Well its time to wrap this up and bring a close to Gen 7s break this team. I would like to thank everyone who has participated in this thread be it as posters, voters or otherwise. I would like to thank the mods for giving me the opportunity to run this thread and for the flexibility they've granted me in doing so (This is especially appreciated) along with those who have contributed teams.
Finally I'd like to thank
Random Passerby curiosity and
VCrakeV for helping me to Co-run this thread at various times during the last 3 years, answer questions and ensure nominations were done correctly. Thank you everybody
With that its time to announce the last Winner of SUMOs break this team. Congratulations to
Veez for finally making the archive on the last week with the SPD Tapu Bulu + Mega Heracross nomination which absolutely destroys the team with minimal outside support.
Solaros & Lunaris and
VCrakeV I know you guys tried constantly but none of your nominations ever seems to get up but thank you guys for your content nominations.
Vote Count
Sableye Mega + Pyukumuku 2
Shedinjna + Sableye Mega
Tapu Bulu + Charizard Y
Mantine + Sableye Mega 1
SPD Tapu Bulu + Mega Heracross - 4
Final Archive
Total Archive Tally
5 - Akumeoy, Mannat
4 - Indigo Plateau
3 -
2 - DK, Flame from Heaven, Givrex, MellowyellowHD, Counting Sheep, Finchinator, Jordy
1 - AM, Aragorn the King, Martin, Curiosity, MultiAmmiratore, , pooyou123456789q, Creator of Chaos, Riddikulusness, Scarf Nihilego, Expert_Occultist, Vertex, Ramses, Poison Adhesive, Mega Star Universe, DKM, 1_TrickPhony, , Egor, Slave of Passion, JTD783, Lando San, Veez.
Do I have any regrets? Yes I failed to make the hall of fame on my own damn thread and I could have posted more teams but being an adult can suck at times.
With that I consider this thread Closed. Tagging either
TPP or
Finchinator or for that matter any other mod who wish's to lock up this thread. Thank you once again and 'll see you all in gen 8 with more clefable t-wave action