Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 50 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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I remember Gyarados can only get the happy hour move (not celebrate but could be wrong) anyway i have seen in a past a z-happy hour moveset with hasty nature, waterfall, earthquake and special move flamethrower...
Thanks Chris, Hasty was my top choice until i second guessed myself.

Interestingly, Gyarados gets Celebrate AND Happy Hour via the Magikarp distributed in this event. This is the only case that i am aware of where an event 'mon gets more than one variant of Celebrate from a single event.

What the Bulbapedia page doesn't tell you is that it can also be shiny at full odds, as the PID type is random rather than fixed as it is for most other events. To get the Nature I want on a shiny Magikarp will mean sacrifices will need to be made for IVs - odds are too high to get a flawless one.

Thanks again!
Hi, with SV around the corner I'm looking to actually complete my Pokédex on older games. Could anyone trade with me some Pokémon in USUM ? These one:
  1. Electivire
  2. Golett/Golurk line
  3. Clauncher/Clawitzer line
  4. Solgaleo
Of course, everything can be send back, I just want to complete my Ultra Moon Pokédex. Contact me on discord (LBDC#1235) or in Smogon PM. Happy gaming :)
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Hi, with SV around the corner I'm looking to actually complete my Pokédex on older games. Could anyone trade with me some Pokémon in USUM ? These one:
  1. Electivire
  2. Golett/Golurk line
  3. Clauncher/Clawitzer line
  4. Solgaleo
Of course, everything can be send back, I just want to complete my Ultra Moon Pokédex. Contact me on discord (LBDC#1235) or in Smogon PM. Happy gaming :)
Hi! I can I need to get a few things taken care of in my end and we can sort something out. I am on the Wi-Fi Discord server \o/
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Hi! I just found a similar post in here, so I figured it couldn't hurt to ask: is there anyone here that is able to help me out getting my TSV checked in my Ultra Sun and Moon games? Thanks in advance!
Hi! I just found a similar post in here, so I figured it couldn't hurt to ask: is there anyone here that is able to help me out getting my TSV checked in my Ultra Sun and Moon games? Thanks in advance!
Hey! Waited a bit but toss some pokes into GTS of both games and give me the info so I can find the Pokémon and what you are asking for and your in-game name. Hope no one snags them :)
Edit: User has been helped~
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Hello :) I, too, am looking for someone who can help me find my TSV for gen 7 (OG Moon) and was directed here to this thread. Would be much appreciated!
Welp here we are again. See if you can toss up a Mon on GTS, asking for a Pikipek, Male, any level and let me know your in-game name (IGN) and I will try to get to it ASAP. Was letting some time pass in case someone else could help as I was taking care of some other things. Cheers! :blobwizard:
Hi! If anyone hasn't moved on to SV I realized I still need a Volcanion and a non-shiny Zeraora for my Living Dex and. Literally any one would be fine, UT/T, any IVs/EVs, nature--doesn't matter. I can trade anything in my trade thread or can try to get something in SV (I literally just started the game though). Let me know please! :)
Hi! If anyone hasn't moved on to SV I realized I still need a Volcanion and a non-shiny Zeraora for my Living Dex and. Literally any one would be fine, UT/T, any IVs/EVs, nature--doesn't matter. I can trade anything in my trade thread or can try to get something in SV (I literally just started the game though). Let me know please! :)
Heyo, while unfortunately I don't have my own Zeraora (stole mine from Max :P), I do have my own Volcanion. If you've already been helped/someone has both lined up for you no worries, otherwise I can send you mine. If you'd like it send me a msg on Smogon or on Discord to arrange pickup.
I have all the Violet Paradox Pokémon, I'm looking for someone to trade me the Scarlett Paradox mons.

Mine have random natures / IVs but are untouched. I'd prefer the trades to also be untouched but I'll take anything, I'm desperate lol.
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