Hello everyone, this is the first time posting something like this but I think it is the right time for this after OMWC and an apparently upcoming survey.
First off my teams from OMWC:
- Grassy Terrain Offense
This was the first team built for OMWC by me in a relatively unexplored meta since the changes after OMPL.
Meloetta is the main sweeper of the team with Esper Wing + Take Heart + Grassy Seed + Recover and Boomburst being super spammable.
Rillaboom is just broken with Flower Trick ignoring all punishments physical moves usually have to care about (Helmet, Static, Intimidate…)
Scarf Gholdengo gives this team some much-needed Speed while being able to trick one of the defensive answers like Ting-Lu in order to setup the Meloetta Sweep. Make It Rain can be Tachyon Cutter and Recover can be whatever.
Level 99 Toxapex is funny because the Toxapex Mirror comes up often and underspeeding to gain momentum is helpful. Having Toxapex as the only removal can make a couple Match Ups really stressfull but this team is pretty good into fat and these are usually the only ones that stack hazards.
Ogerpon-Cornerstone is one of my favorites of the tier, it also the last remaining masked Ogerpon.
The Rock Grass Stab Combination is insane as a breaker and Pyro Ball helps vs Steels like Ghold. Corv or Skarm. Diamond Storm + SD Boosts can also get out of hand quickly ending the game early.
Lando was just a really good filler since this team is pretty ground weak despite grassy terrain because of Headlong Rush while also providing Stealth Rocks since I didn’t want to run Stone Axe on Ogerpon. Imprison can be whatever again but its funny in the Mirror and denies hazards and recovery from other ground types.
- Fsight CB Weavile Balance
This is probably the finest dish of the cooking and the overall best team in this post.
Slowking is cool because it underspeeds Toxapex while also setting up Future Sights for Weavile.
I don’t know if Weezing-Galar was ever used before but that Mon is insanely good since it disables AV Toxapex to recover itself with Neutralizing Gas while also walling Rillaboom and being able to defog on Gholdengo is incredible. Receiving Moonlight through Stabmons is also really appreciated turning it into a really good Mon.
Zapdos was here to wall Ground Types while also providing some momentum, yellow magic and finally hitting its flying moves.
Scarf Gholdengo is once again the best Speed Control here while having a generally broken type combination + ability. There is pretty much no reason to not use this mon if you still need some Speed and like keeping Stealth Rocks up.
Ting-Lu is the final defensive part of the core. It is already super good in Metagames without any recovery, now it has access to Shore Up and Parting Shot while walling the dominant Gholdengo and more or less every cheesy special attacker.
CB Weavile just clicks buttons. Having a contactless 120BP, 100ACC Ice Stab Move is a dream and there are barely any mons that don’t get 2shot, especially when Future Sight is up and Knock threatens to remove Heavy Duty Boots from other bulky walls.
- Forretress HO
I stole this Forretress idea from Fissure back in OMPL since Sturdy + Custap + Metal Burst is amazing. Forretress can remove any hazards on lead and/or gets Webs and/or Stealth Rocks up on lead, which is just super funny.
Ogerpon-Cornerstone does nearly the same as in the first team. Instead of having some small recovery and damage boost, this time it’s faster than everything with webs up.
Latios + Gholdengo are nice Eject Pack users to gather chip for easier cleaning while providing support with Healing Wish to heal up one of the sweepers and some yellow magic to disrupt opposing speedcontrol.
Gyarados is your main Healing Wish Abuser and a super scary sweeper with Punching Gloves boosted Jet Punch/Surging Strikes and Dragon Ascent as its first good Flying Stab. The only real way to punish it, is to chip it on the setup turn(s) and revenging it.
Darkrai is somewhat being slept on (haha!). The Speed Tier is really good and it gets access to so many coverage moves. Focus Blast/Thunder/Psychic are all good as well. On this team it makes most of your progress midgame.
- Cloyster HO
I have absolutely no clue how I ended up with a Cloyster HO MIRROR in semifinals….??
Cloyster should probably be full Special Attack but anyways those 4 moves are broken and have barely any resistances in the tier. Life Orb Further amplifies the damage makes this an insane sweeper.
