Fun typing, though it looks a bit like a lemon at first. Dragon-type by itself is mostly good at checking Electrics and the odd Surf/TBolt Starmie, but Bug-type undermines that by making Zapdos chew right through it with Drill Peck, limiting "Mons it reliably resists" to just Jolteon and Gengar. Bug-type is alright for its Ground-resistance, but paired with Dragon-typing, it is quite vulnerable to the 3 big OU Earthquake users (Rhydon, Tauros and Snorlax), undermining it's utility as a Ground-resist. Defensively, the type combo is pretty awful.
Offensively, however, it threatens all of the tier's Psychics thanks to STAB Twineedle, which hits Psychics with the equivalent power of a Hyper Beam every turn. This gave me an idea to use Chansey as a base for this CAP, being a Pokemon that can reasonably switch into Special walls like Alakazam and Starmie, or even Chansey, then utilize its Bug-typing to pressure those Pokemon alongside Softboiled or Recover for longevity. The typing would then serve as a balance to this, giving it more holes in its defenses than Chansey due to weaknesses. I also thought it should be less bulky on the Special side than Chansey, ensuring Chansey is still the superior wall.
I ended up with this spread, intended to give CAP a place on aggressive teams as an effective bully of Special walls and a semi-functional Special wall itself while sharing Chansey's weakness to physical pressure.
155 HP / 70 Attack / 25 Defense / 120 Special / 45 Speed / 415 BST, same as Chansey
Offensively, however, it threatens all of the tier's Psychics thanks to STAB Twineedle, which hits Psychics with the equivalent power of a Hyper Beam every turn. This gave me an idea to use Chansey as a base for this CAP, being a Pokemon that can reasonably switch into Special walls like Alakazam and Starmie, or even Chansey, then utilize its Bug-typing to pressure those Pokemon alongside Softboiled or Recover for longevity. The typing would then serve as a balance to this, giving it more holes in its defenses than Chansey due to weaknesses. I also thought it should be less bulky on the Special side than Chansey, ensuring Chansey is still the superior wall.
I ended up with this spread, intended to give CAP a place on aggressive teams as an effective bully of Special walls and a semi-functional Special wall itself while sharing Chansey's weakness to physical pressure.
155 HP / 70 Attack / 25 Defense / 120 Special / 45 Speed / 415 BST, same as Chansey
Alakazam Psychic vs. Bug/Dragon: 107-126 (20.8 - 24.5%) -- guaranteed 5HKO
Starmie Blizzard vs. Bug/Dragon: 153-180 (29.8 - 35%) -- 16.1% chance to 3HKO
Chansey Ice Beam vs. Bug/Dragon: 127-150 (24.7 - 29.2%) -- 100% chance to 4HKO
Exeggutor Psychic vs. Bug/Dragon: 102-120 (19.8 - 23.3%) -- possible 5HKO
Exeggutor Double-Edge vs. Bug/Dragon: 140-165 (27.2 - 32.1%) -- guaranteed 4HKO
Jolteon Thunderbolt vs. Bug/Dragon: 48-57 (9.3 - 11.1%) -- possible 9HKO
Cloyster Blizzard vs. Bug/Dragon: 209-246 (40.7 - 47.9%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
Lapras/Jynx Blizzard vs. Bug/Dragon: 224-264 (43.6 - 51.4%) -- 7% chance to 2HKO
Articuno Blizzard vs. Bug/Dragon: 270-318 (52.6 - 61.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Tauros Body Slam vs. Bug/Dragon: 183-216 (35.6 - 42.1%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
Rhydon Earthquake vs. Bug/Dragon: 130-153 (25.3 - 29.8%) -- guaranteed 4HKO
Rhydon Rock Slide vs. Bug/Dragon: 389-458 (75.8 - 89.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Zapdos Thunderbolt vs. Bug/Dragon: 53-63 (10.3 - 12.2%) -- possible 9HKO
Zapdos Drill Peck vs. Bug/Dragon: 323-380 (62.9 - 74%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Bug/Dragon Twineedle (2 hits) vs. Exeggutor: 204-240 (51.9 - 61%) -- approx. 2HKO
Bug/Dragon Twineedle (2 hits) vs. Alakazam: 142-168 (45.3 - 53.6%) -- approx. 36.9% chance to 2HKO
Bug/Dragon Twineedle (2 hits) vs. Starmie: 102-120 (31.5 - 37.1%) -- approx. 78.2% chance to 3HKO
Bug/Dragon Blizzard vs. Jolteon: 92-109 (27.6 - 32.7%) -- guaranteed 4HKO
Bug/Dragon Submission vs. Chansey: 255-300 (36.2 - 42.6%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
Bug/Dragon Blizzard vs. Rhydon: 309-364 (74.8 - 88.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Bug/Dragon Surf vs. Rhydon: 490-576 (118.6 - 139.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO
Bug/Dragon Blizzard vs. Tauros: 123-145 (34.8 - 41%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
Bug/Dragon Submission vs. Snorlax: 122-144 (23.3 - 27.5%) -- 74.5% chance to 4HKO
Bug/Dragon Blizzard vs. Snorlax: 127-150 (24.2 - 28.6%) -- 99.2% chance to 4HKO
Much like Chansey, it would be heavily pressured by physical attackers, while being a good switch-in to Special walls, and would be able to capitalize on its Bug-typing to switch on a predicted Earthquake from Rhydon and threaten it with Surf. Twineedle & Submission (its drawback would be mitigated by high HP and instant recovery) with a modest Attack stat is sufficient to make Special walls sweat, while its high Special would keep it from being a complete sitting duck for everything else despite its lack of strong STAB. It wouldn't be without its downsides, STAB Blizzards would shred CAP where Chansey would be doing fine, and if CAP doesn't get Thunderbolt, then it also struggles to threaten bulky Ice-types like Articuno or Lapras. Additionally, it might lack moves like Sing, Reflect, Thunder Wave or Counter, giving it less utility than Chansey. 4MSS would also plague it, since Twineedle is essential for bullying Alakazam, Starmie and Exeggutor, but is a terrible mono-attack, which means it really wants coverage, which makes it harder to fit utility moves.
