Pokemon Showdown Quote Database



at least he's nice with it
context: BH

The opposing Dragapult used Entrainment!

[Zamazenta's Magic Bounce]
Zamazenta bounced the Entrainment back!
[The opposing Dragapult's Normalize]
[The opposing Dragapult's Magic Bounce]
The opposing Dragapult acquired Magic Bounce!

Zamazenta used Sticky Web!

[The opposing Dragapult's Magic Bounce]
The opposing Dragapult bounced the Sticky Web back!
A sticky web has been laid out on the ground around your team!
[12:50:38] CaterpieSenpai: Caterpie
[12:51:06] CaterpieBefuddle: 0-0
[12:51:22] CaterpieSenpai: I am the Caterpie senpai
[12:51:32] CaterpieBefuddle: Am Caterpie
[12:51:46] CaterpieSenpai: I am Caterpie
[12:51:59] CaterpieBefuddle: Am Caterpie .-.
[12:52:06] CaterpieBefuddle: (tilts head)
[12:52:52] CaterpieSenpai: I am the better caterpie
[12:52:56] CaterpieSenpai: (slaps you)
[12:53:09] CaterpieBefuddle: (cried)
[12:53:17] CaterpieBefuddle: Why u hurt me :<
[12:54:05] CaterpieSenpai: (Becomes sad)
[12:54:11] CaterpieSenpai: sowwy friend caterpie
[12:54:40] CaterpieBefuddle: Your forgiven
[12:54:46] CaterpieBefuddle: Can we be friemds?
[12:54:53] CaterpieSenpai: Yes my friend
[12:54:55] CaterpieBefuddle: You're*
[12:55:05] CaterpieBefuddle: Yay

[20:55:42] AbsoluteWave: Jeapardy question
[20:55:47] faint: go for it!
[20:55:52] AbsoluteWave: "Ponyta evolves into the Firey Rapidash"
[20:55:59] faint: infernape
[20:56:07] faint: that's not a question?
[20:56:11] AbsoluteWave: no, the answer has to be in the form of a question
[20:56:16] +xzern: who is infernape
[20:56:55] AbsoluteWave: "Ponyta evolves into the Firey Rapidash"
[20:56:59] AbsoluteWave: it's a jeapoardy question
[20:57:05] +xzern: i dotn get it
[20:57:09] faint: you gave us the answer
[20:57:13] faint: there's no question

[20:57:23] AbsoluteWave: JEOPARDY question
[20:57:32] AbsoluteWave: the answer has to be in the form of a question
[20:57:32] faint: so true
[20:57:53] AbsoluteWave: i will say it again
[20:57:58] faint: Answer: Ponyta evolves into the Firey Rapidash?
[20:58:09] AbsoluteWave: Incorrect
[20:58:11] AbsoluteWave: the answer was
[20:58:15] AbsoluteWave: "What is Pokemon?"
[20:58:20] az: huh?
[20:58:25] AbsoluteWave: jeopardy
phoopes why was this unpinned?
A majority of the things said on the simulator aren't really that funny as people provide to much context and it becomes a pain to read. Moreover, smogoff has like 40 pins at one point and it became cluttered and a bother to find threads.
wait weren't these threads unpinned because they'll get naturally bumped, so there isn't any point in keeping them pinned?
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Reactions: Ivy
[17:15:09] PLMMJ: where can i get a moon stone
[17:15:14] @Pujo: which game?
[17:15:29] PLMMJ: HGSS
[17:15:33] Monsteruser: Ur mom
[17:15:44] Monsteruser was warned by Pujo. (not poggers)
[17:16:15] Monsteruser: If u save money in game
[17:16:22] @Pujo: oh damn