Metagame SM PU Alpha (playable on PS!)

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Ok so I haven't posted anything in a while, so I'll give my own opinions about Aggron.

Aggron @ Choice Band
Ability: Rock Head
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Head Smash
- Heavy Slam
- Ice Punch
- Fire Punch

So Banded Aggron Head Smash is a pretty fun nuke in this meta(nothing against banded Relicanth, but w/e). Moves are pretty self-explainitory with dual STAB and Ice Punch to mostly to handle Torterra which shrugs off Head Smash and Heavy Slam whereas Fire Punch handles Steel-types, mainly Ferroseed and Bronzor, which otherwise trouble Aggron. Considering we might get Aggron, I decided to test it out a bit and whipped this team up:


Aggron @ Choice Band
Ability: Rock Head
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Head Smash
- Heavy Slam
- Ice Punch
- Fire Punch

Leafeon @ Normalium Z
Ability: Chlorophyll
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Leaf Blade
- Knock Off
- Double-Edge

Claydol @ Colbur Berry
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 120 HP / 252 SpA / 136 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Stealth Rock
- Rapid Spin
- Earth Power
- Shadow Ball

Granbull @ Leftovers
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 212 HP / 252 Atk / 44 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Play Rough
- Earthquake
- Thunder Wave
- Heal Bell

Silvally-Water @ Water Memory
Ability: RKS System
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Parting Shot
- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt

Chatot @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Tangled Feet
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Boomburst
- Heat Wave
- U-turn
- Tailwind

So I made this team with the mindset of Banded Aggron plowing holes through the many pokemon that can switch in on SD Leafeon mainly bulky Grass types, Vullaby, etc. Claydol gets up rocks, spins hazards away, and provides a Ground switchin and Electric immunity with the speed on Claydol is for Adamant Pawniard and below. Granbull is for cleric support and a Fighting switchin with the speed for 0 speed base 50s, Silvally-Water is the Fire and Water check, and scarf Chatot applies speed and has Tailwind to support Aggron and Leafeon. Enjoy the team! (Even though it basically gets 6-0d by NP Z-Sunny Day Simisear).
Hey I wanna showcase my new favourite mon and innovation to this tier... Hakamo-o!
So for the most part basic Dragon Dance sets are outclassed by Fraxure which boasts higher Attack and Speed stats but I've been trying out a Bulk Up set with some success. Due to this mon's unique typing with packs a lot of resistances which allow it to take on a lot of special attackers, most notably Electric Types, Fire Types and Grass Types. Not to mention it's abilities in Bulletproof and Soundproof which can block common moves like Sludge Bomb, Focus Blast and Boomburst respectively. These factors grant Hakamo-o with a lot of set-up opportunities and when it's accumulated a couple of boosts it can be a hard mon to deal with. I've been using a set with Dragon Tail in conjunction with Spikes as a cool way to weaken the opposing team for another mon the sweep, because of this I've found Ferroseed and Haunter to be really good partners as they can also threaten Fairy types that Hakamo-o has trouble with. I've provided a couple of replays below showcasing how it works.


Hakamo-o @ Eviolite
Ability: Bulletproof
EVs: 248 HP / 252 SpD / 8 Spe
Careful Nature
- Dragon Tail/Dragon Claw
- Bulk Up
- Rest
- Sleep Talk

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I just got a really weird idea- seems kind of stupid, but the more I think about it, the more I think it might work.

Tentacool @ Eviolite
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
-Rapid Spin
-Toxic Spikes
-Acid Spray

No, I'm not kidding. This thing definitely has the movepool and typing to be a solid utility 'mon. Definitely a less overspecialized spinner than the filth that is Wartortle, able to stop spin-blocking by forcing the opponent out rather than using a move that's totally useless otherwise (by dropping their special defense to the point even Tentacool's puny 'lil scald does 85%). It's also got Toxic Spikes which are great in a meta where you're so hard-pressed for defogging and most of your spinners stink, and a niche over Roselia in that it can beat Monferno 1v1 (note that maximum speed tentacool edges out adamant monferno in speed, though it can't hope to beat a monferno that's already boosted or after switching in), and, surprisingly, has a slight advantage in natural special bulk. Of course, it's still not the bulkiest thing around- 150% of base thirty-five is still a pathetic 160 total - but it can still take some really nasty hits on the special end. Again not going to get anyone to top 100 but it's not as bad as some of the things people passed off as good back in ORAS...

EDIT: Okay, I tested it out... in the primeape meta it's not doing too well, but I tested it against Monferno and Misdreavus, which is what it was supposed to do, and it did a decent job against them, I suppose. It's probably something like D rank material.

Another Poison-type idea I got- which I'm including in this post instead because I don't want to feel like I'm hogging posts.

Silvally-Poison @ Poison Memory
Ability: RKS System
EVs: 252 HP / 32 Atk / 36 Def / 188 SpA
Relaxed Nature
- Parting Shot
- Multi-Attack
- Flamethrower
- Thunder Wave

Very cool Mawile check that boasts a fighting resist that lets it check choice Primeape and Passimian. The given spread lives two Iron Heads 100% of the time from, and always OHKOs, Mawile. Multi-Attack is kept so as to also act as a fairy killer otherwise, and Parting Shot is the first option here because pivoting with it is essentially this Silvally's job if there're no fairies to be found. Speed-dropping nature may seem like a waste of Silvally's great speed, but it still outruns the threats it's going to be revenge killing, plus this way can also act as a nice slow pivot. Its niche over Fairy and Steel Silvally is, in Fairy's case, killing fairies, and in Steel's case, resisting fighting, making a nice in-between if you want your Silvally to do both.
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What would be the best map for offense teams? It seems offense may be hurt by the high amount of trick room teams (because of so many slow but hard-hitting pokemon such as crabominable and exeggutor-alola). So taunt users will become more common in PU.

As for good cores, Exeggutor-Alola/Crabominable is a good core because those are both slow but heavy-hitting trick room abusers which wear down common checks (mixed walls).
Time to talk about the old hound dog. One of my faves to use in ORAS PU. Mightyena.

Mightyena @ Normalium Z
Ability: Moxie
EVs: 252 Atk / 8 Def / 248 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Me First
- Crunch
- Sucker Punch
- Play Rough

Mightyena gains a fun little tool this gen in the form of Z-Me first. Granting you +2 speed as well as copying your opponent's last move and turning it into a z-powered move before hitting them with it. This allows it to not only help it's lackluster speed stat, but gain a free moxie or scare it's opponent's out and gain a free +2 speed from an adamant pretty strong dark type. 248 Speed is to allow Mightyena to outspeed scarf base 95 mons. Seems like a super fun set from a super cool mon.

Also if this rad man somehow drops down to PU, it's gonna be ridiculous. Here is why.

Turtonator @ White Herb
Ability: Shell Armor
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Shell Smash
- Fire Blast
- Dragon Pulse/Draco Meteor
- Hidden Power [Grass]/Flash Cannon/Focus Blast/Earthquake

After a Shell Smash Turtonator hits a solid speed of 376 outspeeding anything at or below base 120. The thing that makes this thing ridiculous in my mind. Is it has the bulk to take on potential revenge killers. 60/135/85 for PU standards is really solid and allows it to have the bulk that other smashers like Gorebyss or Huntail in the past have struggled with. Let me explain why I believe this mon is gonna be busted. After a smash, to stop this monster you need one or multiple of the following.
1. A strong scarfer that can hit Turtonator.
Alright let's use look at some examples of viable scarfers from ORAS PU.

1A. Rotom Frost. Not a great answer. This is due to the fact that you have to do all of the following.
A) Still have rocks up. If you don't, Turtonator lives Blizzard and KOes you back.
B) Landing. Blizzard is 70% and that's not a risk you want to take to determine whether you win or lose a game.
C) It's a roll regardless. A roll not in your favor to get. This also implies they don't run any bulk investment at all. Because a 64 SpDef investment or an 80 HP investment allows Turt to guarantee live blizzard after rocks
252 SpA Rotom-Frost Blizzard vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Turtonator: 178-210 (68.1 - 80.4%) -- 43.8% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
252 SpA Rotom-Frost Blizzard vs. 80 HP / 0 SpD Turtonator: 178-210 (63.3 - 74.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
252 SpA Rotom-Frost Blizzard vs. 0 HP / 64 SpD Turtonator: 165-195 (63.2 - 74.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock

1B. Chatot. MUCH more reliable answer to revenge it. Boomburst has a strong chance to KO after rocks.
252 SpA Chatot Boomburst vs. 0 HP / 64 SpD Turtonator: 192-226 (73.5 - 86.5%) -- 87.5% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock

1C. Mr Mime. Not an answer. You can't KO Turt and Turt KOes you.
252 SpA Mr. Mime Psychic vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Turtonator: 141-166 (54 - 63.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
+2 252 SpA Turtonator Fire Blast vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Mr. Mime: 241-285 (109 - 128.9%) -- guaranteed OHKO

So bar Chatot, the main scarfers in the tier can not revenge this thing. Next.

2. Strong Priority
The thing about this is, all priority bar water shiruken is physical. And Turtonator has a base 135 defense stat. Regardless, let's look at this and some strong priority again from ORAS PU and see what it does to Turtonator.

2A) Mawile. (Specifically LO Sheer Force)
ZERO. 29% max.
252+ Atk Life Orb Mawile Sucker Punch vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Turtonator: 64-75 (24.5 - 28.7%) -- 98.2% chance to 3HKO after Stealth Rock

2B) Monferno.
Again can't do anything. +2 Mach does 56% max from LO which is very rare anyways.
+2 252+ Atk Life Orb Iron Fist Monferno Mach Punch vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Turtonator: 122-146 (46.7 - 55.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
+2 252 SpA Turtonator Dragon Pulse vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Eviolite Monferno: 246-289 (91.4 - 107.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock

2C. Floatzel
30% max from Banded. Again can not do anything
252 Atk Choice Band Floatzel Aqua Jet vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Turtonator: 66-78 (25.2 - 29.8%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Stealth Rock
+2 252 SpA Turtonator Dragon Pulse vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Floatzel: 378-445 (121.5 - 143%) -- guaranteed OHKO

2D. Cacturne
39% max from LO sucker. Turt KOes with Pulse, not even having to risk missing.
4 Atk Life Orb Cacturne Sucker Punch vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Turtonator: 87-103 (33.3 - 39.4%) -- 17.2% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock
+2 252 SpA Turtonator Dragon Pulse vs. 0 HP / 0- SpD Cacturne: 366-432 (130.2 - 153.7%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Etc Basically. Nothing in the tier Can do over 50% to Neutral Defense Turtonator with Priority. Next

3. Something that can take a hit.

Now it's time to see what mons in the tier can take a hit after rocks and do decent damage back to put it in range.

A solid answer is SpDef Clefairy for this job.

3A) Clefairy (SpDef)
+2 252 SpA Turtonator Fire Blast vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Eviolite Clefairy: 178-210 (51.7 - 61%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
0 SpA Clefairy Moonblast vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Turtonator: 78-93 (29.8 - 35.6%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Stealth Rock

Clefairy can stall fire blasts and beat Turt 1v1. It can also T wave it for another mon to revenge the beast.

SpDef Golem is another potential mon that can revenge Turt.
3B) SpDef Golem
+2 252 SpA Turtonator Dragon Pulse vs. 252 HP / 224+ SpD Golem: 211-249 (57.9 - 68.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery
32 Atk Golem Earthquake vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Turtonator: 200-236 (76.6 - 90.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock
Solid answer. Also takes a +2 flash cannon. Same thing applies to Alolan-Golem if it drops

3C) Lapras
The bulkiest Water mon assuming nothing like Poliwrath drops. Even Specs takes a hit well and KOes back nicely. With Rocks up though, Turt has a solid chance to KO. SpDef chou is the same, however Pulse does 42% min meaning it relies on Rest Talk rolls and loses that 1v1 as scald does 29% max.
252+ SpA Choice Specs Lapras Ice Beam vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Turtonator: 208-246 (79.6 - 94.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock
+2 252 SpA Turtonator Fire Blast vs. 120 HP / 0 SpD Lapras: 294-346 (68.2 - 80.2%) -- 43.8% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock

Other super bulky mons can, but this is already a long ass post and Turt 1v1s almost all of them.

So those are the things you need. However priority doesn't work and scarfers don't work with no rocks up. Bar Clef and Lapras, without rocks all other bulky mons just lose 1v1. Other Bulky T-wavers potentially work though.

