Pokemon Showdown Quote Database

[09:38:11] adam3560: every day I cry because I have no sinnoh underground in my life
[09:38:11] adam3560: every day I cry because I have no sinnoh underground in my life
[09:38:11] adam3560: every day I cry because I have no sinnoh underground in my life

Posted March 28th, 2021
What has this world come to.

idk it's a bit messed up isn't it

anw let;s try our best not to think about it and just post ps quotes. heres mine:

[09:38:11] adam3560: every day I cry because I have no sinnoh underground in my life
[13:04:24] +PartMan: Spam is bad, please no do. n.n
(in my pm's)
[13:04:14] +PartMan hugs
[13:04:14] +PartMan hugs
[13:04:14] +PartMan hugs
[13:04:14] +PartMan hugs
[13:04:14] +PartMan hugs
[13:04:14] +PartMan hugs
[13:04:15] +PartMan hugs
[13:04:16] +PartMan hugs
[13:04:16] +PartMan hugs
[13:04:16] +PartMan hugs
[13:04:16] +PartMan hugs
[13:04:16] +PartMan hugs
[13:04:16] +PartMan hugs
[13:04:16] +PartMan hugs
[13:04:17] +PartMan hugs
[13:04:17] +PartMan hugs
[13:04:17] +PartMan hugs
[13:04:17] +PartMan hugs
[13:04:17] +PartMan hugs
[13:04:17] +PartMan hugs
[13:04:17] +PartMan hugs
[13:04:17] +PartMan hugs
[13:04:17] +PartMan hugs
[13:04:17] +PartMan hugs
[13:04:17] +PartMan hugs
[13:04:17] +PartMan hugs
[13:04:17] +PartMan hugs
[13:04:17] +PartMan hugs
[13:04:17] +PartMan hugs
[13:04:18] +PartMan hugs

(lobby talking about pronunciation)
Snom-san └★┘: Drip-alga.
snessy!: Snom-san you want to harness the power of time how about you harness some bitches
Snom-san └★┘: PFFT
Snom-san └★┘: I'm stealing that quote. Thank you.

never posted in a qdb did i do it right (also yes i don't have timestamps turned on i know)
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never posted in a qdb did i do it right (also yes i don't have timestamps turned on i know)
Ye you did it right, you just post quotes you want to be saved forever on the internet. Also i got some here -

[22:04:39] dr should: bruh om just said to me get fucked
[22:04:44] adam3560: lmao
[22:04:46] dr should: and dab on me

[16:59:56] 1 EAST: the g in east stands for good

[10:50:45] +Notater.517: can someone please quote this
[10:51:05] Death2thewest: Can someone please delete all of it
[10:51:06] +Notater.517: [11:43:26] 18typegymleaderuwu: i am uwu, but u can cal me uwu! UwU
[10:51:09] +Notater.517: Death2thewest the logs
ou room driver reading someones zama c post

%mcp3: zama c is a really helpful addition to the tier mainly because of how much it checks and can provide as a knock off absorber idt its broken bc of how much is struggles with defensive mons
mcp3's messages were cleared from OverUsed by mcp3. (Hide 29 lines from mcp3)
[11:47:08] 18ah01: Plague von Karma, global ban me I want to what happen
[11:47:41] ~Plague von Karma: are you having a stroke
[11:47:56] 18ah01: No
[11:48:04] ~Plague von Karma: do i need to call an ambulance
[11:48:15] 18ah01: No
[11:48:27] 18ah01: stop scaring me
[11:48:38] ~Plague von Karma: ok
[11:54:12] 18ah01: May I be a global moderator
[11:54:13] 18ah01: ~Plague von Karma ?
[11:54:18] ~Plague von Karma: no
[11:54:22] 18ah01: Ok

another newgenner arrives on the rby server
[16:23] MioThePokeBreeder: My gosh... I just finished a battle that was EPIC. I tell ya, full 6-on-6, it was hard out and we both did our best. My Sylveon survived a crit from the opposing Umbreon, and I finished it with Twinkle Tackle. Geez, close one.
[16:23] snessy!: is that a copypasta
[16:24] MioThePokeBreeder: No.
[16:24] snessy!: it should be
[16:24] MioThePokeBreeder: I'm not a copypasta.
[16:24] Bj48uh9g8irht: My gosh... I just finished a battle that was EPIC. I tell ya, full 6-on-6, it was hard out and we both did our best. My Sylveon survived a crit from the opposing Umbreon, and I finished it with Twinkle Tackle. Geez, close one.
[16:24] MioThePokeBreeder: NO I'M NOT
[16:24] snessy!: My gosh... I just finished a battle that was EPIC. I tell ya, full 6-on-6, it was hard out and we both did our best. My Sylveon survived a crit from the opposing Umbreon, and I finished it with Twinkle Tackle. Geez, close one.
[16:24] NuggNugg: My gosh... I just finished a battle that was EPIC. I tell ya, full 6-on-6, it was hard out and we both did our best. My Sylveon survived a crit from the opposing Umbreon, and I finished it with Twinkle Tackle. Geez, close one.
[16:24] letm3in: My gosh... I just finished a battle that was EPIC. I tell ya, full 6-on-6, it was hard out and we both did our best. My Sylveon survived a crit from the opposing Umbreon, and I finished it with Twinkle Tackle. Geez, close one.
[16:25] MioThePokeBreeder: ... I'm literally blown. PrivatePoggers, you have NO IDEA what I did.
[16:25] MioThePokeBreeder: EVERYONE STOP IT!!!
[16:27] snessy! was muted by Aulu for 7 minutes. (pasting copypasta)
[16:27] snessy!'s messages were cleared from Lobby by Officer Jenny.
[16:27] letm3in was muted by Aulu for 7 minutes. (pasting copypasta)
[16:27] letm3in's messages were cleared from Lobby by Officer Jenny.
[16:27] SeattleShinyShinx was muted by Aulu for 7 minutes. (pasting copypasta)
[16:27] SeattleShinyShinx's messages were cleared from Lobby by Officer Jenny.
[16:27] NuggNugg was muted by Aulu for 7 minutes. (pasting copypasta)
[16:27] NuggNugg's messages were cleared from Lobby by Officer Jenny.
[16:27] @Aulu: y'all really thought this was a good idea ffs
[16:27] MioThePokeBreeder was muted by Aulu for 7 minutes. (pasting copypasta)
[16:27] MioThePokeBreeder's messages were cleared from Lobby by Officer Jenny.
[16:28] @Aulu: behave
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This guy really likes abomasnow lol

