Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

And I won 190 battles, 191st was Lickilicky :((


Garchomp, Jolly @ Focus Sash
EV's: 252 Attack/ 252 Speed/ 4 HP
Moves: Outrage, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Swords Dance

GTS Number: 37-83435-50018
Maybe you could run Choice Band instead of Focus Sash when you're going to fight Lickilicky. Does Garchomp get OHKOd by any of its attacks. Sorry if this suggestion sounds silly, I haven't done much Battle Frontier.
I'm finally getting registering for this site out of the way so I can post that I ended with a 34 streak in HG Battle Factory Level 50.
Most of the time I don't end up past the first 7 battles, so I'd have to say luck was on my side, even when I lost.
I did the full 35 trades due to that "rumor" (I haven't read that it was true yet) that it increases your chances of finding high ranking and higher IV rentals. Is it actually true?
I'm new to competitive Pokemon so I'd like some tips or criticism in the future.
It's partially the reason why I switched from Garchomp to Scizor, yet I'm still thinking about Dusknoir. Scizor has been holding up his own fairly well, though.

I had some luck with a WoW/Shadow Punch/Rest/Protect Dusknoir, though Protect is of limited use and I'm owned by normal types. I wasn't planning on going far with it, as it was just a pokemon from my doubles team I stuck in the hall to increase my total wins, but it surprised the heck out of me by getting 181 wins before I lost. :D Please note: Any normal type named Porygon, Porygon2, or Porygon-Z will destroy you and teabag your corpse screaming "N00b!1!1!!!!11?" ...Perchance use some foresight (as I did not) and create more than one Dusknoir, or at least one that is not completely walled by any normal special attacker. Also, fuck houndoom.
HeartGold+Platinum, Battle Factory, Multi-Battle Link Battles Streak: 31

So my friend Jeff and I are always playing Battle Factory, and just today decided we should try the Multi Battles since we have two games and two DSs now. I also just noticed that there is no record for this format yet. I hope we set the bar at a reasonable level.

Basically, the same basic structure of 7 battles per round are in effect. At the start of each new round, both players may chose 2 out of 6 rental Pokemon. Once chosen, both players team up for 4v4 Double Battles, 2 Pokemon Each.

We ended up losing on Round 5, Battle 4 (32nd Battle). Our team was...

My Pokemon:

Latios 3
Nature: Timid
Item: BrightPowder
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 SpA, 252 Spe
~ Psychic
~ Thunderbolt
~ Ice Beam
~ Energy Ball

Heatran 2
Nature: Adamant
Item: Quick Claw
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 HP, 252 Atk
~ Iron Head
~ Stone Edge
~ Crunch
~ Earthquake

Jeff's Pokemon:

Floatzel 4
Nature: Adamant
Item: Razor Claw
Ability: Swift Swim
EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Spe
~ Aqua Tail
~ Ice Fang
~ Crunch
~ Brick Break

Regice 1
Item: Lum Berry
Ability: Clear Body
EVs: 252 SpA, 252 SpD
~ Ice Beam
~ Signal Beam
~ Charge Beam
~ Amnesia

We decided to switch out our Lickylicky for that Floatzel since through Damage Calculator, we knew it had Brick Break, and we were informed the opponent was good with the Dark type. Since I had Latios first, we figured it was worth taking a very fast Brick Breaker incase Latios would have trouble with some powerful Dark types like Weavile, Drapion, Tyranitar, Umbreon or, god forbid, any combination of those.

And away we go!

We both open up with Latios and Floatzel. We then witness one of the most dangerous teams either of us has seen in Factory. Tyranitar and Registeel! After much speculation, debate and clicking around the damage calculator, we decide it is likely in our best interest to try and eliminate Tyranitar right off the bat. Latios' Energy Ball can dish out 40-50% and Floatzel's Aqua Tail can deal 45-55%. We go for it and hope for the best.
- Latios's Energy Ball deals about 40% to Tyranitar.
- Floatzel hits Tyranitar next with Aqua Tail and somehow manages to finish him off!
- Registeel uses Curse and then it hits me that this is Registeel 4, one of the strongest and most difficult to beat Pokemon in Factory.
- Both Latios and Floatzel are hurt by Tyranitar's Sandstorm.