The main idea behind Iron Valiant was to use it as a progress maker during midgame since the opponent has to respect fighting coverage so not having it wouldn’t matter as much. This mainly trades a kill with sd into attack and hopefully a second one with Destiny Bond since no one expects the +2 Valiant to click Destiny Bond.
Volcarona is another Sweeper/Cleaner but unfortunately only the majority of its match ups are flip match ups. Either it’s good or walled by 3 mons but it still helps a lot against Rillaboom which dismantles this team so having Flame Body against Grassy Glide is incredibly helpful.
Samurott-Hisui is the Lead and gets off some spikes while preventing opposing hazards with Taunt and potentially gaining even more value with Memento.
Zama is still broken on the right teams and helps this team more vs priority spam while being able to spread some paralysis and get some surprise KO’s with Stone Edge on stuff like Zapdos or Moltres.
Finally, Air Balloon Gholdengo makes sure that Spikes stay up and acts as a stall breaker on this team. No steel move and recover is odd and can get a lot of surprise KO’s with its unusual coverage.
- rotom-wash: - 
- Umbreon Goodra-H Balance
We cooked a 5 Star dish an hour before finals and yea idk what this even is
Umbreon is completely utterly insane and should not be used but I saw potential in the wish parting shot combination on such a bulky Mon and it worked really well in test games.
Goodra-Hisui is completely utterly insane and should not be used but I saw potential in the parting shot combination to recover such a bulky Mon like this. Doom Desire is also a nice and underrated tool and helps this team break through. With AV, this Mon eats everything and gets Knock Offs on many defensive pivots.
Weezing-Galar is amazing again, here helping with bulkier hazard stack teams.
Zamazenta serves as the main cleaner with Substitute + Bulk Up and getting wished back up by Umbreon after spreading paralysis on its potential checks beating them the 2nd time.
Rotom-Wash is really good as a breaker even though this is a rather unusual set with no recovery. Once again its recovery relies on Umbreon but Leftovers + Protect do the job. Burning Bulkwark Helps to lure Rillaboom since Weezing-Galar, Rotom’s Base Speed and Goodra Hisui all dissuade it from pressing its only non-contact Move burning it in the process.
Last but not least I decided for Gliscor as it helps vs Raging Bolt more than Landorus while getting Spikes up more reliably and having more passive healing. Beak Blast is a nice tool to help vs some choiced attackers.
The descriptions got shorter towards the end but I think I made the main idea behind each mon clear and sometimes there isn’t much to say. The tier is quite underexplored as Mons like Weezing-G, Umbreon or Goodra-H all hadn’t seen much usage before and performed excellent showing that there is a lot of hidden potential in this tier. I also barely reused any mons and there are often multiple mons for a certain roles making most teams pretty diverse, but all of it needs to be explored imo.
Now at the end I want to suggest some potential tiering decisions I already voiced in the Europe teamcord which could be considered to include in the survey (pretty please >.<)
BAN FLOWER TRICK, this is the roots of all evil (Lilligant-H, Ogerpon-Hearthflame, Ogerpon-Wellspring although this might still be broken, Rillaboom)
Ban Boomburst, 140BP 100Acc, this also unbans PZ(probably useless) and Zoroak-H (could be good)
Unban Dragapult, ik ik but both Dragon Energy and Astral Barrage have been banned making it way less dangerous on the special side. I think it should at least be tested
Unban Gambit, idek what he did but this seems to be getting discussed anyways
Suspect Gholdengo, Gholdengo was the main reason for the astral barrage ban, I think if Dragapult does not get unbanned I believe restricting Gholdengo is a better option than banning astral barrage since it is still very obnoxious
Suspect Ursaluna, not too sure about this one, might be trolling a bit but I can see it not being broken
Suspect Ursaluna Bloodmoon, if Boomburst gets banned I think this should be considered
Suspect Terapagos, only if Boomburst gets banned
Unban Tera, I think this tier needs it honestly but this requires a complete change of the meta
Finally, Shoutouts to
SammyCe123 and
Ivar57 who helped me building most of this heat stuff and to all the other people who gave input from time to time