Super Smash Bros. Brawl Discussion #2 (spoilers)

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No, CF was fast but pretty easy to control because he had decent melee range, his falling speed was managable and even the Knee was easy to time, whereas Fox falls like a brick and most of his attacks require extremely close range. Note that even among the best players, Infinite shine was mostly plausible, not possible.

Pretty much and playing Fox requires some speedy fingers for performing the simplest of combos. Well simple in competitive terms if you know what I mean.
God last night's conference was amazing. Anyway, I hope for Sonic music tonight.

Oh and this delay will be the worst one for me for any game even if it's only a month. Unlike Zelda TP we had a solid release date for this. It seemed definite. Also, the updates every day make it just seem so much worse if it's delayed. Agh. I was so hyped for December 3rd. Perfect day for a release

So awesome. The guy seems to update every time a new character is revealed. The old version (someone made it in 1280x720) is my 360 dashboard wallpaper.
That looks sweet.

And 3 of 4 of sonic's moves are shown and they look pretty cool. I imagine people are going to spam the hell out of sideB to jump to aerial whatever.
Yeah I don't get his SideB and DownB moves. Do you use DownB to charge up the spin, then SideB to 'unleash' the energy?

But that UpB move looks interesting enough :)
Yeah I don't get his SideB and DownB moves. Do you use DownB to charge up the spin, then SideB to 'unleash' the energy?

Na, they seem like two separate moves. The down-B looks like the classic Spin Dash, the forward-B seems more like Forward Roll + Homing Attack.

Saddened by the lack of the Super Peel Out and the Sonic Wave, but the special attacks look pretty cool to use. The up-B looks a little underwhelming though. Would've preferred the electro shield double jump from S3&K.

EDIT: actually, looking at it again, you may be right. Though I don't get why they wouldn't just regulate them both to Down-B. Charge it by tapping down-B, releasing B and you'd be off, and you can perform the Homing Attacks off of it. It seems kind of silly to use an entire move slot just for charging. Imagine if DK's Down B was the wind-up to his punch and nothing else =/.
I got the impression that the down-B was basically the same as jigglys rollout and the side-B was a quicker version that allowed you to jump while still in it. Basically the same idea but very different in use I imagine.
i always hated that move jigglypuff and yoshi had, where they spin around on the spot and then launch quickly. but sonics move looks a bit more controllable for some reason
sonic in sonic battle for gba had pretty awesome moves, it'd be great to see some of them here.

they included a special move where he'd throw a ring forward and a press of a button he'd follow it at high speed, damaging everything in his path, or his sonic wave which was like.... a supersonic wave. just imagine sonicboom, sorta.

also for those who don't know the music, it's named live and learn and has been around since sa2.
That date it a bit disheartening, however my attention is focused on the upcoming Radiant Dawn as of now so I don't really care about Brawl as much at this point in time.

I wasn't really that excited about the Sonic update. The tidbits of information going around pretty much gave him almost shoe in status.
Definitely disheartening about the date :( Plus, now that we know that Japan gets Brawl before us, I'll likely have to avoid the internet to stay away from spoilers. @_@ Good thing I have Radiant Dawn to focus on for my Fire Emblem thread on Gaia.
Nintendo has enough money that they should be able to hire enough people to get the game out by the end of the year. Although it looks like they're delaying it purely to get console sales after the holidays.
Cool my birthday, what an awesome birthday present. But now it will seem like forever.


Most disappointing delay ever.

I have a feeling sonic is going to have a pretty mean learning curve, but I'm fairly positive fox will be nerfed somewhat, seeing as how waveshining will be a thing of the past imo. I can only hope that CFalc's knee won't be. He's pretty much my state's most frequently seen character so we all can say the same.

Why nintendo why?!? Why in fucking febuary!?!

...A thought occured. could in team battles, two sonics work together and use there B up attaacks to stall out a match?
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