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Project Ultra SM Break This Team - WK 48 SKEs tail glow manaphy Rain (Voting)

My votes

Clefable - Thought it was odd at first but after testing the team really does struggle. There only real counter play is to keep Celeestela healthy and that can be handled with Hazards or Magnezone if needed and Ditto cant do jack back.

Reuniclus - Sets up on most of the team and a scarfed ditto is meaningless in a calm mind war. Game is usually over once Latias is dealt with and thats assuming its not running Shadow ball or another tech move
My votes

Clefable - Thought it was odd at first but after testing the team really does struggle. There only real counter play is to keep Celeestela healthy and that can be handled with Hazards or Magnezone if needed and Ditto cant do jack back.

Reuniclus - Sets up on most of the team and a scarfed ditto is meaningless in a calm mind war. Game is usually over once Latias is dealt with and thats assuming its not running Shadow ball or another tech move

Pex creeps standard and even moderately Speed-invested Reuniclus and can stall out its Psychics/shocks - it can even Haze a singular SpD drop and live the next Psychic, youd need a more specific set like the one LL presented to break.

That being said I'm voting for Mannats Reuniclus
Time for Voting is over. Its time to announce the winner and move onto the next team. Congrats to Mannat for utterly crushing the opposition and the team with your Reuniclus nomination and I beleive this is your first nomination to make it to the archive. Congratulations. Speaking of archive I really need to update that!!!!!!.

Vote Count
Reuniclus - 6
Kyurem-Black + Mega Scizor
Life Orb Clefable - 2
Mega Sableye + Pyukumuku - 1
Tapu Koko + Hawlucha - 1
Blacephalon - 2
Mega Medicham - 0
Mega Garchomp - 0

Anyway the nominations and how people handled the team impressed me so I'm going to throw another unconventional Stall team at you guys. This one features a calm mind Sableye made by @Vcr. Thanks for your help.


Sableye-Mega @ Sablenite
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Shadow Ball
- Recover
- Protect

Avalugg @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Sturdy
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 144 Def / 112 SpD
Impish Nature
- Avalanche
- Recover
- Earthquake
- Rapid Spin

Chansey @ Eviolite
Ability: Natural Cure
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 8 HP / 252 Def / 248 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Confide
- Soft-Boiled
- Heal Bell
- Wish

Gliscor @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Poison Heal
EVs: 148 HP / 244 SpD / 116 Spe
Careful Nature
- Earthquake
- Roost
- Defog
- Stealth Rock

Celesteela @ Shed Shell
Ability: Beast Boost
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 248 HP / 104 Def / 156 SpD
Relaxed Nature
- Heavy Slam
- Flamethrower
- Leech Seed
- Toxic

Pyukumuku @ Leftovers
Ability: Unaware
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Toxic
- Spite
- Recover
- Block

A somewhat unconventional Stall Team. This team's goal is weaken the opposing enough through traditional methods so that sableye can calm mind and win the game. To this end Sableye Carries Calm mind andprotect which lets it mega evolve safely. Gliscor sets rocks and hits the bulky steels like tran that could hurt sableye while. Celeestela and Pyukumuku spread toxic. Pyuku also stops most set up sweepers in there tracks and is just generally annoying While Chansey is Chansey and also Wish passes to make switchs easier. Avalugg rounds out the team as a rapid spinner who can answer the threat of Unusual physical attackers with its sheer bulk.

Good luck this week. You may nominate 1 pokemon or a core of 2 that break this team. Please take Pyukumukus moveset into consideration when breaking this team

Goodluck Nominations will end sometime next week.
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:sm/tapu koko: :sm/kartana:
Kartana @ Grassium Z
Ability: Beast Boost
EVs: 136 HP / 120 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Leaf Blade
- Sacred Sword
- Synthesis
- Swords Dance

Tapu Koko @ Shuca Berry
Ability: Electric Surge
EVs: 32 HP / 88 Def / 172 SpA / 216 Spe
Timid Nature
- Thunderbolt
- Volt Switch
- Hidden Power Ice
- Roost

The team lacks switch-ins to Koko bar Chansey and Gliscor, the former of which can be pivoted on to bring Kartana in and the latter can just be dealt with Kart freely or Iced by Koko thanks to Shuca. Kart is walled by Steela but Koko comes in to abuse its lack of Protect. Synth Kart is a nice tech right now that can let it beat the war of attrition with Lugg and Gliscor. Both members of the core have reliable recovery to manage the long game, a nice asset to this team. While this core can be managed by MSab protecting and reacting accordingly, it still provides an annoyance since it pressures Sableye enough.

