Pet Mod ViAbilities

Free-For-All Slate
We'll now be starting a new slate for ViAbilities, any of the abilities on this list may be submitted for changes:
  • Anger Point
  • Aroma Veil
  • Ball Fetch
  • Battle Armor
  • Big Pecks
  • Blaze
  • Cheek Pouch
  • Clear Body
  • Curious Medicine
  • Cursed Body
  • Effect Spore
  • Emergency Exit
  • Flame Body
  • Forewarn
  • Friend Guard
  • Frisk
  • Gluttony
  • Heavy Metal
  • Honey Gather
  • Hydration
  • Hyper Cutter
  • Ice Body
  • Immunity
  • Inner Focus
  • Insomnia
  • Justified
  • Keen Eye
  • Leaf Guard
  • Light Metal
  • Liquid Voice
  • Long Reach
  • Mimicry
  • Minus
  • Moody
  • Oblivious
  • Overgrow
  • Own Tempo
  • Pastel Veil
  • Pickpocket
  • Pickup
  • Plus
  • Poison Point
  • Poison Touch
  • Quick Draw
  • Rain Dish
  • Rattled
  • Ripen
  • Rivalry
  • Rough Skin
  • Sand Veil
  • Shell Armor
  • Sniper
  • Snow Cloak
  • Soundproof
  • Stall
  • Static
  • Steadfast
  • Sticky Hold
  • Suction Cups
  • Super Luck
  • Swarm
  • Symbiosis
  • Torrent
  • Truant
  • Unnerve
  • Vital Spirit
  • White Smoke
  • Wonder Skin
This stage of the slate will end in 10 days. In the meantime, feel free to discuss the mod's balance and potential buffs during this time.
Ability: Anger Point
New Effect: Stamina Clone for Attack
Competitive Reasoning: Pokemon with this ability would be able to pivot into weaker attacks to get an attack boost.
Thematic Reasoning: The user would be more irritable from all attacks and not just critical hits.

Ability: Justified
New Effect: Magnet Pull clone that traps Dark-types
Competitive Reasoning: With this change, Pokemon with this ability can trap and remove bulkier Dark-types such as Mandibuzz.
Thematic Reasoning: Someone with a sense of justice isn’t going to let an evildoer run away.

Ability: Curious Medicine
New Effect: Upon switching in, all stat changes are reset to 0 on both sides of the field.
Competitive Reasoning: Galarian Slowking could easily discourage setup with this ability, as it can swap in and reset the stats of something such as QD Mosa.
Thematic Reasoning: You’re curious about the medicine, so you give it to both your allies and opponents.

Ability: Sand Veil/Snow Cloak
New Effect: Damage taken from attacks is multiplied by x0.8 in sand/hail. Immune to sand/hail damage
Competitive Reasoning: Gives the Pokemon with the ability easier setup while sand/hail is active.
Thematic Reasoning: The sand veil/snow cloak absorbs attacks somewhat for the user.

Ability: Blaze/Torrent/Overgrow/Swarm
New Effect: Boost the damage of Fire/Water/Grass/Bug moves by 20%, this increases to 50% when below 33% HP
Competitive Reasoning: Your STAB moves get a reasonable power boost with this ability, while maintaining its current effect if you want to run a meme pinch berry set.
Thematic Reasoning: The fire burns hotter, but not as much as when the mon is weakened. The other three are pretty much the same thing, the mon being healthy boosting its power to a lesser extent compared to when weakened.
Ability: Justified
New Effect: Draws in all Dark-type moves. Instead of being hit by Dark-type moves, it boosts its Atk.
Competitive Reasoning: Fuck Knock Off spam. Getting an immunity is always great.
Thematic Reasoning: Pokémon that believe in justice should be immune to all forms of corruption and temptation.

