Playoffs Smogon Tour Season 20 Playoffs [Won by Tesung]

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I get that McMeghan likes to john and all and ha ha it's very funny but when the stakes are this high, take all the time in the world to prepare, especially around this time of year where school kicks people's asses. if you're ready early (like badass was in gs2), that's great, but rushing this sort of thing is fucking dumb. the self-righteous "can we get a deadline because we're bored and want to watch something Right Now xD" posts are incredibly unfunny and obnoxious. of course, if this prolonged time period is spent being lazy (one of the worst characteristics one can possess as a human being), then that's another thing, but wutevz.

also in case anyone has an intelligent thought along the lines of "taking this much time to get ready? it's online pokemon lol what's the big deal" then I'll pre emptively stop you right there since you are like the rest of us and pretending to not care doesn't make you look cool.

as for some Actual Predictions, lol:
dpp - tesung revenges mcm's zapdos with scarftar stone edge. mcm sends rotom in and twaves as he's 2hkoed so his full health gliscor can almost assuredly sub, kill ttar and finish off tesung's last, a slightly damaged offensive cune. however, tesung manages to hit every edge afterwards and suicune also manages to find glis to end the game. this prompts tesung to defend the sv ban with the brilliant argument "it's not that bad as tour finals showed us," but mcm then realizes he accidentally had hyper cutter, although that wouldn't change the fact that hitting all those edges while parad is still incroyable.
bw - that first predict took its toll on me so I'll just say mcm wins what'll undoubtedly be a disgusting battle of sand spikes paralysis trappers and psychic cm pokes
oras - the two tornadus-therians hurricane bullshit each other to death then mcm wins via keldeo scald burning mega venusaur which lets cbtar fuck it up and then mega altaria sweeps

GL romain deniro, I loved your work in the deer hunter although I think walken was equally great...
the self-righteous "can we get a deadline because we're bored and want to watch something Right Now xD" posts are incredibly unfunny and obnoxious.

agreed with your overall sentiment but I would like to add that the "haha tesung is lucky xD" meme has become equally unfunny in my eyes. it's apropos and sometimes funny to say when tesung lucks someone but i'm seeing it spill over into unrelated tours people being like "haha u tesunged me" when one random unrelated dude lucks another random unrelated dude--much in the same way that the "omg why are these guys johning and trying to be mcmeghan" posts have gotten old when it's 2 unrelated people and one of them is like "brb gotta take a 5 min break in our bo3" and everyone loses their minds

I honestly think these types of memes speak much more to the staleness of the community's humor and our inability to find good/original jokes as well as our tendency to latch onto dead horses (remember when metang@ was THE joke to make for like 9 months straight?). it's the same shit being slung in this thread, the OLT playoffs thread, and SPL commencement and honestly I wish we as a community could just come up with some funnier, fresher, more original material OR as an alternative stop making SO MANY posts that pander to the lowest common denominator of humor

this kinda applies to the smogtours chat too and i know i'm guilty of it as well but like damn ugh
agree with bkc, pages of being like "m0aR G@M3Z pLZ" are dumb

some unbiased predictions:

BPP: based on what I've seen of tesung's dpp teams, i don't really like them much. i think mcmeghans play style will win him this game fairly easy
ORAS: tesung is much better than mcmeghan in this tier, and whether he gets lucky or not i still think he wins
BW: objectively speaking i think mcmeghan is better at BW, but what the tier has become since i stopped playing (spikestacking + magic guard mons + insert levitate fillers) makes this game a toss up. luckier player will win by default.

whether mcmeghan or tesung wins this tournament is irrelevant - you don't win these things without some form of favorable luck, and winning 2 is a very respectable accomplishment whether you sold your soul to the hax gods or won it skillfully. 2 years down the road who the fuck will remember how you won it, the random noob (mcmeghan) that signs up to the site will be like ooo 2 trophy pixels, i wanna befriend you (earthworm)

i have a feeling mcmeghan will win, so I'm going to congratulate him in advance (if tesung wins i'll congratulate you in this thread again as a well-deserving winner, especially given the timeframe in which you won both, very VIL like)
Congrats Tesung - quite the success you've had over the last year and change, keep going bud.
Good run Roro - looking forward to another solid SPL that'll end with a trophy this time!
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