Sticky Pokemon Direct - 6th June Discussion - Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon

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While they say it's a different story, I really think that it just takes places a year or two after Sun and Moon, akin to BW2. I mean, the flowers are blooming now and we seem to have a different set of protagonists. Also, I think what people say are totems are actually new exclusive Z-Moves. Here is a rationale for all three.

Lycanroc (potentially just day): Rockruff is the signature Pokémon of Kukui, and it would make sense if they gave its evolved form a Z-move.

Togedemaru: Its a Pikachu clone. Nuff said.

Mimikyu: Probably the most popular alola Pokémon. Not surprised.
Totem Pokemon will be diferent it's clear from the trailer that totem Lycanroc day/night will be in the game.

I'm lost trying to see what's leading people to this conclusion. It's curious that it and Togedemaru are focal points in the trailer, but they look like they could be anything from random wild 'mons to some important trainer's.
I'm lost trying to see what's leading people to this conclusion. It's curious that it and Togedemaru are focal points in the trailer, but they look like they could be anything from random wild 'mons to some important trainer's.
The 4 legged recycled animation that Gumshos uses in S/M is the same just with Lycanroc. I don't know about the others though but that much is clear.
Oh, and on the topic of Pokken (which I didn't mention in my first post), we have Empoleon, Blaziken, AND Decidueye as playable characters.

The people behind this game must really like the bird starters. At the very least, considering:

Team Battle mode – Pick three Pokémon and battle it out to be the first to defeat all your opponent’s Pokémon to win in the new Team Battle mode.

Triple bird anyone?
Cue team skull full story arc? ....

There is the mystery of Team Skull's formation: formed by the followers of Ula' Ula's previous Kahuna. Also what about Plumeria, she's quite mysterious and being she can use Z-Moves there's definitely more to her story.

Lillie to not turn up until right at the end and be the new champion of alola aftering going to kanto o.0

Maybe in this alternate dimension Lillie is the one who escapes with Type: Null and becomes the Skull Enforcer while Gladion takes her place. :P

...Am I the only one who likes the new forms? They're so over the top it's hilarious, and I love them. Also, Lunala be rocking some nice legs.

I like Solgaleo though Lunala looks odd with that giant chest piece.

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Kind of bummed that there's no Pokemon Switch game, but it makes sense that they want to get as much out of the 3DS as possible. Not a fan of the looks of N-Solgaleo or N-Lunala, but I'm sure it will still be a good game. Things I want

1. Horde battles - you could now EV train in minutes with the buff to the Power items
2. Gems - why did they take those away, they were great. Just bring back the Flying gem
3. Tutors - this I'm pretty sure will be back. Give Necrozma Signal Beam and Bewear Drain Punch
4. Buff Silvally. Hell Just giving this thing Earthquake would drastically improve it
5. Better postgame. Sun & Moon's was bad (although not as bad as X&Y's). HG/SS had the best postgame, with BW2s coming a close second.
6. A Bigger Pokedex.

1. Speaking of which, also revamp SOS Battles. Wild Pokemon are way too quick to call for allies.
2. Actually, Siggu, the Gems WERE nerfed. From 50% down to 30% in Gen VI (and they added the Fairy Gem). However I guess they either decided it was better to not release them or release them for an event (which they never did). Would like them back too, like you nerfed them so at least see how the nerf effects the metagame (you can always blacklist them for Tournaments like they did for the Soul Dew).
4. Buff, no. More moves? Very likely, especially with Tutors.
5. I'm actually more curious what they may do main game. Remember, we have those suspicious empty lots all over the place and Kukui is making a Pokemon League, maybe in this alternate dimension he got a head start and they might now have Gyms?
6. Eh, the Pokedex fine, the distribution was TERRIBLE. Sure, add in a few more Pokemon, but above all else fix the distribution so I'm not running into Yungoos and Wingull family all over the place.

Didn't anyone else get the feeling that Mimikyu and Lycanroc were using some sort of a new (exclusive) Z-move in the trailer?

Ooh, good point! I was wondering what those were about.

