Resource SV 1v1 Team/Set Dump

Ultimate Team-DLC 2 Edition

:urshifu: :archaludon: :primarina:

This team has been solid for me so far. The addition of Primarina really boosted the scope for power in this current meta. It follows the common core of Fairy-Steel-Dragon, with Urshifu being a solid filler after Archaludon covers 2 parts of the core.

Although this team may seem solid, it has some flaws and manuevers that can outplay this team. Overall, a team to be reckoned with.

Thank You
Ursaluna | Pokédex


Gaming Zone - Pokemon VGC 2020 Team - Absolute Ascendancy

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Gyarados @ Mirror Herb
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 124 HP / 112 Atk / 24 Def / 248 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Waterfall / Aqua Tail
- Outrage
- Dragon Dance
- Taunt​

Built primarily to fight dragons. Good matchups vs Band/Timid Scarf Regidrago, Walking Wake, Garchomp, Haxorus, Baxcalibur, Band Dragapult. Gouging Fire matchup depending on set and first click (e.g. Dragon Dance on Burning Bulwark can work). Obviously cannot take down Raging Bolt, Archaludon or Goodra-h. Also built to tank Band Landorus-t Stone Edge, and other things I didn't record. Taunt helps vs stallers including Leech Seed Ogerpon.

Why Mirror Herb? Well, Dragons often carry Dragon Dance or Scale Shot. The idea is to click Dragon Dance T1, and to gain an additional speed boost if the opposing dragon tried setting up. Also works to gain a free +2 Attack vs Defiant mons triggered by Intimidate, or vs mons who try to set up Swords Dance/Bulk Up to make up for the Intimidate debuff.
(Thank you to the largest of chu-chu for pointing out my mistake in thread choice)
[2025 edit:]
[Throat spray magician will not work in one turn, but two turns]
Everything cooked up recently!
list of sets:
Curse unburden Drifblim
Torment / Psy noise Gothitelle
280 damage Sceptile combo
All my moves are 150 damage Blastoise
Basic Infernape post DLC
Throat spray Hoopa-U & Wonder Room Hoopa-U
Normal Gem on Super Fang Grafaiai
An actually usable Enamorus
Yet another attempt at blunder policy & Stomping tantrum Sandy Shocks (worth a redo)

Drifblim: Evs dont matter, need to optimize bulk. Running fewer HP evs means better SS recovery. keep hp even for curse & sitrus.

Gothitelle: Frisk Torment + Protect helps wall choice users. Psychic noise ruins Whim. Thunderbolt to test matchups vs corv.

Sceptile: use scale shot or leaf storm T1 to activate white herb & unburden. Then you'll be able to strike first turn 2. Enormous damage.

Blastoise: Water Spout & Hydro Cannon lead into a devastating two turns. Shell Smash to fight off stall and set up Hydro Cannon. Mirror coat for surprises. Mental herb to shake off encored shell smashes or water spouts.

Infernape: Bog standard but with the option to repeat 120 fire stab instead of dying to recoil.

Hoopa-U: Throat spray activates with Psychic Noise. Magician will steal their item. Speed allows to defensively steal items too.

Hoopa-U2: Wonder room swaps its 60 def for its 130 spdef. This is great for defensive walls vs hoopa as it can make an avalugg frail.

Grafaiai: Normal Gem & Super fang look dumb, but it will cut the opponent's hp in half and then double its speed. Finish it off with giga impact or use sub defensively. Giga impact can be used with gem if you invest in atk instead.

Enamorus: Properly ev'd to take on specs sylveon. Mystical fire t1 then sludge bomb t2. Contrary deals with fake tears. This set also tries to take on regidrago by being fairy & iron valiant by switching up sludge bomb and moon blast. The item is free to be changed around.

