Does anyone have a catching Smeargle ready to go for hunting HA pokemon in sun/moon? I need a project today.
That would be sweet but I can't think of how I'd go about hunting overcoat Jangmo-o with it having a move that can check it somehow? If you can chain one for me I'd be very grateful but you certainly don't have to.I currently don't have a Catcher Smeargle, but I can give you a copy of my Catcher Weavile instead if you want: I use it for both SoS-Chaining and for EV-training.
It keeps the HP of the wild Pokémon low with False Swipe, it can hide behind a substitute to avoid Sand Attack from Diglett and it can use Taunt to prevent Wailmer from using Rest for example.
In addition to this, its ability Pressure will increase the chances of the wild Pokémon calling for help!
If you want you can also let me know what Pokémon with HA you need and I can whip out my game now and see if I can catch it for you. If so, let me know which Ball you want me to catch it in.
Let me know what you think!
That would be sweet but I can't think of how I'd go about hunting overcoat Jangmo-o with it having a move that can check it somehow? If you can chain one for me I'd be very grateful but you certainly don't have to.
Also would you want anything for Weavile? It sounds like a good pokemon to use for general chaining, and it'd take a lot less effort than Smeargle to teach and level up. o:
The eggs have to be received on the foreign game to count as a foreign Pokemon, so they'll have to breed a 0 Speed Cubone on their game then give it to you for you to get a foreign Cubone.Could someone with a Pokemon game in a language different than english open some Cubone eggs for me? I want to do masuda method, and normally I would use my Japanese Ditto for that, but the Pokemon is for a Trick room team and I need both parents to have 0Ivs in speed. So I send you the eggs, you open them in your game and send the Cubones back to me. I don't have much to offer in exchange, you can keep one of the Cubones if you want. So if anyone could help me with this I'd be very grateful. <3
Bumping. Don't want it to go to waste so I'll pretty much take highest bidder at this point. (Anything makes you highest bidder, but a Net Ball HA Mareanie would be nice.)For trade: Custom Celesteela
Looking For: An annoying to find HA Pokemon in a matching ball.
The eggs have to be received on the foreign game to count as a foreign Pokemon, so they'll have to breed a 0 Speed Cubone on their game then give it to you for you to get a foreign Cubone.
Bumping. Don't want it to go to waste so I'll pretty much take highest bidder at this point. (Anything makes you highest bidder, but a Net Ball HA Mareanie would be nice.)
I can breed you an Heavy Pineco in AS.Thanks, I'll do just that for the Dittos. Hopefully someone can trade me the Pineco.
Awesome, thank you! Anything you need from my Trade thread or event list? I've been breeding some Pikachus in OR that I haven't add to the thread yet if you are interested.I can breed you an Heavy Pineco in AS.
Cutefluffysheep , I can breed you a Marine pattern Scatterbug.
Moon Ball and HA is not possible in Gen 6, since it's impossible for males to pass down the ball until Gen 7 and the only game you can catch Shinx in a Moon Ball, is in HG/SS, where Hidden Abilities weren't a thing yet. There's no way to legitimate way to change abilities to the Hidden Ability either.LF: [Gen 6] HA Female Shinx, Luxio, or Luxray in a Moon Ball! Just the mon with that gender with that HA in that ball. Nothing else required!
Moon Ball and HA is not possible in Gen 6, since it's impossible for males to pass down the ball until Gen 7 and the only game you can catch Shinx in a Moon Ball, is in HG/SS, where Hidden Abilities weren't a thing yet. There's no way to legitimate way to change abilities to the Hidden Ability either.
It's only possible in Sun/Moon by breeding a Female HA member of the Shinx-line with a Male Moon Ball non-HA member of the Shinx line.
Bump!I'm looking for 5 IV Timid or Modest Scatterbug/Vivillon (female, Sun and Archipelago patterns) in Gen 6.
I can breed a lot of mons. PM me.
How about HA Relicanth in a Level Ball. Relicanths are hard to SOS and let alone finding a female one. I didn't put all of it's moves with egg moves but yeah you want?The eggs have to be received on the foreign game to count as a foreign Pokemon, so they'll have to breed a 0 Speed Cubone on their game then give it to you for you to get a foreign Cubone.
Bumping. Don't want it to go to waste so I'll pretty much take highest bidder at this point. (Anything makes you highest bidder, but a Net Ball HA Mareanie would be nice.)
Sorry, I already got someone to take my Celesteela.How about HA Relicanth in a Level Ball. Relicanths are hard to SOS and let alone finding a female one. I didn't put all of it's moves with egg moves but yeah you want?
It's shown when it first hatches.So when hatching for a shiny Pokemon, does it show it when it first hatches or does it show when prompted to give a nickname?
Show what, the shininess? If you know what color pallet a Pokemon normally uses, you should be able to tell if a Pokemon is shiny when it hatches. Of course, some pallet changes are subtle, like Shiny Bidoof, so you need to know what the shiny looks like.So when hatching for a shiny Pokemon, does it show it when it first hatches or does it show when prompted to give a nickname?
Oh okay. Thank you. :)It's shown when it first hatches.
I have 4 unclaimed Hoopa and Volcanion on G6 that I can now RNG.
What spreads should I go for?
Furthemore, does anyone have competitive (RNG'd) shiny Diancie or Heart Stamp Jirachi?
Timid 31/0/31/30/31/31 (HP Grass)I have 4 unclaimed Hoopa and Volcanion on G6 that I can now RNG.
What spreads should I go for?