Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 33 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE)

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is it possible for there to be some updated rules regarding the recent addition of pokebank pokes in the 6th gen games?
i've been looking for various pokes and been wanting to make sure that they have are all legal/rng'd properly but it seems like no one has the info regarding OT/rnger secret id etc

already saw a completely illegal cherish ball shiny mew supposedly an old sea chart one from emerald

i am not sure how to enforce these things, but i think maybe we need some updated rules for this
CMT for a Sneasel, am also willing to trade spitbacks. If nothing tickles your fancy in my thread, I have a LOT of other stuff I can breed that I've been too lazy to add to that list.
Whats CMT mean ?
The sneasel IV are not spread correctly,tho it does have ATK,SPEED and three random IVs I cant remember...
CMT = Check My Thread.
Could you breed perfect Sneasels? If not, you should probably list them as Spitbacks. :P

I've always done Togetic --> Pikachu --> Eevee. Or Smeargle --> Eevee.
Sorry,I could if you wanted,but I really hate breeding...);
Could throw in a mega stone tho xD
Id want the swinub or the mareep BTW
Do females also pass on egg moves now, so long as they already know the move? I just want to be sure. :/ Or is it still males.
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