Ability: Liquid Voice
New Effect: Turns all sound based moves into Water typing and then boosts them by ×1.33
Competitive Reasoning: This ability gives users a reason to use this ability outside, since the moves should be stronger than their base STAB options thanks to the boost.
Thematic Reasoning: Sound travels faster underwater, wasn't gonna make it a priority ability so I made it translate to power.

Ability: Ripen
New Effect: Tripled the effects of Berries, and doubles the effects of Leftovers.
Competitive Reasoning: Now a Pokemon can essentially fully heal themselves if they hold a pinch Berry, while type resist berries turns weaknesses into major resists. All while strengthening Leftovers sets.
Thematic Reasoning: I just made berries more ripe, and Leftovers in game trigger Ripen, it just has no effect.

Adou what happened to abilities like Stalwart and Propeller Tail? How do those useless abilities get a pass but decent shit like Static, Rough Skin and Poison Touch get on here.
Ability: Mimicry
New Effect: Changes primary typing to the foe's primary type upon switching in
Competitive Reasoning: Makes the user a cool catch-all to various threats since most types resist or are at least neutral to themselves.
Thematic Reasoning: Mimicry is not just for terrain: It can also be used against other living creatures!

Ability: Truant
New Effect: Now switches out the user at the end of their turn
Competitive Reasoning: A weird ability to work around but can actually have advantages if played right seeing as it's basically free pivoting.
Thematic Reasoning: Truancy is a sort of absenteeism, namely in regards to skipping school. This is similar, except now the user is skipping the battle as it were.
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Ability : Battle Armor

New Effect : raise users defence and special defence by one stage but his speed fells by one

Competitive Reasoning : The pokemon with Battle Armor are not that mutch but it can help a lot pokemons like Drapion and Armaldo for more defencive sets

Thematic Reasoning : Battle Armor has always been a gimick. It is mostly useless exept aigainst Urshifu. This new idea goes with the fact that an armor protects and that it slows you

Ability : Poison Point
New Effect : If the pokemon that has this ability is hitten by a not very effective attack the opposite pokemon is "badly poisened" even steel types

Competitive Reasoning : Poison Point was never a good ability. Always outclassed by flame body and static, it gives this ability the chance to shine by punnishing u-turn and all the good resistances of the poke who have that ability

Thematic Reasoning : Like said before, Poison Point was never good and with this chance it gives a chance of punnishing pivot ect

Ps : I am not english so it might not be perfect ^^
Ps 2 : It could be the same resonnig for static and flame body
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Ability: Rain Dish
New Effect: User's moves get a 30% power boost while Rain is active.
Competitive Reasoning: Allows Rain wallbreakers and sweepers to dent bulky checks while rain is active.
Thematic Reasoning: The Pokemon uses the extra water collected from the dish to power up their attacks.

Ability: Hyper Cutter
New Effect: Using a contact move traps the target for 3 turns.
Competitive Reasoning: The ability wears down defensive cores while also preventing Regenerator Pokemon from consistently healing HP through switching out.
Thematic Reasoning: Hyper Cutter Pokemon are proud of their pincers. When a pincer manages to get a grip on you, it will be painful and very hard to escape from.
Ability: Rivalry
New Effect: A Pokemon with this ability passively gains a Metronome-like damage bonus for each full turn it is on the field, up to a maximum of 2x damage after 5 turns. This boost is reset whenever an opposing Pokemon faints or switches out.
Competitive Reasoning: Allows Pokemon with this ability to muscle past walls that try to stay in against them.
Thematic Reasoning: The boost only comes into effect when a Pokemon with this ability and an opposing Pokemon are on the field together for an extended period of time, causing the two to develop a Rivalry with one another.

Full credit where it’s due, this next one isn’t entirely my own, but was the product of a discussion between myself, TheBraver, and ΦωΦ on Discord a couple months ago. I have no idea what they go by on Smogon.
Ability: Light Metal
New Effect: This Pokemon’s Steel-type moves have +1 priority, but lose 25% of their base power.
Competitive Reasoning: This one was really built around the four fully-evolved mons that get it, so uh...

