I'm surprised at the lack of Choice Band Pert. Aqua Tail / Stone Edge / Superpower / Earthquake lalala
So what tier are we predicting Swampert will fall in this generation? OU again?
Why should one be surprised? It lacks priority, speed and U-turn/Volt Change, not to mention that a misprediction with those subpar STAB moves can easily give your opponent an oppurtunity to set up.I'm surprised at the lack of Choice Band Pert. Aqua Tail / Stone Edge / Superpower / Earthquake lalala
Why should one be surprised? It lacks priority, speed and U-turn/Volt Change, not to mention that a misprediction with those subpar STAB moves can easily give your opponent an oppurtunity to set up.
Perhaps it can do quite a some of damage if you 'predict right' however i'd rather don't something that does not have such a high risk/reward factor. Especially if some other choice banders can fullfill the same reward but with less risk involved.
So what tier are we predicting Swampert will fall in this generation? OU again?
In Gen 4, Zapdos sometimes carried HP Grass just for Swampert. With HP Grass, Thunderbolt and Heat Wave, Zapdos got unresisted coverage in OU anyway (apart from when the Lati twins were around, but even HP Ice isn't doing squat to Latias).HP Grass? Why would it run HP Grass and not Ice?
Honestly, I thought Swampert would suck this gen, but it doesn't. It should be a definite OU this gen, albeit a little less common. It does great against Drought teams (can take an Offensive Ninetales Energy Ball and EQ for the KO, SR's to cripple sweepers like Volcarona into KO range, and doesn't suck like Unaware Quagsire. Can even troll like hell with Protect like it did last Gen. Sure, it loses to set-uppers, but so do most tanks. It's not outclassed by other bulky waters at all because it can set up SR and has that great Earthquake STAB. It also counters the ever annoying Tyranitar (not all bulky waters do anymore because of that Sandstorm SDef boost), and I think it can take Jolly Life Orb Doryuuzu in the sand, Ice Beam laugh in Landorus's and Thundurus's face, and Swampert's Thunder Wave immune too.
Bottom line: Swampert surprisingly does not suck.
I meant as a way to answer incoming Skarm and Ferro.Which is rather obsolete now. So much many more things can Dragon Tail or if you actually wanted to stop a sweep, what are you Roaring..? Rando? Dory? Ranku? Chomp?
It does great against Drought teams (can take an Offensive Ninetales Energy Ball and EQ for the KO, SR's to cripple sweepers like Volcarona into KO range, and doesn't suck like Unaware Quagsire.
Like everything water, it gets boiling water.
But because all the other ground/waters got water absorb (or a variant), theres pretty much no reason to use swampy (who got god damn damp. and explosion sucks now). Gastrodon + grass resistance/herbivore can cover weather pretty darn well.