Silly Things You've Seen In Other Metagames
Turn 1

The opposing Lopunny's Lopunnite is reacting to TheGreenAlchemist's Mega Bracelet!
The opposing Lopunny has Mega Evolved into Mega Lopunny!

The opposing Lopunny used Fake Out!
Landorus lost 9.7% of its health!
[Landorus's Kelpsy Berry!]
The opposing Lopunny was burned!

Landorus flinched and couldn't move!

The opposing Lopunny was hurt by its burn!
Turn 2

TheGreenAlchemist forfeited.

Akumeoy ☭ won the battle!
Umbreon walling the crap out of a mediocre team.
(L) Thunder/Rain Dance Heliolisk using Thunder outside of rain. It's an Umbreon, you have time to RD.
(R) Umbreon has Confuse Ray and Foul Play (#ItGetsSwagger). Still puts in huge work.
(R) Weakness Policy Automotize Aggron, which actually blows a huge hole in left's team.
(L) Fake Out past the first turn out.
(L) Shuckle gets OHKOed. This almost never happens (not least because most run Sturdy). Yeah, +2 Heavy Slam hurts, doesn't it?
(L) Archeops does get Head Smash. It probably shouldn't use it, though (*cough* Defeatist *cough*). There are many viable structures for a Ghost monotype. This is not one of them.

(L) Non-mega Sableye
(L) Speed Boost Sableye. Not Prankster.
(L) Sableye uses Dark Void. It must have never heard of Spore.
(L) Sableye uses Nightmare.
(R) Scizor is holding its mega stone, instead of already being a mega and holding a different item.
(L) Sableye uses Nightmare on a clearly awake +4 Mega Scizor.
(L) Non-mega Sableye
(L) Speed Boost Sableye. Not Prankster.
(L) Sableye uses Dark Void. It must have never heard of Spore.
(L) Sableye uses Nightmare.
(R) Scizor is holding its mega stone, instead of already being a mega and holding a different item.
(L) Sableye uses Nightmare on a clearly awake +4 Mega Scizor.
Out of these, DV is legit (avoids Safety Goggles, the most common anti-sleep measure), so is Scizorite Mega Scizor (blocks Trick). Yeah, the rest is plain stupid.
In my first Monotype team, built when I was a noob, I had Mega Gardevoir and Sylveon that both had Pixilate with Moonblast, and not a single Normal type move...

Am I the only one who tried to run a physical Sylveon before realizing that I am stupid?

I'm pretty sure that you're not XD
Believe it or not, this isn't BH. Sigh.
My eyes.

(R) Hawlucha uses Focus Blast (it has base 74 Special Attack)
(R) Frogadier
(R) The Frogadier is not Protean
(R) The Frogadier uses BUBBLE
(R) Aurorus has Take Down, which I guess sorta works with Refrigerate, but why not Hyper Voice?
(L) Farfetch'd
(L) Baton Passing into a Farfetch'd. Why not Scolipede or Gengar?
(R) Aurorus uses Aurora Beam.
(L) Farfetch'd has Sky Attack.
(R) Aurorus uses Ancient Power.
(L) Klefki Thunder Waves a Camerupt.
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I am laughing so hard. In Enchanted Items, I had a discussion with someone about whether to not run Speed investment on Chlorophyll+Desolate Land Venusaur or not. I don't see a reason to since I hit 390 Speed under the sun and Pokemon that could possible outspeed, like Jolteon or Accelgor, aren't viable in this Meta anyways.
Venusaur is not supposed to check/counter Speed Boost users like Excadrill, as it can't touch them anyways.

This was the battle:

After that, said person messaged me.


I beat them in OU too after:
I am laughing so hard. In Enchanted Items, I had a discussion with someone about whether to not run Speed investment on Chlorophyll+Desolate Land Venusaur or not. I don't see a reason to since I hit 390 Speed under the sun and Pokemon that could possible outspeed, like Jolteon or Accelgor, aren't viable in this Meta anyways.
Venusaur is not supposed to check/counter Speed Boost users like Excadrill, as it can't touch them anyways.

This was the battle:

After that, said person messaged me.