I gotta say I'm slightly worried about all the negativity I've seen for these sequels outside of pokemon fan forums, the genreal gaming public (the occidental one at least) seems very upset that the 3DS is getting new games

yes that's incredibly stupid, yet they certainly want the system to be abandoned in favor off the Switch and are very upset about the sequels not being for it

makes me wonder if their sales performance won't be that good outside of japan :<

Oh people will complain, but at the same time they'll still buy the games (I mean I'm sure a lot of people still have their 3DS).

This sort of seems unlikely. The references and links to Gen 5 are quite clear, them being follow up games just like the 5th generation and apparent fusions. While this is a possibility, I feel that it's quite unlikely as they seem to be invoking some sort of Gen 5 feeling. The Necrozma-S and Necrozma-L both look like fusions, which is another link to Gen 5, so I just feel like it would be more likely for them to go down a fusion route. That said, I just quite easily be wrong, I was wrong about quite a few things during the SuMo speculation (sorry TheMantyke lol). Also, since Cosmog was present within SuMo and it wasn't corrupted (this feels like a nice word to use to describe what you're saying), wouldn't that mean the process of corruption would have to take a long time. It's mentioned within Necrozma's PokeDex entry that it came from "ancient times", and I don't think US/UM would take place so far in to the future.

Well they'd use the Z-Ring to force the "corruption", much like how giving the Red/Bue Orb to Groudon/Kyogre forces them to go through Primal Reversion.

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Oh man, thanks for reminding me that we might get more Colress story! I always thought it was weird that they gave him a makeover for one random cameo.

I always thought both Colress and Grimsley were abandoned story ideas: Colress originally being a member of the Aether Foundation while Grimsley might have intentionally been intended to be Ula' Ula's Kahuna due to some similarities between him and Nanu. Maybe with this being an alternate dimension they'll go do those ideas.
Where are people getting this idea that these games are in an alternate dimension instead of sequels? The "alternate storyline" just suggests to me that it's not just an enhanced version of the same story (think third versions), but is a different story a la BW2.
Story continuation, spliced legendaries, this has gen V all over it.

What're we calling the Necrozma hybrids, Necrogaleo and Lunacrozma?

Interesting how Necrozma is more like an UB with the parasitic behavior a la Nihilego.


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Well we don't know what's going on. Are they fusing with Necrozma? Let's think about this, maybe they didn't fuse but rather are going through the same process that Necrozma did when it arrived to the normal Pokeverse. What if the Necrozma we see isn't the true Necrozma but rather a form it had gone through upon entering our world and getting trapped in it (without a source of Ultra Energy to absorb from)? Like Primal Reversion, if they go this route maybe Solgaleo and Lunala and go through the same process, growing obsidian body parts. Also there could be a way to unleash the true/modified form of Necrozma, like how Rayquaza just got a normal Mega Evolution while Groudon & Kyogre got Primal Reversions.

Like I said in my previous post, this 'fusion' ( which really isn't a fusion in the literal sense of the word, I think ) is basically Necrozma's ability in action. The relationshiop between Necrozma and Lunala/Solgaleo seems to be fundamentally different from that of Kyurem and Reshiram/Zekrom. The former is more akin to a commensal relationship (an interaction in which one benefits from the relationship without causing benefit or harm to the other)--if my assumptions are true anyways, whereas the former is really hard to classify imo.
can the Switch even link to a 3DS
Totally off-topic, but to answer your question: yes. There's an upcoming port of Monter Hunter Double Cross coming to the Switch and online crossplay with the 3DS version is 100% possible. This is probably why so many people are upset this is a 3DS exclusive--it could have been very easily ported to the Switch as well. And honestly, it might still be; I'm not throwing that possibility out of the window just yet.

There is the mystery of Team Skull's formation: formed by the followers of Ula' Ula's previous Kahuna. Also what about Plumeria, she's quite mysterious and being she can use Z-Moves there's definitely more to her story.

Maybe in this alternate dimension Lillie is the one who escapes with Type: Null and becomes the Skull Enforcer while Gladion takes her place. :P

I like Solgaleo though Lunala looks odd with that giant chest piece.

