Resource Simple Questions, Simple Answers Thread

I thought the same thing, but the damage calc showed that the Electivire could've attacked my Weavile.
Is it a mistake on the Calc, then?
Most likely so, it's only supposed to show how much Low Kick regularly does during the Dynamax process, when it actually does not work itself. Things like this usually wouldn't be asked in the OU subforum, but you can go to the bug reports thread or contact a programmer to fix this.
i don't play much so from that perspective i don't see magearna as broken as dracovish, darmanitan, melmetal or even now urshifu dark, so i didn't quite understand why people hate it so much, but now i just saw the compendium and noticed that magearna has way more sets than the others, is it why people want it banned ?
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This question is something that I tried to address here and that Finch also touched on here. In case you don't have the time to read those walls of text, its basically just this; Specs is capable of muscling past/crippling pretty much all of its answers. It restricts teambuilding and is difficult to actually answer in game. Other sets, while not as good, only add to the issue. Even potential answers can be chipped heavily or crippled for the rest of the game, such as Toxapex and Chansey. Most people believe that this much raw power is too much for the tier.
ok so if i understand correctly, too many sets (and therefore usage) is not a reason enough to call a ban, there has to be at least one too oppressive set to make the versatility a problem, to be honnest i was mostly confused because of landorus T, who had a little more usage but less sets, and was considered healthy for the meta and not magearna
ok so if i understand correctly, too many sets (and therefore usage) is not a reason enough to call a ban, there has to be at least one too oppressive set to make the versatility a problem, to be honnest i was mostly confused because of landorus T, who had a little more usage but less sets, and was considered healthy for the meta and not magearna
I was a bit confusing before. To rephrase, Specs Magearna is a wallbreaker that most think is too strong for the tier. Mag's other sets only make it more viable with the amount of roles it can pull off, but Specs is the main culprit.
has zamazenta ever been discussed for being tested in OU ? it has really good stats but in return not an outstanding moveset and especially good setup moves, it seems less scary and less useful than some current OU
has zamazenta ever been discussed for being tested in OU ? it has really good stats but in return not an outstanding moveset and especially good setup moves, it seems less scary and less useful than some current OU
Well, its movepool should be enough to deal with the majority of Pkm: Close Combat and Iron Head for STAB, Wild Charge for Corviknight, Crunch for Aegislash. Also, with its ability, it's hard to take down on the physical side. Moreover, it has an amazing speed and high attack stat, which might make it a great user of Life Orb or Choice Band. I don't think OU can handle this monster.
has zamazenta ever been discussed for being tested in OU ? it has really good stats but in return not an outstanding moveset and especially good setup moves, it seems less scary and less useful than some current OU

Zamazenta has never been discussed and will never been discussed because of multiple reasons:
1. its stas are way too good and with dauntless shield it even strengthens its physically defensive stat by +1.
2. its typing is really good and it has a really outstanding movepool with close combat, crunch, psychic fangs and also wild charge.
3. going back to its stats - its amazing speed-tier leaves it faster than most pokemon in the ou-tier with 138 means it can even bypass some scarfers with full invest into its speed and jolly nature.
4. zamazenta also has no drawbacks in the current ou-metagame and you can pair it up with strong support-options.
5. the only real walls are physically defensive unaware mons, but even then a stab close combat does alot especially paired up with a choice band: 252 Atk Choice Band Zamazenta Close Combat vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Quagsire: 235-277 (59.6 - 70.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery which means it can still 2hko one of the best unaware-users.
6. ghost types are not an option tu run as it can just use crunch, popp eventual colbur berries and with hazard support no ghost-type is reliable enough to switch into zamazenta.

these are the main factor why Zamazenta will never be discussed in the ou-tier and it also is a cartridge legendary and as usual most opf the box legendaries are just way too strong and thus are being classified as a uber pkmn.

hope these informations are helpful.
What’s a good set for Klefki in S/S

I’m running calm 252hp 252 special defense
Thunder wave/spikes/play rough/torment
But feel like I should ditch torment for a steel move because of how often I’m running into fairy types, any move set suggestions?
ofherwise the thunder wave to lead has been working really well, also I’m playing 3 v 3’s not showdown
Thanks guys!
Is Ushifu - Single Strike Style on its way to getting banned from OU? I aw it got banned from National Dex OU.
Comparisons to National Dex generally are not accurate due to vastly different metagame states, but Urshifu is being discussed. I imagine another Pokemon or two may be prioritized, but we will continue to monitor it in the metagame closely!

