Accepted the two above.
This suffers from the Last Post on Page Syndrome, so posting it on a new page.
EDIT: Unrelated, but who else here had their Visitor Messages place spammed by Banned Deucers? I'd take it as everyone...Stupid Spambots...
It's a Random, I'll have to decline for right now, Dark Ray already reserved so I'll evaluate his and then make a decision.
I had 4 & a VM, but I Soft Deleted it & gave a reason. I wonder if anyone else can see my soft deletion?
Reserving for NeilKosugi, What do you currently have?
EDIT: You get Jynx, Jynx is a former foot-fetish porn star, who was replaced by Bruno, And a rising surge of gay porn, she must solo every male-only pokémon (genders didn't exist in Gen I so make a list from the future gens). As she tries to return to the big leagues, She must learn Mega Kick and Lick. She must solo every:
Jynx, Cloyster and Nidoqueen.
She must also solo Bruno and 6 rival pokémon.
To make herself a more risque star she must paralyse 10 pokémon, wild or not, with lick.
Good enough for you?
*sighs as he relises he doesn't have one after Ash's Pikachu turns out to be an R/S/E epic fail...*On a completely unrelated note, my "Memphis the Sneasel" may have just become my signature challange...
I guess so. He's not really gonna tell us off now is he?Meh. Is it safe to give out MEP's again? Ironically, the MEP is the first challenge I ever got in the history of me being in this thread. It was the second MVP in that Scramble behind an all dominating Empoleon.
That Cheri Berry Zubat is my signature for R/S/E. Don't have one for the other versions yet...
If he doesn't come back, I call first dibs on owning MTPs.Oddly enough the first pokemon I was given was also an MEP. Hopefully Threadshot is just taking an extended christmas break and hasn't given up on pokemon.