What's even worse is that Game Freak thought it would be hilarious to slap Brightpowder on every Battle Tower Pokemon =/
This was actually the third time in one day I was completely haxxed out of a streak.
It was actually worse in DP, 48 of the 650 (7.38%) pokemon you'll see after battle 21 have BP to only 35 of 650 in PTHGSS. That said, Lax Incense is more represented, up from 2 of 650 in DP to a significant 25 of 650 in PTHGSS. This difference does not quite even things out mathematically, since we'd need 28 Lax Incense pokes in PTHGSS to counteract the 10% vs 5% evasion chance, but I'm already discounting the 1-350 pokemon that you not only can sometimes see post battle 21 but can still annoy you from the very beginning.
For posterity, PTHGSS has 40 BP pokes and 35 LI pokes to DP's 57 BP and 35 LI, so I guess it's funny that there's an equal number of LI pokemon but 18 more "when it matters" from DP to PTHGSS. And as I noted in my PT database post, there's 42 Evasion in the PT BF vs. 73 in DP BT. Drapion doesn't really care though, +Accuracy is so awesome...