Sandy Shocks: A blunder policy set that might work without it. Gravity increases accuracy of screech & zap cannon while removing flying immunities. The goal was screech would double stomping tantrum whether it landed or not. Zap cannon doubles its speed thanks to blunder whether it lands or not. This could easily be a special set using thunder, earth power, and throat spray metal sound.
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Garganacl @ Custap Berry
Ability: Sturdy
Tera Type: Rock
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def
Lax Nature
IVs: 0 SpD / 0 Spe
- Salt Cure
- Dig
- Protect
- Recover

For unsuspecting Archaludons and Primarinas
If you want to live standard WP Iron Crown that Tachyon t1 use 22 SpD IVs instead
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Whimsicott @ Yache Berry
Ability: Prankster
Shiny: Yes
Tera Type: Grass
EVs: 56 HP / 228 Def / 220 SpA / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Leech Seed
- Protect
- Substitute
- Moonblast

HP and Defense:
252+ Atk Choice Band Sword of Ruin Chien-Pao Icicle Crash vs. 56 HP / 228+ Def Yache Berry Whimsicott: 235-277 (85.4 - 100.7%) -- 6.3% chance to OHKO

Special Attack:
220 SpA Whimsicott Moonblast vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Chien-Pao: 302-356 (100.3 - 118.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO

4 SpD as dump
Hello everyone,

Since the 1v1 Swiss is upon us and the current set comp, though valuable, is incomplete and doesn't have explanations, I've compiled some sets I have in my builder that I've made at different points. Unlike the normal sets compendium, there is no quality control, and I expect that shows up at several points. The chaff no doubt outweighs the wheat here, though it might be better than nothing.

This is not a complete representation of the meta, obviously. Many important pokemon or sets are missing because I don't have a set that I've built for it. For example, there's no AV Archaludon here despite the importance of that set. Additionally, if I have a set, but I feel it's absolutely outclassed by something from the current WIP Comp or the old completed compendium, I've omitted it. Expert belt Donphan, AV Hoopa-U, LO Hoopa-U, AV Glastrier, and a few others are in the same boat.

Sets are arranged by VR position with all the unranked pokemon chucked hap-hazardly at the bottom.
1v1 Sets (

Please don't use this to counter-team me. This isn't a representation of everything in my builder, just sets I've personally built, so you might not even succeed.

Edit: If I've accidentally included your set because I stole it and put it in my builder, please do let me know if you want it removed.
Edit 2: In case it wasn't obvious, this is not intended to replace the current set comp. It's a stop-gap measure while the comp is under scaffolding. Because I am not on the VR council and don't have the formal responsibilities or duties associated with that, I have the freedom to do this.
Edit 3: [13:34] +stravench: add this to there, the goated stravench pz set // I cannot vouch for the quality of this. I also don't intend this to become a set comp with community contributions. This is a one off. Please do not send me sets in the future. If you have good sets, send them to the people who actually make the set comp; I'm just some random person.
Edit 4: [12:14] stravench: basically it lives choice banded sucker punch from chien pao and outspeeds iron bundle
Edit 5: The PhysDef Stall Porygon2 should have analytic instead of trace to OHKO Haxorus from full with hyper beam.
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Dumping my SV builder. It's a bit of a mess.
1v1 Set Builds (
1v1TC Gen9 (
Benched Cores (
Not Fully Tested (
Old Teams to Revisit (
Pokemon Analysis (
Teams if You Play Felucia in Swiss (
Teams to Use (
Usable and Good (
Usable but Mid (
Usable but Bad (
WIP Setbuilds (
I'm not dumping either the "Stolen Teams" or the "kenn Teams" folders since those aren't really mine to dump.
There's quite a few Sylveon/Gouging Fire teams. I think that core is really good, probably around the same level as Primafire.

I think Primarina + Corviknight has a lot of potential as the base of a "two parts of a DFS and something to beat steels" team. Stacking electric weakness isn't great, but a life orb Corv set can deal with stuff like Ogerpons that threaten Prim pretty effectively.

Registeel/Metagross + a bulky water is also a really interesting core structure to work with since there are quite a few options for bulky waters that you can get away with (Dondozo, Tauros-Paldea-Aqua, Walking Wake, Manaphy, Keldeo, etc.)

Landopon is another core structure that's stood out, but I'm not super sold on it after having tried to build a Landopon team myself. It's fine, good even, but it's not overwhelmingly great. The team I built with it, I felt was pretty mediocre.