Blacephalon @ Ghostium Z
Ability: Beast Boost
EVs: 232 HP / 20 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Flamethrower
- Shadow Ball
- Calm Mind
- Taunt
Is Sub not better than Taunt?
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Taunt + CM Keldeo

Keldeo @ Leftovers / Waterium Z
Ability: Justified
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Calm Mind
- Scald / Hydro Pump
- Secret Sword
- Taunt

This mon have fallen of grace this gen, but still can be a threat to stall teams lacking Toxapex, Amoonguss or Unaware Clefable.
Taunt shuts down Pyukumuku, forcing it to struggle, while it helps against Celesteela to prevent Toxic or Leech Seed. After that, all you need to do is set up one or two CM and win the game, as none of the members can stop it after boosting one or two times.
You can also use Hydro Pump + Waterium Z, which gives Keldeo better rolls against M-Sableye and serves a a general nuke against Celesteela and Avalugg. If Keldeo is your main answer to stall teams and you are using Z-move, be careful about this mon being worn down, so, you can pair it with Healing Wish support from Jirachi or Wish from M-Latias, Clefable or Jirachi.
It can also run Waterium Z + Scald if the low PP from Hydro Pump are a concerning, scoring the OHKO on M-Sableye at +1, and having 75% to KO Celesteela at +1 after rocks, so it can be a choice, but Waterium Z sets are better using Hydro Pump.

At +1 / Leftovers set

+1 252 SpA Keldeo Scald vs. 248 HP / 0 SpD Sableye-Mega: 174-205 (57.4 - 67.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
+1 252 SpA Keldeo Secret Sword vs. 8 HP / 252+ Def Eviolite Chansey: 548-648 (85.2 - 100.7%) -- 81.3% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
+1 252 SpA Keldeo Scald vs. 148 HP / 244+ SpD Gliscor: 338-402 (103 - 122.5%) -- guaranteed OHKO
+1 252 SpA Keldeo Scald vs. 248 HP / 156 SpD Celesteela: 166-196 (41.8 - 49.3%) -- 83.6% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock
+1 252 SpA Keldeo Scald vs. 252 HP / 112 SpD Avalugg: 295-348 (74.8 - 88.3%) -- 93.8% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock

At +2 / Leftovers set

+2 252 SpA Keldeo Secret Sword vs. 8 HP / 252+ Def Eviolite Chansey: 732-864 (113.8 - 134.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO
+2 252 SpA Keldeo Scald vs. 248 HP / 156 SpD Celesteela: 222-262 (55.9 - 65.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
+2 252 SpA Keldeo Scald vs. 248 HP / 0 SpD Sableye-Mega: 231-273 (76.2 - 90%) -- 18.8% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
+2 252 SpA Keldeo Scald vs. 252 HP / 112 SpD Avalugg: 393-463 (99.7 - 117.5%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock
+2 252 SpA Keldeo Scald vs. 148 HP / 244+ SpD Gliscor: 456-536 (139 - 163.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO

At +1 / Waterium Z + Hydro Pump

+1 252 SpA Keldeo Hydro Pump vs. 148 HP / 244+ SpD Gliscor: 468-552 (142.6 - 168.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO
+1 252 SpA Keldeo Secret Sword vs. 8 HP / 252+ Def Eviolite Chansey: 548-648 (85.2 - 100.7%) -- 81.3% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
+1 252 SpA Keldeo Hydro Vortex (185 BP) vs. 248 HP / 0 SpD Sableye-Mega: 399-471 (131.6 - 155.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO
+1 252 SpA Keldeo Hydro Vortex (185 BP) vs. 248 HP / 156 SpD Celesteela: 384-453 (96.7 - 114.1%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock
+1 252 SpA Keldeo Hydro Pump vs. 252 HP / 112 SpD Avalugg: 405-477 (102.7 - 121%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Using Waterum Z + Scald

+1 252 SpA Keldeo Hydro Vortex (160 BP) vs. 248 HP / 156 SpD Celesteela: 331-391 (83.3 - 98.4%) -- 75% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
+1 252 SpA Keldeo Hydro Vortex (160 BP) vs. 248 HP / 0 SpD Sableye-Mega: 346-408 (114.1 - 134.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO
+1 252 SpA Keldeo Hydro Vortex (160 BP) vs. 252 HP / 112 SpD Avalugg: 588-693 (149.2 - 175.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO
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Reserving Thundurus-T


Thundurus-Therian @ Electrium Z
Ability: Volt Absorb
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Agility
- Thunderbolt
- Hidden Power Ice
- Nasty Plot