Light Metal Iron Head is generally better than Technician Bullet Punch thanks to the flinch chance, but requires Scizor to give up its other Tech-boosted moves, most notably Dual Wingbeat.


67bp priority Meteor Mash coming off of base 135 Attack is nothing to sneeze at, especially after a Swords Dance. Also has 97bp Steel Roller if you want to be funny like that.


As the only special attacker with Light Metal, this has the niche of priority Steel Beam, hitting for a stupidly high 105bp but costing half of your health bar. Imagine that shit with Specs.


While this thing generally opts not to run a Steel-type attack, priority Iron Defense + Body Press is pure evil.
Thematic Reasoning: Steel-type attacks are lighter and less damaging, but also happen a lot faster thanks to the reduced weight.
Ability: Leaf Guard
New Effect: This Pokemon receives 3/4 damage from supereffective attacks.
Competitive Reasoning: Most grass types with this ability have a defensive role and a Filter/Solid Rock clone could help them to fulfil their role much more easily. There are some mons that have better abilities, so they would still use their superior ability.
Thematic Reasoning: The name of this ability has the same meaning and mostly similar throughout all languages, so it's consistant that Grass types would do anything to protect their precious.

Ability: Inner Focus
New Effect: This Pokemon uses Laser Focus, upon entering the battle. Immune to Intimidate.
Competitive Reasoning: This ability allows a mon to fire off a move, that normaly had bad accuracy. This ability would still be immune to intimidate and with that many physical attacker would be more threatening.
Thematic Reasoning: The Pokemons focuses on the opponent and this allows it to hit the opponent.

Ability: Curious Medicine
New Effect: WUpon entering the battle, the user's team, including itself, will be healed from status conditions.
Competitive Reasoning: Curious Medicine is pretty much useless in singles and sometimes in doubles. With this new effect, it can allow its team to use rest as a source of reliable recovery or its team can just get rid of annoying statuses that can hinder throughout the course of the game.
Thematic Reasoning: Glowking and other mons have healing abilities. Healing status makes most sense, since those are basically illnesses.
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Ability: Ice Body
New Effect: This Pokemon's Ice power is 2x; it can't be burned; Fire power against it is halved.
Competitive Reasoning: A much needed buff for Ice-types. Helps them out defensively and offensively.
Thematic Reasoning: A body made of ice is a similar concept to Water Bubble, so I decided to go off of that. I'd imagine you'd be so cold you can't melt.
I'm not a council member or anything, but this looks a bit too powerful. The thing with Water Bubble is that it has 70/50 offenses, as well as 42 speed, while everything with Ice Body has way higher offenses than that and aside from Avalugg everything is also faster than that, with stuff like Mr Mime and Froslass even hitting 100 base speed. For reference...

252+ SpA Choice Specs Mr. Mime-Galar Ice Beam vs. 252 HP / 252 SpD Toxapex: 116-137 (38.1 - 45%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

This is Mr Mime out of all things, with 90 Sp Atk, being able to 3HKO a specially invested Toxapex on a resisted hit. I really don't think this ability is a good idea when the sheer damage output of these mons, on what's one of the better offensive types, is this high when combined with the mons who do get this ability.
Ability: Pastel Veil
New Effect: Basically Special Intimidate.
Competitive Reasoning: Galarian Rapidash has poor bulk, so this should help it live longer.
Thematic Reasoning: Being covered in bright colors would make an opponent drop its guard.
Ice Body
During a Hailstorm, the user's defenses increase by 1 stage at the end of every turn. The effect caps at +3 and is inverted in harsh sunlight.
Competitive: All of the fully-evolved Ice Body users are either PU or Untiered and literally only resist their type, so a decent buff is needed here. An intrinsic Cosmic Power during Hail should make Avalugg and Walrein's Body Press sets viable, while Glaceon and Mr. Rime might be able to take advantage of the Weakness Policy + Stored Power combo.