Overall. If Turt drops this thing is gonna be nuts. It has no counters and in order to beat it you have to play very offensively whether that's hitting it HARD before it smashes or taunting it, or going hard into your t-wave mon or tricking a scarf on it, it forces you to play a certain style which players can easily take advantage of, granted all mons do this to an extent, but Turtonator has INCREDIBLE potential. None of this long post even mentions potential Z moves with smash it can do due to it's solid bulk regardless if you've KOed their scarfer it eats priority for days and something like firium fire blast or draconium draco meteor will allow it to tear through it's own counters. If you somehow made it through this entire thing. I don't know why you did or why you have so much spare time to read this long post some random LC nerd made about another random turtle shell smasher. See you round hopefully and SUPER excited for both SM NU and PU. This is all assuming it is in PU of course but I feel it will definitely be in for a little due to Barbaracle being in NU and there is NO reason to use Turt if Barb stays in NU. Just theorymoning though as Turt is special which could be cool, However Barb's brute physical force along with potential rockium z I doubt Turt will ever see play in NU. If it ends up doing well in NU then fuck me sideways, but this is all theorymonning again.
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Time to talk about the old hound dog. One of my faves to use in ORAS PU. Mightyena.

Mightyena @ Normalium Z
Ability: Moxie
EVs: 252 Atk / 8 Def / 248 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Me First
- Crunch
- Sucker Punch
- Play Rough

Mightyena gains a fun little tool this gen in the form of Z-Me first. Granting you +2 speed as well as copying your opponent's last move and turning it into a z-powered move before hitting them with it. This allows it to not only help it's lackluster speed stat, but gain a free moxie or scare it's opponent's out and gain a free +2 speed from an adamant pretty strong dark type. 248 Speed is to allow Mightyena to outspeed scarf base 95 mons. Seems like a super fun set from a super cool mon.

Also if this rad man somehow drops down to PU, it's gonna be ridiculous. Here is why.

Turtonator @ White Herb
Ability: Shell Armor
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Shell Smash
- Fire Blast
- Dragon Pulse/Draco Meteor
- Hidden Power [Grass]/Flash Cannon/Focus Blast/Earthquake

After a Shell Smash Turtonator hits a solid speed of 376 outspeeding anything at or below base 120. The thing that makes this thing ridiculous in my mind. Is it has the bulk to take on potential revenge killers. 60/135/85 for PU standards is really solid and allows it to have the bulk that other smashers like Gorebyss or Huntail in the past have struggled with. Let me explain why I believe this mon is gonna be busted. After a smash, to stop this monster you need one or multiple of the following.
1. A strong scarfer that can hit Turtonator.
Alright let's use look at some examples of viable scarfers from ORAS PU.

1A. Rotom Frost. Not a great answer. This is due to the fact that you have to do all of the following.
A) Still have rocks up. If you don't, Turtonator lives Blizzard and KOes you back.
B) Landing. Blizzard is 70% and that's not a risk you want to take to determine whether you win or lose a game.
C) It's a roll regardless. A roll not in your favor to get. This also implies they don't run any bulk investment at all. Because a 64 SpDef investment or an 80 HP investment allows Turt to guarantee live blizzard after rocks
252 SpA Rotom-Frost Blizzard vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Turtonator: 178-210 (68.1 - 80.4%) -- 43.8% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
252 SpA Rotom-Frost Blizzard vs. 80 HP / 0 SpD Turtonator: 178-210 (63.3 - 74.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
252 SpA Rotom-Frost Blizzard vs. 0 HP / 64 SpD Turtonator: 165-195 (63.2 - 74.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock

1B. Chatot. MUCH more reliable answer to revenge it. Boomburst has a strong chance to KO after rocks.
252 SpA Chatot Boomburst vs. 0 HP / 64 SpD Turtonator: 192-226 (73.5 - 86.5%) -- 87.5% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock

1C. Mr Mime. Not an answer. You can't KO Turt and Turt KOes you.
252 SpA Mr. Mime Psychic vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Turtonator: 141-166 (54 - 63.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
+2 252 SpA Turtonator Fire Blast vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Mr. Mime: 241-285 (109 - 128.9%) -- guaranteed OHKO

So bar Chatot, the main scarfers in the tier can not revenge this thing. Next.

2. Strong Priority
The thing about this is, all priority bar water shiruken is physical. And Turtonator has a base 135 defense stat. Regardless, let's look at this and some strong priority again from ORAS PU and see what it does to Turtonator.

2A) Mawile. (Specifically LO Sheer Force)
ZERO. 29% max.
252+ Atk Life Orb Mawile Sucker Punch vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Turtonator: 64-75 (24.5 - 28.7%) -- 98.2% chance to 3HKO after Stealth Rock

2B) Monferno.
Again can't do anything. +2 Mach does 56% max from LO which is very rare anyways.
+2 252+ Atk Life Orb Iron Fist Monferno Mach Punch vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Turtonator: 122-146 (46.7 - 55.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
+2 252 SpA Turtonator Dragon Pulse vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Eviolite Monferno: 246-289 (91.4 - 107.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock

2C. Floatzel
30% max from Banded. Again can not do anything
252 Atk Choice Band Floatzel Aqua Jet vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Turtonator: 66-78 (25.2 - 29.8%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Stealth Rock
+2 252 SpA Turtonator Dragon Pulse vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Floatzel: 378-445 (121.5 - 143%) -- guaranteed OHKO

2D. Cacturne
39% max from LO sucker. Turt KOes with Pulse, not even having to risk missing.
4 Atk Life Orb Cacturne Sucker Punch vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Turtonator: 87-103 (33.3 - 39.4%) -- 17.2% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock
+2 252 SpA Turtonator Dragon Pulse vs. 0 HP / 0- SpD Cacturne: 366-432 (130.2 - 153.7%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Etc Basically. Nothing in the tier Can do over 50% to Neutral Defense Turtonator with Priority. Next

3. Something that can take a hit.

Now it's time to see what mons in the tier can take a hit after rocks and do decent damage back to put it in range.

A solid answer is SpDef Clefairy for this job.

3A) Clefairy (SpDef)
+2 252 SpA Turtonator Fire Blast vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Eviolite Clefairy: 178-210 (51.7 - 61%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
0 SpA Clefairy Moonblast vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Turtonator: 78-93 (29.8 - 35.6%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Stealth Rock

Clefairy can stall fire blasts and beat Turt 1v1. It can also T wave it for another mon to revenge the beast.

SpDef Golem is another potential mon that can revenge Turt.
3B) SpDef Golem
+2 252 SpA Turtonator Dragon Pulse vs. 252 HP / 224+ SpD Golem: 211-249 (57.9 - 68.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery
32 Atk Golem Earthquake vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Turtonator: 200-236 (76.6 - 90.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock
Solid answer. Also takes a +2 flash cannon. Same thing applies to Alolan-Golem if it drops

3C) Lapras
The bulkiest Water mon assuming nothing like Poliwrath drops. Even Specs takes a hit well and KOes back nicely. With Rocks up though, Turt has a solid chance to KO. SpDef chou is the same, however Pulse does 42% min meaning it relies on Rest Talk rolls and loses that 1v1 as scald does 29% max.
252+ SpA Choice Specs Lapras Ice Beam vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Turtonator: 208-246 (79.6 - 94.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock
+2 252 SpA Turtonator Fire Blast vs. 120 HP / 0 SpD Lapras: 294-346 (68.2 - 80.2%) -- 43.8% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock

Other super bulky mons can, but this is already a long ass post and Turt 1v1s almost all of them.

So those are the things you need. However priority doesn't work and scarfers don't work with no rocks up. Bar Clef and Lapras, without rocks all other bulky mons just lose 1v1. Other Bulky T-wavers potentially work though.

Overall. If Turt drops this thing is gonna be nuts. It has no counters and in order to beat it you have to play very offensively whether that's hitting it HARD before it smashes or taunting it, or going hard into your t-wave mon or tricking a scarf on it, it forces you to play a certain style which players can easily take advantage of, granted all mons do this to an extent, but Turtonator has INCREDIBLE potential. None of this long post even mentions potential Z moves with smash it can do due to it's solid bulk regardless if you've KOed their scarfer it eats priority for days and something like firium fire blast or draconium draco meteor will allow it to tear through it's own counters. If you somehow made it through this entire thing. I don't know why you did or why you have so much spare time to read this long post some random LC nerd made about another random turtle shell smasher. See you round hopefully and SUPER excited for both SM NU and PU. This is all assuming it is in PU of course but I feel it will definitely be in for a little due to Barbaracle being in NU and there is NO reason to use Turt if Barb stays in NU. Just theorymoning though as Turt is special which could be cool, However Barb's brute physical force along with potential rockium z I doubt Turt will ever see play in NU. If it ends up doing well in NU then fuck me sideways, but this is all theorymonning again.

Nice mightyena set. Besides water shuriken, vacuum wave is also special priority.
Bumping thread after almost a month of inactivity because we only have a month left until PU comes.

I've been thinking about Z-Moves, whether they'd be broken or balanced, and I'm still not entirely sure. I feel like more people are interested in the set up moves like Me First Mightyena and Encore Chatot. However, we also do have the attacking moves. I haven't seen as much discussion about them except for a post a while ago talking about Leafeon and Mr. Mime. I've been playing the SM higher tiers lately and I thought of somethings that could potentially be really good. I didn't do calcs though, since we still aren't sure what new checks will be dropping, these are just some ideas.
Set Up Breakers/Sweepers

Rampardos was one of the first things that came to my mind when thinking about interesting Z-move users. With Rock Polish up, even an Adamant can outspeed almost every unboosted thing in the game although Jolly will likely be better to outspeed Scarf Rotom, Mr. Mime, and Chatot. It's sky high attack stat means that whatever Z-move it uses is going to be heavily damaging whatever is on the other side. It also has a relatively large movepool, meaning your Z-move can be personalized to what you're trying to hit most. I imagine Z-Stone Edge for a buffed STAB, Z-Superpower, for Steels (though eq can normally manage them), and Z-Fire Punch for bulky grasses will be the top picks. It may not be the best sweeper, but it definitely is a hugely effective wallbreaker. The main set I would imagine to see is:

Rampardos @ Rockium Z / Fightinium Z / Firium Z
Ability: Mold Breaker
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Rock Polish
- Stone Edge / Head Smash
- Earthquake
- Superpower / Fire Punch

Aggron works very similarly to Rampardos and likely will be the favorable choice with its better ability in Rock Head for a more spammable Rock move (Ramp just has more attack and speed so I listed it first). Access to Rock Polish/Autotomize, similar movepools, and a secondary STAB makes the set pretty much the same, but in Aggron form. Aggron is also slightly slower and as such, can't outspeed the Scarfers listed above and risks getting hit by a Focus Blast or HP Fighting if not at +4 Speed. However, it will still be a very good breaker and Z-move user.

Aggron @ Fightinium Z
Ability: Rock Head
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Rock Polish
- Head Smash
- Heavy Slam
- Superpower

Another mon that I really liked using in Gen 6 is Kingler. This big crab's biggest problems are bulky waters and grasses. However, with Z-moves and a little prior damage, this guy has a much smaller problem handling them. Dual Dance sets have made it big in higher tiers with things like Terrakion, Cobalion, and Landorus just to name a few, so why not make them down here too?

Kingler @ Normalium Z / Fightinium Z
Ability: Hyper Cutter
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Agility
- Swords Dance
- Crabhammer
- Double-Edge / Superpower

Just Punching Holes

Like Kingler, Floatzel faces problems from bulky waters. Not as much from grass types because of its better use of Ice Beam, but they can still get out of hand. Z-moves introduce something a little better that could help out this S rank mon. Calm Mind Keldeo in UU can often times run Breakneck Blitz to beat opposing waters and that's where the inspiration for this set came. Not having Life Orb for your other moves could be unfortunate though.

Floatzel @ Fightinium Z / Normalium Z
Ability: Water Veil
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Hydro Pump
- Aqua Jet
- Ice Beam
- Focus Blast / Hyper Beam

Zebstrika is another mon that suffers from poor coverage options on an otherwise great offensive attacker. One of the main struggles is having to rely on Overheat to beat grass types. But Overheat's special attack drops can leave Zebstrika forced to switch out after using it. Firium Z can remedy this and the resulting Inferno Overdrive should be able to take out most grass types that come along. Alternatively, you could run Z-Hyper Beam for a Breakneck Blitz that's sure to do some damage, but generally the coverage is more necessary. Like Floatzel, however, the power drop on other moves from not using Life Orb could be bad. This may also just be outclassed by Manectric soon.

Zebstrika @ Firium Z
Ability: Lightning Rod
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Thunderbolt
- Volt Switch
- Overheat
- Hidden Power [Ice]

These three could go under the set up sweepers category, but their diverse movepools and versatility can also make them great candidates for 4 move AOA sets. All three could use Fightinium Z to make a high powered Focus Blast or Superpower, boost the power of their own STAB moves, or even use status moves like Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Grasswhistle, Will-o-Wisp, or whatever else to get the benefit of a Choice Scarf without being locked into a move. Overall, I think mons like these three will benefit most from Z-moves because now they have an extra layer of unpredictability to them.
Some people also mentionned Z-Mirror Move Murkrow as well. As Dodrio is going to leave us, I hope Murkrow will be our Flying alternative in this new gen.

