Want to see your Original sprites on the X-Box Live Arcade?

Feel free to QC
I can't stand to only post rejections.
Eh, didn't turn out as well as I wanted it to, but


It look like a pretty good start but there are some issues. The head is pretty flat since it is looking straight to the side and the legs look slightly awkward. As best as I can tell the body works well but with the other issues it is hard to tell for sure. Also, now that I am looking at it the tail/ring thing seems off too. I just looks weird to have 3 spikes on one side and nothing on the other. I think on the original they were in the center. Sorry, dude. That ended up being a lot.

Tha Earth Lion Adult in tha house!

A bit late, but yeah.. busy as always.

I will slightly edit the juvenile lion, so that it fits more with the adult.

I agree with Doran that the head feels awkward. I'm sure its difficult to convey a neck bend when its head is covered in a leafy mane but we need to tweak something... Also the tail feels like it is WAY too thick and maybe all the vines/roots on the body could be a little more subtle or something.

Also, and I hate to say this, but the sprite feels slightly familiar...

EDIT: Yeah it took two seconds to find the sprite I was thinking about.

It does look like you just used it as reference and didn't trace, so no worries I guess.

What are the dimensions for overworlds?

EDIT: Never mind. Done.




This is awesome! I like that you took the initiative to make the overworld sprites too!

Like what the other guys say there is nothing that I can find wrong with the sprite in a technical sense. However... and this is really just a minor thing... but in the game if people train this thing and it matures into a giant gorilla they will likely be surprised. Its a GREAT sprite but it might need to be slightly clearer that it is some sort of ape/monkey and not just a fiery imp. Just find some way to slightly tweak it, don't scrap the sprite.

have any of the sprites been put on xbox live yet?

No. The sprites are part of a game that is still under development.

Feel free to QC
I can't stand to only post rejections.

Ha ha ha! The Narwhal is doing a handstand! That's awesome!

Have you had any luck on the overworld sprites?
I really hate to be the one who puts this out, but some parts of Dhjona's lion match the reference pixel for pixel, so it may unfortunately be unsalvageable :(
I really hate to be the one who puts this out, but some parts of Dhjona's lion match the reference pixel for pixel, so it may unfortunately be unsalvageable :(

Well thanks for doing so anyway. I hadn't gotten a chance to do a comparison yet but I have now and you are right. Sorry Dhjona but we cannot use it.

This game will eventually be for sale and therefore under scrutiny. If we are found to have stolen any kind of asset from someone it will be Studio534 that will by liable, not you guys. We cannot take any risks on this.

Just curious, but what is that lion from?

Its is the property of a talented spriter on deviant art named GetaZ
Huh? I used it only as a reference for the pose. It's full scratched!

Oh..wait now i see what you guys mean. I copy pasted the breast outline so that i had a startline, from the transition from the leafy mane to breast. But I forgot to edit that in the end. Same with the tongue. I got extremely lazy at the end. Sorry guys, but it do is fully scratched (besides these two mentioned spots), it won't happen again. I just couldn't find a proper pose that worked.

It's hard, I put a lot of work in it, but I understand why it's not used.
And what if edit those 2 spots, can't we than use it?
Huh? I used it only as a reference for the pose. It's full scratched!

Oh..wait now i see what you guys mean. I copy pasted the breast outline so that i had a startline, from the transition from the leafy mane to breast. But I forgot to edit that in the end. Same with the tongue. I got extremely lazy at the end. Sorry guys, but it do is fully scratched (besides these two mentioned spots), it won't happen again. I just couldn't find a proper pose that worked.

It's hard, I put a lot of work in it, but I understand why it's not used.
And what if edit those 2 spots, can't we than use it?

Just a tip, Dhjona, but if you like the pose allot, try my method. Open the image you're using as a reference, and pull out a pen and paper. Sketch out your design while using the image as a reference point for the pose, then scan and pixel-over your own sketch. That's what I do whenever I can't find a good pose. As an example from Amethyst, in order to make a good pose for the Gallade I did, I referenced this picture of Zero from MMZ3 who was in a pose similar to the one I wanted. Using it as a reference, I was able to get a good idea of what to do with the Gallade pose-wise.

Just a trick that I thought I'd share with you, as I do this for all of my scratch sprites and it works pretty well. (Or at least the Sketch-Scan-Pixel Over formula, I only use a reference whenever I'm REALLY stumped.) +)
It's a good tip, but normally i just scratch my sprites completely (without any references), but now I couldn't find a pose that fits the mighty lion. Then I googled and found this sprite. I liked this pose so much that I wanted to use it (not pixel-over it ofcourse, but as a reference).

If I ever get in this situation again, I will use your tip. ;)

Oke guys, especially Jon, what do you think of this.

