Silly Things You've Seen In Other Metagames

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My personal favorite was Desolate Land Kyogre, in BH
Well, /thread right there, I guess.

I kid, I kid. Here's a fresh set.
A Xerneas 6-0 that had no business happening, courtesy of Aegislash with no Steel STAB (How idiotic is that? The entire reason you're using it is to check Xerneas!) and Dragon Pulse Groudon using it on Xerneas.
Red team with presumably in-game movesets. Somebody clearly knows how to build a good in-game team, though.
What. The.
Thunder, Thunder everywhere. The team goes ten-for-thirteen (76.9%), not including Galvantula, who is here used for suicide webs.
I...what? Somebody PLEASE take this one.
(B) Monotype teams
(L) Only four Pokemon
(L) Attract
(L) Aromatisse's Trick Room enabled Aurorus to outspeed it
(B) I guess Aurorus and Aromatisse had the exact same speed
(L) Sweet Kiss. Aromatisse gets Swagger you know.
(R) Dewgong
(L) Dig Sylveon
(R) Avalugg
(L) Not quite bad but SpA lower from Moonblast
(L) Magic Guard Clefable. Unaware is better for having it wall.
(L) Running Facade off Clefable's bad Attack stat
(R) Aqua Ring Dewgong gets nuked instantly
(R) Losing to someone with only four Pokemon has got to be morale breaking
Acrobatics Talonflame with an item, Drill Run Excadrill, and Crunch Mega Manectric.
Metronome wars are always fun (except for Hariyama, apparently). Right has mixed up the mono Metronome mons with Snorlax, for a change. Great timing of moves on turn 11, too.
Ash team on the left. When it gets to Zard-Y vs. Wobbuffet, Zard misses three Fire Blasts in a row... then uses Flamethrower, which crits and kills Wobbs.
Assault Vest Greninja, Dragon Pulse Enigma Berry Giratina, and Malamar pulling off a hilarious gimmick to kill GeoXern.
Focus Blast Chesnaught (missed twice, then died), Salamence using EQ on non-mega Gengar, and Greninja outstalling Lapras, at least for a while.
Nothing all that silly about this one, with the possible exception of Espeon being a Wish passer, but I just had to recognize left's nicknames. Gold star if you know what they are.
Magician Foul Play Delphox, Lampent, and Hyper Beam when Boomburst exists.
4 mon team wins handily.
Perish Song kicks in before Toxic, allowing left to prevail against a team made up of mostly FEAR mons.
★funweygames: u win
★funweygames: heres ur badge
★funweygames: its called the fuck u badgegiven for wen ppl use shity steategies
Bad sets abound in this one, along with a very much out of place Meowstic-F.
RestTalk+Cosmic Power+Giga Impact Clefable. Omastar sets up on it, gets a crit, and sweeps the rest of the team. Praise the Helix.
I really don't know what to say about this one.
That's outrageous.
★funweygames: u win
★funweygames: heres ur badge
★funweygames: its called the fuck u badgegiven for wen ppl use shity steategies
that quote is the best thing I've seen in awhile

it's also ironic given that the guy who said that was using mono-Normal featuring Rollout Miltank

and also that strategy wasn't even a gimmick, there's nothing to complain about there
Bad sets abound in this one, along with a very much out of place Meowstic-F.
Ok, here we go. Brace yourselves...
★AphmauCat: good luck wolf creep
(L) Mono-Mega team. I mean, this is Megamons, but still...
(R) Future Sight + Thunderbolt + Hidden Power Meowstic-F. What?
(L) Mixed Charizard X with Fire Blast, Earthquake, and Air Slash.
(R) Mixed Keldeo-Resolute with Poison Jab and Secret Sword, which successfully KO's Charizard thanks to Future Sight.
(L) Sends out Mega Altaria on said Keldeo, which promptly gets hit by a Poison Jab crit and gets poisoned... then proceeds to retaliate with Dragon Claw. Yes, against Keldeo. It successfully beats it, though.
(R) Switches in their Mega Ampharos against Altaria, which switches out for literally no reason. They catch Metagross on the switch with Fire Punch for a grand total of 26%.
(R) Physical Mega Ampharos, for that matter.
(L) Mixed Mega Metagross with Earthquake and Flash Cannon. Looks like they had one Meteor Miss too many. (Still, though, you could use Iron Head, right? ...Right?)
(R) Sitrus Berry Hoopa-U with Power-Up Punch, which it uses against Mega Gallade despite the fact that Hyperspace Fury would have probably 2HKO'ed.
(L) Calm Mind + Drain Punch Mega Gallade. What's wrong with this picture?
(L) Gallade proceeds to whiff a Focus Miss against R's Mega Diancie. Gotta love that CM-boosted power coming off... base 65. Its base Attack is literally 100 points higher. Why?
(L) Takes them 3 turns to realize that Mega Venusaur's Grass-type moves are, in fact, super effective against Mega Diancie, while Diancie stays in (why?) firing off what I assume to be Hidden Power Fires. (If it was Ice, kill me.) Venusaur tries out Hidden Power and Toxic in the process.
(R) Night Slash Mega Heracross, which it spams. It's taken down by...
(L) Mixed Mega Manectric. New meta bois. It proceeds to get a flinch on Fire Fang (when Flamethrower/Overheat exist) and deal 1.5x as much damage with a neutral Thunderbolt.
(L) Uses Fire Fang on Right's weakened Meowstic-F. Thunderbolt would have KO'd.
(R) Power Gem Mega Ampharos. I guess fully physical was too mainstream.
(L) Body Slam Mega Manectric. That makes sense, because it clearly has no room for Hidden Power Ice.
(B) Only about half of the Pokémon could decide whether they were physical or special.
They're all Styx songs