I was thinking about this one too:

Haunter @ Psychium Z
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Hypnosis
- Shadow Ball
- Sludge Wave
- Psychic

And I also wonder about the viability of Z-Trick-or-Treat Gourgeist. What do you think about these ?
Some people also mentionned Z-Mirror Move Murkrow as well. As Dodrio is going to leave us, I hope Murkrow will be our Flying alternative in this new gen.

I was thinking about this one too:

Haunter @ Psychium Z
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Hypnosis
- Shadow Ball
- Sludge Wave
- Psychic

And I also wonder about the viability of Z-Trick-or-Treat Gourgeist. What do you think about these ?
I played one of those Gourgeist in early days of UU and with Synthesis it was quite hard to take down and it ended up cleaning my team up, not sure how much bulk or the preferred form you want to go with but there's definitely room for imagination.
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I played one of those Gourgeist in early days of UU and with Synthesis it was quite hard to take down and it ended up cleaning my team up, not sure how much bulk or the preferred form you want to go with but there's definitely room for imagination.

The thing about it is that is really prone to get affected by status and lose the boosts. And if you go with sub, then u only got one slot left...

What is gonna wall u?

So... for ToT Gourg I would just use Sub/ToT and STABs... that at least will give decent coverage! Oh, and I'll use Large form cuz XL is too slow to be using this kind of gimmick IMO.

See ya guys!
The thing about it is that is really prone to get affected by status and lose the boosts. And if you go with sub, then u only got one slot left...

What is gonna wall u?

So... for ToT Gourg I would just use Sub/ToT and STABs... that at least will give decent coverage! Oh, and I'll use Large form cuz XL is too slow to be using this kind of gimmick IMO.

Sorry I keep bumping this thread, I got bored and had some extra time today so I thought I'd make some sets for T-o-T Gourgeist sets for all sizes. To see what was best.

Gourgeist-Super @ Ghostium Z
Ability: Frisk
EVs: 252 HP / 100 Def / 144 SpD / 12 Spe
Impish Nature
- Trick-or-Treat
- Leech Seed / Will-o-Wisp
- Synthesis
- Seed Bomb / Phantom Force
Gourgeist-Super is the bulkiest of its kind, but also the slowest. I can't see it using an offensive set because of that speed stat of 54 (though with a Jolly nature it can beat everything slower than Rapidash). With this thing's fairly good defenses and typing, it can take some hits at +1 especially on the physical side. Trick-or-Treat is obviously the Z-move giving you +1 in each stat. Will-o-Wisp provides passive damage since this set is more for tanking, not dealing out damage. It also lets you better handle most physical attackers. Leech Seed could be used over Will-o-Wisp to give passive damage as well as recovery, but you can struggle more with going 1v1 with other physical things. Synthesis is your main form of recovery and helps you stay around much longer. Finally, Seed Bomb and Phantom Force are slashed because while Seed Bomb is generally more reliable, Phantom Force is stronger, allows you to break protection, and lets you possibly stay around longer because of the semi-invulnerable turns. However, you do miss out on hitting normals which can be a big deal if you don't already have them out of the way. The given EVs are to maximize its overall bulk and give it some key results such as making sure Zebstrika, Stoutland, Floatzel (band and special), and Monferno can never 2HKO you without a crit. Speed is to outspeed and burn Pawniard.
252+ Atk Choice Band Stoutland Crunch vs. +1 252 HP / 100+ Def Gourgeist-Super: 122-144 (32.6 - 38.5%) -- 98.2% chance to 3HKO
+1 0 Atk Gourgeist-Super Seed Bomb vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Stoutland: 142-168 (45.6 - 54%) -- 43% chance to 2HKO
You could take 72 from spdef to make Seed Bomb a guaranteed 2HKO but I considered bulk to be more important.

252 SpA Life Orb Floatzel Ice Beam vs. +1 252 HP / 144 SpD Gourgeist-Super: 138-164 (36.8 - 43.8%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
+1 0 Atk Gourgeist-Super Seed Bomb vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Floatzel: 416-492 (133.7 - 158.1%) -- guaranteed OHKO

252 SpA Life Orb Zebstrika Overheat vs. +1 252 HP / 144 SpD Gourgeist-Super: 190-224 (50.8 - 59.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
-2 252 SpA Life Orb Zebstrika Overheat vs. +1 252 HP / 144 SpD Gourgeist-Super: 96-114 (25.6 - 30.4%) -- guaranteed 4HKO

252+ Atk Monferno Flare Blitz vs. +1 252 HP / 100+ Def Gourgeist-Super: 146-174 (39 - 46.5%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
Rotom-F: Will always 2HKO with Blizzard. Have to rely on misses and PP stalling with Synthesis.
Combusken: Will always 2HKO with Fire Blast, once again have to rely on misses and PP stalling.
Cacturne: Dark Pulse is a guaranteed 2HKO on mixed sets, but fully physical sets can be hit with Will-o-Wisp.
Rapidash: Flare Blitz 2HKOs but unlike Rotom and Combusken you don't even have a chance to stall it out.
Dodrio: Lord help us if this thing actually falls down here but banded Brave Bird 2HKOs.
Sap Sipper mons/Normal types: This Gourg really only has room for one STAB move unless you want to be worn down that much quicker. Bouffalant and Sawsbuck hard wall this if not running Will-o-Wisp and while Zeb can't beat you without a crit if you stay healthy enough, you can't do anything back and are forced to waste Syntheses(?) if your STAB move is Seed Bomb.

Gourgeist-Large @ Ghostium Z
Ability: Frisk
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe OR 104 HP / 252 Atk / 152 Spe
Jolly OR Adamant Nature
- Trick-or-Treat
- Seed Bomb
- Shadow Sneak / Phantom Force
- Synthesis
Overall, I think this is the worst Gourgeist form for this idea. It's too slow to be too offensive but not bulky enough to take SE hits. The first spread just maximizes damage output and speed while the second one creeps Leafeon while having a little more bulk, but this doesn't really survive anything notable. Seed Bomb is your main STAB, while Sneak or Phantom Force are both good ghost options if normals are taken care of. Synthesis is for recovery and longevity. Jolly should be used on the max speed set because Adamant gets outsped by Floatzel and Zebstrika whereas the only unboosted things Jolly is outsped by are Electrode and Ninjask.
Same things as those above, however, if you're using the slower set, Floatzel can outspeed you and pick you off with Ice Beam if you're weakened and Zebstrika does a ton to you. The faster set outspeeds a lot more and only struggles with Scarfers with SE coverage.

Gourgeist @ Ghostium Z
Ability: Frisk
EVs: 96 HP / 252 Atk / 160 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Trick-or-Treat
- Seed Bomb
- Phantom Force
- Shadow Sneak / Rock Slide / Synthesis / Bullet Seed / Explosion
Kinda running out of imagination at this point. Obviously each size smaller you go down, you lose a bit of power and bulk but you also get some speed you previously didn't have. Regular Gourgeist with this spread are able to outspeed Zebstrika at +1 and still has more attack than the Large Gourgeist because it can afford to run Adamant. I think this might be the go-to size and hopefully the go-to set for T-o-T Gourgeist. The last move can pretty much be whatever you want it to cover. Sneak beats other priority, Rock Slide can help beat flying, fire, and ice types that may trouble you otherwise, Synthesis can be used if you want to stick around longer, Bullet Seed can be used if you're worried about Golem or other Study mons, and Explosion can be used as a last resort nuke to break a lot of stuff at +1.
For reference:
+1 252+ Atk Gourgeist Bullet Seed (2 hits) vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Golem: 336-408 (111.6 - 135.5%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Gourgeist-Small @ Ghostium Z
Ability: Frisk
EVs: 100 Atk / 252 SpA / 156 Spe OR 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive OR Timid Nature
- Trick-or-Treat
- Giga Drain / Energy Ball
- Fire Blast / Focus Blast
- Shadow Sneak / Shadow Ball / Sludge Bomb / Hidden Power [Ice]
Being the smallest Gourgeist, this guy also has the added bonus of outspeeding Choice Scarf Rotom-F at +1. Unfortunately, to do this it has to have a Speed boosting nature, so its power will drop a little. I picked a special set because Gourgeist actually has a fairly big specail movepool so if it can finally get a boost, why not? The first spread outspeeds Scarf Rotom at +1 also adding a little more power to Shadow Sneak, but if you opt not to carry it, the second set just maximizes speed and special attack. You can also run the same spread but physically based, however, as this form's niche is being able to outspeed Rotom-F I thought the Fire Blast would be the way to go as it ensures the KO at +1 after rocks while a max attack Rock Slide is still a roll. Giga Drain can be used for a little recovery while Energy Ball is stronger. Fire Blast and Focus Blast are options to KO Rotom, but as Fire Blast is more accurate, it's the preferable option. All other moves are just based on what coverage you need for your team if you decide to do a fully special set.

Might do another one of these for Z-Forest's Curse Trevenant, but for right now I think these pumpkins look pretty cool and maybe they'll have some niche on certain teams.
A mixed Gourgeist set might also be cool, with Hp Ice to lure and 2hko Defensive Altaria (with SR damage) or Flamethrower/Fire Blast to 2hko Defensive Tangela and Gourgeist (need investment to guarantee 2hko on Gourgeist with Flamethrower, even with SR), while still maintaining the Physical STAB moves that go better with it's higher Physical Attack.