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1. Speaking of which, also revamp SOS Battles. Wild Pokemon are way too quick to call for allies.
2. Actually, Siggu, the Gems WERE nerfed. From 50% down to 30% in Gen VI (and they added the Fairy Gem). However I guess they either decided it was better to not release them or release them for an event (which they never did). Would like them back too, like you nerfed them so at least see how the nerf effects the metagame (you can always blacklist them for Tournaments like they did for the Soul Dew).
4. Buff, no. More moves? Very likely, especially with Tutors.
5. I'm actually more curious what they may do main game. Remember, we have those suspicious empty lots all over the place and Kukui is making a Pokemon League, maybe in this alternate dimension he got a head start and they might now have Gyms?
6. Eh, the Pokedex fine, the distribution was TERRIBLE. Sure, add in a few more Pokemon, but above all else fix the distribution so I'm not running into Yungoos and Wingull family all over the place.

Ooh, good point! I was wondering what those were about.

Oh people will complain, but at the same time they'll still buy the games (I mean I'm sure a lot of people still have their 3DS).

Well they'd use the Z-Ring to force the "corruption", much like how giving the Red/Bue Orb to Groudon/Kyogre forces them to go through Primal Reversion.

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I always thought both Colress and Grimsley were abandoned story ideas: Colress originally being a member of the Aether Foundation while Grimsley might have intentionally been intended to be Ula' Ula's Kahuna due to some similarities between him and Nanu. Maybe with this being an alternate dimension they'll go do those ideas.

When i first made the comment about Team Skull I'd completely forgotten about the dissolving of Skull (shows how long since I picked up the game,) but defo an arc for Plumeria would be interesting. I'm inclined to agree with the view that Reviloja753 made a bit earlier and that it won't be an alternate universe. I think that if we have an alternate universe though Kukui might not be the professor and he is wholly his battling alter ego (name eludes me) and we will have more of Hala or something a bit left field like that.

Someone also suggested Aether being the new Battle Tree/ Factory / Battlefront (ADrive?) which would be an interesting concept, but to go back to alola again when it is wholly based on four islands is very brave because there's very little to develop upon as we explored so much of it. Maybe Ula Ula and Poni as I found both islands generally quite bland and (more so Poni) that the back half of ula ula and most of Poni are empty so chances there; as much as they have the battle tree and league, so might be opportunities to develop there but I'm worried the first couple hours of the game are gonna be a real drag due to how stacked up the whole Alola experience is in the first two islands it'll be difficult to change much, especially if they keep the same amount of hand holding gameplay through the beginning. Just a couple thoughts xD
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What're we calling the Necrozma hybrids, Necrogaleo and Lunacrozma?
I'm guessing the official names will be ether Necrozma-Sun and Necrozma-Moon, or Solgaleo-Ultra and Lunala-Ultra. I'm guessing the latter. These names are a pretty safe guess after Black 2 and White 2 had Kyurem-Black and Kyurem-White respectively.

...Am I the only one who likes the new forms?
No, they're awesome! (Disclaimer: I may be a sucker for this kind of design...)

It's hard to choose which one I like more, but I'm thinking I like Lunala-U more. Even if its awesome chest piece is over sized, which I don't think it is, it makes the even more awesome Necrozma arms work with the design. Solgaleo-U's "Antennas" sticking out downward from Lunala-U's back is are also nice to see so I know it will look good from the back too. As for Solgaleo-U, the arms are in a weird place, but other than that, flawless. The back of the mane being black is a very nice touch.
Oh, and on the topic of Pokken (which I didn't mention in my first post), we have Empoleon, Blaziken, AND Decidueye as playable characters.

Triple bird anyone?

BirdSPAM just hit Pokken.

GS on Virtual Console is gonna be great. Water Absorb Suicune, Flash Fire Entei, and Volt Absorb Raikou will finally be legal. They won't have Extreme Speed which sucks for Entei, but they get legitimately better abilities than Pressure. Also, Cune can go with Curse or CM on a tank set, so have fun with that.