Thundurus-Therian is able to setup against Chansey and Gliscor without any poison or damage.
And if Thundurus-Therian is at +2 in speatt, it almost OHKO the whole team (Avalugg and Pyukumuku need prior damage):
+2 252 SpA Thundurus-Therian Thunderbolt vs. 248 HP / 0 SpD Sableye-Mega: 283-334 (93.3 - 110.2%) -- 62.5% chance to OHKO
+2 252 SpA Thundurus-Therian Thunderbolt vs. 252 HP / 112 SpD Avalugg: 483-568 (122.5 - 144.1%) -- guaranteed OHKO
+6 252 SpA Thundurus-Therian Thunderbolt vs. 8 HP / 248 SpD Eviolite Chansey: 325-384 (50.5 - 59.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
+2 252 SpA Thundurus-Therian Hidden Power Ice vs. 148 HP / 244+ SpD Gliscor: 496-584 (151.2 - 178%) -- guaranteed OHKO
+2 252 SpA Thundurus-Therian Thunderbolt vs. 248 HP / 156 SpD Celesteela: 542-642 (136.5 - 161.7%) -- guaranteed OHKO
+2 252 SpA Thundurus-Therian Thunderbolt vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Unaware Pyukumuku: 254-302 (80.8 - 96.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

The only way to deal with Thundurus-Therian with this team is to predict the nasty plot, to keep healthy Pyukumuku, to predict the usage of the Zmove and to expect that the opponent doesn't use an heal beller ...

Thundurus-Therian is a stallbreaker after all :blobshrug:
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Gyarados @ Gyaradosite
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 Def
Jolly Nature
- Crunch
- Waterfall / Earthquake
- Dragon Dance
- Taunt

Na na-na-na, na-na, na-na CAN'T TOUCH THIS. Okay, but seriously, Tauntados 6-0s this team from preview. Mold Breaker Taunt shuts down every 'Mon on the team, and every attack is resisted by one or both of its forms. Your only choices are to let it boost to +6 or click X.
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Gyarados @ Gyaradosite
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 Def
Jolly Nature
- Crunch
- Waterfall / Earthquake
- Dragon Dance
- Taunt

Na na-na-na, na-na, na-na CAN'T TOUCH THIS. Okay, but seriously, Tauntados 6-0s this team from preview. Mold Breaker Taunt shuts down every 'Mon on the team, and every attack is resisted by one or both of its forms. Your only choices are to let it boost to +6 or click X.

Avalugg checks Gyarados quite well. Avalanche wears down pre-mega, while EQ hits mega. Rocky helmet chips away Gyarados when it uses its strongest attacks. Gyarados can win, but it can also lose if the stall player plays well, like attacking on a predicted taunt, as Gyarados has no recovery. Some support can make the MU an auto win for Gyarados though, like screens Koko.
CM Ghostium Blacephelon

Blacephalon @ Ghostium Z
Ability: Beast Boost
EVs: 232 HP / 20 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Flamethrower
- Shadow Ball
- Calm Mind
- Taunt

There's very little counterplay for stall. Obviously the non-speed-boosting version wins easier, but that's a non-set. This one also sweeps offense.

Just taunt chansey and pyuku.

20 SpA Blacephalon Flamethrower vs. 252 HP / 112 SpD Avalugg: 426-504 (108.1 - 127.9%) -- guaranteed OHKO
+1 20 SpA Blacephalon Flamethrower vs. 248 HP / 156 SpD Celesteela: 360-426 (90.6 - 107.3%) -- 43.8% chance to OHKO (heavy slam is 3hko)
+1 20 SpA Blacephalon Never-Ending Nightmare (160 BP) vs. 148 HP / 244+ SpD Gliscor: 325-384 (99 - 117%) -- 93.8% chance to OHKO after Poison Heal
+1 20 SpA Blacephalon Shadow Ball vs. 248 HP / 0 SpD Sableye-Mega: 166-196 (54.7 - 64.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
0 SpA Sableye-Mega Shadow Ball vs. +1 232 HP / 4 SpD Blacephalon: 122-146 (40 - 47.8%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
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Heracross-Mega (M) @ Heracronite
Ability: Moxie
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Close Combat
- Rock Blast
- Pin Missile

Seeing as various mons on this team lack the status moves that they would usually run that scare Mega Heracross, SD Mega Heracross can run a train on this team, being able to 2HKO Pyukumuku, and it obviously blows through the rest of the team relatively easily at +2.

Tapu Fini @ Leftovers
Ability: Misty Surge
EVs: 248 HP / 16 Def / 12 SpA / 40 SpD / 192 Spe
Calm Nature
- Defog
- Moonblast
- Nature's Madness
- Taunt

With Nature's Madness + Taunt to harass the team, Moonblast to threaten Mega Sableye, Misty Surge to counteract Toxic and the bulk to shrug off every attack, standard Tapu Fini has the ability to run through the entire team on its own.
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View attachment 195570
Tapu Fini @ Leftovers
Ability: Misty Surge
EVs: 248 HP / 16 Def / 12 SpA / 40 SpD / 192 Spe
Calm Nature
- Defog
- Moonblast
- Nature's Madness
- Taunt

With Nature's Madness + Taunt to harass the entire team, Moonblast to threaten Mega Sableye, Misty Surge to counteract Toxic and the bulk to shrug off every attack, standard Tapu Fini has the ability to run through the entire team on its own.