Calcs: (Didn't remember how to do the "Hide" thing :p)
+1 0 SpA Gourgeist Hidden Power Ice vs. 248 HP / 0 SpD Altaria: 160-192 (45.3 - 54.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery
+1 0 SpA Gourgeist Flamethrower vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Eviolite Tangela: 170-202 (50.8 - 60.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
+1 0 SpA Gourgeist Fire Blast vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Gourgeist-Super: 192-228 (51.3 - 60.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
+1 0 SpA Gourgeist Flamethrower vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Gourgeist-Super: 158-188 (42.2 - 50.2%) -- 91.8% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock
We've finally received usage stats for Gen7NU's Alpha. What this means is we now have usage data to base our speculation around! Here is the complete NU usage, everything below the line is PU.
| 1 | Steelix | 27.61017%| 35849 | 21.894%| 31705 | 24.292%|
| 2 | Porygon2 | 17.22162%| 20370 | 12.440%| 16202 | 12.414%|
| 3 | Hitmonlee | 16.04634%| 21596 | 13.189%| 16417 | 12.579%|
| 4 | Yanmega | 15.94634%| 24325 | 14.856%| 19114 | 14.645%|
| 5 | Necrozma | 14.75241%| 23665 | 14.453%| 18609 | 14.258%|
| 6 | Dragalge | 13.06885%| 13396 | 8.181%| 10759 | 8.243%|
| 7 | Pangoro | 12.30919%| 13072 | 7.983%| 10518 | 8.059%|
| 8 | Tyrantrum | 12.19054%| 15003 | 9.163%| 10827 | 8.296%|
| 9 | Slowking | 11.41349%| 15406 | 9.409%| 12525 | 9.597%|
| 10 | Virizion | 11.27775%| 17845 | 10.898%| 13802 | 10.575%|
| 11 | Sneasel | 11.15849%| 13548 | 8.274%| 10222 | 7.832%|
| 12 | Ribombee | 11.11286%| 13679 | 8.354%| 10430 | 7.991%|
| 13 | Kingdra | 10.01942%| 14068 | 8.592%| 10639 | 8.151%|
| 14 | Golbat | 9.83303%| 12266 | 7.491%| 10122 | 7.755%|
| 15 | Whimsicott | 9.66995%| 11165 | 6.819%| 9205 | 7.053%|
| 16 | Slurpuff | 9.51465%| 14114 | 8.620%| 9931 | 7.609%|
| 17 | Garbodor | 8.86422%| 11830 | 7.225%| 10064 | 7.711%|
| 18 | Slowbro | 8.46108%| 12454 | 7.606%| 9909 | 7.592%|
| 19 | Cofagrigus | 8.09328%| 10659 | 6.510%| 8718 | 6.680%|
| 20 | Uxie | 8.06092%| 8961 | 5.473%| 8199 | 6.282%|
| 21 | Rotom | 7.52641%| 10372 | 6.334%| 8497 | 6.510%|
| 22 | Minior | 7.29576%| 11830 | 7.225%| 8692 | 6.660%|
| 23 | Hitmontop | 6.96509%| 11922 | 7.281%| 9841 | 7.540%|
| 24 | Seismitoad | 6.72426%| 8234 | 5.029%| 7239 | 5.546%|
| 25 | Braviary | 6.55341%| 7476 | 4.566%| 5592 | 4.285%|
| 26 | Mismagius | 6.53172%| 8530 | 5.209%| 6730 | 5.156%|
| 27 | Medicham | 6.04531%| 8039 | 4.910%| 6132 | 4.698%|
| 28 | Rotom-Mow | 5.95075%| 7710 | 4.709%| 6274 | 4.807%|
| 29 | Noivern | 5.90401%| 9196 | 5.616%| 7226 | 5.536%|
| 30 | Drapion | 5.63070%| 9038 | 5.520%| 7419 | 5.684%|
| 31 | Exploud | 5.32793%| 6217 | 3.797%| 4920 | 3.770%|
| 32 | Rhydon | 5.21926%| 7569 | 4.623%| 6294 | 4.822%|
| 33 | Xatu | 5.21908%| 7895 | 4.822%| 6415 | 4.915%|
| 34 | Vaporeon | 5.09277%| 7045 | 4.303%| 5481 | 4.199%|
| 35 | Moltres | 5.04098%| 6292 | 3.843%| 5013 | 3.841%|
| 36 | Machamp | 4.94725%| 8262 | 5.046%| 6817 | 5.223%|
| 37 | Piloswine | 4.64688%| 5101 | 3.115%| 4493 | 3.442%|
| 38 | Aromatisse | 4.63155%| 7207 | 4.401%| 5734 | 4.393%|
| 39 | Sigilyph | 4.59618%| 5614 | 3.429%| 4311 | 3.303%|
| 40 | Meloetta | 4.47968%| 5798 | 3.541%| 4440 | 3.402%|
| 41 | Accelgor | 4.42924%| 7614 | 4.650%| 6589 | 5.048%|
| 42 | Komala | 4.25733%| 6416 | 3.918%| 5080 | 3.892%|
| 43 | Emboar | 4.08394%| 6453 | 3.941%| 4984 | 3.819%|
| 44 | Cryogonal | 4.02667%| 6210 | 3.793%| 4877 | 3.737%|
| 45 | Dodrio | 3.97540%| 6522 | 3.983%| 4855 | 3.720%|
| 46 | Shuckle | 3.94411%| 5658 | 3.455%| 5276 | 4.042%|
| 47 | Claydol | 3.82897%| 8885 | 5.426%| 7470 | 5.723%|
| 48 | Omastar | 3.78952%| 5101 | 3.115%| 4349 | 3.332%|
| 49 | Sandslash-Alola | 3.61255%| 5386 | 3.289%| 4360 | 3.341%|
| 50 | Delphox | 3.47363%| 6400 | 3.909%| 4956 | 3.797%|
| 51 | Ninetales | 3.41290%| 6280 | 3.835%| 5475 | 4.195%|
| 52 | Archeops | 3.37440%| 5968 | 3.645%| 5311 | 4.069%|
| 53 | Incineroar | 3.29485%| 5766 | 3.521%| 4623 | 3.542%|
| 54 | Toxicroak | 3.22633%| 4736 | 2.892%| 3652 | 2.798%|
| 55 | Mesprit | 3.05838%| 4676 | 2.856%| 3933 | 3.013%|
| 56 | Togetic | 2.85378%| 5285 | 3.228%| 4157 | 3.185%|
| 57 | Smeargle | 2.84966%| 4272 | 2.609%| 3976 | 3.046%|
| 58 | Ditto | 2.79336%| 3307 | 2.020%| 2570 | 1.969%|
| 59 | Scrafty | 2.77728%| 5141 | 3.140%| 4103 | 3.144%|
| 60 | Abomasnow | 2.67205%| 5089 | 3.108%| 4282 | 3.281%|
| 61 | Spiritomb | 2.67030%| 3034 | 1.853%| 2525 | 1.935%|
| 62 | Shiftry | 2.57912%| 4088 | 2.497%| 3145 | 2.410%|
| 63 | Houndoom | 2.50941%| 4787 | 2.924%| 3723 | 2.853%|
| 64 | Skuntank | 2.49347%| 4484 | 2.738%| 3661 | 2.805%|
| 65 | Sawk | 2.49264%| 2728 | 1.666%| 2083 | 1.596%|
| 66 | Typhlosion | 2.47319%| 4256 | 2.599%| 3253 | 2.492%|
| 67 | Lanturn | 2.44437%| 5584 | 3.410%| 4530 | 3.471%|
| 68 | Vikavolt | 2.44379%| 4772 | 2.914%| 3747 | 2.871%|
| 69 | Ferroseed | 2.42924%| 2719 | 1.661%| 2373 | 1.818%|
| 70 | Clawitzer | 2.41703%| 4520 | 2.760%| 3623 | 2.776%|
| 71 | Raichu-Alola | 2.40909%| 4726 | 2.886%| 3565 | 2.731%|
| 72 | Kabutops | 2.40336%| 4567 | 2.789%| 3448 | 2.642%|
| 73 | Lycanroc | 2.34465%| 4365 | 2.666%| 3634 | 2.784%|
| 74 | Ambipom | 2.34397%| 7572 | 4.624%| 6346 | 4.862%|
| 75 | Eelektross | 2.32845%| 4238 | 2.588%| 3564 | 2.731%|
| 76 | Hitmonchan | 2.32181%| 4541 | 2.773%| 3628 | 2.780%|
| 77 | Qwilfish | 2.31729%| 3661 | 2.236%| 3265 | 2.502%|
| 78 | Druddigon | 2.27688%| 4346 | 2.654%| 3829 | 2.934%|
| 79 | Aurorus | 2.20170%| 2988 | 1.825%| 2571 | 1.970%|
| 80 | Sableye | 2.15003%| 3766 | 2.300%| 3239 | 2.482%|
| 81 | Persian-Alola | 2.03864%| 4443 | 2.713%| 3819 | 2.926%|
| 82 | Sceptile | 2.03548%| 3295 | 2.012%| 2514 | 1.926%|
| 83 | Lilligant | 1.99005%| 2681 | 1.637%| 1900 | 1.456%|
| 84 | Weezing | 1.95121%| 3720 | 2.272%| 3128 | 2.397%|
| 85 | Guzzlord | 1.91657%| 3731 | 2.279%| 2989 | 2.290%|
| 86 | Cinccino | 1.89832%| 5824 | 3.557%| 4460 | 3.417%|
| 87 | Liepard | 1.89591%| 3361 | 2.053%| 2869 | 2.198%|
| 88 | Hariyama | 1.84731%| 2867 | 1.751%| 2390 | 1.831%|
| 89 | Bibarel | 1.84453%| 3265 | 1.994%| 2413 | 1.849%|
| 90 | Charizard | 1.81516%| 4686 | 2.862%| 3555 | 2.724%|
| 91 | Golurk | 1.79264%| 2530 | 1.545%| 2118 | 1.623%|
| 92 | Vileplume | 1.77624%| 2830 | 1.728%| 2305 | 1.766%|
| 93 | Samurott | 1.73409%| 2406 | 1.469%| 1813 | 1.389%|
| 94 | Victreebel | 1.72074%| 3232 | 1.974%| 2505 | 1.919%|
| 95 | Tauros | 1.66853%| 3708 | 2.265%| 2702 | 2.070%|
| 96 | Gallade | 1.66611%| 3475 | 2.122%| 2716 | 2.081%|
| 97 | Quagsire | 1.62957%| 3816 | 2.330%| 2982 | 2.285%|
| 98 | Sandslash | 1.59900%| 3305 | 2.018%| 2780 | 2.130%|
| 99 | Gastrodon | 1.59143%| 4400 | 2.687%| 3542 | 2.714%|
| 100 | Crabominable | 1.59118%| 2559 | 1.563%| 1889 | 1.447%|
| 101 | Granbull | 1.58689%| 2324 | 1.419%| 1879 | 1.440%|
| 102 | Malamar | 1.58678%| 3742 | 2.285%| 2988 | 2.289%|
| 103 | Poliwrath | 1.52157%| 2609 | 1.593%| 2043 | 1.565%|
| 104 | Pyukumuku | 1.51564%| 2474 | 1.511%| 2038 | 1.561%|
| 105 | Vivillon | 1.49483%| 2357 | 1.439%| 1799 | 1.378%|
| 106 | Absol | 1.49172%| 3723 | 2.274%| 2828 | 2.167%|
| 107 | Barbaracle | 1.41265%| 2724 | 1.664%| 1948 | 1.493%|
| 108 | Klinklang | 1.39730%| 3000 | 1.832%| 2364 | 1.811%|
| 109 | Aggron | 1.37912%| 5418 | 3.309%| 4389 | 3.363%|
| 110 | Vanilluxe | 1.31882%| 1602 | 0.978%| 1274 | 0.976%|
| 111 | Scyther | 1.30563%| 3635 | 2.220%| 2870 | 2.199%|
| 112 | Ludicolo | 1.27261%| 2890 | 1.765%| 2245 | 1.720%|
| 113 | Probopass | 1.26321%| 1299 | 0.793%| 1127 | 0.863%|
| 114 | Zangoose | 1.21444%| 2058 | 1.257%| 1580 | 1.211%|
| 115 | Silvally-Steel | 1.20971%| 2169 | 1.325%| 1837 | 1.407%|
| 116 | Torterra | 1.17825%| 2532 | 1.546%| 2032 | 1.557%|
| 117 | Passimian | 1.17275%| 1724 | 1.053%| 1386 | 1.062%|
| 118 | Audino | 1.16440%| 2198 | 1.342%| 1728 | 1.324%|
| 119 | Exeggutor-Alola | 1.12829%| 2963 | 1.810%| 2238 | 1.715%|
| 120 | Oricorio-Sensu | 1.12402%| 1292 | 0.789%| 1011 | 0.775%|
| 121 | Drampa | 1.12294%| 2980 | 1.820%| 2148 | 1.646%|
| 122 | Lurantis | 1.12092%| 2494 | 1.523%| 1945 | 1.490%|
| 123 | Mawile | 1.11561%| 1835 | 1.121%| 1530 | 1.172%|
| 124 | Wishiwashi | 1.11484%| 2855 | 1.744%| 2245 | 1.720%|
| 125 | Golem-Alola | 1.10919%| 2288 | 1.397%| 1897 | 1.453%|
| 126 | Dugtrio-Alola | 1.04393%| 2068 | 1.263%| 1623 | 1.244%|
| 127 | Haunter | 1.02915%| 2425 | 1.481%| 1837 | 1.407%|
| 128 | Carbink | 1.02015%| 1616 | 0.987%| 1520 | 1.165%|
| 129 | Miltank | 1.01968%| 2544 | 1.554%| 2088 | 1.600%|
| 130 | Magmortar | 1.01430%| 3043 | 1.858%| 2309 | 1.769%|
| 131 | Silvally-Ghost | 1.01259%| 1413 | 0.863%| 1135 | 0.870%|