Next, the opponents send out Snorlax. From here, we decide that it may be in our best interest to rid of Snorlax right away, putting us a 2v1 for the rest of the match. If one of the two trainers is out of Pokemon, the other battles alone, and this also applies for the two opponents.
- Latios attacks with Psychic, for about 20% damage to Snorlax.
- Floatzel attacks with Brick Break for about 60%, leaving him fairly low on health.
- The Snorlax retaliates on Floatzel by taking him down with a STAB Return.
- Registeel taunts us again by using Curse. Now we believe we may be in serious trouble.

After some serious deliberation, we decide to simply finish off the Snorlax and focus all of our efforts on Registeel right after that. We send out Regice alongside Latios.
- Latios begins with a Thunderbolt to Registeel, dealing less than 1/5 of his health.
- Regice finishes off Snorlax with Ice Beam
- Registeel then proceeds to absolutely demolish Regice with Hammer Arm. After two Curses, it's not much of a surprise.

Now that one trainer opponent has no pokemon left, and Jeff left without Regice, it comes down to the opponent's Registeel and one unknown Pokemon (we figure it's Dark type, since the only other we've seen so far is Tyranitar, and we were told at least 2 Dark types in the "research" on the opponent's pokemon), against my Latios and Heatran right behind him.
- We decide to keep Latios in against Registeel for three reasons. One, Latios's special attacks are not weakened by Curse, two, Heatran immidiately dies to Registeel's Earthquake or Hammer Arm, and three, if the last pokemon is Dark, then Heatran has a better chance of beating it than Latios does. So, Latios hits Registeel with Thunderbolt. It deals a pitiful 15% damage.
- Registeel Curses for a third time.

Now it's looking pretty grim. Thunderbolt could not deal the kind of damage that we needed to defeat the Registeel in a timely manner, but here's hoping for Critical hits.
- Latios hits with thunderbolt again, putting Registeel just below half health.
- Registeel hits with Iron Head for some massive +3 Attack Stages, STAB beats. Latios faints, and Registeel recovers some of it's health with Shell Bell.

I throw out Heatran and hope for the best at this point.
- Heatran attacks with Earthquake, barely putting a dent in Registeel at this point.
- Registeel finishes off out team with an Earthquake.

Overall, very close matches, especially this far in. One of the more exciting Frontier formats i've played, and two heads are definitely better than one in the Factory. Turns out, according to the Battle Video, that the last Pokemon was Absol, lol. Not really the Weavile or Umbreon we were expecting.


I did the full 35 trades due to that "rumor" (I haven't read that it was true yet) that it increases your chances of finding high ranking and higher IV rentals. Is it actually true?
i would like to know this as well, but the factory can be such a bitch it just pisses me off
Fucking fantastic, I get haxed down to just my Toxicroak against a Machamp and Gallade. Toxicroak's Sucker Punch misses twice, and Machamp just uses Counter over and over again. I manage to kill the Gallade, then can kill Machamp next turn, but I guess the AI magically knew I'd kill Gallade because Machamp switched to Earthquake.

I had some luck with a WoW/Shadow Punch/Rest/Protect Dusknoir, though Protect is of limited use and I'm owned by normal types. I wasn't planning on going far with it, as it was just a pokemon from my doubles team I stuck in the hall to increase my total wins, but it surprised the heck out of me by getting 181 wins before I lost. :D Please note: Any normal type named Porygon, Porygon2, or Porygon-Z will destroy you and teabag your corpse screaming "N00b!1!1!!!!11?" ...Perchance use some foresight (as I did not) and create more than one Dusknoir, or at least one that is not completely walled by any normal special attacker. Also, fuck houndoom.

lol that's true, I ended up going back to a speedy Kingdra with powerful attacks ( in my post it shows the stats ) as my final 3 for battle tower.
I did the full 35 trades due to that "rumor" (I haven't read that it was true yet) that it increases your chances of finding high ranking and higher IV rentals. Is it actually true?

From all of my Factory playing, this seems to be true to some degree. By trading every battle (or extremely often), by Round 3, you will often receive Pokemon 700 rank and above. By Round 4, if traded every battle, you will often receive a legendary of some kind. By Round 5 if you traded often, you can receive essentially any Pokemon, and you will usually receive one or two extremely high ranked such as Latios or Cresselia.

I will start tracking and keeping a logging details of the pokemon that appear to try and create a solid understanding of how the trading frequency affects the ranks of the opponents pokemon as well as the pokemon you receive in the initial 6.
lol that's true, I ended up going back to a speedy Kingdra with powerful attacks ( in my post it shows the stats ) as my final 3 for battle tower.