[07:00:59] Actutran: listen here buddy
[07:01:01] Actutran: with a bit of work
[07:01:08] Actutran: Abomasnow could easily be the third weather titan
[07:01:35] +Clone: ok
[07:02:31] Actutran: I like the concept of items buffing pokemon, this increasing their viability.
[07:02:39] Actutran: See: Soul dew, thick club, and light ball.
[07:02:42] Actutran: As well as megastones.
[07:02:55] Actutran: Something like this would suffice https://prnt.sc/11kdjvi
[07:03:01] Actutran: Thoughts?
[07:03:19] +Clone: op af lol
[07:03:34] Actutran: It becomes great.
[07:03:40] Actutran: It might be a bit too much for OU atm
[07:03:44] Actutran: especially since it just got veil.
[07:03:52] Actutran: With max investment it can eat a CB Terrakion CC
[07:03:58] Actutran: After Veil it can take 2
[07:08:26] Actutran: it becomes great, especially in ubers.
[07:08:28] Actutran: it can wall kyogre
[07:08:32] Actutran: taking specs like it's nothing
[07:09:21] Actutran: Threatens both Kyo and Groudon with it's stabs
[07:09:24] Actutran: can ice over the dragons
[07:09:51] Actutran: +1 0 SpA Abomasnow Blizzard vs. 240 HP / 252 SpD Eternatus: 270-320 (56.1 - 66.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after hail damage and Black Sludge recovery
[07:09:59] Actutran: Uninvested blizzard 2 hit ko's spdef eternatus
[07:10:02] Actutran: meant to check specs kyogre
[18:52:22] *Aeonic: emillight
[18:52:29] *Aeonic: I want you to know that this wasn't my decision
[18:52:35] emillight わたしも!: yeah i know
[18:52:39] emillight わたしも!: do it to me baby
[18:52:43] Yuki ♪: oh just for that
[18:52:46] *Aeonic: I did endorse it, but a formal nomination came my way and I couldn't overlook it
[18:52:52] emillight わたしも!: i am aware
[18:52:57] *Aeonic: o7
[18:53:01] emillight わたしも! was promoted to Room ♿ by Aeonic.
[18:53:02] ♿emillight わたしも!: goodbye world
[18:53:03] #Kris: L
[18:53:04] Yuki ♪: :)
[18:53:08] Jakee: FFFFF
[18:53:10] ♿Jayi: YOOOOOOOOOOOOO
[18:53:10] Yuki ♪: L
[18:53:11] @OM~!: rip the emili
[18:53:12] ♿Jayi: NEW WHEELCHAIR
[18:53:14] ♿Jayi: JUST DROPPED
[18:53:19] ♿Jayi: ROLL OUT LADS
[18:53:21] ♿emillight わたしも!: yeah
[18:53:22] Yuki ♪: this had to happen
[18:53:23] ♿emillight わたしも!: roll out lads
[18:52:22] *Aeonic: emillight
[18:52:29] *Aeonic: I want you to know that this wasn't my decision
[18:52:35] emillight わたしも!: yeah i know
[18:52:39] emillight わたしも!: do it to me baby
[18:52:43] Yuki ♪: oh just for that
[18:52:46] *Aeonic: I did endorse it, but a formal nomination came my way and I couldn't overlook it
[18:52:52] emillight わたしも!: i am aware
[18:52:57] *Aeonic: o7
[18:53:01] emillight わたしも! was promoted to Room ♿ by Aeonic.
[18:53:02] ♿emillight わたしも!: goodbye world
[18:53:03] #Kris: L
[18:53:04] Yuki ♪: :)
[18:53:08] Jakee: FFFFF
[18:53:10] ♿Jayi: YOOOOOOOOOOOOO
[18:53:10] Yuki ♪: L
[18:53:11] @OM~!: rip the emili
[18:53:12] ♿Jayi: NEW WHEELCHAIR
[18:53:14] ♿Jayi: JUST DROPPED
[18:53:19] ♿Jayi: ROLL OUT LADS
[18:53:21] ♿emillight わたしも!: yeah
[18:53:22] Yuki ♪: this had to happen
[18:53:23] ♿emillight わたしも!: roll out lads
Do you ever think God Aeonic stays in Heaven away from pub rooms for fear of what he’s created?