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What happens when two teams are completely unprepared for each other's premier threats? Well, it's best summarized by... ★Pika Xreme: trust me, I want to be off Mrs. Bones' Wild Ride too
More than half of the game was spent with Vullaby as my only Pokemon, and for all of that more than half, she was effectively unstoppable.
What happens when two teams are completely unprepared for each other's premier threats? Well, it's best summarized by... ★Pika Xreme: trust me, I want to be off Mrs. Bones' Wild Ride too
More than half of the game was spent with Vullaby as my only Pokemon, and for all of that more than half, she was effectively unstoppable.
i'd blame this on Cross Evolution not having a properly defined metagame yet but I admit that sacking Electabuzz was a really bad play that probably cost me the match
since this battle I have switched out the Magmar on my team for Mold Breaker Piloswine > Haxorus, I really don't want to get destroyed by Stockpile Vullaby again please don't do this to me
My Raichu swept, so this team is probably hiding even sillier, but...
- Noivern using Flamethrower instead of a STAB on Alakazam
- Dragon Pulse on Garchomp
- Metagross using Meteor Mash on Raichu.
Mostly a decent match, but also starring the opponent not executing their team to its fullest by letting their possible check to Raichu the menace be weakened by an Ice Punch.
(R) Rock mono. I have no idea what he thinks he can accomplish with Carracosta and Probopass.
(L) Acrobatics Charizard. With an item, that it never uses. May or may not have been a mega stone.
(L) Sigilyph without Magic Guard.
(L) Blizzard+Thunderbolt+Avalanche Arceus.
(L) Sigilyph also has Frustration. Which it uses against Tyranitar, doing precisely jack shit.
(R) Acupressure+Rest+Power Trick+Rollout Shuckle. Showderp would be proud.
(L) Slowbro used Trick! But it failed!
(L) Slowbro also has Focus Blast, which it still manages to land despite evasion boosts.
(L) Then, on turn 20, Slowbro finally mega evolves.
(L) Charizard comes back in and tries to break Shuckle with Earthquake, to no avail.
(L) Bug Bite Scolipede without Speed Boost.
(L) Slowbro, now being the last mon standing on left and staring down Rollout Shuckle, uses... Light Screen. And promptly dies.
Other odds and ends include Fling Choice Band Ambipom, WishTect+Soft-Boiled+Toxic Chansey, and a different Chansey using Skill Swap (with Natural Cure) immediately after using Toxic.
Doublade 3 & 4 allowing itself to get Encored into Toxic and having Metagross come in for free, not knowing Duoblade can switch out of Wobbufett.
Doublade 5 & 6 getting past Rocky Helmet Garchomp with Life Orb Hidden Power Ice.
Wailord using Ice Beam against an all-Doublade team.
Wailord using Sleep Talk the 3rd turn after using Rest. Seismic Toss Mega Heracross
Resttalk Doublade opting for suicide by Sleep Talking an attacking move on Wobbufett's Destiny Bond instead of simply stalling it out with Toxic Damage.
Switching in Doublade 7 & 8 after the Destiny Bond and immediately switching it out to give Metagross a free turn.
Doublade 1 & 2 immediately using Destiny Bond when Metagross is clearly physical and had no way to OHKO it.
Metagross wasting time setting up when it could have easily dispatched Destiny Bond Doublade before it set up Automoatize.
Finally: Attract + Swagger + Protect Doublade.
Editing for my own contribution:
Dedenne (!) massacring Deoxys-A, Latias and Latios both having Mega Stones (Bronzong used Trick! But it failed!), said Mega Latias losing to Cheek Pouch Dedenne, Double-Edge on everything, and 'Murca!, among other travesties
White Herb + Shell Smash Crustle (full HP / full SpD EVs, given the damage it took from Hydreigon and Chandelure) and Weakness Policy + Rock Polish Relicanth (with Bounce, of all things, and probably Sturdy to stomach a hit) force left to resign.
Ash's itemless team except Noctowl (with notably Heat Wave Swellow in a physical set - to "lure" Steel-types?) vs mono-Poison. Of course, none of the Kanto starters were the Megas. Also, Sceptile probably forgot its Speed EVs. ★super_pandaZ:wtf u assshole
Also featuring spamming Draco Meteor against a Calm Mind Kyogre, Dream Eater (including one use while the target was awake), and using Solar Beam while rain was active.
(L): Fake Out/Acrobatics/U-Turn Ambipom, without a Normal Gem either. Shameful.
(R): Special Flareon
(L): Poison Fang/Confuse Ray/U-Turn Crobat
(R): Avalanche/Ice Shard Glaceon, and physical Glaceon.
(R): Cell Battery+Waterfall Vaporeon
(R): Iron Tail Espeon. Are all your Pokemon off-stat or something?
(L): OFFENSIVE ACID SPRAY FERROTHORN. Also, TIL Ferrothorn gets Acid Spray for whatever reason.
(R): Protect+Last Resort (nice coverage) Eeevee, showing that not every Pokemon on their team was off-stat.
(L): Thinking that was smart
(L): Moonblast Sylveon. What is Hyper Voice? (and before you say Moonblast has a higher base power that's only before Pixilate is brought into the equation. Pixilate-boosted Hyper Voice has base 117 power.)