Prediction time:
Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon will have Alola Formes for GS origin Pokemon.
More Ultra Beasts will be released.
More Mega Stones will be released, and Mega Evolution will also be a major facet of US/UM rather than Last Gen's "Thing."
Ya Boy Guzma will return.
BirdSPAM just hit Pokken.

GS on Virtual Console is gonna be great. Water Absorb Suicune, Flash Fire Entei, and Volt Absorb Raikou will finally be legal. They won't have Extreme Speed which sucks for Entei, but they get legitimately better abilities than Pressure. Also, Cune can go with Curse or CM on a tank set, so have fun with that.

Prediction time:
Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon will have Alola Formes for GS origin Pokemon.
More Ultra Beasts will be released.
More Mega Stones will be released, and Mega Evolution will also be a major facet of US/UM rather than Last Gen's "Thing."
Ya Boy Guzma will return.
Sadly the hidden abilities for the trio were changed to inner focus :/.

To keep this from being a one liner I'd be down for an Alolan slugma line and other (really bad) johto mons getting a revamp.
Those astral projections of (Necrozma?) are damn awesome. The vocal minority complains every time a game comes out and isn't a common fan request. As a Smogonite, I'd prefer to ignore the salt if possible.

Is Decidueye confirmed to be the only Alola-native Pokémon in Pokkén DX until DLC or something? The boxart does not show anyone new besides the stealthy owl and the former arcade-exclusive characters: Empoleon, Croagunk, Darkrai, and Scizor. We just need a playable Rock-type, and Lycanroc Midnight seems to be getting a lot of publicity in recent merch...
The 4 legged recycled animation that Gumshos uses in S/M is the same just with Lycanroc. I don't know about the others though but that much is clear.

After watching the trailer again, it does look like we're in the middle of cutscene and not just watching a Z-Move being performed. Z-Move backgrounds are usually more generic, and I could clearly see we were in some sort of mountain or canyon. Seeing the resemblance to Gumshoos' animation and how fittingly Lycanroc day/night would replace the Gumshoos/Alolan Raticate pair does make me think it's more likely they're new totem pokémon indeed.

Implications are huge. If we get Rockium-Z by defeating Totem Lycanroc, that means no Olivia, and thus different Kahunas and E4 members!

Also, I've just realized that last Saturday I completed 10 years on Smogon! Hope I'll be around for the next ten years, as we enjoy Gen IX/X :)
Like I said in my previous post, this 'fusion' ( which really isn't a fusion in the literal sense of the word, I think ) is basically Necrozma's ability in action. The relationshiop between Necrozma and Lunala/Solgaleo seems to be fundamentally different from that of Kyurem and Reshiram/Zekrom. The former is more akin to a commensal relationship (an interaction in which one benefits from the relationship without causing benefit or harm to the other)--if my assumptions are true anyways, whereas the former is really hard to classify imo.

The Kyurem fusion looks more like an actual fusion (or even corruption) where both physically become the same being, whereas the Necrozma fusion seems more like a symbiosis where both Pokemon still retain their own mind, features, and desires. Provided of course Necrozma was not mis-classified as a Pokemon and is actually an Ultra Beast, which would be more interesting.
BirdSPAM just hit Pokken.

GS on Virtual Console is gonna be great. Water Absorb Suicune, Flash Fire Entei, and Volt Absorb Raikou will finally be legal. They won't have Extreme Speed which sucks for Entei, but they get legitimately better abilities than Pressure. Also, Cune can go with Curse or CM on a tank set, so have fun with that.

Prediction time:
Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon will have Alola Formes for GS origin Pokemon.
More Ultra Beasts will be released.
More Mega Stones will be released, and Mega Evolution will also be a major facet of US/UM rather than Last Gen's "Thing."
Ya Boy Guzma will return.

Junichi Masuda said that they abandoned Mega Evolution because they didn't like how it was limited to a handful of Pokemon. Z moves allowed them to add a power up mechanic to everything. So I don't know if I see new Megas ever happening. If they're not bringing it back, they definitely need to rework the concept at some point though.

