Hello everyone,
Since the 1v1 Swiss is upon us and the current set comp, though valuable, is incomplete and doesn't have explanations, I've compiled some sets I have in my builder that I've made at different points. Unlike the normal sets compendium, there is no quality control, and I expect that shows up at several points. The chaff no doubt outweighs the wheat here, though it might be better than nothing.
This is not a complete representation of the meta, obviously. Many important pokemon or sets are missing because I don't have a set that I've built for it. For example, there's no AV Archaludon here despite the importance of that set. Additionally, if I have a set, but I feel it's absolutely outclassed by something from the current WIP Comp or the old completed compendium, I've omitted it. Expert belt Donphan, AV Hoopa-U, LO Hoopa-U, AV Glastrier, and a few others are in the same boat.
Sets are arranged by VR position with all the unranked pokemon chucked hap-hazardly at the bottom.
1v1 Sets (pokepast.es)
Please don't use this to counter-team me. This isn't a representation of everything in my builder, just sets I've personally built, so you might not even succeed.
Edit: If I've accidentally included your set because I stole it and put it in my builder, please do let me know if you want it removed.
Edit 2: In case it wasn't obvious, this is not intended to replace the current set comp. It's a stop-gap measure while the comp is under scaffolding. Because I am not on the VR council and don't have the formal responsibilities or duties associated with that, I have the freedom to do this.
Edit 3: [13:34]
+stravench: add this to there, the goated stravench pz set https://pokepast.es/7ca55f3ddbf65b84 // I cannot vouch for the quality of this. I also don't intend this to become a set comp with community contributions. This is a one off. Please do not send me sets in the future. If you have good sets, send them to the people who actually make the set comp; I'm just some random person.
Edit 4: [12:14]
stravench: basically it lives choice banded sucker punch from chien pao and outspeeds iron bundle
5: The PhysDef Stall Porygon2 should have analytic instead of trace to OHKO Haxorus from full with hyper beam.