Playoffs Smogon Tour Season 20 Playoffs [Won by Tesung]

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Congratulations Tesung, nothing much to say, well deserved trophy.
Well played McMeghan, you still showed everyone how rustproof you are. Impressive as always.

Also special thanks for giving us that BW game, it was probably the best I've ever watched. That was art.
won ggz mcm

shoutouts are mostly the same as the one I did in my joke post but I'll write em again

SUGARHIGH: YOU MY NIGGA since day 1, u always got my back and your bw help was key. COuldnt do it without you

TDK: Still an eving lord, and staying up till 3:30 with me last night ot help out is beyond appreciated. One day this trophy gonna be yours, till then i appreciate the help

Rest of tic: you guys always there for me, whether in freakin out about a girl or complaining about people crying about mu or anything, you my niggas

Reyscarface/dekzeh: still always grateful to you guys for taking a chance on a ladderfag, hope I made you proud

VOD: VOD wins again, classic. Still better than Tdk but you guys can have your fantasy that's cool

Pdc: yeah I got that second trophy bitch- oras mu god. Dw though, st30 is yours

RH156: my loyalist fan, ik you would pick me over bloo

Testers: there were a bunch of you but off the top of my head: finch, abr, cosine (also up with me at 3 am Wednesday night thx), Reyscarface again, cased, blunder, and probably a couple others

Gartic ghosting calls: without gartic ghosting calls, I would never have had the confidence to go and win

Anyways, it's been a fun run. Glad I could win mostly clean, maybe the luck attacks will stop for a bit (lol as if). Also proud to win with my own teams that I thought were fairly creative. Really good games mcm, esp that bw

One more thing: I think we need to look into the stream and how it affects play. I didn't listen much (only in between games and at the end of oras when it was over), but it clearly can be used for knowledge (especially when pdc and bkc had knowledge of me and mcm's teams) and looking back at the stream afterword there was some subtle and accidental revealing. I have also heard that bkc recommended I attack the ape with kingdra knowing that was a losing play for me (and also An inferior play). I don't wanna sound salty at bkc, I would deserve to lose if I was getting ghosted by the stream, and I know that ghosting can happen regardless, but something about the stream feels kinda weird

for what it's worth, I tried to explain my reasoning for why I wouldn't rd but I kept getting cut off! guess we both have grievances toward the stream.

if ape has mach punch (like it does 99% of the time), then it gets picked off without doing anything. it clearly was black belt/fist plate because it fucking hammered pert with cc. it was much safer to hydro and assure a kill no matter what. however what really should've happened was a switch to tran, which was a guaranteed win no matter what discounting misses. the ape was not scarf and mcm clearly lost to fire blast at that point. the possible pokes that'd have beaten tran wouldn't have killed dra so that's gg and you didn't risk it by doing something as stupid as trying to set kingdra up on infernape after sending it in in the first place. it's not the first time you've choked dpp in tour finals and won anyway though. I was rooting for mcm but let's not go into "lol he tried to make me lose what an underhanded cheater" nonsense because that is incredibly petty considering you just fucking won lol

edit: I ran some calcs and ape isn't guaranteed to kill after cc since you have some bulk on dra, apologies. also I suppose your tran isn't guaranteed to be scarf (although I'd be pretty surprised if it weren't, I suppose it could've been scarf zap though) and that might explain why you didn't send it in immediately (although if this is the case and dra was out of initial mach range, mcm switches out for an lo turn and then machs and, realizing you had it won with scarftran if you sent it in to begin with, uses cc [especially because mach crit doesn't kill] and that's that). perhaps some unjust salt on my end. regardless, fuck off with that accusation.

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the fact that listening to the stream could have given him knowledge of his opponent's team is a pretty huge slip-up
youre not supposed to listen to stream while ur playing, theres a million ways to cheat at this game already and we just trust people not to do it, i dont see why people are freaking out about this one
Don't want to derail the thread from the topic, but felt the need to say this
youre not supposed to listen to stream while ur playing, theres a million ways to cheat at this game already and we just trust people not to do it, i dont see why people are freaking out about this one
I don't know what was said on the stream, nor who was listening to it, but I completely disagree with this sentiment. Why would we not worry about a means of cheating? If there is potential to cheat and we can knowingly eliminate it, then by all means we should do so. Obviously, it's impossible to do this with something like ghosting due to skype, irc, etc. being available and hard to restrict, but something like this is within our regulatory bounds. For the record, I'm not saying to cut out streaming during matches, but I'm saying to hold the commentators to a similar rule-set as that of the smogtours chat when it comes to revealing information (meaning only speculation allowed, no knowing reveal - I don't know if anything was revealed during this stream or not, but I still think this general idea should hold true).
fair enough, but I'm worried where we draw the line on revealing information. If it's a well known team, is it still wrong to name the sets? Is "if Tesung goes Keldeo here he can't lose" ok? What about "TGMD really has no answers for a well played talonflame + amoonguss?" The point of the stream is to help spectators who may not be well versed in the metagame follow the match, and at some point making allowances for cheaters will get in the way of that goal.
Unless the commentators know something like "IT'S A NATURAL GIFT HERACROSS", it's fine to say anything I guess. Because you have to think about every possibility anyway and if commentators cannot you know comment about those possibilities, that's no point at all in a stream Oo

You'll never be 100% sure about what they said anyway...if it's a well known team, you'll prolly already watched the replays and if it's not, the commentator is prolly friend of the other player to know something and would not reveal Oo
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