I definitely agree that we can probably expect new Alolan forms of Johto Pokemon with the VC release, the anniversary and their current push in Pokemon Go. Especially those that weren't in Sun or Moon (and don't already have Megas). I'd probably put money on Natu, Hoppip, Aipom, Sunkern, Yanma, Girafarig, Qwilfish, Shuckle, Slugma, Remoraid, Mantine and Phanpy as good candidates. Bellossom too, if you want to count her.

As for Ultra Beasts, I'd probably bet on new forms as opposed to completely new ones. Gamefreak's pretty allergic to adding new Pokedex numbers mid-generation.
I'd probably put money on Natu, Hoppip, Aipom, Sunkern, Yanma, Girafarig, Qwilfish, Shuckle, Slugma, Remoraid, Mantine and Phanpy as good candidates. Bellossom too, if you want to count her.

If any Johto Pokemon were to get Alolan formes, I would severely doubt that Aipom and Yanmega would be among them. Because what the hell do you do with Ambipom and Yanmega? They never gave Alolan formes to something that got a cross-gen evolution (this is why we never saw Alolan Rhyhorn or Alolan Tangela lines most likely).
Junichi Masuda said that they abandoned Mega Evolution because they didn't like how it was limited to a handful of Pokemon. Z moves allowed them to add a power up mechanic to everything. So I don't know if I see new Megas ever happening. If they're not bringing it back, they definitely need to rework the concept at some point though.

I definitely agree that we can probably expect new Alolan forms of Johto Pokemon with the VC release, the anniversary and their current push in Pokemon Go. Especially those that weren't in Sun or Moon (and don't already have Megas). I'd probably put money on Natu, Hoppip, Aipom, Sunkern, Yanma, Girafarig, Qwilfish, Shuckle, Slugma, Remoraid, Mantine and Phanpy as good candidates. Bellossom too, if you want to count her.

As for Ultra Beasts, I'd probably bet on new forms as opposed to completely new ones. Gamefreak's pretty allergic to adding new Pokedex numbers mid-generation.

Have to agree on the mega front, as much as I would love to see so many more get mega's either way you're gonna cripple the game (more meaning the incredibles syndrome, and leaving it has fans upset cos their favourite mons didn't get megas,) so better just to abandon it entirely until you get an opportunity to rework the mechanic as a whole.

Johto Alolan forms would be a really good addition, perhaps, throwing an option out there, all the mons who gained stat boosts at the start of gen 7 might be in the line for an alolan form, e.g mantine being brought back as a viable mon with its buffs and then switch the typing slightly so it doesn't get decimated by electric types so we get a less common mon from generations past to become a top tier support mon. Just a suggestion as always.

Ultra beasts I think is too early to call, we might get maybe one or two new ones, but only in either an event format or as something akin to the delta episode as GF has expended all of its event mons from SuMo so I'd expect at least one or two event only mons to promote next years movie (after the reboot I don't see magearna coming back) but again the likelihood of such a move would be unprecedented with GF's track record on such things and not adding more mons to a dex mid generations, again just suggestions
Junichi Masuda said that they abandoned Mega Evolution because they didn't like how it was limited to a handful of Pokemon. Z moves allowed them to add a power up mechanic to everything. So I don't know if I see new Megas ever happening. If they're not bringing it back, they definitely need to rework the concept at some point though.

*Does a long, loud sigh*

... Look, I get you want to include as many Pokemon as possible with the major mechanics. I commend that the base Z-Crystals do that and do it nicely. But, here's the thing: In competitive or even the main game/post game, why would I waste my only single use Z-Crystal on a pre-evolution when I could use it on a fully evolved Pokemon? Infact, why would I be using a pre-evolution AT ALL if I wasn't doing a specific strategy that usually only a few pre-evos are able to do (Eviolite and exclusive Z-Moves).
Actually let's talk about the exclusive Z-Moves. Sure, you got Pikachu and Eevee showing prevos can have their own Z-Moves (though a lot of exclusive Z-Move I notice are for fully evolved Pokemon, hmm). Question: How many pre-evos are there that it's worth giving them their own exclusive Z-Move? And remember, this Z-Move has to do something different than just damage otherwise its evolution with a normal Z-Move would probably still do more damage.