What’s a good set for Klefki in S/S

I’m running calm 252hp 252 special defense
Thunder wave/spikes/play rough/torment
But feel like I should ditch torment for a steel move because of how often I’m running into fairy types, any move set suggestions?
ofherwise the thunder wave to lead has been working really well, also I’m playing 3 v 3’s not showdown
Thanks guys!
Welcome to Smogon's OU subforum! We don't discuss 3v3 here, but for 6v6 SS OU (gen8ou), Klefki is a pretty mediocre option. If you insist on using it, then I would advise going with Foul Play somewhere in order to punish Rapid Spin Excadrill. I also think you should consider Toxic and Magnet rise as other options. I do not think any Steel move will do sufficient damage to bulkier Fairy types like Magearna or Clefable, so it's best to stick to setting-up Spikes against them. I hope this helps.
What's a good EV spread for a mix-defense Pelipper in 6v6 OU? (Scald/U-turn/Defog/Roost with Heavy-Duty Boots)
Defensive pelipper almost always runs max max HP and Defense, as its SpDef is pretty mediocre. The only place there's usually variation is in the Speed investment. Without a significant amount of defense, Pelipper struggles to reliably check things like Cinderace with Gunk Shot and take Urshifu's Close Combat. I'd definitely stick to a more physically defensive spread.
I saw this in the NatDex thread and even though NatDex OU and SS OU are two different things, what are the thoughts on HDB Blissey?
There's a pretty good argument to be made for Blissey>Chansey right now. The amount of Knock Off spam and things like hazards means that Heavy Duty Boots Blissey is often able to function better than a knocked off Chansey. However, the downside is that you lose out on a ton of physical bulk compared to a Chansey with Eviolite. It's kind of team dependent and up to preference, but it's interesting that both have legitimate arguments for their usage.
so this thread is simple questions simple answers, i was frozen for so long, how do i thaw myself out cause i was clicking roost, can i not thaw myself out when i click roost? here is the battle idk if im aloud to post links but here it is:
Here's how freeze works this generation (as per Bulbapedia):

A frozen Pokémon has a 20% chance of being thawed out each time it attempts to move. If a frozen Pokémon is successfully hit by a damaging Fire-type move, in addition to Scald and Steam Eruption, it will be immediately thawed. A frozen Pokémon can still use the moves Flame Wheel, Sacred Fire, Flare Blitz, Fusion Flare, Scald, Steam Eruption, Burn Up, Pyro Ball, and Scorching Sands while frozen; these moves will thaw the user, then execute normally. Heal Bell, Aromatherapy, Natural Cure, Hydration, Shed Skin, and Healer can also cure freeze.

As you can see, Roost doesn't directly do anything to cure freeze, but your Pokemon does naturally have a 20% chance of being thawed out each time it attempts to use it.
Here's how freeze works this generation (as per Bulbapedia):

A frozen Pokémon has a 20% chance of being thawed out each time it attempts to move. If a frozen Pokémon is successfully hit by a damaging Fire-type move, in addition to Scald and Steam Eruption, it will be immediately thawed. A frozen Pokémon can still use the moves Flame Wheel, Sacred Fire, Flare Blitz, Fusion Flare, Scald, Steam Eruption, Burn Up, Pyro Ball, and Scorching Sands while frozen; these moves will thaw the user, then execute normally. Heal Bell, Aromatherapy, Natural Cure, Hydration, Shed Skin, and Healer can also cure freeze.

As you can see, Roost doesn't directly do anything to cure freeze, but your Pokemon does naturally have a 20% chance of being thawed out each time it attempts to use it.
so i was just extremely unlucky? cause i was frozen like 14 turns, or does switching out also have something to do with it? I also understand that roost doesn't thaw u out like other, moves i just thought because it wasn't a damage move it might not give me that 20% chance
so i was just extremely unlucky? cause i was frozen like 14 turns, or does switching out also have something to do with it? I also understand that roost doesn't thaw u out like other, moves i just thought because it wasn't a damage move it might not give me that 20% chance
0.8^14 = 0.0440 = 4.40% is the chance of not thawing in 14 turns, so yeah, quite unlucky. Switching doesn't help unless you have Natural Cure (or switch to a teammate with Heal Bell/Aromatherapy).