Starmie Blizzard vs. Bug/Dragon: 153-180 (29.8 - 35%) -- 16.1% chance to 3HKO
Chansey Ice Beam vs. Bug/Dragon: 127-150 (24.7 - 29.2%) -- 100% chance to 4HKO
Exeggutor Psychic vs. Bug/Dragon: 102-120 (19.8 - 23.3%) -- possible 5HKO
Exeggutor Double-Edge vs. Bug/Dragon: 140-165 (27.2 - 32.1%) -- guaranteed 4HKO
Jolteon Thunderbolt vs. Bug/Dragon: 48-57 (9.3 - 11.1%) -- possible 9HKO
Cloyster Blizzard vs. Bug/Dragon: 209-246 (40.7 - 47.9%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
Lapras/Jynx Blizzard vs. Bug/Dragon: 224-264 (43.6 - 51.4%) -- 7% chance to 2HKO
Articuno Blizzard vs. Bug/Dragon: 270-318 (52.6 - 61.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Tauros Body Slam vs. Bug/Dragon: 183-216 (35.6 - 42.1%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
Rhydon Earthquake vs. Bug/Dragon: 130-153 (25.3 - 29.8%) -- guaranteed 4HKO
Rhydon Rock Slide vs. Bug/Dragon: 389-458 (75.8 - 89.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Zapdos Thunderbolt vs. Bug/Dragon: 53-63 (10.3 - 12.2%) -- possible 9HKO
Zapdos Drill Peck vs. Bug/Dragon: 323-380 (62.9 - 74%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Bug/Dragon Twineedle (2 hits) vs. Exeggutor: 204-240 (51.9 - 61%) -- approx. 2HKO
Bug/Dragon Twineedle (2 hits) vs. Alakazam: 142-168 (45.3 - 53.6%) -- approx. 36.9% chance to 2HKO
Bug/Dragon Twineedle (2 hits) vs. Starmie: 102-120 (31.5 - 37.1%) -- approx. 78.2% chance to 3HKO
Bug/Dragon Blizzard vs. Jolteon: 92-109 (27.6 - 32.7%) -- guaranteed 4HKO
Bug/Dragon Submission vs. Chansey: 255-300 (36.2 - 42.6%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
Bug/Dragon Blizzard vs. Rhydon: 309-364 (74.8 - 88.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Bug/Dragon Surf vs. Rhydon: 490-576 (118.6 - 139.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO
Bug/Dragon Blizzard vs. Tauros: 123-145 (34.8 - 41%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
Bug/Dragon Submission vs. Snorlax: 122-144 (23.3 - 27.5%) -- 74.5% chance to 4HKO
Bug/Dragon Blizzard vs. Snorlax: 127-150 (24.2 - 28.6%) -- 99.2% chance to 4HKO
Much like Chansey, it would be heavily pressured by physical attackers, while being a good switch-in to Special walls, and would be able to capitalize on its Bug-typing to switch on a predicted Earthquake from Rhydon and threaten it with Surf. Twineedle & Submission (its drawback would be mitigated by high HP and instant recovery) with a modest Attack stat is sufficient to make Special walls sweat, while its high Special would keep it from being a complete sitting duck for everything else despite its lack of strong STAB. It wouldn't be without its downsides, STAB Blizzards would shred CAP where Chansey would be doing fine, and if CAP doesn't get Thunderbolt, then it also struggles to threaten bulky Ice-types like Articuno or Lapras. Additionally, it might lack moves like Sing, Reflect, Thunder Wave or Counter, giving it less utility than Chansey. 4MSS would also plague it, since Twineedle is essential for bullying Alakazam, Starmie and Exeggutor, but is a terrible mono-attack, which means it really wants coverage, which makes it harder to fit utility moves.