Flavor: The user's icey body hardens in cold weather and melts in the heat.
The user cannot fall asleep. When an adjacent Pokémon use a status move, it becomes drowsy and falls asleep at the end of the following turn.
Competitive: This added effect isn't exactly an intrinsic-Taunt, but it still punishes opposing Pokemon for using status moves by putting them under the effects of Yawn. Gourgeist-Super is probably the only current user that really benefits from this new effect. But if we slap Insomnia on hazard-stacking Ghost-types like Froslass, Cofagrigus, or Runerigus, they can easily re-stack their hazards against defoggers who will be forced to switch-out or fall asleep.

Flavor: The user stays awake while watching others around it fall asleep.
Leaf Guard
The first effective hit that the user takes deals 0 damage, unless the attack is super-effective against Grass. The effect is reset every time the user enters the battle.
Competitive: This effect turns Leaf Guard into a sort of Grass-based Wonder Guard + Disguise. A one-time immunity to most attacks allow Tsareena and Zarude to act as much better pivots (since they can potentially switch-in without taking damage), while sweepers like Leafeon and Lilligant will appreciate the extra turn to set-up if they've switched in safely.

Flavor: The user holds up a large leaf to block the first attack.
Long Reach
The user's non-contact physical moves with 100% accuracy are boosted by 50%. Moves that target all adjacent Pokemon are unaffected.
Competitive: Yeah, this new effect has a lot of clauses, but it was optimized for Decidueye and it's signature move (without breaking other attacks.) If we gave Decidueye Thousand Arrows to go along with Spirit Shackle, Seed Bomb, and this new effect, it would go from NU to a competitive wall-breaker. The biggest downside to this new effect is its probably too Decidueye-specific to fit on other Pokemon. Sirfetch'd might be able to put it to good use since it would turn a Banded Meteor Assault into a nuke and make the recharge turn worth it.

Flavor: The user's long-ranged weapons are powered up.
Poison Point
The user always sets two layers of Toxic Spikes.
Competitive: I think all of the Poison Point users except for Budew and Seadra can learn Toxic Spikes, so it made sense to allow these Pokemon the ability to set 2 layers of Toxic Spikes in one turn. If you guys feel like this isn't a good enough buff, we can change it to: the user sets a layer of Toxic Spikes every time it makes contact with an opposing Pokemon.

Flavor: The user's toxic skeleton allows it to easily spread Toxic Spikes.
The user's attacks have a +1 priority against targets that share a similar type.
Competitive: Haxorus is the only real beneficiary of this new effect (since it would no longer be revenged by opposing Dragons), so we'd have to spread this ability around. Escavalier fits the Rivalry theme and its Swords Dance set would appreciate the +1 priority against opposing Steel-types like Heatran and Bug-types like Volcarona.

Flavor: The user is highly competitive against similar Pokemon and has to strike first.
The Pokémon's Speed is boosted by two stages whenever an opponent lowers its stats.
White Smoke
All stat-altering status moves and abilities targeting the user will fail.
Defog blocker.
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Hello everyone, new day new ideas

Shell Armor :
New Effect : when hit by a contact attack his speed is raised by one

Competitive Reasoning : give a more offencive options for pokemons with this ability

Thematic Reasoning : A shell will be damaged and protect less for a hier speed, it is diffirent form weak armor because bulky mons can still use their bulk

Heavy Metal :

New Effect : Double weight, user can not get off battle by roar and other, lastly boost attaque and special attaque by 20% but reduce his speed by 20%

Competitive Reasoning : All the mons with this ability are slow so why not

Thematic Reasoning : In video games, tanks are known to be slow but hit hard

Light Metal : Same as Heavy Metal but boost speed by 40% to reduce spe def by 20%

