I think the fact that some extremely offbeat options were listed just goes to show how many options you have for beating stall if you're a skilled player. There are plenty of other options that are viable like np hydreigon, sub np rotom w after you deal with blissey, cb floatzel on rain, bu taunt quaquaval, etc.it is hard to tell if you are trolling or not.
you can't just "break stall", even if you include 1 or 2 stall breakers on your team there is no way to make it so that they can beat EVERY defensive pokemon out there.
and if you fill your team with wall breakers then it is going to underperform against any non-stall team.
also I don't think that some of the breakers you mentioned who uses glaceon in OU? this thing is not even on viability list)
Also, like eeveeto said, the number of pokemon that can beat stall with the right support is virtually endless