that quote is the best thing I've seen in awhile

it's also ironic given that the guy who said that was using mono-Normal featuring Rollout Miltank

and also that strategy wasn't even a gimmick, there's nothing to complain about there
That, and the target of said Rollout (which missed) was a Rock resist, on a team with several of them, no less.
  • (L) Itemless Pikachu (not even Light Ball?) and Glaceon.
  • (L) Lucario is the Mega, not Charizard. It spends its time throwing resisted moves at Tentacruel (including Brick Break), allowing it to set up Toxic Spikes.
  • (R) That Tentacruel has Water Pulse.
  • (R) Not silly at all, as Donphan uses its Rock-type move at Charizard, predicting a switch to a Ground immunity. But this move is Rollout!
  • (L) Keeps non-mega Charizard on the field, letting it die to Rollout instead of switching to Lucario.
  • (L) Power-Up Punch / Seismic Toss Ampharos, falls to Rollout like Charizard.
  • (L) Articuno uses Ice Beam first on Tentacruel instead of Freeze-Dry.
Ends in a quick Espeon sweep.
Shitmon team on left, which managed to knock down two Pokémon before forfeiting.
  • (R) Genwunner team.
  • (L) Physical Greninja with Power-Up Punch.
  • (R) Rock Smash Gyarados. This is just the beginning...
  • (L) Raichu, the only non-Gen 6 Pokémon in the team.
  • (R) Cut Venusaur.
  • (R) Gyarados reveals Surf. (nice 60 base SpA)
  • (L&R) Noivern burns Zapdos with Flamethrower... only to trigger its Lum Berry.
  • (L) Raichu suicides itself with Volt Tackle while it also has Thunderbolt.
  • (L) Energy Ball Trevenant. (nice 65 base SpA, again)
  • (R) Venusaur reveals Sitrus Berry.
  • (R) Slash Persian.
This battle goes on so long it crashes at turn 451, and not one Pokemon faints in that 451 turn long period
Umm, WHAT? I'll leave this one to you guys.
Would have been a Mega Scizor 6-0 sweep were it not for a lucky Dark Pulse crit. After that, they lost to the clock.
Look at this guy using TtarTube's AS Extreme Randomizer team. Gotta love low ladder.
A repeat offender from one of dsm's replays from a page or two ago returns, and with two NFEs to boot
Another battle that goes on for an insane amount of time, though this one only lasts until turn 104
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One of the worst (non-Mega) Rayquaza sets I have ever seen, among other things
[L] Geomancy/Hyper Beam Shedinja...? Probably thinks that because it's not susceptible to direct damage it can do whatever it wants, and while that's technically true as this is BH obviously something like that isn't effective in practice.
[L] Imposter Arceus. Totally outclassed by Imposter Chansey thanks to its superior HP and access to Eviolite.
[L] Let me just say that I have no idea what that Rayquaza was trying to accomplish; I couldn't even recognize its ability from the time it was on the field. At first I thought it was No Guard thanks to the fact that Blizzard hit, but then it missed... Also, if you're running Draco on Rayquaza, at least let it be on a Contrary set.
probably more I missed, feel free to point out anything else

(R) That entire team.
(L) Quiver Dance Mew, after missing two Will-o-Wisps, falls for the Destiny Bond after getting to +6.
(R) Illusion Beedrill-Mega, and Beedrill-Mega in general.
(R) Vespiquen #2 had Acrobatics and Sky Attack, and presumably Gale Wings as well. Fun in theory, but 80 base Attack doesn't work that well in practice.
(R) FEAR Combee pulls off a double Spiky Shield.
(L) Crunch Gallade-Mega is a bit questionable.
(R) Metronome Shedinja...
(R) ...calling Curse.
(R) Oblivion Wing Ninjask. Gotta abuse that 50 base Special Attack. It later puts up Substitute, only to fall to Snarl.

(R) That entire team.
(L) Quiver Dance Mew, after missing two Will-o-Wisps, falls for the Destiny Bond after getting to +6.
(R) Illusion Beedrill-Mega, and Beedrill-Mega in general.
(R) Vespiquen #2 had Acrobatics and Sky Attack, and presumably Gale Wings as well. Fun in theory, but 80 base Attack doesn't work that well in practice.
(R) FEAR Combee pulls off a double Spiky Shield.
(L) Crunch Gallade-Mega is a bit questionable.
(R) Metronome Shedinja...
(R) ...calling Curse.
(R) Oblivion Wing Ninjask. Gotta abuse that 50 base Special Attack. It later puts up Substitute, only to fall to Snarl.
Right was in one of my replays. On this very page. You a know a team's bad when it shows up in the silly things thread twice.