Thanks for reading have a good day ^^
Ability: Leaf Guard
New Effect: After using a grass-type move, any status condition that afflicts a Pokemon with this ability will be healed.
Competitive Reasoning: I think this ability could be good for all its possible users: Zarude can forgo Jungle Healing in favour of Synthesis on Bulk Up sets, Tsareena can act as a status absorber on physically offensive sets for any kind of status condition, Leafeon's SD wallbreaking can't be hindered by Will-o-Wisp or Toxic or Thunder Wave, as Lilligant can heal its own Toxic becoming a threat in its own right with Quiver Dance.
Thematic Reasoning: Just as the Pokemon were protected from status by their leaves in the previous iteration of the ability, this one has the same thematic sense, but it doesn't activate in the Sun, but when using a grass-type move, that, just like the Sun, powers up the body made of plants of the Pokemon that have the ability enough to remove any status condition.

Ability: Pastel Veil
New Effect: This Pokemon's damaging moves of a different type than its STABs get a 1.2x damage boost normally, 1.5x if they're super effective.
Competitive Reasoning: Rapidash-Galar has the coverage to make a good SD set, but sadly lacks the power to break through the walls that endlessly beat it because of its lackluster attack stat in OU. Because of this, I think that an ability that boosts coverage moves could be the way to go. Although this ability doesn't really solve too many problems (mainly because Pokemon like Hippowdon, Tangrowth and so on still flawlessly wall this set), it opens up new possibilities even for its specially offensive variant, as Mystical Fire can OHKO Physdef Tang on the switch if it thinks it's going to wall physically offensive R-Galar. Despite the power of this ability, I do not think it's going to be broken, as both the physical and the special variants of Rapidash-G have walls that beat it no matter what (Hippo with special defense investment, defensive Volcarona, defensive Zapdos and so on).
Thematic Reasoning: Bare with me for this one. Every type has a color. What I imagine a "pastel veil" as is a veil with endless streams of lively colors, and as such Rapidash-G has the ability to draw power from all the colors that it has in its veil.

don't honestly have any idea for the other ones. i was thinking about ice body maybe making hail permanent as long as the pokemon with the ability is on the field, but funnily enough without the old ice body passive healing it doesn't help anyone too much lol
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I have not read through the whole thread. Sorry if I miss something about this, but it's a very neat concept I wanted to contribute to.

Ability: Stall
New Effect: The Pokémon moves after all other Pokémon do. Restores HP (12.5%) at the end of the turn.
Competitive Reasoning: Stall is an absolute butt cheeks ability that's seen no use on its lone user for as long as it's existed. It needs a major shot in the arm to give up a super crucial aspect of Pokemon on a user who's very delicate as it is and also has access to one of the game's best abilities. A chunky extra 12.5% HP at the end of the turn is at least pretty exciting; this is toxiced leftovers gliscors levels of health with your own lefties.
Thematic Reasoning: Take it slow! Why would a Pokemon want to stress themselves out about speed when they could relax? Avoiding stressful situations like that helps you live longer!

Ability: Anticipation
New Effect: The Pokémon can sense an opposing Pokémon's dangerous moves. When it does, it boosts the users Speed.
Competitive Reasoning: Terrible ability with a cool concept. Oftentimes it states the obvious; Yes, the Psychic-type can hit Toxicroak super effectively. With this twist, switching in to a Pokemon with a super effective move actually leads to interesting things. You can revenge kill more things with a scarf, you can potentially set up a Swords Dance with a resist berry, or you can just assert dominance speed boosting your Ferrothorn. On that note, this would make the ability an option on stuff struggling like Toxicroak without buffing things already eating well like Ferrothorn.
Thematic Reasoning: Apparently in the Pokemon Anime, Anticipation is more about sensing when something's about to happen then actively like being excited about something upcoming. Getting a speed boost fits well with either interpretation, but it works for the one Pokemon actually uses well since knowing what's about to happen can aid in cutting the fat of some unnecessary movements.

