Was scrolling through the list and saw a few mons that looked a little out of place

>S-: just look at WCoP replays. Triple Axel is a busted move and weav takes full advantage of that. Adamant SD just wins games. While it doesn't switch in on much, when it gets in it just claims kills or removes valuable items. Not to mention that weavile is often just one SD away from sweeping your team. It's far and away the best Pokémon in A+ and I feel it should rise to reflect its place in the current metagame

> S-: Spdef Lando, Gking over regular slowking, and especially weavile make spamming shadow ball more difficult. This mon is still good and can still melt through some team structures, but they're less common nowadays and pult is a lot more manageable than 2 months ago when ppl thought it was busted. Still a top tier threat, but I don't think it's full S tier anymore

> A-: I love this mon but it's just meh rn. Can't switch in on anything really, and usually has to spam Knock Off until the Lando is dead. It can still threaten teams with its BU set, but it's not sweeping as often and it's pivot set is pretty mediocre at the moment. Not much more to say, koko is better

> A+: speaking of koko, this mon is really good rn. Being a special attacker means it can actually switch in on water types and despite only a 95 base special attack, it's sneaky strong thanks to terrain. U turn means it's not stopped by Lando, and Fairy STAB means garchomp can't switch in will nilly. When it's wearing its boots + Roost it stays alive all game. On top of this, late game koko is a pain to deal with as it's probably outlasted it's checks. Oh, and CM exists, which is pretty good and you should try it

> A+: I still think kart is one of the best breakers in the tier and all it takes is one kill and checks no longer become checks thanks to beast boost. Band and SD are both scary to face and kart makes fat teams sad. Torn being everywhere kinda hurts it but I still think kart is probably the best mon in A (not counting any others I list for rises) and fits better in A+

> A+: speaking of torn this thing should go back to A+. It's an excellent defogger, shuts certain structures down with taunt, and pivots on everything. Weavile running adamant helps it as it can now outspeed and U turn for good chip and avoids the unboosted OHKO. Heat Wave makes ferro, kart, and corv sad and hurricane hits decently hard and confusion is always nice. Like the above mons, I think it's a better fit in A+

> A-: this mon is bad. Bulky DD sets are serviceable when paired with mag, but it's very inconsistent and the defensive set is a complete momentum sink. It doesn't sweep very often and it hates the rise of fini and weav with a passion. On top of this it needs Jolly to outspeed koko and pult at +1 and it rarely sweeps nowadays. It's still a decent Tran, volc, and shifu switchin with its bulky DD set so it's not completely useless, but it's definitely below the mons in A rn

> A: not 100% sold on this but it's one of the few mons able to check basically every physical attacker in the tier without getting murked by weavile (not counting aerial ace!!) And still hits hard if you're not using the shitty BU set. It's a decent glue for BO teams that's not a total momentum sink and can completely wall some badly built tea you'll see spammed on the ladder. Definitely at the top of A- and probably up there with the mons in A

> A-: meta trends favor it rn as it's a hard stop to things like Garchomp, Lando, Urshifu, and others, and if you run some heat like Colber Berry Body Press Weavile dies. Futureport isn't as strong as it used to be but slowbro can still pivot well and set up FS against a lot of things. It's being spammed pretty hard in OLT for a reason and I think it's due for a rise.
Not heavily invested in anything else. Blace could maybe rise to B+. See ox's tb replay for that reasoning. Arctozolt just murks some offenses and 6-0es on the spot so it could maybe rise a little. Ninetales too since it's the enabler + it has 2 screens in 1 and enables HO pretty well. TR mons are also pretty good. Used it a bit and while it's super mu reliant it can destroy some builds, so I think they're decent where they're at and should definitely not drop, though marowak could probably rise since it has no Counters. Mandibuzz and moltres are both bad and should drop. Once they lose their boots they're useless and don't fit on any teams very well.
Also Blaziken should be S+ cuz it's secretly broken but I won't open that can of worms here :)