Stalling just never works for me, sadly. Sweepers are generally the best for the Battle Hall, from my experiences. I've had little luck with anything else, though, admittedly, I'm not very thrilled by the Hall as much as I am by the tower or arcade, but it's acceptable if I can just OHKO everything.
From all of my Factory playing, this seems to be true to some degree. By trading every battle (or extremely often), by Round 3, you will often receive Pokemon 700 rank and above. By Round 4, if traded every battle, you will often receive a legendary of some kind. By Round 5 if you traded often, you can receive essentially any Pokemon, and you will usually receive one or two extremely high ranked such as Latios or Cresselia.

I will start tracking and keeping a logging details of the pokemon that appear to try and create a solid understanding of how the trading frequency affects the ranks of the opponents pokemon as well as the pokemon you receive in the initial 6.

I believe trading only actually influences IVs, I've gotten the same pokemon after rounds 28+ even without trading, though I noticed a significant power difference when I traded. So, yeah, IVs. Maybe.
Had to redo this post because I accidentally uploaded the picture and couldn't get rid of it, and it was HUMONGOUS and barely fit on the page, so instead I'll just post a URL of the picture verifying my record:
And here's the post:

Well, I beat my previous record but fell two short to 100.

Pokemon Platinum Doubles Arcade Record - 98

Lead #1:
252 Sp. Att / 252 Speed / 4 Hp
-Draco Meteor
-Dragon Pulse

Lead #2:
Clear Body
172 Hp / 252 Att / 84 Speed
-Meteor Mash
-Bullet Punch

These were my two leads, and I honestly can't see anything wrong with them because they pair so well together - One's physical, one's special, they're both immune to intimidate, one's very fast and bulky for a fast pokemon while the other is very bulky and fast for a bulky pokemon. These two just attack all-out and usually they can take care of anything. Draco Meteor is reserved for if I really need to take out anything in particular, and it can even OHKO frailer pokemon like charizard or sceptile. Bullet Punch is simply invaluable, and while the lack of thunderpunch means it can be walled, I really don't care because of Bullet Punch's importance and because Latios has thunderbolt. Explosion is definitely the most useful move because even though I don't have any ghosts, after taking out one opposing pokemon, I can simply explode and take out the last two, assuming neither of them are rock/steel/ghost types.

The EV's on Latios are straightforward, while on Metagross I max attack obviously, and give it 84 speed to reach 101, outspeeding the many pokemon sitting at 100. The rest go into Hp.

Water Absorb
140 Hp / 252 Def / 116 Sp. Def
-Ice Beam

To balance out this team, I put in vaporeon here as a defensive stall pokemon, and it's worked great. The last three moves are self-explanatory, and while Ice Beam might seem odd over surf, since I already have surf on Latios and because Ice Beam hits those annoying Grass/Poisions supereffectively and also deals a lot to dragons that Latios can't deal with, it seemed like a better choice. 140 Hp gets Vaporeon to 223 Hp, 1 before a multiple of 16 so that it will take minimum damage from weather effects and toxic/burn damage. Maxed defense, of course, and the rest go into sp. def.

Vaporeon vs. Milotic:
I knew that I needed a bulky water in the last spot, and the first thing I thought of was vaporeon, probably because it's OU and so it's more in the front of my mind. However, once I had already obtained my Vaporeon, I unfortunately realized that Milotic would probably actually be a slightly better choice. However, I don't know for sure so here are the Pros and Cons of each:

+Higher Special Attack and Hp
+Water Absorb goes nicely with Surf and helps against opposing water types
+Wish is sometimes more useful than Recover (Ex: if I know I can kill an opponent with my teammate, I can wish so that the next turn when the final pokemon comes out I will have a wish waiting in the wings)
+Less damage from Grass Knot
-Wish is sometimes less useful than Recover (Ex: if I'm against two pokemon and one of them is faster and the other is slower, immediate recovery can help me to survive)
-Less overall defenses since I'm not maxing Hp.

+Higher Defense, Sp. Defense, and Speed
+Marvel Scale helps a lot with the random status of the Arcade panels.
+Better overall defenses than Vaporeon because on Vaporeon I don't max the Hp
-No Water Absorb
-More Damage from Grass Knot

Overall, I think that Milotic would have been more useful, but whatever. In the match when I lost, the CPU haxed enough so that it wouldn't have mattered whether I had Milotic and Vaporeon.