Slaking was fun to build with. It pressures more things than I initially thought and has a really weird matchup spread, which forces a less abstract sort of building than I'm used to. Slaking beats Regidrago, Raging Bolt, and Walking Wake; it's generally quite competent and pressuring dragons and things that don't run a ton of physical bulk. The custap meta hurts it though, and you don't have options against Gouging Fire, Archaludon, or the Ogerpons, in addition to run of the mill normal resists. Rotom-Heat seems like a cool teammate for it since Rotom is a fire type that beats Prim; it should help a lot with steels and Sylveon. The team I actually finished with it is a cool Zarude set that beats Ogerpon-Hearthflame by rock tombing twice and beats Archaludon with drain punch.

Hoopa-U is pretty decent to build with. It beats a ton of things, and the right partner goes a long way. I like counter Annihilape, which beats a good
chunk of the things that try to answer Hoopa-U (Ogerpons, Gouging Fire, Meowscarada, Chien-Pao, Haxorus, etc.). Weezing-Galar also seems to have potential next to Hoopa-U (see the MMT), but I don't have a purpose-built team with that.

Standard custap Prim is a bit susceptible to being lured and beat by stuff like AV Urshifu-Rapid-Strike, which one of the teams there does take advantage of, or Kyurem. Hypothetically, a petaya berry set is more difficult to stunt on, though it's overall matchup spread is worse. I think there's one team in there with petaya Prim, probably in the WIP folder. Sitrus could also work.

Some of the things in those folders are stolen, just so you know. Most notably, I have absolutely ripped the AV Basculegion-F set from MattC (Banned). He made a post on it a while ago in the Metagame Discussion, and I figured it had potential.

The pokepastes aren't internally organized; control f is your friend.

If you haven't ever noticed, most of the nicknames there are song references.
If you're thinking of using one of these teams, please make sure that it's actually good before using it.

I think that's everything...
That team got me #2 in the room tour leaderboard in March and #5 in April. I got bored of it and I don't intend to use it in tours anymore so here it is, where it belongs, in the dump.


Muk-Alola @ Assault Vest
Ability: Poison Touch
EVs: 216 HP / 116 Atk / 104 Def / 72 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Gunk Shot
- Knock Off
- Shadow Sneak
- Drain Punch

Wyrdeer @ Custap Berry
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 192 Def / 252 SpA / 64 Spe
Modest Nature
- Hyper Beam
- Psychic Noise
- Calm Mind
- Endure

Charizard @ Petaya Berry
Ability: Blaze
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 30 HP
- Blast Burn
- Hurricane
- Will-O-Wisp
- Substitute

:muk-alola:One of the best AV users, with 2 strong STAB moves + recovery + priority + poison cheese. Deals with Fairies, Psychics, Hoopa-U, Ogerpon, Dragapult, Jolly Meowscarada, and special attackers in general. Defensive EVs bulk Jolly Band Chien-Pao and Modest Specs Porygon-Z.
:wyrdeer:Intimidate allows it to tank a lot of physical attackers, while Psychic Noise is extremely valuable vs leech seeders. Hyper Beam does Hyper Beam stuff. Deals with Fightings, Landorus-T, Donphan, Jolly Meowscarada, Ogerpon, Whimsicott. Defensive EVs are for Jolly Band Meowscarada (Hyper Beam T1) and Ada Band Ursa.
:charizard:Third wheel of the team, deals mostly with the Steels which are a problem for the other two, and anything unfortunate enough to be slower and unable to tank a +1 Blaze-boosted Blast Burn.
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That team got me #2 in the room tour leaderboard in March and #5 in April. I got bored of it and I don't intend to use it in tours anymore so here it is, where it belongs, in the dump.

View attachment 630800View attachment 630801View attachment 630802

Sock (M) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Poison Touch
EVs: 184 HP / 200 Atk / 124 Def
Adamant Nature
- Gunk Shot
- Knock Off
- Shadow Sneak
- Drain Punch