Ofcourse I will fix the shading issues and the ''reference'' spots. But I first wanted to know what you guys think about before I go to work on it. ^^
that one leg still looks like its just randomly jutting from the side of it's body. try cutting down the distance from the thigh and the foot, making it look like the foot is more behind the thigh

you may also want to try working on paws.
that one leg still looks like its just randomly jutting from the side of it's body. try cutting down the distance from the thigh and the foot, making it look like the foot is more behind the thigh

you may also want to try working on paws.

I only flipped the body horizontal. That´s all I did. I know that the sprite has flaws, especially the hidden leg, but I first have to get permission from Jon.
I only flipped the body horizontal. That´s all I did. I know that the sprite has flaws, especially the hidden leg, but I first have to get permission from Jon.

The only condition under which I can accept the sprite is if you drastically/noticeably change those areas which you have stolen.

Other than that make the changes I suggested earlier and the ones that others are mentioning and I think we will be good to go. That looks like a better pose anyway...
Where'd the encyclopedia go? I keep getting a 404 error whenever I try to load the picture. Could you guys try reuploading it sometime soon?

In other news, lineart for Shadow Angler Infant is complete. Expect the finished product soon, hopefully. As long as TF2 stops distracting me that is...
Where'd the encyclopedia go? I keep getting a 404 error whenever I try to load the picture. Could you guys try reuploading it sometime soon?

In other news, lineart for Shadow Angler Infant is complete. Expect the finished product soon, hopefully. As long as TF2 stops distracting me that is...

Sorry dude! The hosting space we had set up to upload that stuff expired without giving us any kind of notice :S

I will get that stuff back up soon. I was gone all weekend for the 4th of July holiday so I haven't been near a computer at all. Expect it by tomorrow night, I don't have the updated images on this computer.

Thanks for bringing that to our attention!
LEGASP I actually kept my word for once! I'm becoming reliable! THE WORLD WILL NOW ENTER INTO THE RAPTURE.

This suitable for you guys? Any critiques are welcome, as always. +)

Gotta go to bed right now, so can't say much right here right now.
LEGASP I actually kept my word for once! I'm becoming reliable! THE WORLD WILL NOW ENTER INTO THE RAPTURE.

This suitable for you guys? Any critiques are welcome, as always. +)

Gotta go to bed right now, so can't say much right here right now.

Is that adult or juvenile? Cause looking like that it could replace either of the two.

Also... good?
Is that adult or juvenile? Cause looking like that it could replace either of the two.

Also... good?

Currently Juvenile, may shrink it down however to make it more apropriate. +)

As for Platypus, the adult I feel could have some more shading and look a little better. Same with the infant. Personally though, I never really was a huge fan of that design, so yeah.

Also, glad to see someone else post on this thread. it was getting pretty dead over the past week. +)
Double Post makes me feel weird, but editing a two week old makes me feel weirder. ANYWHO, progress!

Ice Ibex Infant! Finished it up Friday, but only got the chance to post it today.

In other news, are you still with us, Jon? You've been really quiet lately. It'd be nice to hear some words from you again, if you know what I mean. +)
Going to go just a bit out of order...

Double Post makes me feel weird, but editing a two week old makes me feel weirder. ANYWHO, progress!

Ice Ibex Infant! Finished it up Friday, but only got the chance to post it today.

In other news, are you still with us, Jon? You've been really quiet lately. It'd be nice to hear some words from you again, if you know what I mean. +)

SHIT! Sorry guys!!! :S The whole studio has been taking a short hiatus for some summer vacation and I also got engaged a couple of weeks ago so I have been a TAD distracted... I promise I will be around more and make it up to you guys! Thanks for continuing to work in my absence! :D

The ibex juvenile looks great! :) It fits really well with your adult. I will get it added in!

LEGASP I actually kept my word for once! I'm becoming reliable! THE WORLD WILL NOW ENTER INTO THE RAPTURE.

This suitable for you guys? Any critiques are welcome, as always. +)

Gotta go to bed right now, so can't say much right here right now.

I LOVE it! :D! Its pretty badass for a juvenile but I have never complained about badass sprites! Thanks dude!

Is that adult or juvenile? Cause looking like that it could replace either of the two.

Also... good?

I had peeked in and seen these platypus redos and while they have been taken down before I got a chance to comment I will do it anyway. I think that if the originals get redone it will need to be a bit more inventive. Just shrinking the juvenile and respriting the adult concepts probably isn't what we are looking for. I can safely say, since those ugly P.O.S.' are my only contribution to this encyclopedia, that it shouldn't be too hard to come up with a better water platypus concept and definitely not too hard to make a better sprite, lol. Thanks for trying though!
I'm currently revamping the cardinals, I had an idea that the adult would look slightly more raptorial and have the tribal-like markings, as well as no flames except for those on the tail (don't want to get carried away and make a Moltres), to represent a phoenix-like creature.

The juvenile would be mostly a dusty grey, like a female cardinal, and have red where black is supposed to be, so it looks like a cracked rock or something with veins of fire in it. This again is to symbolize how the young is dull, and the adult is like a phoenix rising from the ashes of its former self.

Also I finished the overworld for the juvenile lamprey and will upload it soon.