Here's the stupid match that I lost (I had landed on a freeze panel, although that really wasn't one of the reasons that I lost):

Frozen Latios + Metagross vs. Jynx + Slowking:
Latios is Frozen Solid!
Jynx used Blizzard!
Latios Fainted!
Metagross used Meteor Mash!
Jynx Fainted!
Slowking used Signal Beam!

At the end of the turn, it's 2-2, but I have a vaporeon and a 40% health metagross against two full health pokemon - a typhlosion and a slowking. The first turn was where I made my crucial error: had I used explosion with metagross, I would have taken out both enemies and then have a 1v1, vaporeon vs. typhlosion, which is easily winnable. Instead, I used Meteor Mash and this is what resulted:

Typlosion used Flare Blitz!
Metagross Fainted!
Vaporeon used Toxic!
But it missed!
Slowking used Focus Blast!
But it missed!

This is where the hax started to kick in. Had toxic hit, I would have won, even if focus blast had hit as well. Instead, I was forced to leave vaporeon unprotected another turn to try and toxic slowking.

Typhlosion used Flare Blitz!
Vaporeon used Toxic!
Slowking was badly poisoned!
Slowking used Psychic!

At this point, vaporeon had 112/223 health, typhlosion had about 80% from the recoil, and slowking had just been poisoned. If I could toxic stall slowking, I would be able to win. The next turn I used protect to increase the damage. The turn afterwards, however...

Typhlosion used Flare Blitz!
Vaporeon was burned!
Vaporeon used Wish!
Slowking used Psychic!
It's a Critical Hit!
Vaporeon Fainted!

And that's the end of hit. I lost partially due to a fault of mine and due to hax on the CPU's part.
Peterko, that chart doesn't really make sense because in each round you can only swap a maximum of 6 times because obviously you can't swap after the 7th match, so how can you swap 7 times after the first round?
CBshuckle, I think the first selection of 3 from 6 counts as a swap. So, basically, you need to swap every opportunity you get and you'll make it to 7 swaps (considering your first choices count as swaps).
Sorry about that... man, that was brutal. The first turn was cheap as hell, 4-turn sleep for kingdra, and the opponent was basically psychic and knew what move you were going to use with toxicroak. Well, better luck next time although that's why I use specs latios as my clean up.
What's even worse is that Game Freak thought it would be hilarious to slap Brightpowder on every Battle Tower Pokemon =/

This was actually the third time in one day I was completely haxxed out of a streak.
What's even worse is that Game Freak thought it would be hilarious to slap Brightpowder on every Battle Tower Pokemon =/

This was actually the third time in one day I was completely haxxed out of a streak.
I know the feeling, in a double battle versus an Aerodactyl and a Togekiss, I fainted the Aerodactyl, missed his Togekiss with rockslide, missed another three times over the next three turns as my partner KO'd his other pokes (.01% chance) as he got three boosts from Silver Wind (.01% chance.) In the end I had three pokes up against his Togekiss, his last remaining pokemon. My pokes were Zapdos, Metagross, and Gengar, Zapdos and Gengar both had SE moves, but Zapdos was OHKO'd before it could attack by Ancient Power, netting Togekiss another boost, Metagross missed with Meteor Miss (go figure) and was killed in two hits by Ominous Wind as he got another stat up, and Gengar failed to OHKO with Thunderbolt while he was knocked out in two blows with Ominous wind, netting another boost to all of his stats on his last turn as a slap in the face. It was a truly haxxy battle.
I know the feeling, in a double battle versus an Aerodactyl and a Togekiss, I fainted the Aerodactyl, missed his Togekiss with rockslide, missed another three times over the next three turns as my partner KO'd his other pokes (.01% chance) as he got three boosts from Silver Wind (.01% chance.) In the end I had three pokes up against his Togekiss, his last remaining pokemon. My pokes were Zapdos, Metagross, and Gengar, Zapdos and Gengar both had SE moves, but Zapdos was OHKO'd before it could attack by Ancient Power, netting Togekiss another boost, Metagross missed with Meteor Miss (go figure) and was killed in two hits by Ominous Wind as he got another stat up, and Gengar failed to OHKO with Thunderbolt while he was knocked out in two blows with Ominous wind, netting another boost to all of his stats on his last turn as a slap in the face. It was a truly haxxy battle.

i hope you recorded that battle?