Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 48 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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sure, what would you want for it?
I'd do it for stufful but first I have to make sure that I have a 6iv ditto that I haven't transferred to Moon yet.

EDIT: I can't get kangaskhan because I don't have a 6iv ditto but I think I can get you either pidove or stunfisk as I don't need gen 6 for those (I think)
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Is it possible to get a legit Aerodactyl in a non-Pokeball? If so I would be interested in one! Have mainly XY competitive lv 1s.
Is it possible to get a legit Aerodactyl in a non-Pokeball? If so I would be interested in one! Have mainly XY competitive lv 1s.
Yes, Aerodactyl, like most of the Gen 5 and below fossil Pokemon (RIP Archen), could be obtained through the new defunct Dream World in Gen 5. Thus, when eventually captured, they could be placed in most of the mainline series balls, exempting Apricon Balls. Of course, unless you have some un-redeemed Aerodactyl in your Dream World, it is no longer possible to get new Aerodactyls in different balls, and as such they need to be bred.
I'm looking for scatterbug eggs that will hatch into Vivillon of the following patterns:
Icy Snow
High Plains

If your game has any of these patterns, please PM me. I just need you to breed one egg(I don't care about IVs, gender, ball, etc. on these) and trade the egg to me. I can provide a Vivillon for you to breed.
Is it possible to get a legit Aerodactyl in a non-Pokeball? If so I would be interested in one! Have mainly XY competitive lv 1s.
I can breed you one in a Luxury ball if you want. PM/VM me.

Looking for:
Heavy ball Mawile in Gen 6.

Timid 5IV Scatterbug/Vivillon (Sun pattern, Female) in Gen 6. Possibly in a Repeat ball. I can provide a Scatterbug to breed, if needed.
I can breed a lot of mons in exchange for it. PM me.
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Looking for 2 ice stones and any Level ball Spoink. Offering in return bottle caps any other evolutionary stone and any BP item. Also I can help with some pokemon in unique/rare balls(PM with the details to see if I can help).
Looking for 2 ice stones and any Level ball Spoink. Offering in return bottle caps any other evolutionary stone and any BP item. Also I can help with some pokemon in unique/rare balls(PM with the details to see if I can help).
I can give you one Ice Stone for free

just give me your Friend Code
I'd like to request a HP Fire Ditto for my Sun Version.

Even though I have one in Alpha Sapphire, I don't want to transfer him yet in case of breeding projects that require tutor moves.
I'm currently playing through Pokemon Blue on the virtual console to gain access to the legendary bird trio and Mewtwo. Can someone help me evolve my Kadabra to help assist me in-game?
I can breed you one in a Luxury ball if you want. PM/VM me.

Looking for:
Heavy ball Mawile in Gen 6.

Timid 5IV Scatterbug/Vivillon (Sun pattern, Female) in Gen 6. Possibly in a Repeat ball. I can provide a Scatterbug to breed, if needed.
I can breed a lot of mons in exchange for it. PM me.
I'm currently playing through Pokemon Blue on the virtual console to gain access to the legendary bird trio and Mewtwo. Can someone help me evolve my Kadabra to help assist me in-game?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think you can trade with people over the internet in the virtual console versions of Red/Blue/Yellow. So it would have to be transferred to gen 7 for any of us to be able to help you, but even then, you wouldn't be able to transfer it back to R/B/Y.
Kadabra isn't the worst mon to use in-game though, even without access to evolving it, the fact that it's a Psychic type will win it a lot of battles.
I'm currently playing through Pokemon Blue on the virtual console to gain access to the legendary bird trio and Mewtwo. Can someone help me evolve my Kadabra to help assist me in-game?
I think trading in the VC games only works locally :/
Best ball?

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