Meta-defining @ Custap Berry
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 192 Def / 252 SpA / 64 Spe
Modest Nature
- Hyper Beam
- Psychic Noise
- Earth Power / Thunderbolt / Megahorn
- Endure

omegerd cherizerd @ Petaya Berry
Ability: Blaze
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 30 HP
- Blast Burn
- Hurricane
- Will-O-Wisp
- Substitute
  • Muk is one of the best AV users, with 2 strong STAB moves + recovery + priority + poison cheese. Deals with Fairies, Psychics, Hoopa-U, Ogerpons, Dragapult, Jolly Meowscarada, and special attackers in general. Defensive EVs bulk Jolly Band Chien-Pao and Timid Specs Porygon-Z.​
  • Wyrdeer has an interesting stat spread giving it versatility. Having spammed it intensively the last few months, I found it's best used as a special attacker with Custap. Intimidate allows it to tank a lot of physical attackers, while Psychic Noise is extremely valuable vs leech seeders. Earth Power is its best coverage move. Hyper Beam does Hyper Beam stuff. Deals with Fightings, Landorus-T, Donphan, Gouging Fire, Jolly Meowscarada, Ogerpons, Whimsicott (and the late Archaludon). Defensive EVs are for Booster Atk Gouging Fire, Jolly Band Meowscarada (Hyper Beam T1) and Jolly Band Urshifu-RS.​
  • Charizard, the third wheel of the team, deals mostly with the Steels which are a problem for the other two, and anything unfortunate enough to be slower and unable to tank a +1 Blaze-boosted Blast Burn.​
Bro is cooking

I was desperately trying to find a team that could take on most of the meta and for me to burst into the Top 500. I made this team when i was stuck in the 1400s for a while and I was thoroughly interested in Urshifu Rapid Strike's niche in the tier. So i decided to build a team centering it and a common type trio in the meta.



Urshifu-Rapid-Strike @ Choice Band
Ability: Unseen Fist
Tera Type: Fighting
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Close Combat
- Surging Strikes
- Poison Jab
- Aqua Jet

Urshifu's niche as an excellent fighting type is what intrigued me to build this team. Choice Band Shifu is generally the meta set so i decided to roll with it. Close Combat hits most of the meta for huge damage while STAB Surging Strikes is a nice move to have especially against popular Sturdy abusers like Donphan. Pjab is just a random coverage i preferred since it hits a lot of Fairy types for a good chunk. Aqua Jet is a nice filler to have as usual.

Dragapult @ Choice Band
Ability: Infiltrator
Tera Type: Dragon
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Outrage
- Dragon Darts
- Phantom Force
- Psychic Fangs

Outrage+Dragon Darts is the classic Dragon STAB Combo i preferred due to how many Dragon types these days run Haban Berry as an excuse to slap Dragapult. Click Outrage on non-Haban Dragons and Darts more frequently to scout. Phantom Force is the only the usable Ghost STAB here, which is needed to hit a lot of meta Ghost types. Psychic Fangs is a decent Filler to have when you don't have much coverage against Poison types in the team.

Fezandipiti (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Technician
Tera Type: Poison
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Gunk Shot
- Play Rough
- Dual Wingbeat
- Quick Attack

Now we're getting to the Good part. Now, look at my team so far, look at Azumarill and Primarina. Exactly. I loved Fezan here as it was an unexpected pokemon in the meta and a really great counter to Azu and Prima who are all over the ladder. Gunk is a great move to deal with the above threats. One other thing i love this mon is for, its flexibility. STAB Play Rough is a great move to have for the countless Dragons and Fighting types in the tier. The last two moves a nice fillers to have, and Technician Boosted Quick Attack is a nice last move to pick-off weakened mons. Life Orb adds to the already insane power output coming out of that attack stat.


I could only really find one counter here that was really apparent to me.

:skarmory: This Team doesn't appreciate it at all if you don't pick Shifu and manage to try and even KO it, you're good. But if you picked the others, well, good luck lol.


I would like to conclude this post by saying that it has a been a great journey so far and this team had a lot to do in that journey. Hoping to reach #1 with this form!
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Ok so I made a Grafaiai that trys to retain Primarina mus while being Custap to perform like Gen 8 Custap Riolu

Grafaiai @ Custap Berry
Ability: Prankster
Level: 99
Tera Type: Poison
EVs: 204 HP / 52 Atk / 252 SpD
Sassy Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Poison Jab
- Dig
- Copycat
- Endure

(As you can see this is a tech mainly against Custap)

Primarina sets available in the damage calc:
WP: Sneakily 1 speed slower than the set
Custap: Poison Jab 99.6% chance to 2hko, Copycat to be faster than opposing Primarina Custap
Specs: I set the EVs to maximize the chances for living a Hydro Cannon...