The thing about Mega Evolution is that it felt like the next step in the Pokemon's evolution. The Pokemon reaching an ideal state, unleashing hidden power and given stat boosts to match (plus maybe a Type and Ability change to further empower it). Yeah, only Final stages can have it, but those are pretty much the only Pokemon who need it. The Pokemon you're going to use the most in competitive, the Pokemon you're aiming to get in the main game. Sure, with Z-Moves you can use it no matter what stage the Pokemon is at, but that in a way lessens its effect. When a Pokemon reaches its final stage that's pretty much the end of it, aside from leveling up there's no more power boosts. But if a Pokemon has a Mega Evolution, a super form only accessible in battle, it makes it feel the Pokemon always has a higher place it can go to, though it needs to give up its holding item to do so. A Z-Move may be able to OHKO a Pokemon, but a Mega Evo has a potential to stay in the battle to wall or sweep.
As for Ultra Beasts, I'd probably bet on new forms as opposed to completely new ones. Gamefreak's pretty allergic to adding new Pokedex numbers mid-generation.

Friends, allow me to present you pretty compelling reasons as to why people thinking like this are wrong. And show you why it's like 99% certain that the pokedex WILL get increased mid-gen in gen VII.

1) They've already revealed every single piece of event mon/item in SM (technically not Marshadow's Z-Crystal, but that's coming in a couple days on Corocoro's leak, as they've already hinted at it).

2) The anime plotline is still on the very beginning. Ash is only going to reach the second island next week. Even though I think the pace will finally speed up from now on, there are still 6 Trials, 3 Kahunas, lots of Skull/Aether shenanigans to go through, which will easily take a year and a half, if not two, depending on how long they want gen VII to be.

3) Thus there is at the very least one more movie in Gen Vii.

4) This year's move is all about Gen I. When SM first leaked back in early November I was sure that Pikachu with a hat would be the event mon related to the movie. But no, they made a point of throwing in Marshadow. Let me stress that they had every excuse to not do anything like that. In a movie that revolves around nostalgia, they could perfectly use Pikachu with a hat, Mew+Mewnium-Z, even some sort of Ho-oh with an exclusive move, hidden ability, shiny, whatever, but again, they couldn't keep themselves from adding Marshadow. They had every single excuse for saving it for next year's movie, and yet didn't.

With that in mind can anyone tell me they honestly believe it's likely there won't be a new event legendary for next year's movie?

Thus we are GUARANTEED TO GET AT THE VERY LEAST POKEDEX ENTRY #803 IN USUM. Which breaks precedent, but isn't essentially different from adding Cosplay Pikachu when it comes to intragen compatibility. There will be some limitations, but we know how they're handled.

Apart from event legendary #803, maybe 804, I think brand new UBs are plausible (which is sad for me, for I hate the concept), as well as Alola forms for Johto mons (which don't count as new mons).

I don't see them adding brand new mons left and right, but as argued, one, possibly two new event legendaries are a given, which opens the door for a couple more, like some new UBs.
So they released news on the next main game, huh? Well this is interesting. Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon...which seem to be either continuations or prequels or something related to the storyline of Sun and Moon (probably sequels a la BW2 to BW1, but we'll see). The box Pokemon appear to be reminiscent of Solgaleo and Lunala with Necrozma integrated into them, though we've yet to see whether they're forms of Necrozma or forms of Solgaleo/Lunala, though it seems to be a fusion similar to Kyurem fusing with Reshiram/Zekrom.

Perhaps Ultra Beasts will play a larger role in the story of USun/UMoon, based on the name. Perhaps we'll see more of how Ultra Space and the beasts and Solgaleo/Lunala/Necrozma are all tied to one another. This is looking to be very interesting to see.

We might see Johto Alolan forms based on the VC Gold/Silver, though whether we get them or which Johto mons will have them has yet to be seen.

Either way, we've yet to see more of USUM, but I'm excited for them for sure, given Sun and Moon have been the most fun Pokemon games I've played since BW and BW2, so it'll be interesting to see what comes of them in the months coming in.
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