Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 33 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE)

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Does anyone know if it matters what parent you put the Destiny Knot on to pass down IV's? Lets say I have a 5 IV parent and a 3 IV parent, would putting the Destiny Knot on the 5 IV parent give me a better chance at having better offspring?
Nope, just having either parent hold one gives you the 5IV to pass randomly :)
Anyone willing to trade 5-6IV dittos (cloned or not) for 5 IV jolly rock blast moxie heracross?

Or, if you're trading dittos, I can make other offers too if you're willing to PM me!
For trade
Looking for competitive shinys not listed and pokebank legends not listed

All bred in kalos, all good ivs and nature. Pm me offers
Goodra modest sap sipper (quick ball)
Scizor adamant technician (net ball)
Froakie hasty protean
Talonflame adamant* tailwind
Noiver timid infiltration * switcheroo(dusk balll
Cresselia bold (master ball)
Sylveon modest
Gliscor impish
Charizard jolly blaze*flare blitz dd outrage
Salamence naive moxie

Pokebank legend non shiny:
Latios timid hp fire (great ball)
Virizion timid hp ice (dusk ball)
Landorus jolly (ultra ball)
Landorus timid (dream ball)
Thundurus naive and timid *naive hammer arm (quick ball)
Totnadus naive and timid*naive superpower heatwave(ultra ball)(dusk ball)
Heatran timid hp ice sr (repeat ball)
Jirachi careful sr iron head wish( cherish ball)
Genesect naive* iron head(cherish ball)
Keldeo timid hp ghost (cherish ball)
Jirachi jolly *wish zenheadbutt (cherish ball)
Latias timid hp fire (premier ball)
For trade: shiny Froakie, 5 IV (perfect), Timid, Protean, nicknamed Shadow.

Looking for: offers of 5 IV competitive shiny pokes. Willing to add Master Ball (or something else) for certain shinies.

Also need: 6 IV Hasty Protean Female Froakie in Dusk/Dive ball.

Also for trade:
Moltres, Hasty, 21/4/31/31/31/28
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