Ability: Moody
New Effect: Boosts both attack stats and lowers both defense stats if a status move was used that turn. Boosts both defense stats and lowers both attack stats if an attacking move was used that turn.
Competitive Reasoning: Moody might just be the worst designed ability in the game competitively and flavor wise? Competitively it's fun for one match and then shitty. There's nothing interesting about it, just sub and protect, crank a slot machine. This change would provide non-rng stat boosts, but keeps things very erratic in a way not many other things do. It'd be a pretty unique game piece compared to everything else in Pokemon I can think of. Your spike stacking with glalie suddenly transitions into firing off Freeze Drys and back again.
Thematic Reasoning: Moody is fuckin' awful flavor wise in its current state. Any moodiness conveyed from the stat changes is eclipsed by the fact you're gaining stats. It's not the weird moody Pokemon ability, it's the "sit on the field and pray" ability.

With this change, I think it conveys a Pokemon being moody waaaay better. It really doesn't want to sit still and do the same thing. It's got to mix things up!

Gluttony and Rough Skin have been extremely powerful abilities in the past and I'm not sure why they're here lol.
Ability: Ball Fetch
New effect: If the Pokemon as no held item, and one has been used, it will gain this item. Basically Pick up, for SIngle. And Recycle, as it can be an item you used right before. An item that has been knocked off can return using this ability. Should it be limited to once or not is up to balance.
Competitive Reasoning: Well, it's like having a permanent item, for the cost of none. You could have multiple Ballon, focus sach, berry, etc... And that's it. Yamper doesn't have any way to throw an item, or switch his own. would be nice. Other than that, Ball Fetch is still definitively still niche
Thematic Reasoning: It's a dog. It doesn't need to fetch me only balls. Now go, Gunther! Fetch me an Iron Ball!

Ability: Keen Eyes
New effect: With it's imparable vision, a Pokemon cannot miss. Rather than just having a immunity to precision reduction, it just cannot miss. outside of OHKO moves, obviously. it also add Infiltrator in it's effect.
Competitive Reasoning: Basically a one-sided No Guard, that can pass through substitute and walls. Still a very niche ability, Certainly more efficient for pokemon that can't just phaze a Protect+Sub. I think it's practical for a wall breaker?
Thematic Reasoning: Well, the vision of these pokemon are locked on their opponent. Considering most of the inspiration for those pokemon are predators, they wouldn't let their avoid their attack. That's about it.

Also, I know the original talent ignore the opponent's evasiveness. It can just be the original effect, with Infiltrator as a bonus. I guess it could also act as a Pursuit erzacts, where a super effective move will hit it first, whenever a Pokemon is switched out. I kinda like that more than what I said before. But I don't know how to integrate it, nor if it's too strong
Ability: Vital Spirit
New effect: The Pokemon have so much energy, it can never be put to sleep, neither does his opponent.
Competitive Reasoning:
Fairly straight forward. It can block Rest. A pokemon with the Comatose Ability is considered awake, until the pokemon with Vital Spirit left the battleground. It's basically a permanent Electric Terrain, without the boost of the terrain, and only until the Pokemon switch-out. Proper prediction could severely punich Rest user.
Thematic Reasoning: Since Pokemon with this Ability are also the one who wants to have all your attention, it will refuse to let you sleep until you gave it what he knows you want. Hyperenergetic level of annoyance, dare I say.

We could extend to healing moves. But that wouldn't make sense. However, we could make it do damage each turn on the terrain, like a awaken, weaker Bad Dream. 1/16 damage seems fair enough, it's the amount of a Leftovers. on a single turn.
Ability: Liquid Voice
New effect: Sound-based moves add the/become Water-type, and gains 1.3* power.
Competitive Reasoning:
Once again, fairly straight forward. If we make Sound-Based moves gains the Water-type, it would be like Flying Press, and while Ghost would still be immune, it could allow some funny shenanigans (in doubles, so it will fall off here). If we make sound moves become Water-type, getting a slightly stronger move is always good.
Thematic Reasoning:
Well, Primarina is said to have a very melodious voice, one that apease spirit! That's my only defense.