| 132 | Manectric | 0.97242%| 2200 | 1.344%| 1706 | 1.307%|
| 133 | Palossand | 0.91893%| 1834 | 1.120%| 1432 | 1.097%|
| 134 | Regirock | 0.91128%| 1907 | 1.165%| 1626 | 1.246%|
| 135 | Electivire | 0.89193%| 3276 | 2.001%| 2491 | 1.909%|
| 136 | Silvally-Fairy | 0.87160%| 1147 | 0.700%| 908 | 0.696%|
| 137 | Gourgeist-Super | 0.84871%| 1556 | 0.950%| 1283 | 0.983%|
| 138 | Mudsdale | 0.82822%| 2263 | 1.382%| 1853 | 1.420%|
| 139 | Pyroar | 0.80584%| 2433 | 1.486%| 1805 | 1.383%|
| 140 | Exeggutor | 0.76854%| 1247 | 0.762%| 968 | 0.742%|
| 141 | Avalugg | 0.76600%| 2597 | 1.586%| 2047 | 1.568%|
| 142 | Tangela | 0.73778%| 1621 | 0.990%| 1248 | 0.956%|
| 143 | Sawsbuck | 0.73608%| 991 | 0.605%| 720 | 0.552%|
| 144 | Masquerain | 0.71088%| 1523 | 0.930%| 1344 | 1.030%|
| 145 | Gurdurr | 0.68415%| 1413 | 0.863%| 1163 | 0.891%|
| 146 | Beartic | 0.68260%| 1500 | 0.916%| 1108 | 0.849%|
| 147 | Armaldo | 0.66179%| 2147 | 1.311%| 1809 | 1.386%|
| 148 | Cacturne | 0.63204%| 1883 | 1.150%| 1429 | 1.095%|
| 149 | Cradily | 0.60133%| 2604 | 1.590%| 2109 | 1.616%|
| 150 | Kadabra | 0.58835%| 1619 | 0.989%| 1186 | 0.909%|
| 151 | Regice | 0.57978%| 1376 | 0.840%| 1072 | 0.821%|
| 152 | Electrode | 0.56045%| 1577 | 0.963%| 1306 | 1.001%|
| 153 | Ninjask | 0.53821%| 1086 | 0.663%| 835 | 0.640%|
| 154 | Toucannon | 0.53686%| 1261 | 0.770%| 1004 | 0.769%|
| 155 | Pikachu | 0.53080%| 1068 | 0.652%| 807 | 0.618%|
| 156 | Bronzor | 0.52945%| 467 | 0.285%| 429 | 0.329%|
| 157 | Shiinotic | 0.52945%| 1377 | 0.841%| 1072 | 0.821%|
| 158 | Raticate-Alola | 0.52874%| 656 | 0.401%| 506 | 0.388%|
| 159 | Kecleon | 0.52047%| 1630 | 0.995%| 1341 | 1.027%|
| 160 | Venipede | 0.51781%| 463 | 0.283%| 447 | 0.342%|
| 161 | Crustle | 0.47129%| 1116 | 0.682%| 945 | 0.724%|
| 162 | Jynx | 0.46478%| 1577 | 0.963%| 1134 | 0.869%|
| 163 | Silvally-Poison | 0.46037%| 545 | 0.333%| 460 | 0.352%|
| 164 | Articuno | 0.45311%| 1585 | 0.968%| 1235 | 0.946%|
| 165 | Oricorio-Pom-Pom | 0.44532%| 684 | 0.418%| 535 | 0.410%|
| 166 | Lycanroc-Midnight | 0.44344%| 1709 | 1.044%| 1326 | 1.016%|
| 167 | Ampharos | 0.44318%| 1778 | 1.086%| 1379 | 1.057%|
| 168 | Drifblim | 0.42475%| 1610 | 0.983%| 1227 | 0.940%|
| 169 | Musharna | 0.41173%| 772 | 0.471%| 580 | 0.444%|
| 170 | Togedemaru | 0.40784%| 1387 | 0.847%| 1191 | 0.913%|
| 171 | Silvally | 0.40339%| 1008 | 0.616%| 803 | 0.615%|
| 172 | Leafeon | 0.39832%| 1275 | 0.779%| 998 | 0.765%|
| 173 | Pinsir | 0.39631%| 1065 | 0.650%| 795 | 0.609%|
| 174 | Kingler | 0.39381%| 1254 | 0.766%| 981 | 0.752%|
| 175 | Leavanny | 0.38272%| 1151 | 0.703%| 1015 | 0.778%|
| 176 | Rampardos | 0.38100%| 1182 | 0.722%| 855 | 0.655%|
| 177 | Kangaskhan | 0.37606%| 759 | 0.464%| 627 | 0.480%|
| 178 | Hippopotas | 0.37497%| 691 | 0.422%| 628 | 0.481%|
| 179 | Trevenant | 0.36193%| 1624 | 0.992%| 1300 | 0.996%|
| 180 | Ursaring | 0.36110%| 931 | 0.569%| 709 | 0.543%|
| 181 | Prinplup | 0.35417%| 503 | 0.307%| 439 | 0.336%|
| 182 | Bouffalant | 0.35337%| 1102 | 0.673%| 831 | 0.637%|
| 183 | Primeape | 0.35229%| 1133 | 0.692%| 913 | 0.700%|
| 184 | Chatot | 0.33109%| 1526 | 0.932%| 1126 | 0.863%|
| 185 | Lapras | 0.32917%| 1101 | 0.672%| 856 | 0.656%|
| 186 | Stoutland | 0.32645%| 753 | 0.460%| 566 | 0.434%|
| 187 | Frogadier | 0.32585%| 619 | 0.378%| 479 | 0.367%|
| 188 | Turtonator | 0.31916%| 1179 | 0.720%| 954 | 0.731%|
| 189 | Raichu | 0.31164%| 930 | 0.568%| 735 | 0.563%|
| 190 | Golem | 0.31001%| 1030 | 0.629%| 906 | 0.694%|
| 191 | Type: Null | 0.30831%| 890 | 0.544%| 700 | 0.536%|
| 192 | Carracosta | 0.30515%| 1248 | 0.762%| 1003 | 0.768%|
| 193 | Shedinja | 0.30369%| 1125 | 0.687%| 772 | 0.591%|
| 194 | Combusken | 0.30034%| 1089 | 0.665%| 828 | 0.634%|
| 195 | Clefairy | 0.29848%| 781 | 0.477%| 642 | 0.492%|
| 196 | Dusknoir | 0.28727%| 981 | 0.599%| 809 | 0.620%|
| 197 | Basculin | 0.28003%| 1337 | 0.817%| 1049 | 0.804%|
| 198 | Metang | 0.26687%| 644 | 0.393%| 560 | 0.429%|
| 199 | Gorebyss | 0.26488%| 762 | 0.465%| 555 | 0.425%|
| 200 | Camerupt | 0.25328%| 876 | 0.535%| 751 | 0.575%|
| 201 | Floatzel | 0.24400%| 1285 | 0.785%| 950 | 0.728%|
| 202 | Slaking | 0.23724%| 942 | 0.575%| 691 | 0.529%|
| 203 | Muk | 0.23095%| 831 | 0.508%| 653 | 0.500%|
| 204 | Bellossom | 0.22448%| 917 | 0.560%| 671 | 0.514%|
| 205 | Meowstic | 0.21173%| 777 | 0.475%| 649 | 0.497%|
| 206 | Bastiodon | 0.20954%| 1134 | 0.693%| 982 | 0.752%|
| 207 | Ariados | 0.20625%| 1368 | 0.835%| 1214 | 0.930%|
| 208 | Arbok | 0.20317%| 1385 | 0.846%| 1053 | 0.807%|
| 209 | Diglett | 0.20281%| 383 | 0.234%| 279 | 0.214%|
| 210 | Dusclops | 0.19995%| 997 | 0.609%| 780 | 0.598%|
| 211 | Flareon | 0.19974%| 1093 | 0.668%| 834 | 0.639%|
| 212 | Rotom-Fan | 0.19727%| 367 | 0.224%| 297 | 0.228%|
| 213 | Wartortle | 0.19237%| 663 | 0.405%| 540 | 0.414%|
| 214 | Stunfisk | 0.18906%| 593 | 0.362%| 523 | 0.401%|
| 215 | Glaceon | 0.18097%| 683 | 0.417%| 479 | 0.367%|
| 216 | Gogoat | 0.17972%| 708 | 0.432%| 526 | 0.403%|
| 217 | Mr. Mime | 0.17824%| 618 | 0.377%| 471 | 0.361%|
| 218 | Marowak | 0.17788%| 792 | 0.484%| 638 | 0.489%|
| 219 | Lickilicky | 0.17228%| 830 | 0.507%| 635 | 0.487%|
| 220 | Trapinch | 0.16958%| 281 | 0.172%| 198 | 0.152%|
| 221 | Altaria | 0.16864%| 1245 | 0.760%| 920 | 0.705%|
| 222 | Corsola | 0.16718%| 508 | 0.310%| 399 | 0.306%|
| 223 | Pawniard | 0.15852%| 350 | 0.214%| 267 | 0.205%|
| 224 | Silvally-Water | 0.15565%| 354 | 0.216%| 271 | 0.208%|
| 225 | Wigglytuff | 0.15109%| 363 | 0.222%| 301 | 0.231%|
| 226 | Gumshoos | 0.14618%| 553 | 0.338%| 407 | 0.312%|
| 227 | Luxray | 0.14357%| 903 | 0.551%| 705 | 0.540%|
| 228 | Volbeat | 0.13964%| 222 | 0.136%| 187 | 0.143%|
| 229 | Throh | 0.13879%| 328 | 0.200%| 270 | 0.207%|
| 230 | Monferno | 0.13845%| 490 | 0.299%| 396 | 0.303%|
| 231 | Roselia | 0.12819%| 485 | 0.296%| 372 | 0.285%|
| 232 | Beheeyem | 0.12753%| 1098 | 0.671%| 804 | 0.616%|
| 233 | Swanna | 0.12707%| 306 | 0.187%| 235 | 0.180%|
| 234 | Silvally-Electric | 0.12254%| 309 | 0.189%| 238 | 0.182%|
| 235 | Oranguru | 0.12237%| 191 | 0.117%| 152 | 0.116%|
| 236 | Gourgeist-Large | 0.12179%| 264 | 0.161%| 202 | 0.155%|
| 237 | Zebstrika | 0.12153%| 431 | 0.263%| 311 | 0.238%|
| 238 | Munchlax | 0.11985%| 142 | 0.087%| 100 | 0.077%|
| 239 | Jumpluff | 0.11979%| 403 | 0.246%| 325 | 0.249%|
| 240 | Simipour | 0.11734%| 323 | 0.197%| 229 | 0.175%|
| 241 | Butterfree | 0.11669%| 650 | 0.397%| 502 | 0.385%|
| 242 | Rapidash | 0.11489%| 728 | 0.445%| 542 | 0.415%|
| 243 | Delibird | 0.11389%| 278 | 0.170%| 194 | 0.149%|
| 244 | Swoobat | 0.11030%| 515 | 0.315%| 408 | 0.313%|
| 245 | Marill | 0.10881%| 179 | 0.109%| 141 | 0.108%|
| 246 | Lumineon | 0.10854%| 509 | 0.311%| 416 | 0.319%|
| 247 | Honedge | 0.10451%| 184 | 0.112%| 142 | 0.109%|
| 248 | Silvally-Flying | 0.10399%| 147 | 0.090%| 122 | 0.093%|
| 249 | Natu | 0.10270%| 85 | 0.052%| 78 | 0.060%|
| 250 | Glalie | 0.10250%| 245 | 0.150%| 222 | 0.170%|
| 251 | Silvally-Ground | 0.10210%| 138 | 0.084%| 114 | 0.087%|
| 252 | Gourgeist-Small | 0.10093%| 168 | 0.103%| 127 | 0.097%|
| 253 | Grumpig | 0.10049%| 335 | 0.205%| 251 | 0.192%|
| 254 | Gabite | 0.09794%| 506 | 0.309%| 418 | 0.320%|
| 255 | Solrock | 0.09304%| 281 | 0.172%| 234 | 0.179%|
| 256 | Magcargo | 0.09267%| 431 | 0.263%| 342 | 0.262%|
| 257 | Tentacool | 0.08255%| 150 | 0.092%| 128 | 0.098%|
| 258 | Rotom-Frost | 0.08166%| 383 | 0.234%| 299 | 0.229%|
| 259 | Gourgeist | 0.07920%| 214 | 0.131%| 177 | 0.136%|
| 260 | Illumise | 0.07808%| 232 | 0.142%| 188 | 0.144%|
| 261 | Walrein | 0.07698%| 474 | 0.289%| 367 | 0.281%|
| 262 | Meganium | 0.07559%| 656 | 0.401%| 500 | 0.383%|
| 263 | Purugly | 0.07271%| 338 | 0.206%| 279 | 0.214%|
| 264 | Noctowl | 0.07215%| 499 | 0.305%| 377 | 0.289%|
| 265 | Vullaby | 0.07205%| 192 | 0.117%| 151 | 0.116%|
| 266 | Wormadam-Trash | 0.07075%| 221 | 0.135%| 197 | 0.151%|
| 267 | Regigigas | 0.07015%| 397 | 0.242%| 299 | 0.229%|
| 268 | Dartrix | 0.06971%| 413 | 0.252%| 325 | 0.249%|
| 269 | Banette | 0.06876%| 469 | 0.286%| 365 | 0.280%|
| 270 | Lopunny | 0.06682%| 376 | 0.230%| 295 | 0.226%|
| 271 | Vigoroth | 0.06660%| 192 | 0.117%| 145 | 0.111%|
| 272 | Silvally-Fire | 0.06433%| 292 | 0.178%| 222 | 0.170%|
| 273 | Oricorio | 0.06388%| 373 | 0.228%| 310 | 0.238%|
| 274 | Persian | 0.06282%| 301 | 0.184%| 223 | 0.171%|
| 275 | Murkrow | 0.06081%| 343 | 0.209%| 276 | 0.211%|
| 276 | Wailord | 0.05921%| 254 | 0.155%| 191 | 0.146%|
| 277 | Duosion | 0.05799%| 253 | 0.155%| 193 | 0.148%|
| 278 | Oricorio-Pa'u | 0.05780%| 75 | 0.046%| 49 | 0.038%|
| 279 | Grimer-Alola | 0.05694%| 55 | 0.034%| 47 | 0.036%|
| 280 | Dedenne | 0.05617%| 547 | 0.334%| 435 | 0.333%|
