NOC Vote n' Veto NOC Mafia - Game Thread [Game Over - Town Win!]

My bad attitude? LOL dude all I said is you don't have any idea what you're talking about, which is true.
Nono, you're right, your couple months' experience in a niche mafia community no one's heard of that does a structure of game no one else plays does outweigh my decade being involved in mafia across the internet. Good point.
Nono, you're right, your couple months' experience in a niche mafia community no one's heard of that does a structure of game no one else plays does outweigh my decade being involved in mafia across the internet. Good point.
Hm well this discord mafia server has 500+ members and over 100 games played. So that is strange. Not to mention all the partner servers with hundreds of members of their own playing very similar.

Maybe you are just out of touch and talking out of your own ass. You don't know everything about mafia on the internet.
This is all because you just assumed Discord Mafia meant something it totally wasn't and you're upset you were wrong.
LMAO bro why do you try to ramp up every single situation. Discord Mafia pretty much universally refers to live chat mafia. You're in a niche community (500 members is not a lot, nor is 100 games played) that has changed the concept. I don't know why you're trying to monopolise the term Discord Mafia there, but Discord Mafia pre-dates you and has an established definition.

Drop the attitude. I never said I know everything about mafia on the internet, obviously. I never contended that you play mafia with long deadlines on Discord, either. All I said is it's a niche community and is rare, especially relative to all other internet mafia. This is true. Video call mafia is a bigger community than yours.
Wow so nothing I do or say matters because I haven't played mafia online for over a decade?

And everything you say is just true because you've played longer?

Even though you were totally wrong about Discord mafia?

Got it. Makes total sense.
Wow so nothing I do or say matters because I haven't played mafia online for over a decade?

And everything you say is just true because you've played longer?

Even though you were totally wrong about Discord mafia?

Got it. Makes total sense.
Where did I say any of this. Stop putting words in my mouth.
I don't know why you're trying to monopolise the term Discord Mafia there, but Discord Mafia pre-dates you and has an established definition.

The server itself is literally called DISCORD MAFIA


You have assumed so many things in the past 10 minutes you need to step back and look at what you actually know.

The server itself is literally called DISCORD MAFIA

View attachment 546894

You have assumed so many things in the past 10 minutes you need to step back and look at what you actually know.
Sure, good for you calling yourself Discord Mafia, that term was in usage before that server existed. You can fall under the umbrella but you're not "Discord Mafia". A Big Brother ORG community I'm in ran a series of live chat mafia games a few months ago, and we called it discord mafia. Because that's what it was, it was mafia on discord lol. That has happened for many many years.
Discord Mafia might be the name of the community, but it's not the monopoly on discord mafia, it's a subsidiary of it. If me and my friends make a group chat and call it "The Yakuza", it doesn't make us members of the real Yakuza.
In the sense that we then suddenly own all of the Yakuza's assets and the real Yakuza suddenly has to start listening to my orders because I made the group chat
Sure, good for you calling yourself Discord Mafia, that term was in usage before that server existed. You can fall under the umbrella but you're not "Discord Mafia". A Big Brother ORG community I'm in ran a series of live chat mafia games a few months ago, and we called it discord mafia. Because that's what it was, it was mafia on discord lol. That has happened for many many years.
I never once said Discord Mafia has to be a certain way. I know about stuff like Popcorn mafia, etc.

I just explained how Discord Mafia, the server, is played very similar to Forum Mafia so a lot of the stuff that applies to FM applies to that style of Discord Mafia and vice versa.

You assumed that there was no discord mafia similar to forum mafia and called me wrong.

Discord Mafia might be the name of the community, but it's not the monopoly on discord mafia, it's a subsidiary of it. If me and my friends make a group chat and call it "The Yakuza", it doesn't make us members of the real Yakuza.
Nono, you're right, your couple months' experience in a niche mafia community no one's heard of that does a structure of game no one else plays does outweigh my decade being involved in mafia across the internet. Good point.
Saying stuff like this and then acting like a victim

Nah, we aint having that.
I never once said Discord Mafia has to be a certain way. I know about stuff like Popcorn mafia, etc.

I just explained how Discord Mafia, the server, is played very similar to Forum Mafia so a lot of the stuff that applies to FM applies to that style of Discord Mafia and vice versa.

You assumed that there was no discord mafia similar to forum mafia and called me wrong.

I didn't call you wrong, and I never doubted that you play this style of mafia. I stated that I'd never heard of it, and I scanned your first post and missed where you said it has the same phases, which is something I self-corrected on half an hour before you came back to the thread and started hurling insults. You escalated this.
Saying stuff like this and then acting like a victim

Nah, we aint having that.
That was in response to you hurling insults at me lmao