"When a Pokemon use a sound-based moves, it reduce damage by half", or "gain a stronger Aqua Ring, healing 1/8 H, thats protects from burn and heals on-going effect" could be considered to add to it's power. the first one following Punk Rock model, but it doesn't really fit Primarina's concept, which is more like a classical songtress. That's why I'd rather give her a stronger Aqua Ring, that heals status, like Rest can. Although it does work more like Shed Skin, clearring status each turn once active. 1/16 is alright, but as she doesn't have any healing moves. Also, you can't use the two Aqua Ring, for obvious reason (1/16+1/8, let's just leave that to Leftovers).

Ability: Rivalry
New effect: If a pokemon have faced an opponent multiple time during a match , it will gain 1.3 power to his moves, and resist damage by 1.1. If the rival is faster than the Pokemon, it's considered as if they have the same speed, while no change as occured in their speed. The ability trigger when a Pokemon with Rivalry face the same opponent two time at least. 1/10 damage are received by the user each times it use an offensive move when the ability is activated.
Competitive Reasoning: I definitively went a bit wild on that one. We can just keep what's underlined. The rest is just here to help their bulk and their speed makes a speed tie where there's none. This part is definitively very a bit broken, as it does leave to RNG who will hit first (outside of priority move, that is), while giving strong advantage to the user, only when he faced a the same pokemon on the battle (gimmick that seems very exploitable). Otherwise, it's like having a second Life Orb as an Ability, which can be problematic, as you want to revenge kill with this. Someone with which could really help them, certainly.
Thematic Reasoning: Well, the rivals in game are as determined as you to become the best of themselves, and theypush themselves to be their very best, may it hurt them ever so slightly.

Well, I got my very simple view on what I would add to make those ability stronger. What do you mean, biased for Rivalry?
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Free-For-All Slate
We'll now be starting a new slate for ViAbilities, any of the abilities on this list may be submitted for changes:
  • Anger Point
  • Aroma Veil
  • Ball Fetch
  • Battle Armor
  • Big Pecks
  • Blaze
  • Cheek Pouch
  • Clear Body
  • Curious Medicine
  • Cursed Body
  • Effect Spore
  • Emergency Exit
  • Flame Body
  • Forewarn
  • Friend Guard
  • Frisk
  • Gluttony
  • Heavy Metal
  • Honey Gather
  • Hydration
  • Hyper Cutter
  • Ice Body
  • Immunity
  • Inner Focus
  • Insomnia
  • Justified
  • Keen Eye
  • Leaf Guard
  • Light Metal
  • Liquid Voice
  • Long Reach
  • Mimicry
  • Minus
  • Moody
  • Oblivious
  • Overgrow
  • Own Tempo
  • Pastel Veil
  • Pickpocket
  • Pickup
  • Plus
  • Poison Point
  • Poison Touch
  • Quick Draw
  • Rain Dish
  • Rattled
  • Ripen
  • Rivalry
  • Rough Skin
  • Sand Veil
  • Shell Armor
  • Sniper
  • Snow Cloak
  • Soundproof
  • Stall
  • Static
  • Steadfast
  • Sticky Hold
  • Suction Cups
  • Super Luck
  • Swarm
  • Symbiosis
  • Torrent
  • Truant
  • Unnerve
  • Vital Spirit
  • White Smoke
  • Wonder Skin
This stage of the slate will end in 10 days. In the meantime, feel free to discuss the mod's balance and potential buffs during this time.
Are you still excepting entries or no?
I will put here ahead of time

Ability: Curious Medicine
New Effect: When this Pokémon enters the battlefield, it has a 50% chance to either heal its status condition or give its opponent one (still keeps its original effect too)
Competitive Reasoning: I think this would be helpful because then you can either heal it of a status(like sleep or para) or force you opponent to be as crippled as you are, and makes it reliable in singles too!!!
Thematic Reasoning: when you mess with random potions, you don’t know what you might get!?