| 281 | Lampent | 0.05484%| 141 | 0.086%| 115 | 0.088%|
| 282 | Golduck | 0.04870%| 343 | 0.209%| 277 | 0.212%|
| 283 | Krokorok | 0.04858%| 328 | 0.200%| 290 | 0.222%|
| 284 | Whiscash | 0.04787%| 320 | 0.195%| 255 | 0.195%|
| 285 | Dustox | 0.04679%| 326 | 0.199%| 235 | 0.180%|
| 286 | Unfezant | 0.04642%| 220 | 0.134%| 159 | 0.122%|
| 287 | Raticate | 0.04320%| 369 | 0.225%| 293 | 0.224%|
| 288 | Sliggoo | 0.04275%| 130 | 0.079%| 100 | 0.077%|
| 289 | Heatmor | 0.04274%| 367 | 0.224%| 261 | 0.200%|
| 290 | Simisage | 0.04252%| 124 | 0.076%| 93 | 0.071%|
| 291 | Politoed | 0.04111%| 456 | 0.278%| 372 | 0.285%|
| 292 | Electabuzz | 0.04009%| 178 | 0.109%| 132 | 0.101%|
| 293 | Relicanth | 0.03940%| 359 | 0.219%| 302 | 0.231%|
| 294 | Hypno | 0.03936%| 299 | 0.183%| 234 | 0.179%|
| 295 | Servine | 0.03831%| 227 | 0.139%| 174 | 0.133%|
| 296 | Furfrou | 0.03671%| 297 | 0.181%| 218 | 0.167%|
| 297 | Seviper | 0.03632%| 182 | 0.111%| 131 | 0.100%|
| 298 | Emolga | 0.03618%| 240 | 0.147%| 195 | 0.149%|
| 299 | Silvally-Dragon | 0.03591%| 97 | 0.059%| 76 | 0.058%|
| 300 | Silvally-Grass | 0.03476%| 95 | 0.058%| 73 | 0.056%|
| 301 | Lunatone | 0.03359%| 159 | 0.097%| 118 | 0.090%|
| 302 | Maractus | 0.03301%| 206 | 0.126%| 164 | 0.126%|
| 303 | Girafarig | 0.03173%| 171 | 0.104%| 129 | 0.099%|
| 304 | Silvally-Fighting | 0.03132%| 55 | 0.034%| 46 | 0.035%|
| 305 | Chimecho | 0.03072%| 250 | 0.153%| 177 | 0.136%|
| 306 | Kricketune | 0.02919%| 184 | 0.112%| 163 | 0.125%|
| 307 | Simisear | 0.02919%| 97 | 0.059%| 72 | 0.055%|
| 308 | Magmar | 0.02888%| 231 | 0.141%| 178 | 0.136%|
| 309 | Tropius | 0.02709%| 283 | 0.173%| 208 | 0.159%|
| 310 | Silvally-Dark | 0.02624%| 181 | 0.111%| 137 | 0.105%|
| 311 | Delcatty | 0.02610%| 275 | 0.168%| 219 | 0.168%|
| 312 | Rufflet | 0.02576%| 38 | 0.023%| 30 | 0.023%|
| 313 | Palpitoad | 0.02569%| 53 | 0.032%| 49 | 0.038%|
| 314 | Misdreavus | 0.02523%| 219 | 0.134%| 177 | 0.136%|
| 315 | Vulpix-Alola | 0.02413%| 218 | 0.133%| 182 | 0.139%|
| 316 | Staravia | 0.02403%| 167 | 0.102%| 143 | 0.110%|
| 317 | Mightyena | 0.02247%| 304 | 0.186%| 217 | 0.166%|
| 318 | Beedrill | 0.02183%| 320 | 0.195%| 243 | 0.186%|
| 319 | Castform | 0.02129%| 149 | 0.091%| 120 | 0.092%|
| 320 | Fraxure | 0.02124%| 144 | 0.088%| 84 | 0.064%|
| 321 | Vulpix | 0.02084%| 39 | 0.024%| 33 | 0.025%|
| 322 | Spinda | 0.02080%| 188 | 0.115%| 147 | 0.113%|
| 323 | Foongus | 0.02067%| 12 | 0.007%| 10 | 0.008%|
| 324 | Ivysaur | 0.02050%| 154 | 0.094%| 126 | 0.097%|
| 325 | Sudowoodo | 0.02015%| 181 | 0.111%| 138 | 0.106%|
| 326 | Swadloon | 0.01884%| 50 | 0.031%| 49 | 0.038%|
| 327 | Fearow | 0.01843%| 279 | 0.170%| 220 | 0.169%|
| 328 | Huntail | 0.01822%| 252 | 0.154%| 162 | 0.124%|
| 329 | Pumpkaboo | 0.01820%| 8 | 0.005%| 8 | 0.006%|
| 330 | Farfetch'd | 0.01785%| 236 | 0.144%| 175 | 0.134%|
| 331 | Dwebble | 0.01752%| 17 | 0.010%| 13 | 0.010%|
| 332 | Corphish | 0.01734%| 7 | 0.004%| 4 | 0.003%|
| 333 | Krabby | 0.01734%| 7 | 0.004%| 5 | 0.004%|
| 334 | Gastly | 0.01722%| 99 | 0.060%| 78 | 0.060%|
| 335 | Mareanie | 0.01695%| 24 | 0.015%| 14 | 0.011%|
| 336 | Brionne | 0.01681%| 21 | 0.013%| 17 | 0.013%|
| 337 | Dunsparce | 0.01653%| 251 | 0.153%| 203 | 0.156%|
| 338 | Dewgong | 0.01638%| 227 | 0.139%| 180 | 0.138%|
| 339 | Furret | 0.01552%| 167 | 0.102%| 128 | 0.098%|
| 340 | Lairon | 0.01462%| 118 | 0.072%| 93 | 0.071%|
| 341 | Clamperl | 0.01459%| 109 | 0.067%| 91 | 0.070%|
| 342 | Pidgeot | 0.01435%| 175 | 0.107%| 129 | 0.099%|
| 343 | Drilbur | 0.01391%| 23 | 0.014%| 22 | 0.017%|
| 344 | Hakamo-o | 0.01343%| 93 | 0.057%| 70 | 0.054%|
| 345 | Charjabug | 0.01325%| 71 | 0.043%| 53 | 0.041%|
| 346 | Plusle | 0.01304%| 64 | 0.039%| 51 | 0.039%|
| 347 | Beautifly | 0.01286%| 262 | 0.160%| 168 | 0.129%|
| 348 | Shellder | 0.01197%| 23 | 0.014%| 22 | 0.017%|
| 349 | Eevee | 0.01186%| 157 | 0.096%| 128 | 0.098%|
| 350 | Croconaw | 0.01169%| 81 | 0.049%| 53 | 0.041%|
| 351 | Silvally-Rock | 0.01155%| 36 | 0.022%| 25 | 0.019%|
| 352 | Stantler | 0.01155%| 113 | 0.069%| 77 | 0.059%|
| 353 | Lickitung | 0.01152%| 138 | 0.084%| 115 | 0.088%|
| 354 | Quilladin | 0.01142%| 70 | 0.043%| 66 | 0.051%|
| 355 | Octillery | 0.01139%| 168 | 0.103%| 127 | 0.097%|
| 356 | Silvally-Ice | 0.01131%| 39 | 0.024%| 23 | 0.018%|
| 357 | Swalot | 0.01129%| 150 | 0.092%| 113 | 0.087%|
| 358 | Gothitelle | 0.01098%| 133 | 0.081%| 93 | 0.071%|
| 359 | Machoke | 0.01096%| 98 | 0.060%| 77 | 0.059%|
| 360 | Squirtle | 0.01074%| 67 | 0.041%| 51 | 0.039%|
| 361 | Wormadam | 0.01072%| 56 | 0.034%| 41 | 0.031%|
| 362 | Marshtomp | 0.01071%| 48 | 0.029%| 41 | 0.031%|
| 363 | Vibrava | 0.01046%| 81 | 0.049%| 68 | 0.052%|
| 364 | Fletchinder | 0.01033%| 85 | 0.052%| 62 | 0.048%|
| 365 | Parasect | 0.00982%| 154 | 0.094%| 120 | 0.092%|
| 366 | Dragonair | 0.00952%| 134 | 0.082%| 106 | 0.081%|
| 367 | Whirlipede | 0.00947%| 44 | 0.027%| 38 | 0.029%|
| 368 | Stufful | 0.00945%| 28 | 0.017%| 18 | 0.014%|
| 369 | Shelmet | 0.00932%| 11 | 0.007%| 10 | 0.008%|
| 370 | Shelgon | 0.00875%| 63 | 0.038%| 45 | 0.034%|
| 371 | Poliwhirl | 0.00817%| 44 | 0.027%| 26 | 0.020%|
| 372 | Graveler | 0.00815%| 24 | 0.015%| 24 | 0.018%|
| 373 | Vespiquen | 0.00805%| 224 | 0.137%| 163 | 0.125%|
| 374 | Pineco | 0.00804%| 142 | 0.087%| 124 | 0.095%|
| 375 | Carvanha | 0.00795%| 36 | 0.022%| 27 | 0.021%|
| 376 | Seaking | 0.00735%| 191 | 0.117%| 150 | 0.115%|
| 377 | Magnemite | 0.00717%| 51 | 0.031%| 32 | 0.025%|
| 378 | Mothim | 0.00685%| 54 | 0.033%| 45 | 0.034%|
| 379 | Zweilous | 0.00596%| 82 | 0.050%| 67 | 0.051%|
| 380 | Taillow | 0.00541%| 12 | 0.007%| 8 | 0.006%|
| 381 | Onix | 0.00533%| 107 | 0.065%| 89 | 0.068%|
| 382 | Floette | 0.00511%| 74 | 0.045%| 54 | 0.041%|
| 383 | Pachirisu | 0.00510%| 101 | 0.062%| 76 | 0.058%|
| 384 | Klang | 0.00475%| 75 | 0.046%| 58 | 0.044%|
| 385 | Seel | 0.00432%| 7 | 0.004%| 4 | 0.003%|
| 386 | Crabrawler | 0.00410%| 2 | 0.001%| 1 | 0.001%|
| 387 | Silvally-Bug | 0.00381%| 23 | 0.014%| 13 | 0.010%|
| 388 | Steenee | 0.00360%| 30 | 0.018%| 26 | 0.020%|
| 389 | Carnivine | 0.00359%| 137 | 0.084%| 96 | 0.074%|
| 390 | Seadra | 0.00353%| 36 | 0.022%| 30 | 0.023%|
| 391 | Wobbuffet | 0.00341%| 89 | 0.054%| 64 | 0.049%|
| 392 | Nidorino | 0.00330%| 14 | 0.009%| 14 | 0.011%|
| 393 | Ledian | 0.00301%| 139 | 0.085%| 109 | 0.084%|
| 394 | Cacnea | 0.00270%| 6 | 0.004%| 4 | 0.003%|
| 395 | Meditite | 0.00263%| 37 | 0.023%| 21 | 0.016%|
| 396 | Slowpoke | 0.00262%| 9 | 0.005%| 9 | 0.007%|
| 397 | Pikachu-Hoenn | 0.00260%| 19 | 0.012%| 16 | 0.012%|
| 398 | Yanma | 0.00257%| 53 | 0.032%| 39 | 0.030%|
| 399 | Sandshrew-Alola | 0.00195%| 95 | 0.058%| 72 | 0.055%|
| 400 | Trubbish | 0.00178%| 1 | 0.001%| 1 | 0.001%|
| 401 | Rowlet | 0.00172%| 48 | 0.029%| 31 | 0.024%|
| 402 | Glalie-Mega | 0.00171%| 67 | 0.041%| 50 | 0.038%|
| 403 | Bayleef | 0.00165%| 54 | 0.033%| 37 | 0.028%|
| 404 | Archen | 0.00161%| 3 | 0.002%| 3 | 0.002%|
| 405 | Grotle | 0.00157%| 31 | 0.019%| 22 | 0.017%|
| 406 | Staryu | 0.00149%| 59 | 0.036%| 43 | 0.033%|
| 407 | Braixen | 0.00138%| 51 | 0.031%| 37 | 0.028%|
| 408 | Yamask | 0.00136%| 18 | 0.011%| 16 | 0.012%|
| 409 | Growlithe | 0.00134%| 19 | 0.012%| 14 | 0.011%|
| 410 | Nosepass | 0.00132%| 54 | 0.033%| 37 | 0.028%|
| 411 | Wormadam-Sandy | 0.00111%| 34 | 0.021%| 24 | 0.018%|
| 412 | Aron | 0.00110%| 44 | 0.027%| 37 | 0.028%|
| 413 | Graveler-Alola | 0.00108%| 12 | 0.007%| 10 | 0.008%|
| 414 | Surskit | 0.00104%| 22 | 0.013%| 18 | 0.014%|
| 415 | Porygon | 0.00102%| 66 | 0.040%| 51 | 0.039%|
| 416 | Pikachu-Sinnoh | 0.00093%| 21 | 0.013%| 17 | 0.013%|
| 417 | Silvally-Psychic | 0.00091%| 20 | 0.012%| 16 | 0.012%|
| 418 | Phione | 0.00084%| 54 | 0.033%| 45 | 0.034%|
| 419 | Pikachu-Original | 0.00080%| 16 | 0.010%| 14 | 0.011%|
| 420 | Cubone | 0.00076%| 37 | 0.023%| 33 | 0.025%|
| 421 | Shroomish | 0.00075%| 11 | 0.007%| 9 | 0.007%|
| 422 | Pignite | 0.00073%| 12 | 0.007%| 10 | 0.008%|
| 423 | Pancham | 0.00073%| 5 | 0.003%| 3 | 0.002%|
| 424 | Numel | 0.00071%| 13 | 0.008%| 12 | 0.009%|
| 425 | Amaura | 0.00067%| 4 | 0.002%| 3 | 0.002%|
| 426 | Gloom | 0.00065%| 17 | 0.010%| 16 | 0.012%|
| 427 | Eelektrik | 0.00063%| 18 | 0.011%| 16 | 0.012%|
| 428 | Unown | 0.00061%| 31 | 0.019%| 23 | 0.018%|
| 429 | Salandit | 0.00060%| 54 | 0.033%| 30 | 0.023%|
| 430 | Abra | 0.00059%| 23 | 0.014%| 14 | 0.011%|
| 431 | Lombre | 0.00057%| 17 | 0.010%| 10 | 0.008%|
| 432 | Kirlia | 0.00056%| 41 | 0.025%| 37 | 0.028%|
| 433 | Cherrim | 0.00055%| 89 | 0.054%| 62 | 0.048%|
| 434 | Sandshrew | 0.00055%| 13 | 0.008%| 12 | 0.009%|
| 435 | Rattata-Alola | 0.00054%| 24 | 0.015%| 13 | 0.010%|
| 436 | Torracat | 0.00053%| 29 | 0.018%| 22 | 0.017%|
| 437 | Chimchar | 0.00051%| 6 | 0.004%| 6 | 0.005%|
| 438 | Dewott | 0.00047%| 17 | 0.010%| 14 | 0.011%|
| 439 | Pupitar | 0.00047%| 13 | 0.008%| 12 | 0.009%|
| 440 | Quilava | 0.00047%| 34 | 0.021%| 31 | 0.024%|
| 441 | Tyrunt | 0.00045%| 11 | 0.007%| 8 | 0.006%|
| 442 | Luvdisc | 0.00041%| 41 | 0.025%| 35 | 0.027%|
| 443 | Boldore | 0.00038%| 20 | 0.012%| 18 | 0.014%|
| 444 | Jigglypuff | 0.00034%| 15 | 0.009%| 13 | 0.010%|
| 445 | Minun | 0.00033%| 52 | 0.032%| 42 | 0.032%|
| 446 | Meowth | 0.00031%| 22 | 0.013%| 22 | 0.017%|
| 447 | Grovyle | 0.00027%| 47 | 0.029%| 37 | 0.028%|
| 448 | Anorith | 0.00026%| 15 | 0.009%| 12 | 0.009%|
| 449 | Remoraid | 0.00024%| 5 | 0.003%| 4 | 0.003%|
| 450 | Sealeo | 0.00022%| 16 | 0.010%| 10 | 0.008%|
| 451 | Gothorita | 0.00020%| 13 | 0.008%| 10 | 0.008%|
| 452 | Litten | 0.00019%| 9 | 0.005%| 7 | 0.005%|
| 453 | Sewaddle | 0.00018%| 9 | 0.005%| 9 | 0.007%|
| 454 | Gible | 0.00018%| 4 | 0.002%| 4 | 0.003%|
| 455 | Frillish | 0.00015%| 11 | 0.007%| 7 | 0.005%|
| 456 | Inkay | 0.00013%| 26 | 0.016%| 21 | 0.016%|
| 457 | Sunflora | 0.00012%| 34 | 0.021%| 23 | 0.018%|
| 458 | Cottonee | 0.00011%| 15 | 0.009%| 12 | 0.009%|
| 459 | Bidoof | 0.00010%| 47 | 0.029%| 40 | 0.031%|
| 460 | Charmeleon | 0.00010%| 14 | 0.009%| 8 | 0.006%|
| 461 | Barboach | 0.00010%| 9 | 0.005%| 7 | 0.005%|
| 462 | Magikarp | 0.00010%| 34 | 0.021%| 17 | 0.013%|
| 463 | Totodile | 0.00008%| 15 | 0.009%| 13 | 0.010%|
| 464 | Bellsprout | 0.00006%| 38 | 0.023%| 14 | 0.011%|
| 465 | Beldum | 0.00006%| 38 | 0.023%| 26 | 0.020%|
| 466 | Omanyte | 0.00005%| 2 | 0.001%| 2 | 0.002%|
| 467 | Axew | 0.00005%| 9 | 0.005%| 8 | 0.006%|
| 468 | Riolu | 0.00005%| 3 | 0.002%| 3 | 0.002%|
| 469 | Shinx | 0.00005%| 2 | 0.001%| 2 | 0.002%|
| 470 | Torchic | 0.00005%| 2 | 0.001%| 2 | 0.002%|
| 471 | Koffing | 0.00004%| 5 | 0.003%| 3 | 0.002%|
| 472 | Dewpider | 0.00004%| 5 | 0.003%| 2 | 0.002%|
| 473 | Pikipek | 0.00004%| 3 | 0.002%| 2 | 0.002%|
| 474 | Wynaut | 0.00003%| 4 | 0.002%| 3 | 0.002%|
| 475 | Skiploom | 0.00002%| 3 | 0.002%| 3 | 0.002%|
| 476 | Cleffa | 0.00002%| 24 | 0.015%| 12 | 0.009%|
| 477 | Nidorina | 0.00002%| 1 | 0.001%| 1 | 0.001%|
| 478 | Kakuna | 0.00002%| 3 | 0.002%| 3 | 0.002%|
| 479 | Rattata | 0.00002%| 27 | 0.016%| 18 | 0.014%|
| 480 | Bulbasaur | 0.00002%| 21 | 0.013%| 13 | 0.010%|
| 481 | Nuzleaf | 0.00001%| 6 | 0.004%| 6 | 0.005%|
| 482 | Bunnelby | 0.00001%| 4 | 0.002%| 2 | 0.002%|
| 483 | Weepinbell | 0.00001%| 12 | 0.007%| 11 | 0.008%|
| 484 | Glameow | 0.00001%| 17 | 0.010%| 16 | 0.012%|
| 485 | Larvesta | 0.00001%| 7 | 0.004%| 7 | 0.005%|
| 486 | Goomy | 0.00001%| 2 | 0.001%| 2 | 0.002%|
| 487 | Magby | 0.00001%| 16 | 0.010%| 11 | 0.008%|
| 488 | Chespin | 0.00001%| 2 | 0.001%| 2 | 0.002%|
| 489 | Zubat | 0.00001%| 2 | 0.001%| 2 | 0.002%|
| 490 | Swirlix | 0.00001%| 8 | 0.005%| 7 | 0.005%|
| 491 | Venonat | 0.00001%| 38 | 0.023%| 24 | 0.018%|
| 492 | Paras | 0.00001%| 34 | 0.021%| 19 | 0.015%|
| 493 | Spinarak | 0.00001%| 42 | 0.026%| 25 | 0.019%|
| 494 | Weedle | 0.00001%| 33 | 0.020%| 17 | 0.013%|
| 495 | Golett | 0.00000%| 10 | 0.006%| 9 | 0.007%|
| 496 | Solosis | 0.00000%| 8 | 0.005%| 5 | 0.004%|
| 497 | Swinub | 0.00000%| 9 | 0.005%| 9 | 0.007%|
| 498 | Turtwig | 0.00000%| 4 | 0.002%| 3 | 0.002%|
| 499 | Watchog | 0.00000%| 9 | 0.005%| 8 | 0.006%|
| 500 | Trumbeak | 0.00000%| 16 | 0.010%| 14 | 0.011%|
| 501 | Bergmite | 0.00000%| 4 | 0.002%| 3 | 0.002%|
| 502 | Aipom | 0.00000%| 20 | 0.012%| 13 | 0.010%|
| 503 | Spoink | 0.00000%| 8 | 0.005%| 5 | 0.004%|
| 504 | Skorupi | 0.00000%| 7 | 0.004%| 5 | 0.004%|
| 505 | Pichu | 0.00000%| 6 | 0.004%| 6 | 0.005%|
| 506 | Lileep | 0.00000%| 21 | 0.013%| 12 | 0.009%|
| 507 | Purrloin | 0.00000%| 3 | 0.002%| 3 | 0.002%|
| 508 | Scraggy | 0.00000%| 4 | 0.002%| 3 | 0.002%|
| 509 | Wooper | 0.00000%| 4 | 0.002%| 4 | 0.003%|
| 510 | Larvitar | 0.00000%| 1 | 0.001%| 1 | 0.001%|
| 511 | Snover | 0.00000%| 7 | 0.004%| 7 | 0.005%|
| 512 | Seedot | 0.00000%| 1 | 0.001%| 0 | 0.000%|
| 513 | Buneary | 0.00000%| 2 | 0.001%| 1 | 0.001%|
| 514 | Mankey | 0.00000%| 1 | 0.001%| 1 | 0.001%|
| 515 | Snubbull | 0.00000%| 1 | 0.001%| 1 | 0.001%|
| 516 | Mantyke | 0.00000%| 7 | 0.004%| 6 | 0.005%|
| 517 | Houndour | 0.00000%| 2 | 0.001%| 2 | 0.002%|
| 518 | Skrelp | 0.00000%| 3 | 0.002%| 1 | 0.001%|
| 519 | Zorua | 0.00000%| 8 | 0.005%| 2 | 0.002%|
| 520 | Doduo | 0.00000%| 2 | 0.001%| 1 | 0.001%|
| 521 | Wimpod | 0.00000%| 3 | 0.002%| 2 | 0.002%|
| 522 | Vanillish | 0.00000%| 8 | 0.005%| 8 | 0.006%|
| 523 | Drowzee | 0.00000%| 1 | 0.001%| 1 | 0.001%|
| 524 | Goldeen | 0.00000%| 1 | 0.001%| 1 | 0.001%|
| 525 | Elekid | 0.00000%| 3 | 0.002%| 1 | 0.001%|
| 526 | NidoranF | 0.00000%| 3 | 0.002%| 3 | 0.002%|
| 527 | Togepi | 0.00000%| 4 | 0.002%| 3 | 0.002%|
| 528 | Treecko | 0.00000%| 2 | 0.001%| 2 | 0.002%|
| 529 | Jangmo-o | 0.00000%| 7 | 0.004%| 5 | 0.004%|
| 530 | Chinchou | 0.00000%| 2 | 0.001%| 2 | 0.002%|
| 531 | Phanpy | 0.00000%| 1 | 0.001%| 1 | 0.001%|
| 532 | Mudbray | 0.00000%| 4 | 0.002%| 1 | 0.001%|
| 533 | Mareep | 0.00000%| 2 | 0.001%| 1 | 0.001%|
| 534 | Grubbin | 0.00000%| 1 | 0.001%| 1 | 0.001%|
| 535 | Cascoon | 0.00000%| 1 | 0.001%| 1 | 0.001%|
| 536 | Baltoy | 0.00000%| 3 | 0.002%| 3 | 0.002%|
| 537 | Pidgeotto | 0.00000%| 13 | 0.008%| 10 | 0.008%|
| 538 | Phantump | 0.00000%| 3 | 0.002%| 2 | 0.002%|
| 539 | Metapod | 0.00000%| 2 | 0.001%| 2 | 0.002%|
| 540 | Spheal | 0.00000%| 1 | 0.001%| 1 | 0.001%|
| 541 | Ponyta | 0.00000%| 1 | 0.001%| 1 | 0.001%|
| 542 | Blitzle | 0.00000%| 1 | 0.001%| 1 | 0.001%|
| 543 | Silcoon | 0.00000%| 1 | 0.001%| 1 | 0.001%|
| 544 | Ducklett | 0.00000%| 3 | 0.002%| 3 | 0.002%|
| 545 | Sunkern | 0.00000%| 1 | 0.001%| 1 | 0.001%|
| 546 | Starly | 0.00000%| 1 | 0.001%| 0 | 0.000%|
| 547 | Shellos | 0.00000%| 2 | 0.001%| 2 | 0.002%|
| 548 | Popplio | 0.00000%| 7 | 0.004%| 4 | 0.003%|
| 549 | Cosmoem | 0.00000%| 1 | 0.001%| 0 | 0.000%|
| 550 | Geodude | 0.00000%| 2 | 0.001%| 2 | 0.002%|
| 551 | Noibat | 0.00000%| 2 | 0.001%| 2 | 0.002%|
| 552 | Croagunk | 0.00000%| 1 | 0.001%| 0 | 0.000%|
| 553 | Hoothoot | 0.00000%| 2 | 0.001%| 2 | 0.002%|
| 554 | Tyrogue | 0.00000%| 2 | 0.001%| 2 | 0.002%|
| 555 | Ekans | 0.00000%| 1 | 0.001%| 1 | 0.001%|
| 556 | Flaaffy | 0.00000%| 5 | 0.003%| 5 | 0.004%|
| 557 | Voltorb | 0.00000%| 1 | 0.001%| 0 | 0.000%|
| 558 | Teddiursa | 0.00000%| 1 | 0.001%| 1 | 0.001%|
| 559 | Stunky | 0.00000%| 1 | 0.001%| 1 | 0.001%|
| 560 | Spritzee | 0.00000%| 3 | 0.002%| 3 | 0.002%|
| 561 | Charmander | 0.00000%| 7 | 0.004%| 6 | 0.005%|
| 562 | Karrablast | 0.00000%| 1 | 0.001%| 0 | 0.000%|
| 563 | Morelull | 0.00000%| 2 | 0.001%| 2 | 0.002%|
| 564 | Rockruff | 0.00000%| 3 | 0.002%| 3 | 0.002%|
| 565 | Sentret | 0.00000%| 2 | 0.001%| 2 | 0.002%|
| 566 | Zigzagoon | 0.00000%| 2 | 0.001%| 2 | 0.002%|
| 567 | Grimer | 0.00000%| 3 | 0.002%| 2 | 0.002%|
| 568 | Loudred | 0.00000%| 2 | 0.001%| 2 | 0.002%|
| 569 | Wurmple | 0.00000%| 4 | 0.002%| 2 | 0.002%|
| 570 | Minior-Meteor | 0.00000%| 1 | 0.001%| 1 | 0.001%|
| 571 | Oshawott | 0.00000%| 1 | 0.001%| 1 | 0.001%|
| 572 | Yungoos | 0.00000%| 3 | 0.002%| 3 | 0.002%|
| 573 | Litleo | 0.00000%| 1 | 0.001%| 1 | 0.001%|
| 574 | Luxio | 0.00000%| 4 | 0.002%| 4 | 0.003%|
| 575 | Darumaka | 0.00000%| 2 | 0.001%| 2 | 0.002%|
| 576 | Poliwag | 0.00000%| 1 | 0.001%| 0 | 0.000%|
| 577 | Herdier | 0.00000%| 2 | 0.001%| 2 | 0.002%|
| 578 | Mienfoo | 0.00000%| 3 | 0.002%| 3 | 0.002%|
| 579 | Piplup | 0.00000%| 1 | 0.001%| 1 | 0.001%|
| 580 | Tirtouga | 0.00000%| 3 | 0.002%| 3 | 0.002%|
| 581 | Hoppip | 0.00000%| 3 | 0.002%| 2 | 0.002%|
| 582 | Snivy | 0.00000%| 2 | 0.001%| 1 | 0.001%|
| 583 | Caterpie | 0.00000%| 1 | 0.001%| 1 | 0.001%|
| 584 | Froakie | 0.00000%| 2 | 0.001%| 1 | 0.001%|
| 585 | Cranidos | 0.00000%| 2 | 0.001%| 2 | 0.002%|
+ ---- + ------------------ + --------- + ------ + ------- + ------ + ------- +
And here is the banlist (now with easy copypastability for roomtours!):
Steelix, Porygon2, Hitmonlee, Yanmega, Necrozma, Dragalge, Pangoro, Tyrantrum, Slowking, Virizion, Sneasel, Ribombee, Kingdra, Golbat, Whimsicott, Slurpuff, Garbodor, Slowbro, Cofagrigus, Uxie, Rotom, Minior, Hitmontop, Seismitoad, Braviary, Mismagius, Medicham, Rotom-Mow, Noivern, Drapion, Exploud, Rhydon, Xatu, Vaporeon, Jellicent, Moltres, Machamp, Piloswine, Aromatisse, Sigilyph, Meloetta, Accelgor, Komala, Emboar, Cryogonal, Dodrio, Shuckle, Claydol, Omastar, Sandslash-Alola, Delphox, Ninetales
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Toxicroak is PU now? What happened?

Don't worry... even if it does not get enough usage in NU (something not so probable, considering that now is one of the most underrated threats there) IMO it will get the boot from PU in a short time... nice resistances and cool STABs/coverage in both physical and Special departments with pretty decent speed, will be too much for the tier... oh, and it does have boosting and priority...
I predict at least half of those 'mons will be gone by the time NU stabilizes. I actually think a few teams from Gen 6 NU will be legal here. I mean we have things like Vileplume, Musharna, Zard, Poliwrath, etc.

Sableye looks pretty cool, it's probably not going to stick around for long but it definitely looks like something that could be interesting to use.
A bit off topic here, but Steelix is #1 in usage and its a mon that isn't even new to NU lol.

Also never seen a Alolan Sandslash or Komala on the ladder ever. They seem like low ladder mons, though. People just use anything that removes hazards and has seemingly usable stats. Claydol as well.

Back to PU Pre-Alpha at hand, yeah it looks fucking crazy. Here are some sets from NU Beta that I've been trying out to pretty good success over there, so I'm sure they'll work just as well here:

Ability: Overgrow
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Acrobatics
- Leaf Blade
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide

Sceptile in general seems like a top 3 mon in this Pre-Alpha. It has a multitude of sets, from special, to physical, to even mixed sets, and you add Substitute to the mix as well. One set I think will shine though is a physical All-Out Attacker. With only a meager 85 base attack, you think this set wouldn't work. But its stellar coverage, great speed, and high powered moves say otherwise. This set hits basically everything in the tier for neutral damage, and it can lure standard Grass-type checks like Charizard, Hariyama, and Vileplume. Swords Dance and Substitute are also great options for a physical set, but I prefer this one because reasons.

Absol @ Fightinium Z/Fairium Z
Ability: Justified
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Knock Off
- Superpower/Play Rough
- Sucker Punch
- Pursuit

Say hello to the best offensive Knock Off sponge offensive teams could ask for. It isn't exactly TOO frail surprisingly, so it pairs greatly with mons that struggle against Dark-type attackers such as Mesprit. 3 Dark-type moves seems overkill, but all 3 provide great utility and with the coverage provided it does a lot to the meta. I believe Play Rough might be the better option since it still beats Toxicroak and Houndoom on the switch (and prevents you from being Gallade, Sableye, and Spiritomb bait), but Superpower is good against Normal-types, the few Steel-types we have, and Incineroar. Ditching Pursuit for the coverage move you didn't choose is also a good option, but whatever works for you.

Vulpix is also a thing that exists if you want Drought. Sadly, though, I think Drought will be banned by either RU or NU before PU beta even comes out.
| 47 | Claydol | 3.82897%| 8885 | 5.426%| 7470 | 5.723%| Claydol isn't PU :[
whoops looked at the thread instead of NU alpha stats.

Anyways in preparation of this fun-filled PU alpha...


Jynx @ Normalium Z
Ability: Dry Skin
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Lovely Kiss
- Ice Beam
- Psyshock
- Nasty Plot / Focus Blast

Jynx looks like one of the more broken mons in PU so far, it will definitely be a threat to take not of for sure. Psychium Z alongside Lovely Kiss provides Jynx with +1 Speed while also putting the opponent to sleep, which will allow Jynx to easily set up a Nasty Plot in order to sweep. Focus Blast can be used over Nasty Plot or over Psyshock tbh if Steel-types are an issue to your team. Jynx will probably need something to deal with revenge killers like Toxicroak and Absol so it can continue sweeping.


Sawk @ Choice Band / Choice Scarf
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Close Combat
- Knock Off
- Poison Jab
- Zen Headbutt

Pretty scary Pokemon to deal with, especially with a Choice Band since there are pretty limited switch-ins to it due to its raw power and coverage options it has. It also can be difficult to revenge kill if it has full HP primarily due to Sturdy, which makes this mon a lil bit more annoying. It also has a pretty decent speed tier and bulk it can utilize as well. Definitely a mon to watch out for.

dafuq I've always pictured Lovely Kiss as a Psychic-type move .-.
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Here is a large batch of sets I've been trying out recently that I feel are either overshadowed by other mons or just underrated in general:

While at first glance Lycanroc-M looks like a complete downgrade from regular Lycanroc, a great niche it h as over it's midday brethren is its access to Counter. While this move is very often overlooked on Lycanroc-M since its bulk while noticable is still pretty frail, Lycanroc can use this move in conjunction with Sucker Punch to make itself an effective lead rocker or midgame revenge killer if its sash remains intact.
Here's the set:
Lycanroc-Midnight @ Focus Sash
Ability: No Guard
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Stone Edge
- Counter
- Sucker Punch
This is definitely my go to rocker at the minute, and it has consistantly won me many games, usually by getting some key kills or forcing switches on AoA Mesprits, or by going for counter over stealth rock against opposing leads such as Golem. It pairs really well with:

Oricorio-Sensu is probably one of the best ghosts right now. It has the 4th highest special attack of all ghosts in the tier, and the 3rd strongest ghost move in the game in Revelation Dance, coming only behind Shadow Force and Moongeist Beam. Also, it's a flying type and has hurricane, so that's neat. With these factors together, Oricorio-Sensu is one of the most threatening special wallbreakers in the tier at the moment.
Here's a set I've been using:
Oricorio-Sensu @ Choice Specs
Ability: Dancer
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Hurricane
- Revelation Dance
- Air Slash / Hidden Power [Fighting]
- U-turn
Click Hurricane and Revelation dance. Click Air Slash for boosted accuracy, and HP Fighting for Probopass. I don't know what else to say. Just use Oricorio-Sensu.

Oh, and if you're not a fan of losing to Vivillon and want to win against it in the most cheese way possible, run this:

Oricorio-Pom-Pom @ Chesto Berry
Ability: Dancer
EVs: 32 HP / 252 SpA / 224 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Revelation Dance
- Hurricane
- Substitute
- Roost
It comes in on sleep powder, subs on the next sleep powder, and threatens Vivillon with Revelation dance 100% of the time You also can't be setup mon, as you're Flying/Electric with Dancer so you resist hurricane and setup alongside Vivillon.
So, here's a cool core I though of when Slar Flar was blabbing on about Cinccino and Ambipom (i love u slar <3)


The idea of this core is to simply use Probopass to trap the Steels that otherwise wall Cinccino, allowing Cinccino to attack more freely.


Probopass @ Leftovers
Ability: Magnet Pull
EVs: 168 HP / 252 SpA / 88 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Flash Cannon
- Earth Power
- Hidden Power [Fire]
- Volt Switch

In order to let Cinccino attack more easily, Probopass can then use one of its two SE moves, Earth Power or Hidden Power Fire, to KO those Steel Types, who won't be able to switch out thanks to Magnet Pull. It will usually use Earth Power, but Hidden Power Fire is there to hit Ferroseed, though you would have to put Stealth Rock on another mon. Flash Cannon and Volt Switch are its best STAB and gives it pivot, respectively. You can also use Expert Belt on Probopass, allowing you to get the 2hko on Ferroseed with Hidden Power Fire and a chance to OHKO Defensive Mawile with Earth Power, but the Leftovers are preferable with their constant recovery, or Air Balloon to better check the Steel types. It has max Special Attack to do the most damage it can, and has enough speed to creep Defensive Mawile with 4 Speed, with the rest in HP for maximum bulk.


Cinccino @ Life Orb
Ability: Skill Link
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Tail Slap
- Bullet Seed
- Knock Off
- U-turn

Normal spam did great in Gen 6 PU, and I expect it to return in Gen 7 PU, with Cinccino spamming it's Skill Link, Life Orb boosted Tail Slap. It has some great coverage with Bullet Seed to hit Rock types and Knock Off to get Super Effective damage on Ghost Types. For those previously mentioned Steel types, it has U-turn to switch into Probopass, who will then do its thing. It can also run Choice Band get maximum damage when spamming hits, but it makes it easier for its walls to deal with when it can't switch to a coverage move or U-turn to switch out into Probopass. It can also run Rock Blast, to hit Crustle, and some other things for Super Effective Damage, but they can still for the most part be hit neutrally by Tail Slap. The EVs are self explanatory, since its what pretty much every fast physical attacker seems to run. You can also run the very much viable Kings Rock set to take advantage of your skills for that nice 41% flinch chance when using Tail Slap, Bullet Seed, or Rock Blast.

Thanks To:
Slar Flar: Inspiration! :D
The Golden Banjo: HP Fire on Probopass, Expert Belt + Calcs
Chrisloud: IDK he did something
Sergio Rules: Reminded me of that wonderful Kings Rock Cinccino set
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Am I seeing this correctly? Druddigon in PU? With bulk that's very solid by PU standards and a great attack stat alongside sheer force, this thing is not lasting long. Just use the RU offense set from last gen and watch as Druddigon takes at least a few lives per match.
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