Something tells me they're that one guy from the RU replay I put here a while ago. I guess it's the rage, timerstalling, avatar, and general assholishness.
(L) Venusaur using Leech Seed on Chesnaught.
(R) Chesnaught having Focus Blast, intending to use it on Venusaur (but it hit Haxorus on the switch instead).
(L) Haxorus had Dragon Pulse and Rock Slide. The former actually did more than twice as much damage as the latter, oddly enough.
(R) Chesnaught having Energy Ball as well.
(L) Mew with Aura Sphere and Dragon Pulse.
(R) Torrent Greninja with Dark Pulse and Night Slash.
(L) Earthquake non-mega Blastoise using Aura Sphere on Rotom-N.
(R) Poliwag.
(R) Machop, doing nothing but being death fodder for Mega Diancie.
(R) Chandelure with Overheat, Fire Blast, and Leftovers.
(L) Hoopa-U using Drain Punch and Fire Punch on Chandelure, which turned out to be Flash Fire. It also had Foul Play and Destiny Bond.
(L) Diancie using Earth Power on Rotom after it had switched in on Blastoise's Earthquake earlier in the battle.
What I'm assuming to be a physical Magic Bounce Zoroark. I would complain about it being slow, but it's probably Prankster Smeargle.
Update: A later battle confirmed that it was Zoroark, and also that it had Dig.
Chansey Imposters Ingrain+BP Venusaur and passes to Nasty Plot Dialga... only to get PP stalled by Acupressure+BP Sturdinja. Then right gets cocky and falls victim to the same Chansey, hoisting him by his own petard with Perish Song Kyurem-W.
Pikachu, Clawitzer, and a bunch of other random mons. And some irony in the Chandelure's nickname (hint: look at what killed it).
Ice Fang Gliscor can deal with Extreme Killer... Togekiss. But Shedinja proves to be the undoing of yet another overconfident sweeper. Right forfeits despite having two other mons (Chandelure and Crawdaunt) that can actually handle Shedinja.
I've seen mirror matches before, but this is a new one.
God, I hope that's Scarf Infernape. Also starring Magmar defeating a poorly played Electivire, Fire Spin Moltres (against a team of Volt Switch users) and a RestTalk Mega Ampharos that can't count sleep turns.
Dedenne, Judgment+Draco Meteor Arceus-Dragon, Roar of Time Dialga, Deoxys-N, and a multitude of typechart issues on both sides.
"mje5rhjhi received the Balance Badge from Fonny!"
Mega Salamence sweeping mainly with Dragon Claw, Raticate, and others.
  • (L) Ash's Kalos team.
  • (L&R) Keeps Goodra out vs Dragon Pulse Mega Lucario, trying to paralyze it with Body Slam (not even used in the anime), but the plan fails.
  • (L) Flying Press Hawlucha, using Red Card to activate Unburden. Thankfully, Dragon Pulse only dealt half damage. Bu then it got burned by...
  • (R) ...Flame Body Talonflame, who promptly revenge kills the wrestler.
  • (L) Water Shuriken Torrent Greninja, for some reason outrun by Raichu (Scarf?).
  • (L&R) And another Flame Body Talonflame (like Fletchinder in the anime), managing to burn Aqua Tail Blastoise. But it fell despite its evasion boosts.
  • (L) Supersonic + Boomburst Noivern (another anime moveset), almost cleaning the opponent, but Blastoise finishes it off.
Yes, yes, what a smart move to send a Rotom-Wash against Venusaur...
Left side:
A Dusclops they managed to pull a sweep with
to be honest maybe the whole team but I don't see the sets being bad.

Right side: Everything... some of the Pokemon aren't bad themselves, but rather the sets they have.

Biggest highlights
(Right Side)
Non imposter
Spammed fighting moves on Dusclops while it's setting up
Switches to Infernape out of all other Pokemon they have... just to use another fighting-type move
The Machamp has only fighting-type moves

(Left Side)
Managed to KO 4 Pokemon with bulky offense Dusclops
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One Time, I managed to do a sweep with a Freaking Physical Simple Gengar Because the person on the other side was trying to set up every entry hazard known to man kind even though I only had 1 Pokemon left...