If you don't think non WP Prim is an issue feel free to take the Poison Jab away, use other EVs, and use Encore so you have better mu vs Protect
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Iron Valiant @ Booster Energy
Ability: Quark Drive
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 244 HP / 1 Atk / 252 SpD / 12 Spe
Careful Nature
IVs: 5 Atk
- Low Kick
- Protect
- Encore
- Disable

252+ SpA Volcanion Overheat vs. 244 HP / 252+ SpD Iron Valiant: 229-271 (65.4 - 77.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
0- Atk Volcanion Struggle vs. 244 HP / 0 Def Iron Valiant: 39-46 (11.1 - 13.1%) -- possible 8HKO
1 Atk 5 IVs Iron Valiant Low Kick (100 BP) vs. 248 HP / 0 Def Volcanion: 106-126 (29.2 - 34.7%) -- 6.8% chance to 3HKO

And this still outspeeds Chien Pao (Remeber 5 Atk IV or you lose Speed Booster)
Carrying on latios777 legacy with this oinky team:


Justin Bridou (Grumpig) @ Aguav Berry
Ability: Gluttony
EVs: 172 HP / 196 Def / 96 SpA / 44 Spe
Modest Nature
- Psychic
- Icy Wind
- Mirror Coat
- Encore

Porco Rosso (Emboar) @ Chilan Berry
Ability: Reckless
EVs: 176 Atk / 12 SpA / 116 SpD / 204 Spe
Lonely Nature
- Flare Blitz
- Superpower
- Blast Burn
- Flame Charge

Kevin Bacon (Oinkologne) @ Custap Berry
Ability: Gluttony
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 64 HP / 224 Atk / 220 Def
Adamant Nature
- Giga Impact
- Play Rough
- Super Fang
- High Horsepower / Curse / whatever

It has some obvious 0-3's (Haxo, Maushold, Drago) but this is the best I could do with pigs. Good enough to have some fun on ladder!


:grumpig:Can tank strong special hits and ohko with Mirror Coat, or speed control with Icy Wind and Encore. Good Aguav Gluttony synergy so you can click Encore T1 and Mirror Coat T2. EVs for jolly band Lando-T and Scarf Drago Dragon Energy (ladder peeps don't click Outrage).
:emboar:Chilan for P-Z / Chien-Pao / Meows / Spectrier. Speed for WP Iron Crown (I know, you don't beat booster sets), mixed offense so you have 2 nuke buttons based on what Crown buffed T1, also for Corv.
Alternative set: 252+ Atk Choice Scarf with Flare Blitz + Head Smash, to beat Volcarona/Zapdos/booster SpA Crown.
:oinkologne:Decent bulk, good Custap Gluttony synergy. Super Fang into Giga Impact hits like a truck. Play Rough for Dragapult/Roaring Moon. Last move is free but High Horsepower helps vs Crown. EVs for band/specs Dragapult.
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If you believe in your pigs you can do everything you want. To be honest I use other teams for achieve 1537 in this account (in the 1400-1500 standard teams and pig teams and in less than 1400 only pig teams) and I have luck with the MUs when climbing, so I recognise is not easy. In fact I'm surprised with that result.
Suggestions on the team:

Sitrus berry and thick fat on grumpig. But after looking at viability rankings you see that fire types (volcarona, skeledirge and volcanion mainly) aren't clicking fire moves (well, maybe skeledirge only if no ghost stab or trying to outplay the mirror coat). Even the Iron moth in the replay in the last post is clicking Sludge wave because not worth risking with Overheat. Ice types are low ranked so probably is fine going without Thick fat but the recover diference is really low (25% sitrus over 33,3% aguav) so maybe do the change.

Emboar maybe can run a custap berry set and maybe close combat > superpower. In this case, endure over blast burn and flame charge is for beat subseed meowscarada (you are clicking endure turn1 fearing giga impact band...but if click protect and no sub you are still fine without the move). Worth to made a version with this set.

Oinkologne is fine with your set.
Alright wanted to post this way back lol but back to back tours stopped me. Finally It comes to an end and here's my builder.

I am 100% sure who have problems in completing suspect tests/1v1 tours these teams will help you.
Note:- Teams in the starting are named as copy of untitled and stuff cause i used to play felucia's core challenge a lot kek. Best teams can be seen from the bottom of the paste. Thank You Mentality for all the support!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Peace Out