete as we finalize designs.

I think if you and Doran decide to tag team that will be great! Or you guys can continue to create your own amazing sprites, which ever works best. If you guys happen to know any other good spriters that you could recruit to the cause that would be awesome. I have been out of the game for awhile and am not sure of who is still around or what new people may have arrived on the scene. Or if you know some people who are not from smogon we could invite.

Also, a while back, out of boredom, I was working on a texture pack for Minecraft for this game. A snapshot of the Ice Wolf can be seen below. Just figured I would share:
