Resource Simple Questions, Simple Answers Thread

When did blissey become viable on offense and why?
It's honestly more balance than it is offensive teams, for what it's worth, but as Frank M. correctly states, it is able to function as more of a specially defensive pivot thanks to new stuff like Boots and Teleport. This is nice for getting in more offensive Pokemon to partner with Blissey on balance.
Why is aura sphere being used more on specs magearna over flash cannon?
Aura Sphere can consistently put things (notably Steel-types) like Excadrill and Ferrothorn in check, while also being able to sweep some teams late-game. Focus Blast can also be used to 2HKO Scizor and hit harder, but you lose out on accuracy which makes it pretty inconsistent. Flash Cannon is also a decent pick since it's strong STAB that wrecks Fairies pretty hard. Choose your move; it can also depend on your team.
Really needing a pokemon on my team to have Knock Off since Azumarill cannot learn it via egg moves this gen. Would I lose much by having Toxapex run Scald, Haze, Recover and Knock Off and having Amoongus run Toxic in place of let's say Stun Spore? (Giga Drain, Sludge Bomb, Spore, Toxic).

Thanks in advance!
Really needing a pokemon on my team to have Knock Off since Azumarill cannot learn it via egg moves this gen. Would I lose much by having Toxapex run Scald, Haze, Recover and Knock Off and having Amoongus run Toxic in place of let's say Stun Spore? (Giga Drain, Sludge Bomb, Spore, Toxic).

Thanks in advance!
That sounds good. RIght now, a lot of Toxapex are actually the set you mentioned (the haze slot is usually what changes, either to bunker, toxic, or tspikes), as knock is amazing and scald spreads burns really easily. On Amoonguss, that set looks fine as well; it really just depends on your team and what you prefer. Stun Spore can be good for things like Magearna, whereas Toxic allows you to force progress on Mandibuzz. Regardless, both of those are viable options.
What is a good specially defensive partner for Mandibuzz? A pokemon that also covers his weaknesses

I've tried Spdef clefable to pivot in a u-turn/teleport partnership but it hasn't worked.
What is a good specially defensive partner for Mandibuzz? A pokemon that also covers his weaknesses

I've tried Spdef clefable to pivot in a u-turn/teleport partnership but it hasn't worked.

You should also consider neutralities for typing too.

spDef Excadrill is a popular partner for Mandibuzz. Often Pex or Amoongus is added to these two.

For this current meta with Mage still around, here's a core many people are using (though I'm not sure Mandibuzz's EVs are the best) :

Excadrill @ Leftovers
Ability: Mold Breaker
EVs: 32 Atk / 224 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- Iron Head
- Toxic
- Stealth Rock

Mandibuzz (F) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Overcoat
EVs: 248 HP / 200 Def / 44 SpD / 16 Spe
Impish Nature
- Foul Play
- Brave Bird
- Defog
- Roost

Toxapex @ Payapa Berry
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpA
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Toxic Spikes
- Scald
- Haze
- Recover

Like one example of usage, is that Mandi+Pex here both check Volcarona. I think it's good to have more than one answer to a threat.
Hi I recently lost to this team:
(I don't know other set details than that)

This is the team I use:

I had trouble getting past Pex+Ditto cuz Pex would force my Mage to either only Volt, or Trick and thus lose Specs power. Ditto would prevent Azu from breaking through completely. Pex scald eventually broke down my team past comeback.

Unfortunately, I got distracted and let the replay expire. I downloaded it to my hard drive, but I don't know the best way to share it so people can help by looking at the replay. Perhaps I could share it via my Google Drive, but people might have trust issues with downloading a HTML file from a stranger.

The pokes/sets I'm willing to change are Mage and Pult, while I like Azu alot and would prefer to keep that.

Any help would be appreciated thank you!
Would it be worth running teleport over volt switch in magnezone?

Considering the common electric immune pokemon that would love nothing more than a free switch into zone (drill, hippo, zera, etc), it'd be a way to gain momentum without worrying about it being blocked. On top of that, the negative priority would ensure that zone would soak up a hit or status move before switching.
Does Magearna ever run Grassy Seed with terrain support on its boosting set?

On Boosting-Sets Magearna runs either Leftovers or Weakness Policy. So far I did not see a Magearna running Grassy Seed on Offense / Hyper Offense. It is always Leftovers or Weakness Policy for the Boosting-Sets like Shift Gear + 3 Attacks or Shift Gear + Calm Mind. It also ran Leftovers on the Calm Mind + Iron Defense-Set. Thus far it never ran Grassy Seed. Leftovers is to sustain some longevity during the Setup and during the sweep whereas Weakness Policy gives Magearna more breaking power due to its effect Stat-Rising-Effects.
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Looking at Sand Rush Excadrill and I notice that most people use max speed. I thought that seemed like overkill and looked at the relevant speed tiers for +2 Exca. While I definitely thought it was needed to outspeed +1 Dragapult, the other two it needs to watch out for are +2 Volc and +2 Kingdra. However Kingdra is only +2 in the rain and Volc if Excadrill outspeeds +2 Volcarona it would need Rock Slide to OHKO. So is it worth keeping max speed for opposing excadrill or should I only speed creep Volc or +1 Dragapult. Also I assume the rest of the EV's should go into SpDef, is that correct?
Looking at Sand Rush Excadrill and I notice that most people use max speed. I thought that seemed like overkill and looked at the relevant speed tiers for +2 Exca. While I definitely thought it was needed to outspeed +1 Dragapult, the other two it needs to watch out for are +2 Volc and +2 Kingdra. However Kingdra is only +2 in the rain and Volc if Excadrill outspeeds +2 Volcarona it would need Rock Slide to OHKO. So is it worth keeping max speed for opposing excadrill or should I only speed creep Volc or +1 Dragapult. Also I assume the rest of the EV's should go into SpDef, is that correct?