Gliscor outspeeds, meaning it can roost up after taunt wears off before Fini can taunt it again. It's also hard to wear down since NM gets weaker as Gliscor gets worn, poison heal provides recovery even when it is taunted, and moonblast only does about 31% on a max roll, so you need to NM 3 times and then moonblast (at which point Gliscor will no longer be taunted, and can roost up). Also, Sableye takes less than 50% after one boost.
:sm/tapu koko: :sm/kartana:
Kartana @ Grassium Z
Ability: Beast Boost
EVs: 136 HP / 120 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Leaf Blade
- Sacred Sword
- Synthesis
- Swords Dance

Tapu Koko @ Shuca Berry
Ability: Electric Surge
EVs: 32 HP / 88 Def / 172 SpA / 216 Spe
Timid Nature
- Thunderbolt
- Volt Switch
- Hidden Power Ice
- Roost

The team lacks switch-ins to Koko bar Chansey and Gliscor, the former of which can be pivoted on to bring Kartana in and the latter can just be dealt with Kart freely or Iced by Koko thanks to Shuca. Kart is walled by Steela but Koko comes in to abuse its lack of Protect. Synth Kart is a nice tech right now that can let it beat the war of attrition with Lugg and Gliscor. Both members of the core have reliable recovery to manage the long game, a nice asset to this team. While this core can be managed by MSab protecting and reacting accordingly, it still provides an annoyance since it pressures Sableye enough.


Is Sub not better than Taunt?

Sub Blace is prevented from setting up by Chansey's confide. Gliscor can deal with Blace after it can no longer set up. That said, taunt Blace is super uncommon (doesn't even show up in stats), and probably not as viable as sub (which helps a lot against more offensive and balanced teams to protect itself from any one hit). Not sure if it should be considered viable enough or not because of that, but CoC hasn't said anything, so I guess it's okay.

By the way, why the switch from fightinium Kart? I don't see how this core does the job. You have to chip Celesteela with sacred sword as you scare Chansey out, then Koko must come in on a flamethrower, and Celesteela switches to Chansey/Gliscor on a potential volt switch. At some point Koko has to roost, giving Chansey a free turn to wish pass.

I can see the pressure this core applies though, and I'm not sure which team the calcs favor (as both sides get chipped and have to waste turns to heal). And as you said, Sableye can be problematic (in fact, it OHKOs Kart at +1). I'm on the fence with this personally, but of course I don't get to decide if this is a valid submission or not.
By the way, why the switch from fightinium Kart?

I was actually going to go with Fightinium Kart but Synth Kart’s job is to act as a check to stuff like offensive Grounds, which Grassium manages that better. It just more meta coverage overall. Also while all of the stuff you have said is true, when it comes to stall, especially yours, careful prediction and proactive playing is a necessity. These two aren’t guaranteed to beat the team, but it can be done. Ty for feedback though!
Last Chance to post cores. I'll be setting up voting either tommorow or tuesday based on how tired I am after work tommorow. Doing a 10 hour shift. Goodluck
Doesn’t phys koko 6-0 this

It struggles with Gliscor:

0 SpA Tapu Koko Hidden Power Ice vs. 148 HP / 244+ SpD Gliscor: 148-176 (45.1 - 53.6%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Poison Heal

Koko doesn't have much of a physical movepool to hit Gliscor with either. Electric moves don't work; it has no physical fairy moves; and it has no water or ice moves. It can lure and bop Chansey though, as Gliscor can't reliably switch in on most other Koko sets. So if you pair it with something that can sweep with Chansey gone, it would be okay (just a little reliant on the opponent not going Gliscor).
It struggles with Gliscor:

0 SpA Tapu Koko Hidden Power Ice vs. 148 HP / 244+ SpD Gliscor: 148-176 (45.1 - 53.6%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Poison Heal

Koko doesn't have much of a physical movepool to hit Gliscor with either. Electric moves don't work; it has no physical fairy moves; and it has no water or ice moves. It can lure and bop Chansey though, as Gliscor can't reliably switch in on most other Koko sets. So if you pair it with something that can sweep with Chansey gone, it would be okay (just a little reliant on the opponent not going Gliscor).
Lures chansey then a Gren just win or like anything that chansey beats and is also just very good vs everything on the team maybe not gliscor but that can’t switch in with rox up
Lures chansey then a Gren just win or like anything that chansey beats and is also just very good vs everything on the team maybe not gliscor but that can’t switch in with rox up

Exactly, you have to either have to pair Koko with a mon that can sweep once Chansey is significantly weakened, or pair it with something that can set and keep rocks up against the team.