Ability: Own Tempo
New Effect: The Pokémon gains an immunity to Taunt, any target moving moves, and Dancer (keeps original effects too)
Competitive Reasoning: It make set up for these Pokémon a lot more easier and can basically battle at their own free will
Thematic Reasoning: because when your grooven along, there’s nothing that can stop you!

Ability: White Smoke
New Effect: This Pokémon is immune to all stat drops (self inducing too)
Competitive Reasoning: it makes it so things like Shell Smash Torkoal more reliable and it can hold a different item that is not white herb
Thematic Reasoning: When there is smoke around, you are not worried about the negative. Your now all about the positive!
Ability: Forewarn
New Effect: Reveals the opponent's entire moveset upon switch in.
Competitive Reasoning: An improved version of the ability letting you see all of the opponent's moves letting you know what the pokemon is running.
Thematic Reasoning: Why would it just see the opponent's strongest move when you can see all of their moves.

Ability: Gluttony
New Effect: When switching in, you eat all the berries being held by active pokemon, including yours and your allies' berries. This effect doesn't work when effected by Unnerve.
Competitive Reasoning: Removing berries can be helpful for weakening opposing pokemon and eating a stat boosting berry upon switch in.
Thematic Reasoning: You are a glutton and eat all the berries

Ability: Truant
New Effect: Truant's normal effect + Restores 1/10th of the holder's maximum HP at the end of each turn.
Competitive Reasoning: This could make Slaking actually viable.
Thematic Reasoning: You are loafing around and resting hence to healing.

Ability: Ice Body
New Effect: When in hail, you take 1/10th less damage and are immune to all secondary effects of moves. You also are immune to the damage from hail.
Competitive Reasoning: With a more defensive ability to take advantage of.
Thematic Reasoning: You have a coat of ice around you in hail acting as additional armor.

Ability: Sand Veil
New Effect: When in sandstorm, you are immune to status conditions and the chance for secondary effects are cut in half, rounded down. You also are immune to the damage from the sandstorm.
Competitive Reasoning: Now you can have competitive support sand mons.
Thematic Reasoning: You have made a cloak of the sandstorm and the cloak resists effects and statuses.

Ability: Soundproof
New Effect: All pokemon on the field can't use sound moves and when they try to use one it looses 5 PP.
Competitive Reasoning: This ability isn't too strong but can shut down common sound users quickly
Thematic Reasoning: You halt all noise and the opposing pokemon uses up its voice trying to be heard.

Ability: Big Pecks
New Effect: Boosts the power of beak and peck moves by 1.5x
Competitive Reasoning: With stronger power on drill peck, bolt beak, and beak blast
Thematic Reasoning: A bigger beak allows you to peck harder.
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Ability: Stall
New Effect: The opponent always goes last. Priority moves have their priority inversed, both for the user and the opponent.
Competitive Reasoning: Sableye (the only pokemon with stall) is not fast at all. Stall means it doesn't have to move last almost all the time, and can potentially set up stealth rocks and +6 TR.
Thematic Reasoning: Stall was basically useless, prankster was better in almost every way. Now Prankster is still a good ability, but stall is better. Also, can we just give Sableye better bulk, SR, and TR? Thanks.
As many of you may or may not know, Adou has stepped down from running this mod, which left it without a leader for a while. After a brief conversation with the Pet Mods moderators, we have asked another user to take over the mod, and he has accepted.

With that said, everyone welcome Yung Dramps as this mod's new leader!
Guess I’ll kick it off then.

G-Luke’s Justified
G-Luke’s Ripen
Tapler’s Light Metal
ViZar‘s Curious Medicine
The Main Mon’s White Smoke
Greetings everyone! I'm your new supreme leader now. As first order of business, I'd say it's time to start voting for this slate! Do it how you normally would
You're abandoning Breeding Variants for this? Fair enough.
My Stall
Guruu's Ice Body
Guruu's Leaf Guard
Tapler's Light Metal
MegaFlareon's Hyper Cutter