it is necessary to go jolly or either adamant and also max speed (252 in its speed) to speed-tie with opposing jolly / adamant sand rush Excadrill, and an Earthquake will still do a ton to Volcarona either way:
252 Atk Excadrill Earthquake vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Volcarona: 237-280 (76.2 - 90%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Excadrill Earthquake vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Volcarona: 261-307 (83.9 - 98.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
In its set it stands that you can run Rock Slide over Rpaid Spin or even Toxic, as Sand Rush Excadrill has its checks and counters like Rotom-Heat and also opposing Hippowdon and Rock Slide hits Rotom-heat also super effectively and Toxic wears down physicall walls like Hippowdon.
But in overall its Set is pretty simple. If you want to hit Rotom-Heat and Volcarona in 1 Slot you should consider Rock Slide on its set.
Specially defensive Excadrill however is seen on more bulky Teams / Teams which need a check to Clefable and especially (Choice Specs)-Magearna.
On the Sand Rush-Set I would not consider swapping its max speed for some Sp.Def.
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Why is aura sphere being used more on specs magearna over flash cannon?
Aura Sphere can consistently put things (notably Steel-types) like Excadrill and Ferrothorn in check, while also being able to sweep some teams late-game. Focus Blast can also be used to 2HKO Scizor and hit harder, but you lose out on accuracy which makes it pretty inconsistent. Flash Cannon is also a decent pick since it's strong STAB that wrecks Fairies pretty hard. Choose your move; it can also depend on your team.
Flash Cannon is virtually needed on Specs Magearna right now. The set on it should be Fleur Cannon / Flash Cannon / Aura Sphere OR Trick / Volt Switch. Not being able to reliably beat Calm Mind Clefable and not having a STAB that is spammable is not worthwhile. People on the ladder tend to forgo this at points, but Flash Cannon is virtually necessary on it. Aura Sphere has merit and Trick is very good, finding its way on to more sets than Aura Sphere right now, but Flash Cannon takes priority over both for sure.
While looking into Dragapult sets I noticed the Smogon strategy dex held mixed dragapult in high regard. Though looking at most sample teams I see they have moved to having an entirely special based hex set. What are the advantages to going mixed?
While looking into Dragapult sets I noticed the Smogon strategy dex held mixed dragapult in high regard. Though looking at most sample teams I see they have moved to having an entirely special based hex set. What are the advantages to going mixed?
If you're talking about this set:
Dragapult @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Infiltrator
EVs: 68 Atk / 188 SpA / 252 Spe
Mild Nature
- Hex
- U-turn
- Dragon Darts
- Will-O-Wisp
Darts here is preferred over something like Draco as it allows you to more easily hit Chansey/Blissey, which would otherwise be extremely solid answers. Another useful thing to note is that Darts is much more able to revenge kill a weakened Volcarona.
Darts here is preferred over something like Draco as it allows you to more easily hit Chansey/Blissey, which would otherwise be extremely solid answers. Another useful thing to note is that Darts is much more able to revenge kill a weakened Volcarona.

Thank you, I assume the special set is used to just hit harder in general? Trying to weigh my options between the two.
Does anyone have a shift gear mag team? I want to use one while getting suspect reqs but im struggling to make my own.

This is the one I use. Keep in mind this is run on a Sand team so fire resists aren't really a problem

Magearna @ Shuca Berry
Ability: Soul-Heart
EVs: 248 HP/ 8 Def/ 252 SpAtk
IVs: 0 Atk
-Shift Gear
-Calm Mind
-Stored Power
-Draining Kiss

It's definitely not optimal but it's worked pretty well for me.

If you were talking about a Physical Shift Gear set, I'm not too familiar wit those sets but if I was told to make a physical set for Mag then I would probably use this set:

redacted because i'm stupid lmao
This is the one I use. Keep in mind this is run on a Sand team so fire resists aren't really a problem

Magearna @ Shuca Berry
Ability: Soul-Heart
EVs: 248 HP/ 8 Def/ 252 SpAtk
IVs: 0 Atk
-Shift Gear
-Calm Mind
-Stored Power
-Draining Kiss

It's definitely not optimal but it's worked pretty well for me.

If you were talking about a Physical Shift Gear set, I'm not too familiar wit those sets but if I was told to make a physical set for Mag then I would probably use this set:

Magearna @ Shuca/Occa/Leftovers
Ability: Soul-Heart
EVs: 248 HP/ 252 Atk/ 8 Def
-Shift Gear
-Iron Head
-Play Rough
-Physical Coverage Move/Iron Defense

New contributors are ofcourse welcome, and I'm glad that you have taken interest in the OU subforum, but please make sure that you have apt knowledge of what you're talking about before helping people out.

To help out a bit more, if you aren't sure what sets to run, you can always check out the Smogon Dex. Here's Magearna's page.