That just makes Starmie into a Normal-type, which doesn't give it the advantage given by Reflect Type (resists Pursuit now!).camouflage is better than reflect type if you're going to use it to dodge tyranitar.
Focus Blast ._.doesnt it turn starmie into ground? If it turned it to normal, I'd stay in on gengar, because lol immunity
I wasn't necessarily justifying Starmie itself (although it's still the best spinner; you don't just switch things into LO Analytic Starmie), moreso justifying Rapid Spin over Defog. Yes there are a lot of Defog users, but Defog can be played around beyond "bring in a Ghost." Rapid Spin is easier to use - you don't have to worry about when you're going to set up your own hazards and you don't have to worry about Taunt. You can even pack an Assault Vest Donphan / Forretress / etc. to take on certain spinblockers more easily, which you can't do with Defog. The good spinners have ways around spinblockers - Forretress has Volt Switch to get around Jellicent / Aegislash / Grassblockers and 2HKOs Gengar (and MegaGar) with Gyro Ball. Starmie has its massive LO Analytic-boosted attacks, which make it incredibly difficult to switch in on. Donphan loses to some spinners but Aegislash can't touch it without a mixed set (which incidentally just fails to KO) and MegaGengar (assuming it has evolved) can't switch in for fear of Earthquake, and can't OHKO Donphan. Excadrill just kills shit. Meanwhile, three of the "bulky Defoggers" you mentioned all get checked or countered by Heatran... a Pokemon that commonly carries Stealth Rock. Latias and Skarmory are both threatened by Tyranitar (certain variants in Skarm's case), another common user of Stealth Rock. Gliscor doesn't mind either of these but if it has Defog it can't reliably beat Mamoswine, another user of Stealth Rock. I guess what I'm saying is that even if Defog is easier to physically use (aside from the whole clearing your own hazards too thing), users of Rapid Spin have more tools to both avoid spinblockers and to beat hazard setters.
I also never said Rapid Spin was better than Defog specifically on hyper offense. I said that Defog was not strictly better than Rapid Spin. I am also saying now that Rapid Spin is not strictly better than Defog. Both have their advantages and disadvantages, but one is not inherently better than the other.
Sorry for derailing the thread.
watI never meant to say defog will always be better than spinning, but in the case of bulky offense and stall (which is where Pokebank seems to be headed) using a defogger is more reliable over the course of a match than using a spinner.
Fair enough. I never meant to say defog will always be better than spinning, but in the case of bulky offense and stall (which is where Pokebank seems to be headed) using a defogger is more reliable over the course of a match than using a spinner. It's pretty easy to get something like Skarm in on a physical attacker that can't touch it, defog as they switch to Heatran or whatever, and now you can bring Dragonite in for free while they put up rocks again.
If you're using Starmie, you can't mispredict or you're toast. If you rapid spin while they switch to (mega) Gengar or Aegislash, those hazards are staying up and you're either forced out or dead. If you decide to surf that Scizor, thinking they would switch to their spinblocker, you're dead and their hazards are still up. Not a huge deal last gen, because that's just how games went. This gen tho, I feel it's better to have a margin for error.
No one's stupid enough to switch Gengar into Starmie and LO Hydro Pump 2HKOs Scizor. So you need prediction to use Rapid Spin effectively; welcome to the world of Pokémon.
As has been said before, Defog removes YOUR hazards as well, which not only benefits your Volcarona, Dragonite and Talonflame, but also negatively affects your sweeper's role to sweep. Defog has an opportunity cost. Rapid spin doesn't.
Offensive teams will still want a spinner where Starmie will shine and bulky offense will want a spinner to maintain their entry hazards and set up your sweeper(s). Starmie is going nowhere.
You say that, but it's completely untrue. I already posted the calcs showing Starmie easily 2HKO's even the bulkiest Ghost that dares to switch in. Aegislash is the only one that can effectively spinblock Starmie since it can threaten with priority Shadow Sneak, but even Aegis will be crippled on the way in:In the past Starmie could actually beat every single spin blocker. Even Jellicent would die to Thunder in the rain.
Now, all of the spinblockers crush Starmie lol.
Starmie's advantage as a Spinner is its Speed, meaning even if it's on its last legs it can get rid of the hazards before it gets finished off, unlike Forretress, Donphan and even Excadrill (without Sand). That said, Starmie faces severe competition from Greninja as an all-out attacker now. It may boast some advantages in Psyshock, Recover and Trick, but otherwise Starmie should be using Rapid Spin all the time now to avoid being outclassed.Well, I prefer Forrteres for rapid spinning as it can work with my set better. Knowing rapid spin, AND can set hazards is awesome, and can Volt switch into a MegaGengar as Mega Gengar is a decent spin blocker.
Tho from what I've been reading Starmie seems like a good spinner to.
Starmie's advantage as a Spinner is its Speed, meaning even if it's on its last legs it can get rid of the hazards before it gets finished off, unlike Forretress, Donphan and even Excadrill (without Sand). That said, Starmie faces severe competition from Greninja as an all-outattacker now. It may boast some advantages in Psyshock, Recover and Trick, but otherwise Starmie should be using Rapid Spin all the time now to avoid being outclassed.