Super Smash Bros. Brawl Discussion #2 (spoilers)

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anyone want to guess what his special moves will be?

i reckon (from the video), that the spin dash will be his b, and the downwards kick he is seen doing will be his down b (like cpt.falcon a bit). i also reckon the brief moment where you see him shooting in the air as if from a spring could suggest his up + b is the springboard from classic sonic games.
EDIT: actually you can see a spring if you look closely.

also, did anyone else notice that the characetrs seemed to have new taunts in the autumn conference video? like peach singing, ice climbers dancing, zelda with a fairy? lastly, i cant work out if lucas is using pk flash or a completely new move, i hope its new as that could mean ness will be returning.
Did anyone here just divide by 0? Anyways, I'm not a big fan of the new sonic with the cheesy dialouge, generic rock themesong and attempt at a serious story. Sorry, but I just can't really pay attention while a hedgehog talks about his feelings, more running less talking please. He looks like he'll be a really awesome character though.
Sonic in brawl...I can hear the "I told you so's" ringing from gamefaqs forums. Very exciting news with a very comprehensive video. At least he didn't just announce it and stop with a few pics.
Did you hear that?

I think the universe just imploded for a second.

More like a day...

Sonic in Brawl? Wow. This is like... more amazing than Micky Mouse and Sepheroth in the same game o.O

I mean, the only thing that would surprise me more is if MissingNo. appears as an assist trophy >_>
That's the best Sonic song of the whole series in the trailer and I am so pleased to see it be included.
They've actually made Sonic look really cool. Seeing Mario and Sonic do their taunts together was just amazing.
Leave it to Nintendo!
my brother sent me the 4chan thread making fun of Sonic in Brawl, so I thought he was just yanking my chain saying Sonic was now officially in

Megaman would be way more awesome than Snake or Sonic though in a game like this :'(

Am I the only one getting nervous about Captain Falcon being in this game? ahhh...I mean, I presume that they are just going to show us 12 newcomers and 12 old characters who are in it before release, but stilllll
The video also gives us a good idea of how he plays. His recovery appears to be a spring(at least from the sound effect, which is permanately carved into my mind. If I get Alzheimer's, I'll know THAT and the "OH SHIT you're about to drown" jingle 'till the day I die, along with a few other things). Lots of spin-dashing, and very fast, possibly to the point of being a bit unwieldly. Also, I love that he has the trademark Sonic jumping sound effect. Oh, and his Final Smash is turning into Super Sonic, which ought to be awesome...
Omg...A fucking flying pig kamikazed into my house when the video ended.

Seriously...I nerdgasmed all over the place after today's updates.
We all knew it was but a matter of time =)

Nintendo just hit us with a barrage of great announcements... after all this I think the Wii's dominance will be set in stone.
-Sonic and online co-op in Brawl
-Monster Hunter 3 Wii (Monster Hunter series is HUGE in Japan)
-Wii Ware Channel, already 40-something titles announced, including FFCC, Pokemon, etc.
-The previous one MEANS there will be a hard drive
-Fire Emblem DS (woot!) and Mario Baseball...

That was possibly the best trailer they could have made, ever. I can't imagine anything else I'd want to see. All we need is the game <_<
Also, yeah, where did online co-op come from? American conference?
Addendum: Sonic has REDICULOUS DI, look at the spin->bair early on, then the thing on Smashville where he spins towards the edge, jumps, and DIs all the way back to the middle of the stage O_O
I am going to count myself as the group of Sonic haters.

His 2-D games were great, but his 3-D games have killed him. I mean the cheesy guitar and terrible dialogue is just sad.

I never thought I'd see sonic in brawl, and I'd never thought I'd be excited about it, either. Now, I'm no sonic fan, but from that video, he looks like a really fun character to play as. I'd say this update rivals the wifi one.
That was possibly the best trailer they could have made, ever. I can't imagine anything else I'd want to see. All we need is the game <_<
Also, yeah, where did online co-op come from? American conference?
Addendum: Sonic has REDICULOUS DI, look at the spin->bair early on, then the thing on Smashville where he spins towards the edge, jumps, and DIs all the way back to the middle of the stage O_O
Did you mean Delfino Plaza? I saw no Smashville in the Sonic trailer.
ahahaha the best fucking part of all this is how that one guy at smashboards told everyone he'd be on it today and everyone jumped on his fucking back

this is great

not a huge sonic fan but i like him. hopefully all the third party characters will be awesome because...let's face it, a lower tier third party character would be terrible. but i suppose konami and sega wanted to make sure they'd be awesome.

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