Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 50 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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LF breedjects, 4IV or lower, not all too concerned about egg moves or what ball is used. A small list of things I'd like; Goomy, Larvitar, G-Ponyta, other shield exclusives.

FT; 4IV breedjects, Honedge, Deino, Bold Rotom, HA Scrafty, and Dreepy
LF: Appletun, Solosis, Sableye, Drampa, Larvitar, Zamazenta

Just trying to complete the dex. Willing to do a touch trade for appletun and zamazenta for their sword counterparts
OK RNG hates me so I guess I'll try here. Does anybody have an HA Applin they can spare? I'm just getting started so I don't have much. I do have HA Pincurchin and HA falinks lying around though.
OK RNG hates me so I guess I'll try here. Does anybody have an HA Applin they can spare? I'm just getting started so I don't have much. I do have HA Pincurchin and HA falinks lying around though.
I have a 4 iv spitback, you don't need to send me anything

also, we will do 4 more additional trades, just going to send you some spitbacks of my own
Desperate for HA Durant. Can anyone help? I have lots of HA pokemon, several Dream Ball and Egg move pokemon, and... if you can get Shadow Tag Gothita and White Smoke Heatmor too I have a shiny Tirtouga that I'll trade.
Looking to complete my dex, and looking to trade for the following pokemon:
Appletun (or poke holding sweet apple), croagunk, Rhydon (holding trade item)
Also looking a tradeback for Zamazenta would be good

In return im happy to trade any breedable pokemon not listed here, and if needing a held item, holding their held item. Need Goomy, starters, turtinator, fossils, foreign ditto, etc? I gotchu.
I also have Hidden ability Magikarp and Corviknight
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Looking to complete my dex, and looking to trade for the following pokemon:
Appleturn, Spritzee (holding trade item), croagunk, Throh, Rhydon (holding trade item), Solosis, Shelmet (for my karrablast), Riolu, Oranguru, Drampa.
Also looking for a fish fossil, and a tradeback Zacian for Zamazenta would be good.

In return im happy to trade any breedable pokemon not listed here, and if needing a held item, holding their held item. Need Goomy, starters, turtinator, fossils, foreign ditto, etc? I gotchu.

I have almost all of the things you need, but not in SwSh. Not going to help is it? ><
I need a HA Shellos or Gastrodon. I dont need the IVs or specific Nature, I just need them for breeding

What I got is some 3 and 4 best Modest Sinistea or a bunch of Rotom
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LF breedjects, 4IV or lower, not all too concerned about egg moves or what ball is used. A small list of things I'd like; Goomy, Larvitar, G-Ponyta, other shield exclusives.

FT; 4IV breedjects, Honedge, Deino, Bold Rotom, HA Scrafty, and Dreepy

I need HA scrafty, TF larvitar adamant 5 iv.?
This is also in the OP of the thread but just to let people know:

Special Ball Codes Redeemable over Mystery Gift on Sword and Shield until January 15th:

K0UN1NMASC0T: Gives Level Ball, Moon Ball, and Fast Ball.

1YAHAYA: Gives Heavy Ball, Lure Ball, and Beast Ball.

0KUGAFUKA1B0RU: Gives Love Ball, Friend Ball, and Dream Ball.
Anyone have a spare HA Galarian Farfetch’d? I don’t have much to offer on Shield, but I could catch exclusives.
Need help completing my pokedex in shield I need Solrock, Turtonator, Passimian, Zacian, Tart apple, Slurpuff line, Aromatisse, Rhyperor, Trevenant
FT Heavy ball Drillbur Snom(Ha) Rookidee(Ha), Fast ball Arrokuda Friend ball Farfetch'd(Ha) Dive ball Darumaka Dram ball Toxel and Hatenna(ha)
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Hey! I'm looking for one of the following mons in Sword/Shield:

HA Scraggy/Scrafty;
HA Spritzee/Aromatisse.
Any other gen 6, 7 or 8 mons in

A nice looking ball and at least 4 or 5 IVS (Pokemon dependant) are preferences and definitely a plus but not always mandatory, depending on the mon I'm looking for.

Can trade the following in return:

4 IV HA Brave Pincurchin lacking Spcl.Atk and 0 IV in Speed;
4 IV HA Quiet Hattenna with 0 IV in Speed;
4 IV Sassy Togepi with 0 IV in Speed;
4 IV Relaxed Yamask with 0 IV in Speed;
5 IV Jolly Dreepy;
5 IV Jolly Grookey;
5 IV Adamant Mimikyu;
5 IV Adamant Drillbur;
5 IV Jolly Darumaka;
5 IV Jolly Ponyta;
4 IV Quiet Frillish with 0 IV in Speed;
4 IV Brave Snorlax with either HA or Thick Fat and a 0 IV in Speed;
5 IV HA Jolly Zigzagoon;
5 IV Careful Growlithe;
5 IV HA Jolly Magikarp;
4 IV Quiet Shellos with 0 IV in Speed.
5 IV Jolly Arrokuda
5 IV Jolly Eiscue
5 IV RA1 (Regular Ability 1) + HA Careful Phantump

Bolded mons are new mons I'm looking for or new mons I can offer.



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Hey! I'm looking for one of the following mons in Sword/Shield:

View attachment 213311 HA Scraggy/Scrafty;
View attachment 213317 or View attachment 213311 Eiscue;

HA Eevee or Eeveelution;
HA Phantump/Trevenant;
View attachment 213311 or View attachment 213313 HA Spritzee/Aromatisse.

A nice looking ball and at least 4 or 5 IVS (Pokemon dependant) are preferences and definitely a plus but not always mandatory, depending on the mon I'm looking for.

Can trade the following in return:

View attachment 213319 4 IV HA Brave Pincurchin lacking Spcl.Atk and 0 IV in Speed;
View attachment 213313 4 IV HA Quiet Hattenna with 0 IV in Speed;
View attachment 2133114 IV Sassy Togepi with 0 IV in Speed;
View attachment 213315 4 IV Relaxed Yamask with 0 IV in Speed;
View attachment 213320 5 IV Jolly Dreepy;

View attachment 2133265 IV Jolly Grookey;
View attachment 213330 5 IV Adamant Mimikyu;
View attachment 213322 5 IV Adamant Drillbur;
View attachment 213317 5 IV Jolly Darumaka;
View attachment 213318 5 IV Jolly Ponyta;
View attachment 213314 4 IV Quiet Frillish with 0 IV in Speed;
View attachment 213332 4 IV Brave Snorlax with either HA or Thick Fat and a 0 IV in Speed;
View attachment 213328 5 IV HA Jolly Zigzagoon;
View attachment 2133255 IV Careful Growlithe;
View attachment 2133165 IV HA Jolly Magikarp;
View attachment 213317 4 IV Quiet Shellos with 0 IV in Speed.

Bolded mons are new mons I'm looking for or new mons I can offer.
i have an extra 31/31/31/x/31/31 Dream Eiscue in stock
I want your 5 iv Jolly, is it 31/31/31/x/31/31 ?
i have an extra 31/31/31/x/31/31 Dream Eiscue in stock
I want your 5 iv Jolly, is it 31/31/31/x/31/31 ?

Yes, they have that spread (not caring about Spcl.Atk). Which 5 IV Jolly mon do you want as I have multiple mons with that nature.
Yes, they have that spread (not caring about Spcl.Atk). Which 5 IV Jolly mon do you want as I have multiple mons with that nature.
sorry i troll, jolly dreepy, if you have both female/male in stock then i would like the male one, else it doesn't matter
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